path: root/lib/coderay
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/coderay')
5 files changed, 282 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/debug_lint.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/debug_lint.rb
index eeb2a92..0ac89ef 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/debug_lint.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/debug_lint.rb
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module Encoders
def end_group kind
- raise IncorrectTokenGroupNesting, "We are inside #{@opened.inspect}, not #{kind}" if @opened.pop != kind
+ raise IncorrectTokenGroupNesting, "We are inside #{@opened.inspect}, not #{kind} (end_group)" if @opened.pop != kind
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module Encoders
def end_line kind
- raise IncorrectTokenGroupNesting, "We are inside #{@opened.inspect}, not #{kind}" if @opened.pop != kind
+ raise IncorrectTokenGroupNesting, "We are inside #{@opened.inspect}, not #{kind} (end_line)" if @opened.pop != kind
diff --git a/lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb b/lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb
index 19f27ac..6d4fa92 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ module CodeRay
'java' => :java,
'js' => :java_script,
'json' => :json,
+ 'lua' => :lua,
'mab' => :ruby,
'pas' => :delphi,
'patch' => :diff,
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/lua.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/lua.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25bebbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/lua.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+module CodeRay
+module Scanners
+ # Scanner for the Lua[] programming lanuage.
+ #
+ # The language’s complete syntax is defined in
+ # {the Lua manual}[],
+ # which is what this scanner tries to conform to.
+ class Lua < Scanner
+ register_for :lua
+ file_extension 'lua'
+ title 'Lua'
+ # Keywords used in Lua.
+ KEYWORDS = %w[and break do else elseif end
+ for function goto if in
+ local not or repeat return
+ then until while
+ ]
+ # Constants set by the Lua core.
+ PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = %w[false true nil]
+ # The expressions contained in this array are parts of Lua’s `basic'
+ # library. Although it’s not entirely necessary to load that library,
+ # it is highly recommended and one would have to provide own implementations
+ # of some of these expressions if one does not do so. They however aren’t
+ # keywords, neither are they constants, but nearly predefined, so they
+ # get tagged as `predefined' rather than anything else.
+ #
+ # This list excludes values of form `_UPPERCASE' because the Lua manual
+ # requires such identifiers to be reserved by Lua anyway and they are
+ # highlighted directly accordingly, without the need for specific
+ # identifiers to be listed here.
+ assert collectgarbage dofile error getmetatable
+ ipairs load loadfile next pairs pcall print
+ rawequal rawget rawlen rawset select setmetatable
+ tonumber tostring type xpcall
+ ]
+ # Automatic token kind selection for normal words.
+ add(KEYWORDS, :keyword).
+ add(PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS, :predefined_constant).
+ add(PREDEFINED_EXPRESSIONS, :predefined)
+ protected
+ # Scanner initialization.
+ def setup
+ @state = :initial
+ @brace_depth = 0
+ end
+ # CodeRay entry hook. Starts parsing.
+ def scan_tokens(encoder, options)
+ state = options[:state] || @state
+ until eos?
+ case state
+ when :initial
+ if match = scan(/\-\-\[\=*\[/) #--[[ long (possibly multiline) comment ]]
+ @num_equals = match.count("=") # Number must match for comment end
+ encoder.begin_group(:comment)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :delimiter)
+ state = :long_comment
+ elsif match = scan(/--.*$/) # --Lua comment
+ encoder.text_token(match, :comment)
+ elsif match = scan(/\[=*\[/) # [[ long (possibly multiline) string ]]
+ @num_equals = match.count("=") # Number must match for comment end
+ encoder.begin_group(:string)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :delimiter)
+ state = :long_string
+ elsif match = scan(/::\s*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*::/) # ::goto_label::
+ encoder.text_token(match, :label)
+ elsif match = scan(/_[A-Z]+/) # _UPPERCASE are names reserved for Lua
+ encoder.text_token(match, :predefined)
+ elsif match = scan(/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/) # Normal letters (or letters followed by digits)
+ kind = IDENT_KIND[match]
+ # Extra highlighting for entities following certain keywords
+ if kind == :keyword and match == "function"
+ state = :function_expected
+ elsif kind == :keyword and match == "goto"
+ state = :goto_label_expected
+ elsif kind == :keyword and match == "local"
+ state = :local_var_expected
+ end
+ encoder.text_token(match, kind)
+ elsif match = scan(/\{/) # Opening table brace {
+ encoder.begin_group(:map)
+ encoder.text_token(match, @brace_depth >= 1 ? :inline_delimiter : :delimiter)
+ @brace_depth += 1
+ state = :map
+ elsif match = scan(/\}/) # Closing table brace }
+ if @brace_depth == 1
+ @brace_depth = 0
+ encoder.text_token(match, :delimiter)
+ encoder.end_group(:map)
+ elsif @brace_depth == 0 # Mismatched brace
+ encoder.text_token(match, :error)
+ else
+ @brace_depth -= 1
+ encoder.text_token(match, :inline_delimiter)
+ encoder.end_group(:map)
+ state = :map
+ end
+ elsif match = scan(/["']/) # String delimiters " and '
+ encoder.begin_group(:string)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :delimiter)
+ @start_delim = match
+ state = :string
+ # ↓Prefix hex number ←|→ decimal number
+ elsif match = scan(/-? (?:0x\h* \. \h+ (?:p[+\-]?\d+)? | \d*\.\d+ (?:e[+\-]?\d+)?)/ix) # hexadecimal constants have no E power, decimal ones no P power
+ encoder.text_token(match, :float)
+ # ↓Prefix hex number ←|→ decimal number
+ elsif match = scan(/-? (?:0x\h+ (?:p[+\-]?\d+)? | \d+ (?:e[+\-]?\d+)?)/ix) # hexadecimal constants have no E power, decimal ones no P power
+ encoder.text_token(match, :integer)
+ elsif match = scan(/[\+\-\*\/%^\#=~<>\(\)\[\]:;,] | \.(?!\d)/x) # Operators
+ encoder.text_token(match, :operator)
+ elsif match = scan(/\s+/) # Space
+ encoder.text_token(match, :space)
+ else # Invalid stuff. Note that Lua doesn’t accept multibyte chars outside of strings, hence these are also errors.
+ encoder.text_token(getch, :error)
+ end
+ # It may be that we’re scanning a full-blown subexpression of a table
+ # (tables can contain full expressions in parts).
+ # If this is the case, return to :map scanning state.
+ state = :map if state == :initial && @brace_depth >= 1
+ when :function_expected
+ if match = scan(/\(.*?\)/m) # x = function() # "Anonymous" function without explicit name
+ encoder.text_token(match, :operator)
+ state = :initial
+ elsif match = scan(/[a-zA-Z_] (?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\.] (?!\.\d))* [\.\:]/x) # function | function tbl:foo() # Colon only allowed as last separator
+ encoder.text_token(match, :ident)
+ elsif match = scan(/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/) # function foo()
+ encoder.text_token(match, :function)
+ state = :initial
+ elsif match = scan(/\s+/) # Between the `function' keyword and the ident may be any amount of whitespace
+ encoder.text_token(match, :space)
+ else
+ encoder.text_token(getch, :error)
+ state = :initial
+ end
+ when :goto_label_expected
+ if match = scan(/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :label)
+ state = :initial
+ elsif match = scan(/\s+/) # Between the `goto' keyword and the label may be any amount of whitespace
+ encoder.text_token(match, :space)
+ else
+ encoder.text_token(getch, :error)
+ end
+ when :local_var_expected
+ if match = scan(/function/) # local function ...
+ encoder.text_token(match, :keyword)
+ state = :function_expected
+ elsif match = scan(/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :local_variable)
+ elsif match = scan(/,/)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :operator)
+ elsif match = scan(/\=/)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :operator)
+ # After encountering the equal sign, arbitrary expressions are
+ # allowed again, so just return to the main state for further
+ # parsing.
+ state = :initial
+ elsif match = scan(/\n/)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :space)
+ state = :initial
+ elsif match = scan(/\s+/)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :space)
+ else
+ encoder.text_token(getch, :error)
+ end
+ when :long_comment
+ if match = scan(/.*?(?=\]={#@num_equals}\])/m)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :content)
+ delim = scan(/\]={#@num_equals}\]/)
+ encoder.text_token(delim, :delimiter)
+ else # No terminator found till EOF
+ encoder.text_token(rest, :error)
+ terminate
+ end
+ encoder.end_group(:comment)
+ state = :initial
+ when :long_string
+ if match = scan(/.*?(?=\]={#@num_equals}\])/m) # Long strings do not interpret any escape sequences
+ encoder.text_token(match, :content)
+ delim = scan(/\]={#@num_equals}\]/)
+ encoder.text_token(delim, :delimiter)
+ else # No terminator found till EOF
+ encoder.text_token(rest, :error)
+ terminate
+ end
+ encoder.end_group(:string)
+ state = :initial
+ when :string
+ if match = scan(/[^\\#@start_delim\n]+/) # Everything except \ and the start delimiter character is string content (newlines are only allowed if preceeded by \ or \z)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :content)
+ elsif match = scan(/\\(?:['"abfnrtv\\]|z\s*|x\h\h|\d{1,3}|\n)/m)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :char)
+ elsif match = scan(Regexp.compile(@start_delim))
+ encoder.text_token(match, :delimiter)
+ encoder.end_group(:string)
+ state = :initial
+ elsif match = scan(/\n/) # Lua forbids unescaped newlines in normal non-long strings
+ encoder.text_token("\\n\n", :error) # Visually appealing error indicator--otherwise users may wonder whether the highlighter cannot highlight multine strings
+ encoder.end_group(:string)
+ state = :initial
+ else
+ encoder.text_token(getch, :error)
+ end
+ when :map
+ if match = scan(/[,;]/)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :operator)
+ elsif match = scan(/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* (?=\s*=)/x)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :key)
+ encoder.text_token(scan(/\s+/), :space) if check(/\s+/)
+ encoder.text_token(scan(/\=/), :operator)
+ state = :initial
+ elsif match = scan(/\s+/m)
+ encoder.text_token(match, :space)
+ else
+ # Note this clause doesn’t advance the scan pointer, it’s a kind of
+ # "retry with other options" (the :initial state then of course
+ # advances the pointer).
+ state = :initial
+ end
+ else
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ if options[:keep_state]
+ @state = state
+ end
+ encoder
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/styles/alpha.rb b/lib/coderay/styles/alpha.rb
index f4d07f1..a869d9e 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/styles/alpha.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/styles/alpha.rb
@@ -99,6 +99,9 @@ table.CodeRay td { padding: 2px 4px; vertical-align: top; }
.keyword { color:#080; font-weight:bold }
.label { color:#970; font-weight:bold }
.local-variable { color:#963 } .content { color:#808 } .delimiter { color:#40A} { background-color:hsla(200,100%,50%,0.06); }
.namespace { color:#707; font-weight:bold }
.octal { color:#40E }
.operator { }
diff --git a/lib/coderay/token_kinds.rb b/lib/coderay/token_kinds.rb
index 9154658..9137a49 100755
--- a/lib/coderay/token_kinds.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/token_kinds.rb
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ module CodeRay
:keyword => 'keyword', # reserved word that's actually implemented; most scanners
:label => 'label', # C, PHP
:local_variable => 'local-variable', # local and magic variables; some scanners
+ :map => 'map', # Lua tables
:modifier => 'modifier', # used inside on strings; lots of scanners
:namespace => 'namespace', # Clojure, Java, Taskpaper
:octal => 'octal', # lots of scanners