path: root/lib/coderay/scanners/java_script6.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/coderay/scanners/java_script6.rb')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/java_script6.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/java_script6.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b745bd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/java_script6.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# TODO: string_delimiter should be part of the state: push(:regexp, '/'), check_if -> (state, delimiter) { … }
+module CodeRay
+module Scanners
+ # Scanner for JavaScript.
+ #
+ # Aliases: +ecmascript+, +ecma_script+, +javascript+
+ class JavaScript6 < SingleStateRuleBasedScanner
+ register_for :java_script6
+ file_extension 'js'
+ # The actual JavaScript keywords.
+ KEYWORDS = %w[
+ break case catch continue default delete do else
+ finally for function if in instanceof new
+ return switch throw try typeof var void while with
+ ] # :nodoc:
+ false null true undefined NaN Infinity
+ ] # :nodoc:
+ MAGIC_VARIABLES = %w[ this arguments ] # :nodoc: arguments was introduced in JavaScript 1.4
+ case delete in instanceof new return throw typeof with
+ ] # :nodoc:
+ # Reserved for future use.
+ abstract boolean byte char class debugger double enum export extends
+ final float goto implements import int interface long native package
+ private protected public short static super synchronized throws transient
+ volatile
+ ] # :nodoc:
+ add(RESERVED_WORDS, :reserved).
+ add(PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS, :predefined_constant).
+ add(MAGIC_VARIABLES, :local_variable).
+ add(KEYWORDS, :keyword) # :nodoc:
+ ESCAPE = / [bfnrtv\n\\'"] | x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2} | [0-7]{1,3} /x # :nodoc:
+ UNICODE_ESCAPE = / u[a-fA-F0-9]{4} | U[a-fA-F0-9]{8} /x # :nodoc:
+ REGEXP_ESCAPE = / [bBdDsSwW] /x # :nodoc:
+ "'" => /[^\\']+/,
+ '"' => /[^\\"]+/,
+ '/' => /[^\\\/]+/,
+ } # :nodoc:
+ "'" => / (?> [^\\']* (?: \\. [^\\']* )* ) ' \s* : /mx,
+ '"' => / (?> [^\\"]* (?: \\. [^\\"]* )* ) " \s* : /mx,
+ } # :nodoc:
+ state :initial do
+ on %r/ \s+ | \\\n /x, :space, set(:value_expected) { |match, value_expected| value_expected || match.index(?\n) }
+ on %r! // [^\n\\]* (?: \\. [^\n\\]* )* | /\* (?: .*? \*/ | .*() ) !mx, :comment, flag_off(:value_expected)
+ # state = :open_multi_line_comment if self[1]
+ on? %r/\.?\d/ do
+ on %r/0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+/, :hex, flag_off(:key_expected, :value_expected)
+ on %r/(?>0[0-7]+)(?![89.eEfF])/, :octal, flag_off(:key_expected, :value_expected)
+ on %r/\d+[fF]|\d*\.\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?[fF]?|\d+[eE][+-]?\d+[fF]?/, :float, flag_off(:key_expected, :value_expected)
+ on %r/\d+/, :integer, flag_off(:key_expected, :value_expected)
+ end
+ on check_if(:value_expected), %r/<([[:alpha:]]\w*) (?: [^\/>]*\/> | .*?<\/\1>)/xim, -> (match, encoder) do
+ # TODO: scan over nested tags
+ xml_scanner.tokenize match, :tokens => encoder
+ end, flag_off(:value_expected)
+ on %r/ [-+*=<>?:;,!&^|(\[{~%]++ (?<![{,]) | \.+(?!\d) /x, :operator, flag_on(:value_expected), flag_off(:key_expected, :function_expected)
+ on %r/ [-+*=<>?:;,!&^|(\[{~%]*+ (?<=[{,]) /x, :operator, flag_on(:value_expected, :key_expected), flag_off(:function_expected)
+ on %r/ [)\]}]+ /x, :operator, flag_off(:function_expected, :key_expected, :value_expected)
+ on %r/ function (?![A-Za-z_0-9$]) /x, :keyword, flag_on(:function_expected), flag_off(:key_expected, :value_expected)
+ on %r/ [$a-zA-Z_][A-Za-z_0-9$]* /x, kind { |match, function_expected, key_expected|
+ kind = IDENT_KIND[match]
+ # TODO: labels
+ if kind == :ident
+ if match.index(?$) # $ allowed inside an identifier
+ kind = :predefined
+ elsif function_expected
+ kind = :function
+ elsif check(/\s*[=:]\s*function\b/)
+ kind = :function
+ elsif key_expected && check(/\s*:/)
+ kind = :key
+ end
+ end
+ kind
+ }, flag_off(:function_expected, :key_expected), set(:value_expected) { |match| KEYWORDS_EXPECTING_VALUE[match] }
+ on %r/["']/, push { |match, key_expected| key_expected && check(KEY_CHECK_PATTERN[match]) ? :key : :string }, :delimiter, set(:string_delimiter) { |match| match }
+ on check_if(:value_expected), %r/\//, push(:regexp), :delimiter
+ on %r/\//, :operator, flag_on(:value_expected), flag_off(:key_expected)
+ end
+ state :string, :key do
+ on pattern { |string_delimiter| STRING_CONTENT_PATTERN[string_delimiter] }, :content
+ on %r/["']/, :delimiter, unset(:string_delimiter), flag_off(:key_expected, :value_expected), pop
+ on %r/ \\ (?: #{ESCAPE} | #{UNICODE_ESCAPE} ) /x, kind { |match, string_delimiter|
+ string_delimiter == "'" && !(match == "\\\\" || match == "\\'") ? :content : :char
+ }
+ on %r/ \\. /mx, :content
+ on %r/ \\ /x, unset(:string_delimiter), flag_off(:key_expected, :value_expected), pop, :error
+ end
+ state :regexp do
+ on STRING_CONTENT_PATTERN['/'], :content
+ on %r/(\/)([gim]+)?/, groups(:delimiter, :modifier), flag_off(:key_expected, :value_expected), pop
+ on %r/ \\ (?: #{ESCAPE} | #{REGEXP_ESCAPE} | #{UNICODE_ESCAPE} ) /x, :char
+ on %r/\\./m, :content
+ on %r/ \\ /x, pop, :error, flag_off(:key_expected, :value_expected)
+ end
+ # state :open_multi_line_comment do
+ # on %r! .*? \*/ !mx, :initial # don't consume!
+ # on %r/ .+ /mx, :comment, -> { value_expected = true }
+ #
+ # # if match = scan(%r! .*? \*/ !mx)
+ # # state = :initial
+ # # else
+ # # match = scan(%r! .+ !mx)
+ # # end
+ # # value_expected = true
+ # # encoder.text_token match, :comment if match
+ # end
+ protected
+ def setup
+ super
+ @string_delimiter = nil
+ @value_expected = true
+ @key_expected = false
+ @function_expected = false
+ end
+ def close_groups encoder, state
+ if [:string, :key, :regexp].include? state
+ encoder.end_group state
+ end
+ end
+ def reset_instance
+ super
+ @xml_scanner.reset if defined? @xml_scanner
+ end
+ def xml_scanner
+ @xml_scanner ||= CodeRay.scanner :xml, :tokens => @tokens, :keep_tokens => true, :keep_state => false
+ end
+ end