require 'benchmark' $: << File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) require 'coderay' if ARGV.include? '-h' puts exit end lang = ARGV.fetch(0, 'ruby') data = nil"../example.#{lang}", __FILE__), 'rb') { |f| data = } raise 'Example file is empty.' if data.empty? format = ARGV.fetch(1, 'html').downcase encoder = CodeRay.encoder(format) size = ARGV.fetch(2, 1000).to_i * 1000 unless data += data until data.size >= size data = data[0, size] end size = data.size puts "encoding %d kB of #{lang} code to #{format}..." % [(size / 1000.0).round] n = ARGV.fetch(3, 5).to_s[/\d+/].to_i require 'profile' if ARGV.include? '-p' n.times do |i| time = Benchmark.realtime { encoder.encode(data, lang) } puts "run %d: %5.2f s, %4.0f kB/s" % [i + 1, time, size / time / 1000.0] end STDIN.gets if ARGV.include? '-w' __END__ Usage: ruby bench.rb [lang] [format] [size in kB] [number of runs] - lang defaults to ruby. - format defaults to html. - size defaults to 1000 kB (= 1,000,000 bytes). 0 uses the whole example input. - number of runs defaults to 5. -h prints this help -p generates a profile (slow, use with SIZE = 1) -w waits after the benchmark (for debugging memory usw)