module CodeRay module Scanners class Ruby < Scanner RESERVED_WORDS = [ 'and', 'def', 'end', 'in', 'or', 'unless', 'begin', 'defined?', 'ensure', 'module', 'redo', 'super', 'until', 'BEGIN', 'break', 'do', 'next', 'rescue', 'then', 'when', 'END', 'case', 'else', 'for', 'retry', 'while', 'alias', 'class', 'elsif', 'if', 'not', 'return', 'undef', 'yield', ] DEF_KEYWORDS = ['def'] MODULE_KEYWORDS = ['class', 'module'] DEF_NEW_STATE = add(DEF_KEYWORDS, :def_expected). add(MODULE_KEYWORDS, :module_expected) WORDS_ALLOWING_REGEXP = [ 'and', 'or', 'not', 'while', 'until', 'unless', 'if', 'elsif', 'when' ] REGEXP_ALLOWED = add(WORDS_ALLOWING_REGEXP, :set) PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = [ 'nil', 'true', 'false', 'self', 'DATA', 'ARGV', 'ARGF', '__FILE__', '__LINE__', ] IDENT_KIND = add(RESERVED_WORDS, :reserved). add(PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS, :pre_constant) METHOD_NAME = / #{IDENT} [?!]? /xo METHOD_NAME_EX = / #{METHOD_NAME} # common methods: split, foo=, empty?, gsub! | \*\*? # multiplication and power | [-+~]@? # plus, minus | [\/%&|^`] # division, modulo or format strings, &and, |or, ^xor, `system` | \[\]=? # array getter and setter | <=?>? | >=? # comparison, rocket operator | << | >> # append or shift left, shift right | ===? # simple equality and case equality /ox GLOBAL_VARIABLE = / \$ (?: #{IDENT} | \d+ | [~&+`'=\/,;_.<>!@0$?*":F\\] | -[a-zA-Z_0-9] ) /ox DOUBLEQ = / " [^"\#\\]* (?: (?: \#\{.*?\} | \#(?:$")? | \\. ) [^"\#\\]* )* "? /ox SINGLEQ = / ' [^'\\]* (?: \\. [^'\\]* )* '? /ox STRING = / #{SINGLEQ} | #{DOUBLEQ} /ox SHELL = / ` [^`\#\\]* (?: (?: \#\{.*?\} | \#(?:$`)? | \\. ) [^`\#\\]* )* `? /ox REGEXP = / \/ [^\/\#\\]* (?: (?: \#\{.*?\} | \#(?:$\/)? | \\. ) [^\/\#\\]* )* \/? /ox DECIMAL = /\d+(?:_\d+)*/ # doesn't recognize 09 as octal error OCTAL = /0_?[0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*/ HEXADECIMAL = /0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+(?:_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*/ BINARY = /0b[01]+(?:_[01]+)*/ EXPONENT = / [eE] [+-]? #{DECIMAL} /ox FLOAT = / #{DECIMAL} (?: #{EXPONENT} | \. #{DECIMAL} #{EXPONENT}? ) / INTEGER = /#{OCTAL}|#{HEXADECIMAL}|#{BINARY}|#{DECIMAL}/ def reset super @regexp_allowed = false end def next_token return if @scanner.eos? kind = :error if @scanner.scan(/\s+/) # in every state kind = :space @regexp_allowed = :set if @regexp_allowed or @scanner.matched.index(?\n) # delayed flag setting elsif @state == :def_expected if @scanner.scan(/ (?: (?:#{IDENT}(?:\.|::))* | (?:@@?|$)? #{IDENT}(?:\.|::) ) #{METHOD_NAME_EX} /ox) kind = :method @state = :initial else @scanner.getch end @state = :initial elsif @state == :module_expected if @scanner.scan(/<#\\\\]*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)[^>#\\\\]*)*>?|([^a-zA-Z\\\\])(?:(?!\1)[^#\\\\])*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)(?:(?!\1)[^#\\\\])*)*\1?)|\([^)#\\\\]*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)[^)#\\\\]*)*\)?|\[[^\]#\\\\]*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)[^\]#\\\\]*)*\]?|\{[^}#\\\\]*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)[^}#\\\\]*)*\}?|<[^>#\\\\]*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)[^>#\\\\]*)*>?|([^a-zA-Z\s\\\\])(?:(?!\2)[^#\\\\])*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#|\\\\.)(?:(?!\2)[^#\\\\])*)*\2?|\\\\[^#\\\\]*(?:(?:#\{.*?\}|#)[^#\\\\]*)*\\\\?)/ elsif @scanner.scan(/:(?:#{GLOBAL_VARIABLE}|#{METHOD_NAME_EX}|#{STRING})/ox) kind = :symbol elsif @scanner.scan(/ \? (?: [^\s\\] | \\ (?:M-\\C-|C-\\M-|M-\\c|c\\M-|c|C-|M-))? (?: \\ (?: . | [0-7]{3} | x[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f] ) ) /mox) kind = :integer elsif @scanner.scan(/ [-+*\/%=<>;,|&!()\[\]{}~?] | \.\.?\.? | ::? /x) kind = :operator @regexp_allowed = :set if @scanner.matched[-1,1] =~ /[~=!<>|&^,\(\[+\-\/\*%]\z/ elsif @scanner.scan(FLOAT) kind = :float elsif @scanner.scan(INTEGER) kind = :integer else @scanner.getch end end token = @scanner.matched, kind if kind == :regexp token.text << @scanner.scan(/[eimnosux]*/) end @regexp_allowed = (@regexp_allowed == :set) # delayed flag setting token end end register Ruby, 'ruby', 'rb' end end class Set include Enumerable # Creates a new set containing the given objects. def self.[](*ary) new(ary) end # Creates a new set containing the elements of the given enumerable # object. # # If a block is given, the elements of enum are preprocessed by the # given block. def initialize(enum = nil, &block) # :yields: o @hash ||= enum.nil? and return if block enum.each { |o| add(block[o]) } else merge(enum) end end # Copy internal hash. def initialize_copy(orig) @hash = orig.instance_eval{@hash}.dup end # Returns the number of elements. def size @hash.size end alias length size # Returns true if the set contains no elements. def empty? @hash.empty? end # Removes all elements and returns self. def clear @hash.clear self end # Replaces the contents of the set with the contents of the given # enumerable object and returns self. def replace(enum) if enum.class == self.class @hash.replace(enum.instance_eval { @hash }) else enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" clear enum.each { |o| add(o) } end self end # Converts the set to an array. The order of elements is uncertain. def to_a @hash.keys end def flatten_merge(set, seen = set.each { |e| if e.is_a?(Set) if seen.include?(e_id = e.object_id) raise ArgumentError, "tried to flatten recursive Set" end seen.add(e_id) flatten_merge(e, seen) seen.delete(e_id) else add(e) end } self end protected :flatten_merge # Returns a new set that is a copy of the set, flattening each # containing set recursively. def flatten end # Equivalent to Set#flatten, but replaces the receiver with the # result in place. Returns nil if no modifications were made. def flatten! if detect { |e| e.is_a?(Set) } replace(flatten()) else nil end end # Returns true if the set contains the given object. def include?(o) @hash.include?(o) end alias member? include? # Returns true if the set is a superset of the given set. def superset?(set) set.is_a?(Set) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be a set" return false if size < set.size set.all? { |o| include?(o) } end # Returns true if the set is a proper superset of the given set. def proper_superset?(set) set.is_a?(Set) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be a set" return false if size <= set.size set.all? { |o| include?(o) } end # Returns true if the set is a subset of the given set. def subset?(set) set.is_a?(Set) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be a set" return false if set.size < size all? { |o| set.include?(o) } end # Returns true if the set is a proper subset of the given set. def proper_subset?(set) set.is_a?(Set) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be a set" return false if set.size <= size all? { |o| set.include?(o) } end # Calls the given block once for each element in the set, passing # the element as parameter. def each @hash.each_key { |o| yield(o) } self end # Adds the given object to the set and returns self. Use +merge+ to # add several elements at once. def add(o) @hash[o] = true self end alias << add # Adds the given object to the set and returns self. If the # object is already in the set, returns nil. def add?(o) if include?(o) nil else add(o) end end # Deletes the given object from the set and returns self. Use +subtract+ to # delete several items at once. def delete(o) @hash.delete(o) self end # Deletes the given object from the set and returns self. If the # object is not in the set, returns nil. def delete?(o) if include?(o) delete(o) else nil end end # Deletes every element of the set for which block evaluates to # true, and returns self. def delete_if @hash.delete_if { |o,| yield(o) } self end # Do collect() destructively. def collect! set = each { |o| set << yield(o) } replace(set) end alias map! collect! # Equivalent to Set#delete_if, but returns nil if no changes were # made. def reject! n = size delete_if { |o| yield(o) } size == n ? nil : self end # Merges the elements of the given enumerable object to the set and # returns self. def merge(enum) if enum.is_a?(Set) @hash.update(enum.instance_eval { @hash }) else enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" enum.each { |o| add(o) } end self end # Deletes every element that appears in the given enumerable object # and returns self. def subtract(enum) enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" enum.each { |o| delete(o) } self end # Returns a new set built by merging the set and the elements of the # given enumerable object. def |(enum) enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" dup.merge(enum) end alias + | ## alias union | ## # Returns a new set built by duplicating the set, removing every # element that appears in the given enumerable object. def -(enum) enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" dup.subtract(enum) end alias difference - ## # Returns a new array containing elements common to the set and the # given enumerable object. def &(enum) enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" n = enum.each { |o| n.add(o) if include?(o) } n end alias intersection & ## # Returns a new array containing elements exclusive between the set # and the given enumerable object. (set ^ enum) is equivalent to # ((set | enum) - (set & enum)). def ^(enum) enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" n = dup enum.each { |o| if n.include?(o) then n.delete(o) else n.add(o) end } n end # Returns true if two sets are equal. The equality of each couple # of elements is defined according to Object#eql?. def ==(set) equal?(set) and return true set.is_a?(Set) && size == set.size or return false hash = @hash.dup set.all? { |o| hash.include?(o) } end def hash # :nodoc: @hash.hash end def eql?(o) # :nodoc: return false unless o.is_a?(Set) @hash.eql?(o.instance_eval{@hash}) end # Classifies the set by the return value of the given block and # returns a hash of {value => set of elements} pairs. The block is # called once for each element of the set, passing the element as # parameter. # # e.g.: # # require 'set' # files ="*.rb")) # hash = files.classify { |f| File.mtime(f).year } # p hash # => {2000=>#, # # 2001=>#, # # 2002=>#} def classify # :yields: o h = {} each { |i| x = yield(i) (h[x] ||= } h end # Divides the set into a set of subsets according to the commonality # defined by the given block. # # If the arity of the block is 2, elements o1 and o2 are in common # if, o2) is true. Otherwise, elements o1 and o2 are # in common if == # # e.g.: # # require 'set' # numbers = Set[1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11] # set = numbers.divide { |i,j| (i - j).abs == 1 } # p set # => #, # # #, # # #, # # #}> def divide(&func) if func.arity == 2 require 'tsort' class << dig = {} # :nodoc: include TSort alias tsort_each_node each_key def tsort_each_child(node, &block) fetch(node).each(&block) end end each { |u| dig[u] = a = [] each{ |v|, v) and a << v } } set = dig.each_strongly_connected_component { |css| set.add( } set else end end InspectKey = :__inspect_key__ # :nodoc: # Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of the # set. ("#") def inspect ids = (Thread.current[InspectKey] ||= []) if ids.include?(object_id) return sprintf('#<%s: {...}>', end begin ids << object_id return sprintf('#<%s: {%s}>', self.class, to_a.inspect[1..-2]) ensure ids.pop end end def pretty_print(pp) # :nodoc: pp.text sprintf('#<%s: {', pp.nest(1) { pp.seplist(self) { |o| pp.pp o } } pp.text "}>" end def pretty_print_cycle(pp) # :nodoc: pp.text sprintf('#<%s: {%s}>',, empty? ? '' : '...') end end # SortedSet implements a set which elements are sorted in order. See Set. class SortedSet < Set @@setup = false class << self def [](*ary) # :nodoc: new(ary) end def setup # :nodoc: @@setup and return begin require 'rbtree' module_eval %{ def initialize(*args, &block) @hash = super end } rescue LoadError module_eval %{ def initialize(*args, &block) @keys = nil super end def clear @keys = nil super end def replace(enum) @keys = nil super end def add(o) @keys = nil @hash[o] = true self end alias << add def delete(o) @keys = nil @hash.delete(o) self end def delete_if n = @hash.size @hash.delete_if { |o,| yield(o) } @keys = nil if @hash.size != n self end def merge(enum) @keys = nil super end def each to_a.each { |o| yield(o) } end def to_a (@keys = @hash.keys).sort! unless @keys @keys end } end @@setup = true end end def initialize(*args, &block) # :nodoc: SortedSet.setup initialize(*args, &block) end end module Enumerable # Makes a set from the enumerable object with given arguments. def to_set(klass = Set, *args, &block), *args, &block) end end # =begin # == RestricedSet class # RestricedSet implements a set with restrictions defined by a given # block. # # === Super class # Set # # === Class Methods # --- RestricedSet::new(enum = nil) { |o| ... } # --- RestricedSet::new(enum = nil) { |rset, o| ... } # Creates a new restricted set containing the elements of the given # enumerable object. Restrictions are defined by the given block. # # If the block's arity is 2, it is called with the RestrictedSet # itself and an object to see if the object is allowed to be put in # the set. # # Otherwise, the block is called with an object to see if the object # is allowed to be put in the set. # # === Instance Methods # --- restriction_proc # Returns the restriction procedure of the set. # # =end # # class RestricedSet < Set # def initialize(*args, &block) # @proc = block or raise ArgumentError, "missing a block" # # if @proc.arity == 2 # instance_eval %{ # def add(o) # @hash[o] = true if, o) # self # end # alias << add # # def add?(o) # if include?(o) || !, o) # nil # else # @hash[o] = true # self # end # end # # def replace(enum) # enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" # clear # enum.each { |o| add(o) } # # self # end # # def merge(enum) # enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable" # enum.each { |o| add(o) } # # self # end # } # else # instance_eval %{ # def add(o) # if # @hash[o] = true # end # self # end # alias << add # # def add?(o) # if include?(o) || ! # nil # else # @hash[o] = true # self # end # end # } # end # # super(*args) # end # # def restriction_proc # @proc # end # end if $0 == __FILE__ eval, nil, $0, __LINE__+4 end # = rweb - CGI Support Library # # Author:: Johannes Barre ( # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2003, 04 by Johannes Barre # License:: GNU Lesser General Public License (COPYING, # Version:: 0.1.0 # CVS-ID:: $Id: rweb.rb 6 2004-06-16 15:56:26Z igel $ # # == What is Rweb? # Rweb is a replacement for the cgi class included in the ruby distribution. # # == How to use # # === Basics # # This class is made to be as easy as possible to use. An example: # # require "rweb" # # web = # web.out do # web.puts "Hello world!" # end # # The visitor will get a simple "Hello World!" in his browser. Please notice, # that won't set html-tags for you, so you should better do something like this: # # require "rweb" # # web = # web.out do # web.puts "Hello world!" # end # # === Set headers # Of course, it's also possible to tell the browser, that the content of this # page is plain text instead of html code: # # require "rweb" # # web = # web.out do # web.header("content-type: text/plain") # web.puts "Hello plain world!" # end # # Please remember, headers can't be set after the page content has been send. # You have to set all nessessary headers before the first puts oder print. It's # possible to cache the content until everything is complete. Doing it this # way, you can set headers everywhere. # # If you set a header twice, the second header will replace the first one. The # header name is not casesensitive, it will allways converted in to the # capitalised form suggested by the w3c ( # # === Set cookies # Setting cookies is quite easy: # include 'rweb' # # web = #"Visits", web.cookies['visits'].to_i +1) # web.out do # web.puts "Welcome back! You visited this page #{web.cookies['visits'].to_i +1} times" # end # # See the class Cookie for more details. # # === Get form and cookie values # There are four ways to submit data from the browser to the server and your # ruby script: via GET, POST, cookies and file upload. Rweb doesn't support # file upload by now. # # include 'rweb' # # web = # web.out do # web.print "action: #{web.get['action']} " # web.puts "The value of the cookie 'visits' is #{web.cookies['visits']}" # web.puts "The post parameter 'test['x']' is #{['test']['x']}" # end RWEB_VERSION = "0.1.0" RWEB = "rweb/#{RWEB_VERSION}" #require 'rwebcookie' -> edit by bunny :-) class Rweb # All parameter submitted via the GET method are available in attribute # get. This is Hash, where every parameter is available as a key-value # pair. # # If your input tag has a name like this one, it's value will be available # as web.get["fieldname"] # # You can submit values as a Hash # # # will be available as # web.get["text"]["index"] # web.get["text"]["index2"] # Integers are also possible # # # # will be available as # web.get["int"][0] # First Field # web.get["int"][1] # Second one # Please notice, this doesn'd work like you might expect: # # It will not be available as web.get["text"]["index"] but # web.get["text[index]"] attr_reader :get # All parameters submitted via POST are available in the attribute post. It # works like the get attribute. # # will be available as #["text"][0] attr_reader :post # All cookies submitted by the browser are available in cookies. This is a # Hash, where every cookie is a key-value pair. attr_reader :cookies # The name of the browser identification is submitted as USER_AGENT and # available in this attribute. attr_reader :user_agent # The IP address of the client. attr_reader :remote_addr # Creates a new Rweb object. This should only done once. You can set various # options via the settings hash. # # "cache" => true: Everything you script send to the client will be cached # until the end of the out block or until flush is called. This way, you # can modify headers and cookies even after printing something to the client. # # "safe" => level: Changes the $SAFE attribute. By default, $SAFE will be set # to 1. If $SAFE is already higher than this value, it won't be changed. # # "silend" => true: Normaly, Rweb adds automaticly a header like this # "X-Powered-By: Rweb/x.x.x (Ruby/y.y.y)". With the silend option you can # suppress this. def initialize (settings = {}) # {{{ @header = {} @cookies = {} @get = {} @post = {} # Internal attributes @status = nil @reasonPhrase = nil @setcookies = [] @output_started = false; @output_allowed = false; @mod_ruby = false @env = ENV.to_hash if defined?(MOD_RUBY) @output_method = "mod_ruby" @mod_ruby = true elsif @env['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] =~ /^Microsoft-IIS/i @output_method = "nph" else @output_method = "ph" end unless settings.is_a?(Hash) raise TypeError, "settings must be a Hash" end @settings = settings unless @settings.has_key?("safe") @settings["safe"] = 1 end if $SAFE < @settings["safe"] $SAFE = @settings["safe"] end unless @settings.has_key?("cache") @settings["cache"] = false end # mod_ruby sets no QUERY_STRING variable, if no GET-Parameters are given unless @env.has_key?("QUERY_STRING") @env["QUERY_STRING"] = "" end # Now we split the QUERY_STRING by the seperators & and ; or, if # specified, settings['get seperator'] unless @settings.has_key?("get seperator") get_args = @env['QUERY_STRING'].split(/[&;]/) else get_args = @env['QUERY_STRING'].split(@settings['get seperator']) end get_args.each do | arg | arg_key, arg_val = arg.split(/=/, 2) arg_key = Rweb::unescape(arg_key) arg_val = Rweb::unescape(arg_val) # Parse names like name[0], name['text'] or name[] pattern = /^(.+)\[("[^\]]*"|'[^\]]*'|[0-9]*)\]$/ keys = [] while match = pattern.match(arg_key) arg_key = match[1] keys = [match[2]] + keys end keys = [arg_key] + keys akt = @get last = nil lastkey = nil keys.each do |key| if key == "" # No key specified (like in "test[]"), so we use the # lowerst unused Integer as key key = 0 while akt.has_key?(key) key += 1 end elsif /^[0-9]*$/ =~ key # If the index is numerical convert it to an Integer key = key.to_i elsif key[0].chr == "'" || key[0].chr == '"' key = key[1, key.length() -2] end if !akt.has_key?(key) || !akt[key].class == Hash # create an empty Hash if there isn't already one akt[key] = {} end last = akt lastkey = key akt = akt[key] end last[lastkey] = arg_val end if @env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST" if @env.has_key?("CONTENT_TYPE") && @env['CONTENT_TYPE'] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" && @env.has_key?('CONTENT_LENGTH') unless @settings.has_key?("post seperator") post_args = $['CONTENT_LENGTH'].to_i).split(/[&;]/) else post_args = $['CONTENT_LENGTH'].to_i).split(@settings['post seperator']) end post_args.each do | arg | arg_key, arg_val = arg.split(/=/, 2) arg_key = Rweb::unescape(arg_key) arg_val = Rweb::unescape(arg_val) # Parse names like name[0], name['text'] or name[] pattern = /^(.+)\[("[^\]]*"|'[^\]]*'|[0-9]*)\]$/ keys = [] while match = pattern.match(arg_key) arg_key = match[1] keys = [match[2]] + keys end keys = [arg_key] + keys akt = @post last = nil lastkey = nil keys.each do |key| if key == "" # No key specified (like in "test[]"), so we use # the lowerst unused Integer as key key = 0 while akt.has_key?(key) key += 1 end elsif /^[0-9]*$/ =~ key # If the index is numerical convert it to an Integer key = key.to_i elsif key[0].chr == "'" || key[0].chr == '"' key = key[1, key.length() -2] end if !akt.has_key?(key) || !akt[key].class == Hash # create an empty Hash if there isn't already one akt[key] = {} end last = akt lastkey = key akt = akt[key] end last[lastkey] = arg_val end else # Maybe we should print a warning here? $stderr.print("Unidentified form data recived and discarded.") end end if @env.has_key?("HTTP_COOKIE") cookie = @env['HTTP_COOKIE'].split(/; ?/) cookie.each do | c | cookie_key, cookie_val = c.split(/=/, 2) @cookies [Rweb::unescape(cookie_key)] = Rweb::unescape(cookie_val) end end if defined?(@env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) @user_agent = @env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] else @user_agent = nil; end if defined?(@env['REMOTE_ADDR']) @remote_addr = @env['REMOTE_ADDR'] else @remote_addr = nil end # }}} end # Prints a String to the client. If caching is enabled, the String will # buffered until the end of the out block ends. def print(str = "") # {{{ unless @output_allowed raise "You just can write to output inside of a Rweb::out-block" end if @settings["cache"] @buffer += [str.to_s] else unless @output_started sendHeaders end $stdout.print(str) end nil # }}} end # Prints a String to the client and adds a line break at the end. Please # remember, that a line break is not visible in HTML, use the
HTML-Tag # for this. If caching is enabled, the String will buffered until the end # of the out block ends. def puts(str = "") # {{{ self.print(str + "\n") # }}} end # Alias to print. def write(str = "") # {{{ self.print(str) # }}} end # If caching is enabled, all cached data are send to the cliend and the # cache emptied. def flush # {{{ unless @output_allowed raise "You can't use flush outside of a Rweb::out-block" end buffer = @buffer.join unless @output_started sendHeaders end $stdout.print(buffer) @buffer = [] # }}} end # Sends one or more header to the client. All headers are cached just # before body data are send to the client. If the same header are set # twice, only the last value is send. # # Example: # web.header("Last-Modified: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 20:15:41 GMT") # web.header("Location:") # # You can specify more than one header at the time by doing something like # this: # web.header("Content-Type: text/plain\nContent-Length: 383") # or # web.header(["Content-Type: text/plain", "Content-Length: 383"]) def header(str) # {{{ if @output_started raise "HTTP-Headers are already send. You can't change them after output has started!" end unless @output_allowed raise "You just can set headers inside of a Rweb::out-block" end if str.is_a?Array str.each do | value | self.header(value) end elsif str.split(/\n/).length > 1 str.split(/\n/).each do | value | self.header(value) end elsif str.is_a? String str.gsub!(/\r/, "") if (str =~ /^HTTP\/1\.[01] [0-9]{3} ?.*$/) == 0 pattern = /^HTTP\/1.[01] ([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/ result = pattern.match(str) self.setstatus(result[0], result[1]) elsif (str =~ /^status: [0-9]{3} ?.*$/i) == 0 pattern = /^status: ([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/i result = pattern.match(str) self.setstatus(result[0], result[1]) else a = str.split(/: ?/, 2) @header[a[0].downcase] = a[1] end end # }}} end # Changes the status of this page. There are several codes like "200 OK", # "302 Found", "404 Not Found" or "500 Internal Server Error". A list of # all codes is available at # # # You can just send the code number, the reason phrase will be added # automaticly with the recommendations from the w3c if not specified. If # you set the status twice or more, only the last status will be send. # Examples: # web.status("401 Unauthorized") # web.status("410 Sad but true, this lonely page is gone :(") # web.status(206) # web.status("400") # # The default status is "200 OK". If a "Location" header is set, the # default status is "302 Found". def status(str) # {{{ if @output_started raise "HTTP-Headers are already send. You can't change them after output has started!" end unless @output_allowed raise "You just can set headers inside of a Rweb::out-block" end if str.is_a?Integer @status = str elsif str.is_a?String p1 = /^([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/ p2 = /^HTTP\/1\.[01] ([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/ p3 = /^status: ([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/i if (a = p1.match(str)) == nil if (a = p2.match(str)) == nil if (a = p3.match(str)) == nil raise ArgumentError, "Invalid argument", caller end end end @status = a[1].to_i if a[2] != "" @reasonPhrase = a[2] else @reasonPhrase = getReasonPhrase(@status) end else raise ArgumentError, "Argument of setstatus must be integer or string", caller end # }}} end # Handles the output of your content and rescues all exceptions. Send all # data in the block to this method. For example: # web.out do # web.header("Content-Type: text/plain") # web.puts("Hello, plain world!") # end def out # {{{ @output_allowed = true @buffer = []; # We use an array as buffer, because it's more performant :) begin yield rescue Exception => exception $stderr.puts "Ruby exception rescued (#{exception.class}): #{exception.message}" $stderr.puts exception.backtrace.join("\n") unless @output_started self.setstatus(500) @header = {} end unless (@settings.has_key?("hide errors") and @settings["hide errors"] == true) unless @output_started self.header("Content-Type: text/html") self.puts "" self.puts "" self.puts "" self.puts "500 Internal Server Error" self.puts "" self.puts "" end if @header.has_key?("content-type") and (@header["content-type"] =~ /^text\/html/i) == 0 self.puts "

Internal Server Error

" self.puts "

The server encountered an exception and was unable to complete your request.

" self.puts "

The exception has provided the following information:

" self.puts "
#{exception.class}: #{exception.message} on"
                    self.puts "#{exception.backtrace.join("\n")}
" self.puts "" self.puts "" else self.puts "The server encountered an exception and was unable to complete your request" self.puts "The exception has provided the following information:" self.puts "#{exception.class}: #{exception.message}" self.puts self.puts exception.backtrace.join("\n") end end end if @settings["cache"] buffer = @buffer.join unless @output_started unless @header.has_key?("content-length") self.header("content-length: #{buffer.length}") end sendHeaders end $stdout.print(buffer) elsif !@output_started sendHeaders end @output_allowed = false; # }}} end # Decodes URL encoded data, %20 for example stands for a space. def Rweb.unescape(str) # {{{ if defined? str and str.is_a? String str.gsub!(/\+/, " ") str.gsub(/%.{2}/) do | s | s[1,2].hex.chr end end # }}} end protected def sendHeaders # {{{ Cookie.disallow # no more cookies can be set or modified if !(@settings.has_key?("silent") and @settings["silent"] == true) and !@header.has_key?("x-powered-by") if @mod_ruby header("x-powered-by: #{RWEB} (Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}, #{MOD_RUBY})"); else header("x-powered-by: #{RWEB} (Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION})"); end end if @output_method == "ph" if ((@status == nil or @status == 200) and !@header.has_key?("content-type") and !@header.has_key?("location")) header("content-type: text/html") end if @status != nil $stdout.print "Status: #{@status} #{@reasonPhrase}\r\n" end @header.each do |key, value| key = key *1 # "unfreeze" key :) key[0] = key[0,1].upcase![0] key = key.gsub(/-[a-z]/) do |char| "-" + char[1,1].upcase end $stdout.print "#{key}: #{value}\r\n" end cookies = Cookie.getHttpHeader # Get all cookies as an HTTP Header if cookies $stdout.print cookies end $stdout.print "\r\n" elsif @output_method == "nph" elsif @output_method == "mod_ruby" r = Apache.request if ((@status == nil or @status == 200) and !@header.has_key?("content-type") and !@header.has_key?("location")) header("text/html") end if @status != nil r.status_line = "#{@status} #{@reasonPhrase}" end r.send_http_header @header.each do |key, value| key = key *1 # "unfreeze" key :) key[0] = key[0,1].upcase![0] key = key.gsub(/-[a-z]/) do |char| "-" + char[1,1].upcase end puts "#{key}: #{value.class}" #r.headers_out[key] = value end end @output_started = true # }}} end def getReasonPhrase (status) # {{{ if status == 100 "Continue" elsif status == 101 "Switching Protocols" elsif status == 200 "OK" elsif status == 201 "Created" elsif status == 202 "Accepted" elsif status == 203 "Non-Authoritative Information" elsif status == 204 "No Content" elsif status == 205 "Reset Content" elsif status == 206 "Partial Content" elsif status == 300 "Multiple Choices" elsif status == 301 "Moved Permanently" elsif status == 302 "Found" elsif status == 303 "See Other" elsif status == 304 "Not Modified" elsif status == 305 "Use Proxy" elsif status == 307 "Temporary Redirect" elsif status == 400 "Bad Request" elsif status == 401 "Unauthorized" elsif status == 402 "Payment Required" elsif status == 403 "Forbidden" elsif status == 404 "Not Found" elsif status == 405 "Method Not Allowed" elsif status == 406 "Not Acceptable" elsif status == 407 "Proxy Authentication Required" elsif status == 408 "Request Time-out" elsif status == 409 "Conflict" elsif status == 410 "Gone" elsif status == 411 "Length Required" elsif status == 412 "Precondition Failed" elsif status == 413 "Request Entity Too Large" elsif status == 414 "Request-URI Too Large" elsif status == 415 "Unsupported Media Type" elsif status == 416 "Requested range not satisfiable" elsif status == 417 "Expectation Failed" elsif status == 500 "Internal Server Error" elsif status == 501 "Not Implemented" elsif status == 502 "Bad Gateway" elsif status == 503 "Service Unavailable" elsif status == 504 "Gateway Time-out" elsif status == 505 "HTTP Version not supported" else raise "Unknown Statuscode. See for more information." end # }}} end end class Cookie attr_reader :name, :value, :maxage, :path, :domain, :secure, :comment # Sets a cookie. Please see below for details of the attributes. def initialize (name, value = nil, maxage = nil, path = nil, domain = nil, secure = false) # {{{ # HTTP headers (Cookies are a HTTP header) can only set, while no content # is send. So an exception will be raised, when @@allowed is set to false # and a new cookie has set. unless defined?(@@allowed) @@allowed = true end unless @@allowed raise "You can't set cookies after the HTTP headers are send." end unless defined?(@@list) @@list = [] end @@list += [self] unless defined?(@@type) @@type = "netscape" end unless name.class == String raise TypeError, "The name of a cookie must be a string", caller end if value.class.superclass == Integer || value.class == Float value = value.to_s elsif value.class != String && value != nil raise TypeError, "The value of a cookie must be a string, integer, float or nil", caller end if maxage.class == Time maxage = maxage - elsif !maxage.class.superclass == Integer || !maxage == nil raise TypeError, "The maxage date of a cookie must be an Integer or Time object or nil.", caller end unless path.class == String || path == nil raise TypeError, "The path of a cookie must be nil or a string", caller end unless domain.class == String || domain == nil raise TypeError, "The value of a cookie must be nil or a string", caller end unless secure == true || secure == false raise TypeError, "The secure field of a cookie must be true or false", caller end @name, @value, @maxage, @path, @domain, @secure = name, value, maxage, path, domain, secure @comment = nil # }}} end # Modifies the value of this cookie. The information you want to store. If the # value is nil, the cookie will be deleted by the client. # # This attribute can be a String, Integer or Float object or nil. def value=(value) # {{{ if value.class.superclass == Integer || value.class == Float value = value.to_s elsif value.class != String && value != nil raise TypeError, "The value of a cookie must be a string, integer, float or nil", caller end @value = value # }}} end # Modifies the maxage of this cookie. This attribute defines the lifetime of # the cookie, in seconds. A value of 0 means the cookie should be discarded # imediatly. If it set to nil, the cookie will be deleted when the browser # will be closed. # # Attention: This is different from other implementations like PHP, where you # gives the seconds since 1/1/1970 0:00:00 GMT. # # This attribute must be an Integer or Time object or nil. def maxage=(maxage) # {{{ if maxage.class == Time maxage = maxage - elsif maxage.class.superclass == Integer || !maxage == nil raise TypeError, "The maxage of a cookie must be an Interger or Time object or nil.", caller end @maxage = maxage # }}} end # Modifies the path value of this cookie. The client will send this cookie # only, if the requested document is this directory or a subdirectory of it. # # The value of the attribute must be a String object or nil. def path=(path) # {{{ unless path.class == String || path == nil raise TypeError, "The path of a cookie must be nil or a string", caller end @path = path # }}} end # Modifies the domain value of this cookie. The client will send this cookie # only if it's connected with this domain (or a subdomain, if the first # character is a dot like in "") # # The value of this attribute must be a String or nil. def domain=(domain) # {{{ unless domain.class == String || domain == nil raise TypeError, "The domain of a cookie must be a String or nil.", caller end @domain = domain # }}} end # Modifies the secure flag of this cookie. If it's true, the client will only # send this cookie if it is secured connected with us. # # The value od this attribute has to be true or false. def secure=(secure) # {{{ unless secure == true || secure == false raise TypeError, "The secure field of a cookie must be true or false", caller end @secure = secure # }}} end # Modifies the comment value of this cookie. The comment won't be send, if # type is "netscape". def comment=(comment) # {{{ unless comment.class == String || comment == nil raise TypeError, "The comment of a cookie must be a string or nil", caller end @comment = comment # }}} end # Changes the type of all cookies. # Allowed values are RFC2109 and netscape (default). def Cookie.type=(type) # {{{ unless @@allowed raise "The cookies are allready send, so you can't change the type anymore." end unless type.downcase == "rfc2109" && type.downcase == "netscape" raise "The type of the cookies must be \"RFC2109\" or \"netscape\"." end @@type = type; # }}} end # After sending this message, no cookies can be set or modified. Use it, when # HTTP-Headers are send. Rweb does this for you. def Cookie.disallow # {{{ @@allowed = false true # }}} end # Returns a HTTP header (type String) with all cookies. Rweb does this for # you. def Cookie.getHttpHeader # {{{ if defined?(@@list) if @@type == "netscape" str = "" @@list.each do |cookie| if cookie.value == nil cookie.maxage = 0 cookie.value = "" end # TODO: Name and value should be escaped! str += "Set-Cookie: #{}=#{cookie.value}" unless cookie.maxage == nil expire = + cookie.maxage expire.gmtime str += "; Expire=#{expire.strftime("%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z")}" end unless cookie.domain == nil str += "; Domain=#{cookie.domain}" end unless cookie.path == nil str += "; Path=#{cookie.path}" end if str += "; Secure" end str += "\r\n" end return str else # type == "RFC2109" str = "Set-Cookie: " comma = false; @@list.each do |cookie| if cookie.value == nil cookie.maxage = 0 cookie.value = "" end if comma str += "," end comma = true str += "#{}=\"#{cookie.value}\"" unless cookie.maxage == nil str += "; Max-Age=\"#{cookie.maxage}\"" end unless cookie.domain == nil str += "; Domain=\"#{cookie.domain}\"" end unless cookie.path == nil str += "; Path=\"#{cookie.path}\"" end if str += "; Secure" end unless cookie.comment == nil str += "; Comment=\"#{cookie.comment}\"" end str += "; Version=\"1\"" end str end else false end # }}} end end require 'strscan' module BBCode DEBUG = true use 'encoder', 'tags', 'tagstack', 'smileys' =begin The Parser class takes care of the encoding. It scans the given BBCode (as plain text), finds tags and smilies and also makes links of urls in text. Normal text is send directly to the encoder. If a tag was found, an instance of a Tag subclass is created to handle the case. The @tagstack manages tag nesting and ensures valid HTML. =end class Parser class Attribute # flatten and use only one empty_arg def self.create attr attr = flatten attr return @@empty_attr if attr.empty? new attr end private_class_method :new # remove leading and trailing whitespace; concat lines def self.flatten attr attr.strip.gsub(/\n/, ' ') # -> ^ and $ can only match at begin and end now end ATTRIBUTE_SCAN = / (?!$) # don't match at end \s* ( # $1 = key [^=\s\]"\\]* (?: (?: \\. | "[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"? ) [^=\s\]"\\]* )* ) (?: = ( # $2 = value [^\s\]"\\]* (?: (?: \\. | "[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"? ) [^\s\]"\\]* )* )? )? \s* /x def self.parse source source = source.dup # empty_tag: the tag looks like [... /] # slice!: this deletes the \s*/] at the end # \s+ because [url=] is NOT an empty tag. # In RubyBBCode, you can use [url= /], and this has to be # interpreted correctly. empty_tag = source.sub!(/^:/, '=') or source.slice!(/\/$/) debug 'PARSE: ' + source.inspect + ' => ' + empty_tag.inspect #-> we have now an attr that's EITHER empty OR begins and ends with non-whitespace. attr = attr[:flags] = [] source.scan(ATTRIBUTE_SCAN) { |key, value| if not value attr[:flags] << unescape(key) else next if value.empty? and key.empty? attr[unescape(key)] = unescape(value) end } debug attr.inspect return empty_tag, attr end def self.unescape_char esc esc[1] end def self.unquote qt qt[1..-1].chomp('"').gsub(/\\./) { |esc| unescape_char esc } end def self.unescape str str.gsub(/ (\\.) | (" [^"\\]* (?:\\.[^"\\]*)* "?) /x) { if $1 unescape_char $1 else unquote $2 end } end include Enumerable def each &block @args.each(&block) end attr_reader :source, :args, :value def initialize source @source = source debug 'Attribute#new(%p)' % source @empty_tag, @attr = Attribute.parse source @value = @attr[''].to_s end def empty? self == @@empty_attr end def empty_tag? @empty_tag end def [] *keys res = @attr[*keys] end def flags attr[:flags] end def to_s @attr end def inspect 'ATTR[' + @attr.inspect + (@empty_tag ? ' | empty tag' : '') + ']' end end class Attribute @@empty_attr = new '' end end class Parser def Parser.flatten str # replace mac & dos newlines with unix style str.gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n") end def initialize input = '' # input manager @scanner = '' # output manager @encoder = @output = '' # tag manager @tagstack = @do_magic = true # set the input feed input end # if you want, you can feed a parser instance after creating, # or even feed it repeatedly. def feed food @scanner.string = Parser.flatten food end # parse through the string using parse_token def parse parse_token until @scanner.eos? @tagstack.close_all @output = parse_magic @encoder.output end def output @output end # ok, internals start here private # the default output functions. everything should use them or the tags. def add_text text = @scanner.matched @encoder.add_text text end # use this carefully def add_html html @encoder.add_html html end # highlights the text as error def add_garbage garbage add_html '' if DEBUG add_text garbage add_html '' if DEBUG end # unknown and incorrectly nested tags are ignored and # sent as plaintext (garbage in - garbage out). # in debug mode, garbage is marked with lime background. def garbage_out start @scanner.pos = start garbage = @scanner.scan(/./m) debug 'GARBAGE: ' + garbage add_garbage garbage end # simple text; everything but [, \[ allowed SIMPLE_TEXT_SCAN_ = / [^\[\\]* # normal* (?: # ( \\.? # special [^\[\\]* # normal* )* # )* /mx SIMPLE_TEXT_SCAN = /[^\[]+/ =begin WHAT IS A TAG? ============== Tags in BBCode can be much more than just a simple [b]. I use many terms here to differ the parts of each tag. Basic scheme: [ code ] TAG START TAG INFO TAG END Most tags need a second tag to close the range it opened. This is done with CLOSING TAGS: [/code] or by using empty tags that have no content and close themselfes: [ /] You surely know this from HTML. These slashes define the TAG KIND = normal|closing|empty and cannot be used together. Everything between [ and ] and expluding the slashes is called the TAG INFO. This info may contain: - TAG ID - TAG NAME including the tag id - attributes The TAG ID is the first char of the info: TAG | ID ----------+---- [quote] | q [±] | & ["[b]"] | " [/url] | u [---] | - As you can see, the tag id shows the TAG TYPE, it can be a normal tag, a formatting tag or an entity. Therefor, the parser first scans the id to decide how to go on with parsing. =end # tag # TODO more complex expression allowing # [quote="[ladico]"] and [quote=\[ladico\]] to be correct tags TAG_BEGIN_SCAN = / \[ # tag start ( \/ )? # $1 = closing tag? ( [^\]] ) # $2 = tag id /x TAG_END_SCAN = / [^\]]* # rest that was not handled \]? # tag end /x CLOSE_TAG_SCAN = / ( [^\]]* ) # $1 = the rest of the tag info ( \/ )? # $2 = empty tag? \]? # tag end /x UNCLOSED_TAG_SCAN = / \[ /x CLASSIC_TAG_SCAN = / [a-z]* /ix SEPARATOR_TAG_SCAN = / \** /x FORMAT_TAG_SCAN = / -- -* /x QUOTED_SCAN = / ( # $1 = quoted text [^"\\]* # normal* (?: # ( \\. # special [^"\\]* # normal* )* # )* ) "? # end quote " /mx ENTITY_SCAN = / ( [^;\]]+ ) # $1 = entity code ;? # optional ending semicolon /ix SMILEY_SCAN = Smileys::SMILEY_PATTERN # this is the main parser loop that separates # text - everything until "[" # from # tags - starting with "[", ending with "]" def parse_token if @scanner.scan(SIMPLE_TEXT_SCAN) add_text else handle_tag end end def handle_tag tag_start = @scanner.pos unless @scanner.scan TAG_BEGIN_SCAN garbage_out tag_start return end closing, id = @scanner[1], @scanner[2] #debug 'handle_tag(%p)' % @scanner.matched handled = case id when /[a-z]/i if @scanner.scan(CLASSIC_TAG_SCAN) if handle_classic_tag(id + @scanner.matched, closing) already_closed = true end end when '*' if @scanner.scan(SEPARATOR_TAG_SCAN) handle_asterisk tag_start, id + @scanner.matched true end when '-' if @scanner.scan(FORMAT_TAG_SCAN) #format = id + @scanner.matched @encoder.add_html "\n
\n" true end when '"' if @scanner.scan(QUOTED_SCAN) @encoder.add_text unescape(@scanner[1]) true end when '&' if @scanner.scan(ENTITY_SCAN) @encoder.add_entity @scanner[1] true end when Smileys::SMILEY_START_CHARSET @scanner.pos = @scanner.pos - 1 # (ungetch) if @scanner.scan(SMILEY_SCAN) @encoder.add_html Smileys.smiley_to_image(@scanner.matched) true end end # case return garbage_out(tag_start) unless handled @scanner.scan(TAG_END_SCAN) unless already_closed end ATTRIBUTES_SCAN = / ( [^\]"\\]* (?: (?: \\. | " [^"\\]* (?: \\. [^"\\]* )* "? ) [^\]"\\]* )* ) \]? /x def handle_classic_tag name, closing debug 'TAG: ' + (closing ? '/' : '') + name # flatten name.downcase! tag_class = TAG_LIST[name] return unless tag_class #debug((opening ? 'OPEN ' : 'CLOSE ') + # create an attribute object to handle it @scanner.scan(ATTRIBUTES_SCAN) #debug name + ':' + @scanner[1] attr = Attribute.create @scanner[1] #debug 'ATTRIBUTES %p ' % attr #unless attr.empty? #debug 'closing: %p; name=%s, attr=%p' % [closing, name, attr] # OPEN if not closing and tag = @tagstack.try_open_class(tag_class, attr) #debug 'opening' tag.do_open @scanner # this should be done by the tag itself. if attr.empty_tag? tag.handle_empty @tagstack.close_tag elsif tag.special_content? handle_special_content(tag) @tagstack.close_tag # # ignore asterisks directly after the opening; these are phpBBCode # elsif tag.respond_to? :asterisk # debug 'SKIP ASTERISKS: ' if @scanner.skip(ASTERISK_TAGS_SCAN) end # CLOSE elsif @tagstack.try_close_class(tag_class) #debug 'closing' # GARBAGE else return end true end def handle_asterisk tag_start, stars #debug 'ASTERISK: ' + stars.to_s # rule for asterisk tags: they belong to the last tag # that handles them. tags opened after this tag are closed. # if no open tag uses them, all are closed. tag = @tagstack.close_all_until { |tag| tag.respond_to? :asterisk } unless tag and tag.asterisk stars, @scanner garbage_out tag_start end end def handle_special_content tag scanned = @scanner.scan_until(tag.closing_tag) if scanned scanned.slice!(-(@scanner.matched.size)..-1) else scanned = @scanner.scan(/.*/m).to_s end #debug 'SPECIAL CONTENT: ' + scanned tag.handle_content(scanned) end def unescape text # input: correctly formatted quoted string (without the quotes) text.gsub(/\\(?:(["\\])|.)/) { $1 or $& } end # MAGIC FEAUTURES URL_PATTERN = /(?:(?:www|ftp)\.|(?>\w{3,}):\/\/)\S+/ EMAIL_PATTERN = /(?>[\w\-_.]+)@[\w\-\.]+\.\w+/ HAS_MAGIC = /[&@#{Smileys::SMILEY_START_CHARS}]|(?i:www|ftp)/ MAGIC_PATTERN ='(\W|^)(%s)' % [Smileys::MAGIC_SMILEY_PATTERN, URL_PATTERN, EMAIL_PATTERN].map { |pattern| pattern.to_s }.join('|') ) IS_SMILEY_PATTERN ='^%s' % Smileys::SMILEY_START_CHARSET.to_s ) IS_URL_PATTERN = /^(?:(?i:www|ftp)\.|(?>\w+):\/\/)/ URL_STARTS_WITH_PROTOCOL = /^\w+:\/\// IS_EMAIL_PATTERN = /^[\w\-_.]+@/ def to_magic text # debug MAGIC_PATTERN.to_s text.gsub!(MAGIC_PATTERN) { magic = $2 $1 + case magic when IS_SMILEY_PATTERN Smileys.smiley_to_img magic when IS_URL_PATTERN last = magic.slice_punctation! # no punctation in my URL href = magic href.insert(0, 'http://') unless magic =~ URL_STARTS_WITH_PROTOCOL '' + magic + '' + last when IS_EMAIL_PATTERN last = magic.slice_punctation! '' + magic + '' + last else raise '{{{' + magic + '}}}' end } text end # handles smileys and urls def parse_magic html return html unless @do_magic scanner = html out = '' while if scanner.scan(/ < (?: a\s .*? <\/a> | pre\W .*? <\/pre> | [^>]* > ) /mx) out << scanner.matched elsif scanner.scan(/ [^<]+ /x) out << to_magic(scanner.matched) # this should never happen elsif scanner.scan(/./m) raise 'ERROR: else case reached' end end out end end # Parser end class String def slice_punctation! slice!(/[.:,!\?]+$/).to_s # return '' instead of nil end end # # = Grammar # # An implementation of common algorithms on grammars. # # This is used by Shinobu, a visualization tool for educating compiler-building. # # Thanks to Andreas Kunert for his wonderful LR(k) Pamphlet (German, see, and Aho/Sethi/Ullman for their Dragon Book. # # Homepage:: (not existing yet) # Author:: murphy (Kornelius Kalnbach) # Copyright:: (cc) 2005 cYcnus # License:: GPL # Version:: 0.2.0 (2005-03-27) require 'set_hash' require 'ctype' require 'tools' require 'rules' require 'trace' require 'first' require 'follow' # = Grammar # # == Syntax # # === Rules # # Each line is a rule. # The syntax is # # left - right # # where +left+ and +right+ can be uppercase and lowercase letters, # and - can be any combination of <, >, - or whitespace. # # === Symbols # # Uppercase letters stand for meta symbols, lowercase for terminals. # # You can make epsilon-derivations by leaving empty. # # === Example # S - Ac # A - Sc # A - b # A - class Grammar attr_reader :tracer # Creates a new Grammar. # If $trace is true, the algorithms explain (textual) what they do to $stdout. def initialize data, tracer = @tracer = tracer @rules = @terminals, @meta_symbols =, @start_symbol = nil add_rules data end attr_reader :meta_symbols, :terminals, :rules, :start_symbol alias_method :sigma, :terminals alias_method :alphabet, :terminals alias_method :variables, :meta_symbols alias_method :nonterminals, :meta_symbols # A string representation of the grammar for debugging. def inspect productions_too = false 'Grammar(meta symbols: %s; alphabet: %s; productions: [%s]; start symbol: %s)' % [ meta_symbols.join(', '), terminals.join(', '), if productions_too @rules.inspect else @rules.size end, start_symbol ] end # Add rules to the grammar. +rules+ should be a String or respond to +scan+ in a similar way. # # Syntax: see Grammar. def add_rules grammar @rules = Rules.parse grammar do |rule| @start_symbol ||= rule.left @meta_symbols << rule.left @terminals.merge rule.right.split('').select { |s| terminal? s } end @meta_symbols.uniq! update end # Returns a hash acting as FIRST operator, so that # first["ABC"] is FIRST(ABC). # See "Constructing an LL(1) parsing table" for details. def first first_operator end # Returns a hash acting as FOLLOW operator, so that # first["A"] is FOLLOW(A). # See "Constructing an LL(1) parsing table" for details. def follow follow_operator end LLError = LLErrorType1 = LLErrorType2 = # Tests if the grammar is LL(1). def ll1? begin for meta in @meta_symbols first_sets = @rules[meta].map { |alpha| first[alpha] } first_sets.inject(Set[]) do |already_used, another_first_set| unless already_used.disjoint? another_first_set raise LLErrorType1 end already_used.merge another_first_set end if first[meta].include? EPSILON and not first[meta].disjoint? follow[meta] raise LLErrorType2 end end rescue LLError false else true end end private def first_operator @first ||= self end def follow_operator @follow ||= self end def update @first = @follow = nil end end if $0 == __FILE__ eval, nil, $0, __LINE__+4 end require 'test/unit' class TestCaseGrammar < Test::Unit::TestCase include Grammar::Symbols def fifo s Set[*s.split('')] end def test_fifo assert_equal Set[], fifo('') assert_equal Set[EPSILON, END_OF_INPUT, 'x', 'Y'], fifo('?xY$') end TEST_GRAMMAR_1 = <<-EOG S - ABCD A - a A - B - b B - C - c C - D - S D - EOG def test_symbols assert EPSILON assert END_OF_INPUT end def test_first_1 g = TEST_GRAMMAR_1 f = nil assert_nothing_raised { f = g.first } assert_equal(Set['a', EPSILON], f['A']) assert_equal(Set['b', EPSILON], f['B']) assert_equal(Set['c', EPSILON], f['C']) assert_equal(Set['a', 'b', 'c', EPSILON], f['D']) assert_equal(f['D'], f['S']) end def test_follow_1 g = TEST_GRAMMAR_1 f = nil assert_nothing_raised { f = g.follow } assert_equal(Set['a', 'b', 'c', END_OF_INPUT], f['A']) assert_equal(Set['a', 'b', 'c', END_OF_INPUT], f['B']) assert_equal(Set['a', 'b', 'c', END_OF_INPUT], f['C']) assert_equal(Set[END_OF_INPUT], f['D']) assert_equal(Set[END_OF_INPUT], f['S']) end TEST_GRAMMAR_2 = <<-EOG S - Ed E - EpT E - EmT E - T T - TuF T - TdF T - F F - i F - n F - aEz EOG def test_first_2 g = TEST_GRAMMAR_2 f = nil assert_nothing_raised { f = g.first } assert_equal(Set['a', 'n', 'i'], f['E']) assert_equal(Set['a', 'n', 'i'], f['F']) assert_equal(Set['a', 'n', 'i'], f['T']) assert_equal(Set['a', 'n', 'i'], f['S']) end def test_follow_2 g = TEST_GRAMMAR_2 f = nil assert_nothing_raised { f = g.follow } assert_equal(Set['m', 'd', 'z', 'p'], f['E']) assert_equal(Set['m', 'd', 'z', 'p', 'u'], f['F']) assert_equal(Set['m', 'd', 'z', 'p', 'u'], f['T']) assert_equal(Set[END_OF_INPUT], f['S']) end LLError = Grammar::LLError TEST_GRAMMAR_3 = <<-EOG E - TD D - pTD D - T - FS S - uFS S - S - p F - aEz F - i EOG NoError = def test_first_3 g = TEST_GRAMMAR_3 # Grammar 3 is LL(1), so all first-sets must be disjoint. f = nil assert_nothing_raised { f = g.first } assert_equal(Set['a', 'i'], f['E']) assert_equal(Set[EPSILON, 'p'], f['D']) assert_equal(Set['a', 'i'], f['F']) assert_equal(Set['a', 'i'], f['T']) assert_equal(Set[EPSILON, 'u', 'p'], f['S']) for m in g.meta_symbols r = g.rules[m] firsts = { |x| f[x] }.to_set assert_nothing_raised do firsts.inject( do |already_used, another_first_set| raise LLError, 'not disjoint!' unless already_used.disjoint? another_first_set already_used.merge another_first_set end end end end def test_follow_3 g = TEST_GRAMMAR_3 # Grammar 3 is not LL(1), because epsilon is in FIRST(S), # but FIRST(S) and FOLLOW(S) are not disjoint. f = nil assert_nothing_raised { f = g.follow } assert_equal(Set['z', END_OF_INPUT], f['E']) assert_equal(Set['z', END_OF_INPUT], f['D']) assert_equal(Set['z', 'p', 'u', END_OF_INPUT], f['F']) assert_equal(Set['p', 'z', END_OF_INPUT], f['T']) assert_equal(Set['p', 'z', END_OF_INPUT], f['S']) for m in g.meta_symbols first_m = g.first[m] next unless first_m.include? EPSILON assert_raise(m == 'S' ? LLError : NoError) do if first_m.disjoint? f[m] raise NoError # this is fun :D else raise LLError end end end end TEST_GRAMMAR_3b = <<-EOG E - TD D - pTD D - PTD D - T - FS S - uFS S - F - aEz F - i P - p EOG def test_first_3b g = TEST_GRAMMAR_3b # Grammar 3b is NOT LL(1), since not all first-sets are disjoint. f = nil assert_nothing_raised { f = g.first } assert_equal(Set['a', 'i'], f['E']) assert_equal(Set[EPSILON, 'p'], f['D']) assert_equal(Set['p'], f['P']) assert_equal(Set['a', 'i'], f['F']) assert_equal(Set['a', 'i'], f['T']) assert_equal(Set[EPSILON, 'u'], f['S']) for m in g.meta_symbols r = g.rules[m] firsts = { |x| f[x] } assert_raise(m == 'D' ? LLError : NoError) do firsts.inject( do |already_used, another_first_set| raise LLError, 'not disjoint!' unless already_used.disjoint? another_first_set already_used.merge another_first_set end raise NoError end end end def test_follow_3b g = TEST_GRAMMAR_3b # Although Grammar 3b is NOT LL(1), the FOLLOW-condition is satisfied. f = nil assert_nothing_raised { f = g.follow } assert_equal(fifo('z$'), f['E'], 'E') assert_equal(fifo('z$'), f['D'], 'D') assert_equal(fifo('ai'), f['P'], 'P') assert_equal(fifo('z$pu'), f['F'], 'F') assert_equal(fifo('z$p'), f['T'], 'T') assert_equal(fifo('z$p'), f['S'], 'S') for m in g.meta_symbols first_m = g.first[m] next unless first_m.include? EPSILON assert_raise(NoError) do if first_m.disjoint? f[m] raise NoError # this is fun :D else raise LLError end end end end def test_ll1? assert_equal false,, 'Grammar 3' assert_equal false,, 'Grammar 3b' end def test_new assert_nothing_raised { '' } assert_nothing_raised { TEST_GRAMMAR_1 } assert_nothing_raised { TEST_GRAMMAR_2 } assert_nothing_raised { TEST_GRAMMAR_3 } assert_nothing_raised { TEST_GRAMMAR_1 + TEST_GRAMMAR_2 + TEST_GRAMMAR_3 } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 'S - ?' } end end # vim:foldmethod=syntax #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'fox12' include Fox class Window < FXMainWindow def initialize(app) super(app, app.appName + ": First Set Calculation", nil, nil, DECOR_ALL, 0, 0, 800, 600, 0, 0) # {{{ menubar menubar =, LAYOUT_SIDE_TOP|LAYOUT_FILL_X) filemenu =, "&Start\tCtl-S\tStart the application.", nil, getApp()).connect(SEL_COMMAND, method(:start)), "&Quit\tAlt-F4\tQuit the application.", nil, getApp(), FXApp::ID_QUIT), "&File", nil, filemenu) # }}} menubar # {{{ statusbar @statusbar =, LAYOUT_SIDE_BOTTOM|LAYOUT_FILL_X|STATUSBAR_WITH_DRAGCORNER) # }}} statusbar # {{{ window content horizontalsplitt =, SPLITTER_VERTICAL|LAYOUT_SIDE_TOP|LAYOUT_FILL) @productions =, nil, 0, LAYOUT_SIDE_TOP|LAYOUT_FILL_X|LAYOUT_FIX_HEIGHT|LIST_SINGLESELECT) @productions.height = 100 @result =, nil, 0, LAYOUT_FILL) @result.height = 200 @result.setTableSize(2, 2, false) @result.rowHeaderWidth = 0 header = @result.columnHeader header.setItemText 0, 'X' header.setItemText 1, 'FIRST(X)' for item in header item.justification = FXHeaderItem::CENTER_X end @debug =, nil, 0, LAYOUT_SIDE_BOTTOM|LAYOUT_FILL_X|LAYOUT_FIX_HEIGHT) @debug.height = 200 # }}} window content end def load_grammar grammar @tracer = @grammar = grammar, @tracer @rules_indexes = @grammar.rules.each_with_index do |rule, i| @productions.appendItem rule.inspect @rules_indexes[rule] = i end end def create super show(PLACEMENT_SCREEN) end def rule rule @productions.selectItem @rules_indexes[rule] sleep 0.1 end def iterate i setTitle i.to_s sleep 0.1 end def missing what @debug.appendText what + "\n" sleep 0.1 end def start sender, sel, pointer do begin @grammar.first rescue => boom @debug.appendText [boom.to_s, *boom.backtrace].join("\n") end end end end $: << 'grammar' require 'grammar' require 'first_tracer' app ="Shinobu", "cYcnus") # fenster erzeugen window = app unless ARGV.empty? grammar = else grammar = <<-EOG1 Z --> S S --> Sb S --> bAa A --> aSc A --> a A --> aSb EOG1 end window.load_grammar grammar app.create require 'erb' require 'ftools' require 'yaml' require 'redcloth' module WhyTheLuckyStiff class Book attr_accessor :author, :title, :terms, :image, :teaser, :chapters, :expansion_paks, :encoding, :credits def [] x @lang.fetch(x) do warn warning = "[not translated: '#{x}'!]" warning end end end def Book::load( file_name ) YAML::load( file_name ) ) end class Section attr_accessor :index, :header, :content def initialize( i, h, c ) @index, @header, @content = i, h, RedCloth::new( c.to_s ) end end class Sidebar attr_accessor :title, :content end YAML::add_domain_type( ',2003', 'sidebar' ) do |taguri, val| YAML::object_maker( Sidebar, 'title' => val.keys.first, 'content' => RedCloth::new( val.values.first ) ) end class Chapter attr_accessor :index, :title, :sections def initialize( i, t, sects ) @index = i @title = t i = 0 @sections = sects.collect do |s| if s.respond_to?( :keys ) i += 1 i, s.keys.first, s.values.first ) else s end end end end YAML::add_domain_type( ',2003', 'book' ) do |taguri, val| ['chapters', 'expansion_paks'].each do |chaptype| i = 0 val[chaptype].collect! do |c| i += 1 Chapter::new( i, c.keys.first, c.values.first ) end end val['teaser'].collect! do |t| Section::new( 1, t.keys.first, t.values.first ) end val['terms'] = RedCloth::new( val['terms'] ) YAML::object_maker( Book, val ) end class Image attr_accessor :file_name end YAML::add_domain_type( ',2003', 'img' ) do |taguri, val| YAML::object_maker( Image, 'file_name' => "i/" + val ) end end # # Convert the book to HTML # if __FILE__ == $0 unless ARGV[0] puts "Usage: #{$0} [/path/to/save/html]" exit end site_path = ARGV[0] book = WhyTheLuckyStiff::Book::load( 'poignant.yml' ) chapter = nil # Write index page index_tpl = ERB::new( 'index.erb' ).read ) File.join( site_path, 'index.html' ), 'w' ) do |out| out << index_tpl.result end book.chapters = book.chapters[0,3] if ARGV.include? '-fast' # Write chapter pages chapter_tpl = ERB::new( 'chapter.erb' ).read ) book.chapters.each do |chapter| File.join( site_path, "chapter-#{ chapter.index }.html" ), 'w' ) do |out| out << chapter_tpl.result end end exit if ARGV.include? '-fast' # Write expansion pak pages expak_tpl = ERB::new( 'expansion-pak.erb' ).read ) book.expansion_paks.each do |pak| File.join( site_path, "expansion-pak-#{ pak.index }.html" ), 'w' ) do |out| out << expak_tpl.result( binding ) end end # Write printable version print_tpl = ERB::new( 'print.erb' ).read ) File.join( site_path, "print.html" ), 'w' ) do |out| out << print_tpl.result end # Copy css + images into site copy_list = ["guide.css"] + Dir["i/*"].find_all { |image| image =~ /\.(gif|jpg|png)$/ } File.makedirs( File.join( site_path, "i" ) ) copy_list.each do |copy_file| File.copy( copy_file, File.join( site_path, copy_file ) ) end end #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'fox' begin require 'opengl' rescue LoadError require 'fox/missingdep' MSG = <(side) self.num <=> side.num end def init_facelet(pos, *side_nums) sides = { |num| @sides[num] }.sort @fl_by_side[sides] = pos end def []=(color, *sides) @facelets[@fl_by_side[sides.sort]].color = color end def values_at(*sides) { |sides| @facelets[@fl_by_side[sides.sort]] } end def inspect(range=nil) if range @facelets.values_at(*(range.to_a)).join(' ') else <<-EOS.gsub(/\d/) { |num| @facelets[num.to_i] }.gsub(/[ABCD]/) { |side| @sides[side[0]-?A].num.to_s } A 0 1 2 D 3 4 5 B 6 7 8 C EOS end end def get_edge(side) trio = (-1..1).map { |x| (side + x) % 4 } prev_side, this_side, next_side = @sides.values_at(*trio) e = self .values_at( [this_side], [this_side, next_side] ) + this_side.values_at( [self, prev_side], [self ], [self, next_side] ) ) #puts 'Edge created for side %d: ' % side + e.inspect e end def turn(dir) #p 'turn side %d in %d' % [num, dir] edges = (0..3).map { |n| get_edge n } for i in 0..3 edges[i].apply edges[(i-dir) % 4] end end end class Cube def initialize @sides = [] %w(left front right back top bottom).each_with_index { |side, i| eval("@sides[#{i}] = @#{side} ={i})") } @left.sides = [@top, @front, @bottom, @back] @front.sides = [@top, @right, @bottom, @left] @right.sides = [@top, @back, @bottom, @front] @back.sides = [@top, @left, @bottom, @right] @top.sides = [@back, @right, @front, @left] @bottom.sides = [@front, @right, @back, @left] end def read_facelets(fs) pattern =<<-EOP.gsub(/\w/, '\w').gsub(/\s+/, '\s*')) (w w w) (w w w) (w w w) (r r r) (g g g) (b b b) (o o o) (r r r) (g g g) (b b b) (o o o) (r r r) (g g g) (b b b) (o o o) (y y y) (y y y) (y y y) EOP md = pattern.match(fs).to_a @top.facelets = parse_facelets(md.values_at(1,2,3)) @left.facelets = parse_facelets(md.values_at(4,8,12)) @front.facelets = parse_facelets(md.values_at(5,9,13)) @right.facelets = parse_facelets(md.values_at(6,10,14)) @back.facelets = parse_facelets(md.values_at(7,11,15)) @bottom.facelets = parse_facelets(md.values_at(16,17,18)) end def turn(side, dir) #p 'turn %d in %d' % [side, dir] @sides[side].turn(dir) #puts inspect end def inspect <<-EOF.gsub(/(\d):(\d)-(\d)/) { @sides[$1.to_i].inspect($2.to_i, $3.to_i)) } 4:0-2 4:3-5 4:6-8 0:0-2 1:0-2 2:0-2 3:0-2 0:3-5 1:3-5 2:3-5 3:3-5 0:6-8 1:6-8 2:6-8 3:6-8 5:0-2 5:3-5 5:6-8 EOF end private def parse_facelets(rows) rows.join.delete(' ').split(//) end end #$stdin = DATA gets.to_i.times do |i| puts "Scenario ##{i+1}:" fs = '' 9.times { fs << gets } cube = cube.read_facelets fs gets.to_i.times do |t| side, dir = {|s| s.to_i} cube.turn(side, dir) end puts cube.inspect puts end # 2004 by murphy # GPL class Scenario class TimePoint attr_reader :data def initialize *data @data = data end def [] i @data[i] or 0 end include Comparable def <=> tp r = 0 [@data.size,].max.times do |i| r = self[i] <=> tp[i] return r if r.nonzero? end 0 end def - tp r = [] [@data.size,].max.times do |i| r << self[i] - tp[i] end r end def inspect # 01/01/1800 00:00:00 '%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d' % @data.values_at(1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 5) end end ONE_HOUR = 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 APPOINTMENT_PATTERN = / ( \d{4} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{4} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) /x def initialize io @team_size = io.gets.to_i @data = [ [, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00), @team_size] ] @team_size.times do # each team member io.gets.to_i.times do # each appointment m = APPOINTMENT_PATTERN.match io.gets @data << [*m.captures[0,6].map { |x| x.to_i }), -1] @data << [*m.captures[6,6].map { |x| x.to_i }), +1] end end @data << [, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00), -@team_size] end def print_time_plan n = 0 appointment = nil no_appointment = true @data.sort_by { |x| x[0] }.each do |x| tp, action = *x n += action # at any time during the meeting, at least two team members need to be there # and at most one team member is allowed to be absent if n >= 2 and (@team_size - n) <= 1 appointment ||= tp else if appointment # the meeting should be at least one hour in length if*(tp - appointment)) >= ONE_HOUR puts 'appointment possible from %p to %p' % [appointment, tp] no_appointment = false end appointment = false end end end puts 'no appointment possible' if no_appointment end end # read the data DATA.gets.to_i.times do |si| # each scenario puts 'Scenario #%d:' % (si + 1) sc = DATA sc.print_time_plan puts end #__END__ 2 3 3 2002 06 28 15 00 00 2002 06 28 18 00 00 TUD Contest Practice Session 2002 06 29 10 00 00 2002 06 29 15 00 00 TUD Contest 2002 11 15 15 00 00 2002 11 17 23 00 00 NWERC Delft 4 2002 06 25 13 30 00 2002 06 25 15 30 00 FIFA World Cup Semifinal I 2002 06 26 13 30 00 2002 06 26 15 30 00 FIFA World Cup Semifinal II 2002 06 29 13 00 00 2002 06 29 15 00 00 FIFA World Cup Third Place 2002 06 30 13 00 00 2002 06 30 15 00 00 FIFA World Cup Final 1 2002 06 01 00 00 00 2002 06 29 18 00 00 Preparation of Problem Set 2 1 1800 01 01 00 00 00 2200 01 01 00 00 00 Solving Problem 8 0 require 'token_consts' require 'symbol' require 'ctype' require 'error' class Fixnum # Treat char as a digit and return it's value as Fixnum. # Returns nonsense for non-digits. # Examples: # # RUBY_VERSION[0].digit == '1.8.2'[0].digit == 1 # # # # ?6.digit == 6 # # # # ?A.digit == 17 # def digit self - ?0 end end ## # Stellt einen einfachen Scanner für die lexikalische Analyse der Sprache Pas-0 dar. # # @author Andreas Kunert # Ruby port by murphy class Scanner include TokenConsts attr_reader :line, :pos # To allow without parameters. DUMMY_INPUT = 'dummy file' def DUMMY_INPUT.getc nil end ## # Erzeugt einen Scanner, der als Eingabe das übergebene IO benutzt. def initialize input = DUMMY_INPUT @line = 1 @pos = 0 begin @input = input @next_char = @input.getc rescue IOError # TODO show the reason! Error.ioError raise end end ## # Liest das nchste Zeichen von der Eingabe. def read_next_char begin @pos += 1 @current_char = @next_char @next_char = @input.getc rescue IOError Error.ioError raise end end ## # Sucht das nächste Symbol, identifiziert es, instantiiert ein entsprechendes # PascalSymbol-Objekt und gibt es zurück. # @see Symbol # @return das gefundene Symbol als PascalSymbol-Objekt def get_symbol current_symbol = nil until current_symbol read_next_char if @current_char.alpha? identifier = @current_char.chr while @next_char.alpha? or @next_char.digit? identifier << @next_char read_next_char end current_symbol = handle_identifier(identifier.upcase) elsif @current_char.digit? current_symbol = number else case @current_char when ?\s # ignore when ?\n new_line when nil current_symbol = EOP when ?{ comment when ?: if @next_char == ?= read_next_char current_symbol = BECOMES else current_symbol = COLON end when ?< if (@next_char == ?=) read_next_char current_symbol = LEQSY elsif (@next_char == ?>) read_next_char current_symbol = NEQSY else current_symbol = LSSSY end when ?> if (@next_char == ?=) read_next_char current_symbol = GEQSY else current_symbol = GRTSY end when ?. then current_symbol = PERIOD when ?( then current_symbol = LPARENT when ?, then current_symbol = COMMA when ?* then current_symbol = TIMES when ?/ then current_symbol = SLASH when ?+ then current_symbol = PLUS when ?- then current_symbol = MINUS when ?= then current_symbol = EQLSY when ?) then current_symbol = RPARENT when ?; then current_symbol = SEMICOLON else Error.error(100, @line, @pos) if @current_char > ?\s end end end current_symbol end private ## # Versucht, in dem gegebenen String ein Schlüsselwort zu erkennen. # Sollte dabei ein Keyword gefunden werden, so gibt er ein PascalSymbol-Objekt zurück, das # das entsprechende Keyword repräsentiert. Ansonsten besteht die Rückgabe aus # einem SymbolIdent-Objekt (abgeleitet von PascalSymbol), das den String 1:1 enthält # @see symbol # @return falls Keyword gefunden, zugehöriges PascalSymbol, sonst SymbolIdent def handle_identifier identifier if sym = KEYWORD_SYMBOLS[identifier] sym else identifier end end MAXINT = 2**31 - 1 MAXINT_DIV_10 = MAXINT / 10 MAXINT_MOD_10 = MAXINT % 10 ## # Versucht, aus dem gegebenen Zeichen und den folgenden eine Zahl zusammenzusetzen. # Dabei wird der relativ intuitive Algorithmus benutzt, die endgültige Zahl bei # jeder weiteren Ziffer mit 10 zu multiplizieren und diese dann mit der Ziffer zu # addieren. Sonderfälle bestehen dann nur noch in der Behandlung von reellen Zahlen. #
# Treten dabei kein Punkt oder ein E auf, so gibt diese Methode ein SymbolIntCon-Objekt # zurück, ansonsten (reelle Zahl) ein SymbolRealCon-Objekt. Beide Symbole enthalten # jeweils die Zahlwerte. #
# Anmerkung: Diese Funktion ist mit Hilfe der Java/Ruby-API deutlich leichter zu realisieren. # Sie wurde dennoch so implementiert, um den Algorithmus zu demonstrieren # @see symbol # @return SymbolIntcon- oder SymbolRealcon-Objekt, das den Zahlwert enthält def number is_integer = true integer_too_long = false exponent = 0 exp_counter = -1 exp_sign = 1 integer_mantisse = @current_char.digit while (@next_char.digit? and integer_mantisse < MAXINT_DIV_10) or (integer_mantisse == MAXINT_DIV_10 and @next_char.digit <= MAXINT_MOD_10) integer_mantisse *= 10 integer_mantisse += @next_char.digit read_next_char end real_mantisse = integer_mantisse while @next_char.digit? integer_too_long = true real_mantisse *= 10 real_mantisse += @next_char.digit read_next_char end if @next_char == ?. read_next_char is_integer = false unless @next_char.digit? Error.error 101, @line, @pos end while @next_char.digit? real_mantisse += @next_char.digit * (10 ** exp_counter) read_next_char exp_counter -= 1 end end if @next_char == ?E is_integer = false read_next_char if @next_char == ?- exp_sign = -1 read_next_char end unless @next_char.digit? Error.error 101, @line, @pos end while @next_char.digit? exponent *= 10 exponent += @next_char.digit read_next_char end end if is_integer if integer_too_long Error.error 102, @line, @pos end integer_mantisse else real_mantisse * (10 ** (exp_sign * exponent)) end end ## # Sorgt für ein Überlesen von Kommentaren. # Es werden einfach alle Zeichen bis zu einer schließenden Klammer eingelesen # und verworfen. def comment while @current_char != ?} forbid_eop new_line if @current_char == ?\n read_next_char end end def new_line @line += 1 @pos = 0 end def forbid_eop if eop? Error.error 103, @line, @pos end exit end def eop? @current_char.nil? end end ## # Läßt ein Testprogramm ablaufen. # Dieses erzeugt sich ein Scanner-Objekt und ruft an diesem kontinuierlich bis zum Dateiende # get_symbol auf. if $0 == __FILE__ scan =[0] || 'test.pas')) loop do c = scan.get_symbol puts c break if c.typ == TokenConsts::EOP end end # -*- ruby -*- # Local variables: # indent-tabs-mode: nil # ruby-indent-level: 4 # End: # @@PLEAC@@_NAME # @@SKIP@@ Ruby # @@PLEAC@@_WEB # @@SKIP@@ # @@PLEAC@@_1.0 string = '\n' # two characters, \ and an n string = 'Jon \'Maddog\' Orwant' # literal single quotes string = "\n" # a "newline" character string = "Jon \"Maddog\" Orwant" # literal double quotes string = %q/Jon 'Maddog' Orwant/ # literal single quotes string = %q[Jon 'Maddog' Orwant] # literal single quotes string = %q{Jon 'Maddog' Orwant} # literal single quotes string = %q(Jon 'Maddog' Orwant) # literal single quotes string = %q # literal single quotes a = <<"EOF" This is a multiline here document terminated by EOF on a line by itself EOF # @@PLEAC@@_1.1 value = string[offset,count] value = string[offset..-1] string[offset,count] = newstring string[offset..-1] = newtail # in Ruby we can also specify intervals by their two offsets value = string[offset..offs2] string[offset..offs2] = newstring leading, s1, s2, trailing = data.unpack("A5 x3 A8 A8 A*") fivers = string.unpack("A5" * (string.length/5)) chars = string.unpack("A1" * string.length) string = "This is what you have" # +012345678901234567890 Indexing forwards (left to right) # 109876543210987654321- Indexing backwards (right to left) # note that 0 means 10 or 20, etc. above first = string[0, 1] # "T" start = string[5, 2] # "is" rest = string[13..-1] # "you have" last = string[-1, 1] # "e" end_ = string[-4..-1] # "have" piece = string[-8, 3] # "you" string[5, 2] = "wasn't" # change "is" to "wasn't" string[-12..-1] = "ondrous" # "This wasn't wondrous" string[0, 1] = "" # delete first character string[-10..-1] = "" # delete last 10 characters if string[-10..-1] =~ /pattern/ puts "Pattern matches in last 10 characters" end string[0, 5].gsub!(/is/, 'at') a = "make a hat" a[0, 1], a[-1, 1] = a[-1, 1], a[0, 1] a = "To be or not to be" b = a.unpack("x6 A6") b, c = a.unpack("x6 A2 X5 A2") puts "#{b}\n#{c}\n" def cut2fmt(*args) template = '' lastpos = 1 for place in args template += "A" + (place - lastpos).to_s + " " lastpos = place end template += "A*" return template end fmt = cut2fmt(8, 14, 20, 26, 30) # @@PLEAC@@_1.2 # careful! "b is true" doesn't mean "b != 0" (0 is true in Ruby) # thus no problem of "defined" later since only nil is false # the following sets to `c' if `b' is nil or false a = b || c # if you need Perl's behaviour (setting to `c' if `b' is 0) the most # effective way is to use Numeric#nonzero? (thanks to Dave Thomas!) a = b.nonzero? || c # you will still want to use defined? in order to test # for scope existence of a given object a = defined?(b) ? b : c dir = ARGV.shift || "/tmp" # @@PLEAC@@_1.3 v1, v2 = v2, v1 alpha, beta, production = %w(January March August) alpha, beta, production = beta, production, alpha # @@PLEAC@@_1.4 num = char[0] char = num.chr # Ruby also supports having a char from character constant num = ?r char = sprintf("%c", num) printf("Number %d is character %c\n", num, num) ascii = string.unpack("C*") string = ascii.pack("C*") hal = "HAL" ascii = hal.unpack("C*") # We can't use Array#each since we can't mutate a Fixnum ascii.collect! { |i| i + 1 # add one to each ASCII value } ibm = ascii.pack("C*") puts ibm # @@PLEAC@@_1.5 array = string.split('') array = string.unpack("C*") string.scan(/./) { |b| # do something with b } string = "an apple a day" print "unique chars are: ", string.split('').uniq.sort, "\n" sum = 0 for ascval in string.unpack("C*") # or use Array#each for a pure OO style :) sum += ascval end puts "sum is #{sum & 0xffffffff}" # since Ruby will go Bignum if necessary # @@INCLUDE@@ include/ruby/slowcat.rb # @@PLEAC@@_1.6 revbytes = string.reverse revwords = string.split(" ").reverse.join(" ") revwords = string.split(/(\s+)/).reverse.join # using the fact that IO is Enumerable, you can directly "select" it long_palindromes ="/usr/share/dict/words"). select { |w| w.chomp!; w.reverse == w && w.length > 5 } # @@PLEAC@@_1.7 while string.sub!("\t+") { ' ' * ($&.length * 8 - $`.length % 8) } end # @@PLEAC@@_1.8 'You owe #{debt} to me'.gsub(/\#{(\w+)}/) { eval($1) } rows, cols = 24, 80 text = %q(I am #{rows} high and #{cols} long) text.gsub!(/\#{(\w+)}/) { eval("#{$1}") } puts text 'I am 17 years old'.gsub(/\d+/) { 2 * $&.to_i } # @@PLEAC@@_1.9 e = "bo peep".upcase e.downcase! e.capitalize! "thIS is a loNG liNE".gsub!(/\w+/) { $&.capitalize } # @@PLEAC@@_1.10 "I have #{n+1} guanacos." print "I have ", n+1, " guanacos." # @@PLEAC@@_1.11 var = <<'EOF'.gsub(/^\s+/, '') your text goes here EOF # @@PLEAC@@_1.12 string = "Folding and splicing is the work of an editor,\n"+ "not a mere collection of silicon\n"+ "and\n"+ "mobile electrons!" def wrap(str, max_size) all = [] line = '' for l in str.split if (line+l).length >= max_size all.push(line) line = '' end line += line == '' ? l : ' ' + l end all.push(line).join("\n") end print wrap(string, 20) #=> Folding and #=> splicing is the #=> work of an editor, #=> not a mere #=> collection of #=> silicon and mobile #=> electrons! # @@PLEAC@@_1.13 string = %q(Mom said, "Don't do that.") string.gsub(/['"]/) { '\\'+$& } string.gsub(/['"]/, '\&\&') string.gsub(/[^A-Z]/) { '\\'+$& } "is a test!".gsub(/\W/) { '\\'+$& } # no function like quotemeta? # @@PLEAC@@_1.14 string.strip! # @@PLEAC@@_1.15 def parse_csv(text) new = text.scan(/"([^\"\\]*(?:\\.[^\"\\]*)*)",?|([^,]+),?|,/) new << nil if text[-1] == ?, new.flatten.compact end line = %q fields = parse_csv(line) fields.each_with_index { |v,i| print "#{i} : #{v}\n"; } # @@PLEAC@@_1.16 # Use the soundex.rb Library from Michael Neumann. # require 'Soundex' code = Text::Soundex.soundex(string) codes = Text::Soundex.soundex(array) # substitution function for getpwent(): # returns an array of user entries, # each entry contains the username and the full name def login_names result = []"/etc/passwd") { |file| file.each_line { |line| next if line.match(/^#/) cols = line.split(":") result.push([cols[0], cols[4]]) } } result end puts "Lookup user: " user = STDIN.gets user.chomp! exit unless user name_code = Text::Soundex.soundex(user) splitter ='(\w+)[^,]*\b(\w+)') for username, fullname in login_names do firstname, lastname = splitter.match(fullname)[1,2] if name_code == Text::Soundex.soundex(username) || name_code == Text::Soundex.soundex(firstname) || name_code == Text::Soundex.soundex(lastname) then puts "#{username}: #{firstname} #{lastname}" end end # @@PLEAC@@_1.17 # @@INCLUDE@@ include/ruby/fixstyle.rb # @@PLEAC@@_1.18 # @@INCLUDE@@ include/ruby/psgrep.rb # @@PLEAC@@_2.1 # Matz tells that you can use Integer() for strict checked conversion. Integer("abc") #=> `Integer': invalid value for Integer: "abc" (ArgumentError) Integer("567") #=> 567 # You may use Float() for floating point stuff Integer("56.7") #=> `Integer': invalid value for Integer: "56.7" (ArgumentError) Float("56.7") #=> 56.7 # You may also use a regexp for that if string =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/ p 'is an integer' else p 'is not' end if string =~ /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)$/ p 'is a decimal number' else p 'is not' end # @@PLEAC@@_2.2 # equal(num1, num2, accuracy) : returns true if num1 and num2 are # equal to accuracy number of decimal places def equal(i, j, a) sprintf("%.#{a}g", i) == sprintf("%.#{a}g", j) end wage = 536 # $5.36/hour week = 40 * wage # $214.40 printf("One week's wage is: \$%.2f\n", week/100.0) # @@PLEAC@@_2.3 num.round # rounds to integer a = 0.255 b = sprintf("%.2f", a) print "Unrounded: #{a}\nRounded: #{b}\n" printf "Unrounded: #{a}\nRounded: %.2f\n", a print "number\tint\tfloor\tceil\n" a = [ 3.3 , 3.5 , 3.7, -3.3 ] for n in a printf("% .1f\t% .1f\t% .1f\t% .1f\n", # at least I don't fake my output :) n, n.to_i, n.floor, n.ceil) end # @@PLEAC@@_2.4 def dec2bin(n) [n].pack("N").unpack("B32")[0].sub(/^0+(?=\d)/, '') end def bin2dec(n) [("0"*32+n.to_s)[-32..-1]].pack("B32").unpack("N")[0] end # @@PLEAC@@_2.5 for i in x .. y # i is set to every integer from x to y, inclusive end x.step(y,7) { |i| # i is set to every integer from x to y, stepsize = 7 } print "Infancy is: " (0..2).each { |i| print i, " " } print "\n" # @@PLEAC@@_2.6 # We can add conversion methods to the Integer class, # this makes a roman number just a representation for normal numbers. class Integer @@romanlist = [["M", 1000], ["CM", 900], ["D", 500], ["CD", 400], ["C", 100], ["XC", 90], ["L", 50], ["XL", 40], ["X", 10], ["IX", 9], ["V", 5], ["IV", 4], ["I", 1]] def to_roman remains = self roman = "" for sym, num in @@romanlist while remains >= num remains -= num roman << sym end end roman end def Integer.from_roman(roman) ustr = roman.upcase sum = 0 for entry in @@romanlist sym, num = entry[0], entry[1] while sym == ustr[0, sym.length] sum += num ustr.slice!(0, sym.length) end end sum end end roman_fifteen = 15.to_roman puts "Roman for fifteen is #{roman_fifteen}" i = Integer.from_roman(roman_fifteen) puts "Converted back, #{roman_fifteen} is #{i}" # check for i in (1..3900) r = i.to_roman j = Integer.from_roman(r) if i != j puts "error: #{i} : #{r} - #{j}" end end # @@PLEAC@@_2.7 random = rand(y-x+1)+x chars = ["A".."Z","a".."z","0".."9"].collect { |r| r.to_a }.join + %q(!@$%^&*) password = (1..8).collect { chars[rand(chars.size)] }.pack("C*") # @@PLEAC@@_2.8 srand # uses a combination of the time, the process id, and a sequence number srand(val) # for repeatable behaviour # @@PLEAC@@_2.9 # from the randomr lib: # ----> require 'random/mersenne_twister' mers = 123456789 puts mers.rand(0) # 0.550321932544541 puts mers.rand(10) # 2 # using online sources of random data via the realrand package: # # **Note** # The following online services are used in this package: # - source: atmospheric noise # - source: radioactive decay timings # - source: entropy from local and network noise # Please visit the sites and respect the rules of each service. require 'random/online' generator1 = puts generator1.randbyte(5).join(",") puts generator1.randnum(10, 1, 6).join(",") # Roll dice 10 times. generator2 = puts generator2.randbyte(5).join(",") # randnum is not supported. generator3 = puts generator3.randbyte(5).join(",") # randnum is not supported. # @@PLEAC@@_2.10 def gaussian_rand begin u1 = 2 * rand() - 1 u2 = 2 * rand() - 1 w = u1*u1 + u2*u2 end while (w >= 1) w = Math.sqrt((-2*Math.log(w))/w) [ u2*w, u1*w ] end mean = 25 sdev = 2 salary = gaussian_rand[0] * sdev + mean printf("You have been hired at \$%.2f\n", salary) # @@PLEAC@@_2.11 def deg2rad(d) (d/180.0)*Math::PI end def rad2deg(r) (r/Math::PI)*180 end # @@PLEAC@@_2.12 sin_val = Math.sin(angle) cos_val = Math.cos(angle) tan_val = Math.tan(angle) # AFAIK Ruby's Math module doesn't provide acos/asin # While we're at it, let's also define missing hyperbolic functions module Math def Math.asin(x) atan2(x, sqrt(1 - x**2)) end def Math.acos(x) atan2(sqrt(1 - x**2), x) end def Math.atan(x) atan2(x, 1) end def Math.sinh(x) (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / 2 end def Math.cosh(x) (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / 2 end def Math.tanh(x) sinh(x) / cosh(x) end end # The support for Complex numbers is not built-in y = Math.acos(3.7) #=> in `sqrt': square root for negative number (ArgumentError) # There is an implementation of Complex numbers in 'complex.rb' in current # Ruby distro, but it doesn't support atan2 with complex args, so it doesn't # solve this problem. # @@PLEAC@@_2.13 log_e = Math.log(val) log_10 = Math.log10(val) def log_base(base, val) Math.log(val)/Math.log(base) end answer = log_base(10, 10_000) puts "log10(10,000) = #{answer}" # @@PLEAC@@_2.14 require 'matrix.rb' a = Matrix[[3, 2, 3], [5, 9, 8]] b = Matrix[[4, 7], [9, 3], [8, 1]] c = a * b a.row_size a.column_size c.det a.transpose # @@PLEAC@@_2.15 require 'complex.rb' require 'rational.rb' a = Complex(3, 5) # 3 + 5i b = Complex(2, -2) # 2 - 2i puts "c = #{a*b}" c = a * b d = 3 + 4*Complex::I printf "sqrt(#{d}) = %s\n", Math.sqrt(d) # @@PLEAC@@_2.16 number = hexadecimal.hex number = octal.oct print "Gimme a number in decimal, octal, or hex: " num = gets.chomp exit unless defined?(num) num = num.oct if num =~ /^0/ # does both oct and hex printf "%d %x %o\n", num, num, num print "Enter file permission in octal: " permissions = gets.chomp raise "Exiting ...\n" unless defined?(permissions) puts "The decimal value is #{permissions.oct}" # @@PLEAC@@_2.17 def commify(n) n.to_s =~ /([^\.]*)(\..*)?/ int, dec = $1.reverse, $2 ? $2 : "" while int.gsub!(/(,|\.|^)(\d{3})(\d)/, '\1\2,\3') end int.reverse + dec end # @@PLEAC@@_2.18 printf "It took %d hour%s\n", time, time == 1 ? "" : "s" # dunno if an equivalent to Lingua::EN::Inflect exists... # @@PLEAC@@_2.19 #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby # bigfact - calculating prime factors def factorize(orig) factors = {} factors.default = 0 # return 0 instead nil if key not found in hash n = orig i = 2 sqi = 4 # square of i while sqi <= n do while n.modulo(i) == 0 do n /= i factors[i] += 1 # puts "Found factor #{i}" end # we take advantage of the fact that (i +1)**2 = i**2 + 2*i +1 sqi += 2 * i + 1 i += 1 end if (n != 1) && (n != orig) factors[n] += 1 end factors end def printfactorhash(orig, factorcount) print format("%-10d ", orig) if factorcount.length == 0 print "PRIME" else # sorts after number, because the hash keys are numbers factorcount.sort.each { |factor,exponent| print factor if exponent > 1 print "**", exponent end print " " } end puts end for arg in ARGV n = arg.to_i mfactors = factorize(n) printfactorhash(n, mfactors) end #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_3.0 puts print "Today is day ",, " of the current year.\n" print "Today is day ",, " of the current month.\n" # @@PLEAC@@_3.1 day, month, year =,, # or day, month, year =[3..5] tl = printf("The current date is %04d %02d %02d\n", tl.year, tl.month,"%Y-%m-%d") # @@PLEAC@@_3.2 Time.local(year, month, day, hour, minute, second).tv_sec, month, day, hour, minute, second).tv_sec # @@PLEAC@@_3.3 sec, min, hour, day, month, year, wday, yday, isdst, zone = # @@PLEAC@@_3.4 when_ = now + difference # now -> Time ; difference -> Numeric (delta in seconds) then_ = now - difference # @@PLEAC@@_3.5 bree = 361535725 nat = 96201950 difference = bree - nat puts "There were #{difference} seconds between Nat and Bree" seconds = difference % 60 difference = (difference - seconds) / 60 minutes = difference % 60 difference = (difference - minutes) / 60 hours = difference % 24 difference = (difference - hours) / 24 days = difference % 7 weeks = (difference - days) / 7 puts "(#{weeks} weeks, #{days} days, #{hours}:#{minutes}:#{seconds})" # @@PLEAC@@_3.6 monthday, weekday, yearday = date.mday, date.wday, date.yday # AFAIK the week number is not just a division since week boundaries are on sundays weeknum = d.strftime("%U").to_i + 1 year = 1981 month = "jun" # or `6' if you want to emulate a broken language day = 16 t = Time.mktime(year, month, day) print "#{month}/#{day}/#{year} was a ", t.strftime("%A"), "\n" # @@PLEAC@@_3.7 yyyy, mm, dd = $1, $2, $3 if "1998-06-25" =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/ epoch_seconds = Time.mktime(yyyy, mm, dd).tv_sec # dunno an equivalent to Date::Manip#ParseDate # @@PLEAC@@_3.8 string = # gives: Fri Feb 13 23:31:30 UTC 2009 time = Time.mktime(1973, "jan", 18, 3, 45, 50) print "In localtime it gives: ", time.localtime, "\n" # @@PLEAC@@_3.9 # Ruby provides micro-seconds in Time object # Ruby gives the seconds in floating format when substracting two Time objects before = line = gets elapsed = - before puts "You took #{elapsed} seconds." # On my Celeron-400 with Linux-2.2.19-14mdk, average for three execs are: # This Ruby version: average 0.00321 sec # Cookbook's Perl version: average 0.00981 sec size = 500 number_of_times = 100 total_time = 0 number_of_times.times { # populate array array = [] size.times { array << rand } # sort it begin_ = array.sort! time = - begin_ total_time += time } printf "On average, sorting %d random numbers takes %.5f seconds\n", size, (total_time/Float(number_of_times)) # @@PLEAC@@_3.10 sleep(0.005) # Ruby is definitely not as broken as Perl :) # (may be interrupted by sending the process a SIGALRM) # @@PLEAC@@_3.11 #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # hopdelta - feed mail header, produce lines # showing delay at each hop. require 'time' class MailHopDelta def initialize(mail) @head = mail.gsub(/\n\s+/,' ') @topline = %w-Sender Recipient Time Delta- @start_from = mail.match(/^From.*\@([^\s>]*)/)[1] @date = Time.parse(mail.match(/^Date:\s+(.*)/)[1]) end def out(line) "%-20.20s %-20.20s %-20.20s %s" % line end def hop_date(day) day.strftime("%I:%M:%S %Y/%m/%d") end def puts_hops puts out(@topline) puts out(['Start', @start_from, hop_date(@date),'']) @head.split(/\n/).reverse.grep(/^Received:/).each do |hop| hop.gsub!(/\bon (.*?) (id.*)/,'; \1') whence = hop.match(/;\s+(.*)$/)[1] unless whence warn "Bad received line: #{hop}" next end from = $+ if hop =~ /from\s+(\S+)|\((.*?)\)/ by = $1 if hop =~ /by\s+(\S+\.\S+)/ next unless now = Time.parse(whence).localtime delta = now - @date puts out([from, by, hop_date(now), hop_time(delta)]) @date = now end end def hop_time(secs) sign = secs < 0 ? -1 : 1 days, secs = secs.abs.divmod(60 * 60 * 24) hours,secs = secs.abs.divmod(60 * 60) mins, secs = secs.abs.divmod(60) rtn = "%3ds" % [secs * sign] rtn << "%3dm" % [mins * sign] if mins != 0 rtn << "%3dh" % [hours * sign] if hours != 0 rtn << "%3dd" % [days * sign] if days != 0 rtn end end $/ = "" mail = # @@PLEAC@@_4.0 single_level = [ "this", "that", "the", "other" ] # Ruby directly supports nested arrays double_level = [ "this", "that", [ "the", "other" ] ] still_single_level = [ "this", "that", [ "the", "other" ] ].flatten # @@PLEAC@@_4.1 a = [ "quick", "brown", "fox" ] a = %w(Why are you teasing me?) lines = <<"END_OF_HERE_DOC".gsub(/^\s*(.+)/, '\1') The boy stood on the burning deck, It was as hot as glass. END_OF_HERE_DOC bigarray = IO.readlines("mydatafile").collect { |l| l.chomp } name = "Gandalf" banner = %Q(Speak, #{name}, and welcome!) host_info = `host #{his_host}` %x(ps #{$$}) banner = 'Costs only $4.95'.split(' ') rax = %w! ( ) < > { } [ ] ! # @@PLEAC@@_4.2 def commify_series(a) a.size == 0 ? '' : a.size == 1 ? a[0] : a.size == 2 ? a.join(' and ') : a[0..-2].join(', ') + ', and ' + a[-1] end array = [ "red", "yellow", "green" ] print "I have ", array, " marbles\n" # -> I have redyellowgreen marbles # But unlike Perl: print "I have #{array} marbles\n" # -> I have redyellowgreen marbles # So, needs: print "I have #{array.join(' ')} marbles\n" # -> I have red yellow green marbles def commify_series(a) sepchar = { |p| p =~ /,/ } != [] ? '; ' : ', ' a.size == 0 ? '' : a.size == 1 ? a[0] : a.size == 2 ? a.join(' and ') : a[0..-2].join(sepchar) + sepchar + 'and ' + a[-1] end # @@PLEAC@@_4.3 # (note: AFAIK Ruby doesn't allow gory change of Array length) # grow the array by assigning nil to past the end of array ary[new_size-1] = nil # shrink the array by slicing it down ary.slice!(new_size..-1) # init the array with given size # assign to an element past the original end enlarges the array ary[index_new_last_elem] = value def what_about_that_array(a) print "The array now has ", a.size, " elements.\n" # Index of last element is not really interesting in Ruby print "Element #3 is `#{a[3]}'.\n" end people = %w(Crosby Stills Nash Young) what_about_that_array(people) # @@PLEAC@@_4.4 # OO style bad_users.each { |user| complain(user) } # or, functional style for user in bad_users complain(user) end for var in ENV.keys.sort puts "#{var}=#{ENV[var]}" end for user in all_users disk_space = get_usage(user) if (disk_space > MAX_QUOTA) complain(user) end end for l in IO.popen("who").readlines print l if l =~ /^gc/ end # we can mimic the obfuscated Perl way while fh.gets # $_ is set to the line just read chomp # $_ has a trailing \n removed, if it had one split.each { |w| # $_ is split on whitespace # but $_ is not set to each chunk as in Perl print w.reverse } end # ...or use a cleaner way for l in fh.readlines l.chomp.split.each { |w| print w.reverse } end # same drawback as in problem 1.4, we can't mutate a Numeric... array.collect! { |v| v - 1 } a = [ .5, 3 ]; b = [ 0, 1 ] for ary in [ a, b ] ary.collect! { |v| v * 7 } end puts "#{a.join(' ')} #{b.join(' ')}" # we can mutate Strings, cool; we need a trick for the scalar for ary in [ [ scalar ], array, hash.values ] ary.each { |v| v.strip! } # String#strip rules :) end # @@PLEAC@@_4.5 # not relevant in Ruby since we have always references for item in array # do somethingh with item end # @@PLEAC@@_4.6 unique = list.uniq # generate a list of users logged in, removing duplicates users = `who`.collect { |l| l =~ /(\w+)/; $1 }.sort.uniq puts("users logged in: #{commify_series(users)}") # see 4.2 for commify_series # @@PLEAC@@_4.7 a - b # [ 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5 ] - [ 1, 2, 4 ] -> [3, 5] # @@PLEAC@@_4.8 union = a | b intersection = a & b difference = a - b # @@PLEAC@@_4.9 array1.concat(array2) # if you will assign to another object, better use: new_ary = array1 + array2 members = [ "Time", "Flies" ] initiates = [ "An", "Arrow" ] members += initiates members = [ "Time", "Flies" ] initiates = [ "An", "Arrow" ] members[2,0] = [ "Like", initiates ].flatten members[0] = "Fruit" members[3,2] = "A", "Banana" # @@PLEAC@@_4.10 reversed = ary.reverse ary.reverse_each { |e| # do something with e } descending = ary.sort.reverse descending = ary.sort { |a,b| b <=> a } # @@PLEAC@@_4.11 # remove n elements from front of ary (shift n) front = ary.slice!(0, n) # remove n elements from the end of ary (pop n) end_ = ary.slice!(-n .. -1) # let's extend the Array class, to make that useful class Array def shift2() slice!(0 .. 1) # more symetric with pop2... end def pop2() slice!(-2 .. -1) end end friends = %w(Peter Paul Mary Jim Tim) this, that = friends.shift2 beverages = %w(Dew Jolt Cola Sprite Fresca) pair = beverages.pop2 # @@PLEAC@@_4.12 # use Enumerable#detect (or the synonym Enumerable#find) highest_eng = employees.detect { |emp| emp.category == 'engineer' } # @@PLEAC@@_4.13 # use Enumerable#select (or the synonym Enumerable#find_all) bigs = { |i| i > 1_000_000 } pigs = { |k| users[k] > 1e7 } matching = `who`.select { |u| u =~ /^gnat / } engineers = { |e| e.position == 'Engineer' } secondary_assistance = { |a| a.income >= 26_000 && a.income < 30_000 } # @@PLEAC@@_4.14 # normally you would have an array of Numeric (Float or # Fixnum or Bignum), so you would use: sorted = unsorted.sort # if you have strings representing Integers or Floats # you may specify another sort method: sorted = unsorted.sort { |a,b| a.to_f <=> b.to_f } # let's use the list of my own PID's `ps ux`.split("\n")[1..-1]. select { |i| i =~ /^#{ENV['USER']}/ }. collect { |i| i.split[1] }. sort { |a,b| a.to_i <=> b.to_i }.each { |i| puts i } puts "Select a process ID to kill:" pid = gets.chomp raise "Exiting ... \n" unless pid && pid =~ /^\d+$/ Process.kill('TERM', pid.to_i) sleep 2 Process.kill('KILL', pid.to_i) descending = unsorted.sort { |a,b| b.to_f <=> a.to_f } # @@PLEAC@@_4.15 ordered = unordered.sort { |a,b| compare(a,b) } precomputed = unordered.collect { |e| [compute, e] } ordered_precomputed = precomputed.sort { |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] } ordered = ordered_precomputed.collect { |e| e[1] } ordered = unordered.collect { |e| [compute, e] }. sort { |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] }. collect { |e| e[1] } for employee in employees.sort { |a,b| <=> } print, " earns \$ ", employee.salary, "\n" end # Beware! `0' is true in Ruby. # For chaining comparisons, you may use Numeric#nonzero?, which # returns num if num is not zero, nil otherwise sorted = employees.sort { |a,b| ( <=> || b.age <=> a.age } users = [] # getpwent is not wrapped in Ruby... let's fallback IO.readlines('/etc/passwd').each { |u| users << u.split(':') } users.sort! { |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] } for user in users puts user[0] end sorted = names.sort { |a,b| a[1, 1] <=> b[1, 1] } sorted = strings.sort { |a,b| a.length <=> b.length } # let's show only the compact version ordered = strings.collect { |e| [e.length, e] }. sort { |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] }. collect { |e| e[1] } ordered = strings.collect { |e| [/\d+/.match(e)[0].to_i, e] }. sort { |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] }. collect { |e| e[1] } print `cat /etc/passwd`.collect { |e| [e, e.split(':').indexes(3,2,0)].flatten }. sort { |a,b| (a[1] <=> b[1]).nonzero? || (a[2] <=> b[2]).nonzero? || a[3] <=> b[3] }. collect { |e| e[0] } # @@PLEAC@@_4.16 circular.unshift(circular.pop) # the last shall be first circular.push(circular.shift) # and vice versa def grab_and_rotate(l) l.push(ret = l.shift) ret end processes = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] while (1) process = grab_and_rotate(processes) puts "Handling process #{process}" sleep 1 end # @@PLEAC@@_4.17 def fisher_yates_shuffle(a) (a.size-1).downto(1) { |i| j = rand(i+1) a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] if i != j } end def naive_shuffle(a) for i in 0...a.size j = rand(a.size) a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] end end # @@PLEAC@@_4.18 #!/usr/bin/env ruby # example 4-2 words # words - gather lines, present in colums # class to encapsulate the word formatting from the input class WordFormatter def initialize(cols) @cols = cols end # helper to return the length of the longest word in the wordlist def maxlen(wordlist) max = 1 for word in wordlist if word.length > max max = word.length end end max end # process the wordlist and print it formmated into columns def output(wordlist) collen = maxlen(wordlist) + 1 columns = @cols / collen columns = 1 if columns == 0 rows = (wordlist.length + columns - 1) / columns # now process each item, picking out proper piece for this position 0.upto(rows * columns - 1) { |item| target = (item % columns) * rows + (item / columns) eol = ((item+1) % columns == 0) piece = wordlist[target] || "" piece = piece.ljust(collen) unless eol print piece puts if eol } # no need to finish it up, because eol is always true for the last element end end # get nr of chars that fit in window or console, see PLEAC 15.4 # not portable -- linux only (?) def getWinCharWidth() buf = "\0" * 8 $stdout.ioctl(0x5413, buf) ws_row, ws_col, ws_xpixel, ws_ypixel = buf.unpack("$4") ws_col || 80 rescue 80 end # main program cols = getWinCharWidth() formatter = words = readlines() words.collect! { |line| line.chomp } formatter.output(words) # @@PLEAC@@_4.19 # In ruby, Fixnum's are automatically converted to Bignum's when # needed, so there is no need for an extra module def factorial(n) s = 1 while n > 0 s *= n n -= 1 end s end puts factorial(500) #--------------------------------------------------------- # Example 4-3. tsc-permute # tsc_permute: permute each word of input def permute(items, perms) unless items.length > 0 puts perms.join(" ") else for i in items newitems = items.dup newperms = perms.dup newperms.unshift(newitems.delete(i)) permute(newitems, newperms) end end end # In ruby the main program must be after all definitions it is using permute(ARGV, []) #--------------------------------------------------------- # mjd_permute: permute each word of input def factorial(n) s = 1 while n > 0 s *= n n -= 1 end s end # we use a class with a class variable store the private cache # for the results of the factorial function. class Factorial @@fact = [ 1 ] def Factorial.compute(n) if @@fact[n] @@fact[n] else @@fact[n] = n * Factorial.compute(n - 1) end end end #--------------------------------------------------------- # Example 4-4- mjd-permute # n2pat(n, len): produce the N-th pattern of length len # We must use a lower case letter as parameter N, otherwise it is # handled as constant Length is the length of the resulting # array, not the index of the last element (length -1) like in # the perl example. def n2pat(n, length) pat = [] i = 1 while i <= length pat.push(n % i) n /= i i += 1 end pat end # pat2perm(pat): turn pattern returned by n2pat() into # permutation of integers. def pat2perm(pat) source = (0 .. pat.length - 1).to_a perm = [] perm.push(source.slice!(pat.pop)) while pat.length > 0 perm end def n2perm(n, len) pat2perm(n2pat(n,len)) end # In ruby the main program must be after all definitions while gets data = split # the perl solution has used $#data, which is length-1 num_permutations = Factorial.compute(data.length()) 0.upto(num_permutations - 1) do |i| # in ruby we can not use an array as selector for an array # but by exchanging the two arrays, we can use the collect method # which returns an array with the result of all block invocations permutation = n2perm(i, data.length).collect { |j| data[j] } puts permutation.join(" ") end end # @@PLEAC@@_5.0 age = { "Nat", 24, "Jules", 25, "Josh", 17 } age["Nat"] = 24 age["Jules"] = 25 age["Josh"] = 17 food_color = { "Apple" => "red", "Banana" => "yellow", "Lemon" => "yellow", "Carrot" => "orange" } # In Ruby, you cannot avoid the double or simple quoting # while manipulatin hashes # @@PLEAC@@_5.1 hash[key] = value food_color["Raspberry"] = "pink" puts "Known foods:", food_color.keys # @@PLEAC@@_5.2 # does hash have a value for key ? if (hash.has_key?(key)) # it exists else # it doesn't end [ "Banana", "Martini" ].each { |name| print name, " is a ", food_color.has_key?(name) ? "food" : "drink", "\n" } age = {} age['Toddler'] = 3 age['Unborn'] = 0 age['Phantasm'] = nil for thing in ['Toddler', 'Unborn', 'Phantasm', 'Relic'] print "#{thing}: " print "Has-key " if age.has_key?(thing) print "True " if age[thing] print "Nonzero " if age[thing] && age[thing].nonzero? print "\n" end #=> # Toddler: Has-key True Nonzero # Unborn: Has-key True # Phantasm: Has-key # Relic: # You use Hash#has_key? when you use Perl's exists -> it checks # for existence of a key in a hash. # All Numeric are "True" in ruby, so the test doesn't have the # same semantics as in Perl; you would use Numeric#nonzero? to # achieve the same semantics (false if 0, true otherwise). # @@PLEAC@@_5.3 food_color.delete("Banana") # @@PLEAC@@_5.4 hash.each { |key, value| # do something with key and value } hash.each_key { |key| # do something with key } food_color.each { |food, color| puts "#{food} is #{color}" } food_color.each_key { |food| puts "#{food} is #{food_color[food]}" } # IMO this demonstrates that OO style is by far more readable food_color.keys.sort.each { |food| puts "#{food} is #{food_color[food]}." } #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby # countfrom - count number of messages from each sender # Default value is 0 from = while gets /^From: (.*)/ and from[$1] += 1 end # More useful to sort by number of received mail by person from.sort {|a,b| b[1]<=>a[1]}.each { |v| puts "#{v[1]}: #{v[0]}" } #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_5.5 # You may use the built-in 'inspect' method this way: p hash # Or do it the Cookbook way: hash.each { |k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v}" } # Sorted by keys hash.sort.each { |e| puts "#{e[0]} => #{e[1]}" } # Sorted by values hash.sort{|a,b| a[1]<=>b[1]}.each { |e| puts "#{e[0]} => #{e[1]}" } # @@PLEAC@@_5.7 ttys = for i in `who` user, tty = i.split (ttys[user] ||= []) << tty # see problems_ruby for more infos end ttys.keys.sort.each { |k| puts "#{k}: #{commify_series(ttys[k])}" # from 4.2 } # @@PLEAC@@_5.8 surname = { "Mickey" => "Mantle", "Babe" => "Ruth" } puts surname.index("Mantle") # If you really needed to 'invert' the whole hash, use Hash#invert #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # foodfind - find match for food or color given = ARGV.shift or raise "usage: foodfind food_or_color" color = { "Apple" => "red", "Banana" => "yellow", "Lemon" => "yellow", "Carrot" => "orange", } if (color.has_key?(given)) puts "#{given} is a food with color #{color[given]}." end if (color.has_value?(given)) puts "#{color.index(given)} is a food with color #{given}." end #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_5.9 # Sorted by keys (Hash#sort gives an Array of pairs made of each key,value) food_color.sort.each { |f| puts "#{f[0]} is #{f[1]}." } # Sorted by values food_color.sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }.each { |f| puts "#{f[0]} is #{f[1]}." } # Sorted by length of values food_color.sort { |a,b| a[1].length <=> b[1].length }.each { |f| puts "#{f[0]} is #{f[1]}." } # @@PLEAC@@_5.10 merged = a.clone.update(b) # because Hash#update changes object in place drink_color = { "Galliano" => "yellow", "Mai Tai" => "blue" } ingested_color = drink_color.clone.update(food_color) substance_color = {} for i in [ food_color, drink_color ] i.each_key { |k| if substance_color.has_key?(k) puts "Warning: #{k} seen twice. Using the first definition." next end substance_color[k] = 1 } end # @@PLEAC@@_5.11 common = hash1.keys & hash2.keys this_not_that = hash1.keys - hash2.keys # @@PLEAC@@_5.12 # no problem here, Ruby handles any kind of object for key-ing # (it takes Object#hash, which defaults to Object#id) # @@PLEAC@@_5.13 # AFAIK, not possible in Ruby # @@PLEAC@@_5.14 # Be careful, the following is possible only because Fixnum objects are # special (documentation says: there is effectively only one Fixnum object # instance for any given integer value). count = array.each { |e| count[e] += 1 } # @@PLEAC@@_5.15 father = { "Cain" , "Adam", "Abel" , "Adam", "Seth" , "Adam", "Enoch" , "Cain", "Irad" , "Enoch", "Mehujael" , "Irad", "Methusael" , "Mehujael", "Lamech" , "Methusael", "Jabal" , "Lamech", "Jubal" , "Lamech", "Tubalcain" , "Lamech", "Enos" , "Seth", } while gets chomp begin print $_, " " end while $_ = father[$_] puts end children = {} father.each { |k,v| (children[v] ||= []) << k } while gets chomp puts "#{$_} begat #{(children[$_] || ['Nobody']).join(', ')}.\n" end includes = {} files.each { |f| begin for l in IO.readlines(f) next unless l =~ /^\s*#\s*include\s*<([^>]+)>/ (includes[$1] ||= []) << f end rescue SystemCallError $stderr.puts "#$! (skipping)" end } include_free = includes.values.flatten.uniq - includes.keys # @@PLEAC@@_5.16 # dutree - print sorted intented rendition of du output #% dutree #% dutree /usr #% dutree -a #% dutree -a /bin # The DuNode class collects all information about a directory, # and provides some convenience methods class DuNode attr_reader :name attr_accessor :size attr_accessor :kids def initialize(name) @name = name @kids = [] @size = 0 end # support for sorting nodes with side def size_compare(node2) @size <=> node2.size end def basename @name.sub(/.*\//, "") end #returns substring before last "/", nil if not there def parent p = @name.sub(/\/[^\/]+$/,"") if p == @name nil else p end end end # The DuTree does the acdtual work of # getting the input, parsing it, builging up a tree # and format it for output class Dutree attr_reader :topdir def initialize @nodes = @dirsizes = @kids =[]) end # get a node by name, create it if it does not exist yet def get_create_node(name) if @nodes.has_key?(name) @nodes[name] else node = @nodes[name] = node node end end # run du, read in input, save sizes and kids # stores last directory read in instance variable topdir def input(arguments) name = "" cmd = "du " + arguments.join(" ") IO.popen(cmd) { |pipe| pipe.each { |line| size, name = line.chomp.split(/\s+/, 2) node = get_create_node(name) node.size = size.to_i @nodes[name] = node parent = node.parent if parent get_create_node(parent).kids.push(node) end } } @topdir = @nodes[name] end # figure out how much is taken in each directory # that isn't stored in the subdirectories. Add a new # fake kid called "." containing that much. def get_dots(node) cursize = node.size for kid in cursize -= kid.size get_dots(kid) end if node.size != cursize newnode = get_create_node( + "/.") newnode.size = cursize end end # recursively output everything # passing padding and number width as well # on recursive calls def output(node, prefix="", width=0) line = sprintf("%#{width}d %s", node.size, node.basename) puts(prefix + line) prefix += line.sub(/\d /, "| ") prefix.gsub!(/[^|]/, " ") if > 0 # not a bachelor node kids = kids.sort! { |a,b| b.size_compare(a) } width = kids[0].size.to_s.length for kid in kids output(kid, prefix, width) end end end end tree = tree.input(ARGV) tree.get_dots(tree.topdir) tree.output(tree.topdir) # @@PLEAC@@_6.0 # The verbose version are match, sub, gsub, sub! and gsub!; # pattern needs to be a Regexp object; it yields a MatchData # object. pattern.match(string) string.sub(pattern, replacement) string.gsub(pattern, replacement) # As usual in Ruby, sub! does the same as sub but also modifies # the object, the same for gsub!/gsub. # Sugared syntax yields the position of the match (or nil if no # match). Note that the object at the right of the operator needs # not to be a Regexp object (it can be a String). The "dont # match" operator yields true or false. meadow =~ /sheep/ # position of the match, nil if no match meadow !~ /sheep/ # true if doesn't match, false if it does # There is no sugared version for the substitution meadow =~ /\bovines?\b/i and print "Here be sheep!" string = "good food" string.sub!(/o*/, 'e') # % echo ababacaca | ruby -ne 'puts $& if /(a|ba|b)+(a|ac)+/' # ababa # The "global" (or "multiple") match is handled by String#scan scan (/(\d+)/) { puts "Found number #{$1}" } # String#scan yields an Array if not used with a block numbers = scan(/\d+/) digits = "123456789" nonlap = digits.scan(/(\d\d\d)/) yeslap = digits.scan(/(?=(\d\d\d))/) puts "Non-overlapping: #{nonlap.join(' ')}" puts "Overlapping: #{yeslap.join(' ')}"; # Non-overlapping: 123 456 789 # Overlapping: 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 string = "And little lambs eat ivy" string =~ /l[^s]*s/ puts "(#$`) (#$&) (#$')" # (And ) (little lambs) ( eat ivy) # @@PLEAC@@_6.1 # Ruby doesn't have the same problem: dst = src.sub('this', 'that') progname = $0.sub('^.*/', '') bindirs = %w(/usr/bin /bin /usr/local/bin) libdirs = { |l| l.sub('bin', 'lib') } # @@PLEAC@@_6.3 /\S+/ # as many non-whitespace bytes as possible /[A-Za-z'-]+/ # as many letters, apostrophes, and hyphens /\b([A-Za-z]+)\b/ # usually best /\s([A-Za-z]+)\s/ # fails at ends or w/ punctuation # @@PLEAC@@_6.4 require 'socket' str = ' and' re = / ( # capture the hostname in $1 (?: # these parens for grouping only (?! [-_] ) # lookahead for neither underscore nor dash [\w-] + # hostname component \. # and the domain dot ) + # now repeat that whole thing a bunch of times [A-Za-z] # next must be a letter [\w-] + # now trailing domain part ) # end of $1 capture /x # /x for nice formatting str.gsub! re do # pass a block to execute replacement host = TCPsocket.gethostbyname($1) "#{$1} [#{host[3]}]" end puts str #----------------------------- # to match whitespace or #-characters in an extended re you need to escape # them. foo = 42 str = 'blah #foo# blah' str.gsub! %r/ # replace \# # a pound sign (\w+) # the variable name \# # another pound sign /x do eval $1 # with the value of a local variable end puts str # => blah 42 blah # @@PLEAC@@_6.5 # The 'g' modifier doesn't exist in Ruby, a regexp can't be used # directly in a while loop; instead, use String#scan { |match| .. } fish = 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish' WANT = 3 count = 0 fish.scan(/(\w+)\s+fish\b/i) { if (count += 1) == WANT puts "The third fish is a #{$1} one." end } if fish =~ /(?:\w+\s+fish\s+){2}(\w+)\s+fish/i puts "The third fish is a #{$1} one." end pond = 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish' # String#scan without a block gives an array of matches, each match # being an array of all the specified groups colors = pond.scan(/(\w+)\s+fish\b/i).flatten # get all matches color = colors[2] # then the one we want # or without a temporary array color = pond.scan(/(\w+)\s+fish\b/i).flatten[2] # just grab element 3 puts "The third fish in the pond is #{color}." count = 0 fishes = 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish' evens = fishes.scan(/(\w+)\s+fish\b/i).select { (count+=1) % 2 == 0 } print "Even numbered fish are #{evens.join(' ')}." count = 0 fishes.gsub(/ \b # makes next \w more efficient ( \w+ ) # this is what we\'ll be changing ( \s+ fish \b ) /x) { if (count += 1) == 4 'sushi' + $2 else $1 + $2 end } pond = 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish swim here.' puts "Last fish is #{pond.scan(/\b(\w+)\s+fish\b/i).flatten[-1]}" / A # find some pattern A (?! # mustn\'t be able to find .* # something A # and A ) $ # through the end of the string /x # The "s" perl modifier is "m" in Ruby (not very nice since there is # also an "m" in perl..) pond = "One fish two fish red fish blue fish swim here." if (pond =~ / \b ( \w+) \s+ fish \b (?! .* \b fish \b ) /mix) puts "Last fish is #{$1}." else puts "Failed!" end # @@PLEAC@@_6.6 #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # killtags - very bad html killer $/ = nil; # each read is whole file while file = gets() do file.gsub!(/<.*?>/m,''); # strip tags (terribly) puts file # print file to STDOUT end #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby -w #headerfy - change certain chapter headers to html $/ = '' while file = gets() do pattern = / \A # start of record ( # capture in $1 Chapter # text string \s+ # mandatory whitespace \d+ # decimal number \s* # optional whitespace : # a real colon . * # anything not a newline till end of line ) /x puts file.gsub(pattern,'


') end #----------------------------- #% ruby -00pe "gsub!(/\A(Chapter\s+\d+\s*:.*)/,'


')" datafile #!/usr/bin/ruby -w #----------------------------- for file in ARGV file = while file.gets('') do # each read is a paragraph print "chunk #{$.} in $ARGV has <<#{$1}>>\n" while /^START(.*?)^END/m end # /m activates the multiline mode end #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_6.7 #----------------------------- $/ = nil; file ="datafile") chunks = file.gets.split(/pattern/) #----------------------------- # .Ch, .Se and .Ss divide chunks of STDIN chunks = gets(nil).split(/^\.(Ch|Se|Ss)$/) print "I read #{chunks.size} chunks.\n" #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_6.8 while gets if ~/BEGIN/ .. ~/END/ # line falls between BEGIN and END inclusive end end while gets if ($. == firstnum) .. ($. == lastnum) # operate between firstnum and lastnum line number end end # in ruby versions prior to 1.8, the above two conditional # expressions could be shortened to: # if /BEGIN/ .. /END/ # and # if firstnum .. lastnum # but these now only work this way from the command line #----------------------------- while gets if ~/BEGIN/ ... ~/END/ # line falls between BEGIN and END on different lines end end while gets if ($. == first) ... ($. == last) # operate between first and last line number on different lines end end #----------------------------- # command-line to print lines 15 through 17 inclusive (see below) ruby -ne 'print if 15 .. 17' datafile # print out all .. displays from HTML doc while gets print if ~%r##i .. ~%r##i; end # same, but as shell command # ruby -ne 'print if %r##i .. %r##i' document.html #----------------------------- # ruby -ne 'BEGIN { $top=3; $bottom=5 }; \ # print if $top .. $bottom' /etc/passwd # FAILS # ruby -ne 'BEGIN { $top=3; $bottom=5 }; \ # print if $. == $top .. $. == $bottom' /etc/passwd # works # ruby -ne 'print if 3 .. 5' /etc/passwd # also works #----------------------------- print if ~/begin/ .. ~/end/; print if ~/begin/ ... ~/end/; #----------------------------- while gets $in_header = $. == 1 .. ~/^$/ ? true : false $in_body = ~/^$/ .. ARGF.eof ? true : false end #----------------------------- seen = {} ARGF.each do |line| next unless line =~ /^From:?\s/i .. line =~ /^$/; line.scan(%r/([^<>(),;\s]+\@[^<>(),;\s]+)/).each do |addr| puts addr unless seen[addr] seen[addr] ||= 1 end end # @@PLEAC@@_6.9 def glob2pat(globstr) patmap = { '*' => '.*', '?' => '.', '[' => '[', ']' => ']', } globstr.gsub!(/(.)/) { |c| patmap[c] || Regexp::escape(c) } '^' + globstr + '$' end # @@PLEAC@@_6.10 # avoid interpolating patterns like this if the pattern # isn't going to change: pattern = ARGV.shift ARGF.each do |line| print line if line =~ /#{pattern}/ end # the above creates a new regex each iteration. Instead, # use the /o modifier so the regex is compiled only once pattern = ARGV.shift ARGF.each do |line| print line if line =~ /#{pattern}/o end #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby # popgrep1 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop" # version 1: slow but obvious way popstates = %w(CO ON MI WI MN) ARGF.each do |line| popstates.each do |state| if line =~ /\b#{state}\b/ print line last end end end #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby # popgrep2 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop" # version 2: eval strings; fast but hard to quote popstates = %w(CO ON MI WI MN) code = "ARGF.each do |line|\n" popstates.each do |state| code += "\tif line =~ /\\b#{state}\\b/; print(line); next; end\n" end code += "end\n" print "CODE IS\n---\n#{code}\n---\n" if false # turn on for debugging eval code # CODE IS # --- # ARGF.each do |line| # if line =~ /\bCO\b/; print(line); next; end # if line =~ /\bON\b/; print(line); next; end # if line =~ /\bMI\b/; print(line); next; end # if line =~ /\bWI\b/; print(line); next; end # if line =~ /\bMN\b/; print(line); next; end # end # # --- ## alternatively, the same idea as above but compiling ## to a case statement: (not in perlcookbook) #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # popgrep2.5 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop" # version 2.5: eval strings; fast but hard to quote popstates = %w(CO ON MI WI MN) code = "ARGF.each do |line|\n case line\n" popstates.each do |state| code += " when /\\b#{state}\\b/ : print line\n" end code += " end\nend\n" print "CODE IS\n---\n#{code}\n---\n" if false # turn on for debugging eval code # CODE IS # --- # ARGF.each do |line| # case line # when /\bCO\b/ : print line # when /\bON\b/ : print line # when /\bMI\b/ : print line # when /\bWI\b/ : print line # when /\bMN\b/ : print line # end # end # # --- # Note: (above) Ruby 1.8+ allows the 'when EXP : EXPR' on one line # with the colon separator. #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby # popgrep3 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop" # version3: build a match_any function popstates = %w(CO ON MI WI MN) expr ={|e|"line =~ /\\b#{e}\\b/"}.join('||') eval "def match_any(line); #{expr};end" ARGF.each do |line| print line if match_any(line) end #----------------------------- ## building a match_all function is a trivial ## substitution of && for || ## here is a generalized example: #!/usr/bin/ruby -w ## grepauth - print lines that mention both foo and bar class MultiMatch def initialize(*patterns) _any = build_match('||',patterns) _all = build_match('&&',patterns) eval "def match_any(line);#{_any};end\n" eval "def match_all(line);#{_all};end\n" end def build_match(sym,args){|e|"line =~ /#{e}/"}.join(sym) end end mm ='foo','bar') ARGF.each do |line| print line if mm.match_all(line) end #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby # popgrep4 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop" # version4: pretty fast, but simple: compile all re's first: popstates = %w(CO ON MI WI MN) popstates ={|re| %r/\b#{re}\b/} ARGF.each do |line| popstates.each do |state_re| if line =~ state_re print line break end end end ## speeds trials on the jargon file(412): 26006 lines, 1.3MB ## popgrep1 => 7.040s ## popgrep2 => 0.656s ## popgrep2.5 => 0.633s ## popgrep3 => 0.675s ## popgrep4 => 1.027s # unless speed is criticial, the technique in popgrep4 is a # reasonable balance between speed and logical simplicity. # @@PLEAC@@_6.11 begin print "Pattern? " pat = $stdin.gets.chomp rescue warn "Invalid Pattern" retry end # @@PLEAC@@_6.13 # uses the 'amatch' extension found on: # require 'amatch' matcher ='balast') #$relative, $distance = 0, 1'/usr/share/dict/words').each_line do |line| print line if <= 1 end __END__ #CODE ballast ballasts balustrade balustrades blast blasted blaster blasters blasting blasts # @@PLEAC@@_6.14 str.scan(/\G(\d)/).each do |token| puts "found #{token}" end #----------------------------- n = " 49 here" n.gsub!(/\G /,'0') puts n #----------------------------- str = "3,4,5,9,120" str.scan(/\G,?(\d+)/).each do |num| puts "Found number: #{num}" end #----------------------------- # Ruby doesn't have the String.pos or a /c re modifier like Perl # But it does have StringScanner in the standard library (strscn) # which allows similar functionality: require 'strscan' text = 'the year 1752 lost 10 days on the 3rd of September' sc = while sc.scan(/.*?(\d+)/) print "found: #{sc[1]}\n" end if sc.scan(/\S+/) puts "Found #{sc[0]} after last number" end #----------------------------- # assuming continuing from above: puts "The position in 'text' is: #{sc.pos}" sc.pos = 30 puts "The position in 'text' is: #{sc.pos}" # @@PLEAC@@_6.15 #----------------------------- # greedy pattern str.gsub!(/<.*>/m,'') # not good # non-greedy (minimal) pattern str.gsub!(/<.*?>/m,'') # not great #----------------------------- #this and that are important Oh, me too! #----------------------------- %r{ (.*?) }mx #----------------------------- %r/BEGIN((?:(?!BEGIN).)*)END/ #----------------------------- %r{ ( (?: (?!|). )* ) }mx #----------------------------- %r{ ( (?: (?!). )* ) }mx #----------------------------- %r{ [^<]* # stuff not possibly bad, and not possibly the end. (?: # at this point, we can have '<' if not part of something bad (?! ) # what we can't have < # okay, so match the '<' [^<]* # and continue with more safe stuff ) * }mx # @@PLEAC@@_6.16 #----------------------------- $/ = "" ARGF.each do |para| para.scan %r/ \b # start at word boundary (\S+) # find chunk of non-whitespace \b # until a word boundary ( \s+ # followed by whitespace \1 # and that same chunk again \b # and a word boundary ) + # one or more times /xi do puts "dup word '#{$1}' at paragraph #{$.}" end end #----------------------------- astr = 'nobody' bstr = 'bodysnatcher' if "#{astr} #{bstr}" =~ /^(\w+)(\w+) \2(\w+)$/ print "#{$2} overlaps in #{$1}-#{$2}-#{$3}" end #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # prime_pattern -- find prime factors of argument using patterns ARGV << 180 cap = 'o' * ARGV.shift while cap =~ /^(oo+?)\1+$/ print $1.size, " " cap.gsub!(/#{$1}/,'o') end puts cap.size #----------------------------- #diophantine # solve for 12x + 15y + 16z = 281, maximizing x if ('o' * 281).match(/^(o*)\1{11}(o*)\2{14}(o*)\3{15}$/) x, y, z = $1.size, $2.size, $3.size puts "One solution is: x=#{x}; y=#{y}; z=#{z}" else puts "No solution." end # => One solution is: x=17; y=3; z=2 #----------------------------- # using different quantifiers: ('o' * 281).match(/^(o+)\1{11}(o+)\2{14}(o+)\3{15}$/) # => One solution is: x=17; y=3; z=2 ('o' * 281).match(/^(o*?)\1{11}(o*)\2{14}(o*)\3{15}$/) # => One solution is: x=0; y=7; z=11 ('o' * 281).match(/^(o+?)\1{11}(o*)\2{14}(o*)\3{15}$/) # => One solution is: x=1; y=3; z=14 # @@PLEAC@@_6.17 # alpha OR beta %r/alpha|beta/ # alpha AND beta %r/(?=.*alpha)(?=.*beta)/m # alpha AND beta, no overlap %r/alpha.*beta|beta.*alpha/m # NOT beta %r/^(?:(?!beta).)*$/m # NOT bad BUT good %r/(?=(?:(?!BAD).)*$)GOOD/m #----------------------------- if !(string =~ /pattern/) # ugly something() end if string !~ /pattern/ # preferred something() end #----------------------------- if string =~ /pat1/ && string =~ /pat2/ something() end #----------------------------- if string =~ /pat1/ || string =~ /pat2/ something() end #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # minigrep - trivial grep pat = ARGV.shift ARGF.each do |line| print line if line =~ /#{pat}/o end #----------------------------- "labelled" =~ /^(?=.*bell)(?=.*lab)/m #----------------------------- $string =~ /bell/ && $string =~ /lab/ #----------------------------- $murray_hill = "blah bell blah " if $murray_hill =~ %r{ ^ # start of string (?= # zero-width lookahead .* # any amount of intervening stuff bell # the desired bell string ) # rewind, since we were only looking (?= # and do the same thing .* # any amount of intervening stuff lab # and the lab part ) }mx # /m means . can match newline print "Looks like Bell Labs might be in Murray Hill!\n"; end #----------------------------- "labelled" =~ /(?:^.*bell.*lab)|(?:^.*lab.*bell)/ #----------------------------- $brand = "labelled"; if $brand =~ %r{ (?: # non-capturing grouper ^ .*? # any amount of stuff at the front bell # look for a bell .*? # followed by any amount of anything lab # look for a lab ) # end grouper | # otherwise, try the other direction (?: # non-capturing grouper ^ .*? # any amount of stuff at the front lab # look for a lab .*? # followed by any amount of anything bell # followed by a bell ) # end grouper }mx # /m means . can match newline print "Our brand has bell and lab separate.\n"; end #----------------------------- $map =~ /^(?:(?!waldo).)*$/s #----------------------------- $map = "the great baldo" if $map =~ %r{ ^ # start of string (?: # non-capturing grouper (?! # look ahead negation waldo # is he ahead of us now? ) # is so, the negation failed . # any character (cuzza /s) ) * # repeat that grouping 0 or more $ # through the end of the string }mx # /m means . can match newline print "There's no waldo here!\n"; end =begin 7:15am up 206 days, 13:30, 4 users, load average: 1.04, 1.07, 1.04 USER TTY FROM LOGIN@ IDLE JCPU PCPU WHAT tchrist tty1 5:16pm 36days 24:43 0.03s xinit tchrist tty2 5:19pm 6days 0.43s 0.43s -tcsh tchrist ttyp0 chthon 7:58am 3days 23.44s 0.44s -tcsh gnat ttyS4 coprolith 2:01pm 13:36m 0.30s 0.30s -tcsh =end #% w | minigrep '^(?!.*ttyp).*tchrist' #----------------------------- %r{ ^ # anchored to the start (?! # zero-width look-ahead assertion .* # any amount of anything (faster than .*?) ttyp # the string you don't want to find ) # end look-ahead negation; rewind to start .* # any amount of anything (faster than .*?) tchrist # now try to find Tom }x #----------------------------- #% w | grep tchrist | grep -v ttyp #----------------------------- #% grep -i 'pattern' files #% minigrep '(?i)pattern' files #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_6.20 ans = $stdin.gets.chomp re = %r/^#{Regexp.quote(ans)}/ case when "SEND" =~ re : puts "Action is send" when "STOP" =~ re : puts "Action is stop" when "ABORT" =~ re : puts "Action is abort" when "EDIT" =~ re : puts "Action is edit" end #----------------------------- require 'abbrev' table = Abbrev.abbrev %w-send stop abort edit- loop do print "Action: " ans = $stdin.gets.chomp puts "Action for #{ans} is #{table[ans.downcase]}" end #----------------------------- # dummy values are defined for 'file', 'PAGER', and # the 'invoke_editor' and 'deliver_message' methods # do not do anything interesting in this example. #!/usr/bin/ruby -w require 'abbrev' file = '' PAGER = 'less' def invoke_editor puts "invoking editor" end def deliver_message puts "delivering message" end actions = { 'edit' => self.method(:invoke_editor), 'send' => self.method(:deliver_message), 'list' => proc {system(PAGER, file)}, 'abort' => proc {puts "See ya!"; exit}, "" => proc {puts "Unknown Command"} } dtable = Abbrev.abbrev(actions.keys) loop do print "Action: " ans = $stdin.gets.chomp.delete(" \t") actions[ dtable[ans.downcase] || "" ].call end # @@PLEAC@@_6.19 #----------------------------- # basically, the Perl Cookbook categorizes this as an # unsolvable problem ... #----------------------------- 1 while addr.gsub!(/\([^()]*\)/,'') #----------------------------- Dear, Please confirm the mail address you gave us Wed May 6 09:38:41 MDT 1998 by replying to this message. Include the string "Rumpelstiltskin" in that reply, but spelled in reverse; that is, start with "Nik...". Once this is done, your confirmed address will be entered into our records. # @@PLEAC@@_6.21 #----------------------------- #% gunzip -c ~/mail/archive.gz | urlify > archive.urlified #----------------------------- #% urlify ~/mail/*.inbox > ~/allmail.urlified #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # urlify - wrap HTML links around URL-like constructs urls = '(https?|telnet|gopher|file|wais|ftp)'; ltrs = '\w'; gunk = '/#~:.?+=&%@!\-'; punc = '.:?\-'; any = "#{ltrs}#{gunk}#{punc}"; ARGF.each do |line| line.gsub! %r/ \b # start at word boundary ( # begin $1 { #{urls} : # need resource and a colon [#{any}] +? # followed by on or more # of any valid character, but # be conservative and take only # what you need to.... ) # end $1 } (?= # look-ahead non-consumptive assertion [#{punc}]* # either 0 or more punctuation [^#{any}] # followed by a non-url char | # or else $ # then end of the string ) /iox do %Q|#{$1}| end print line end # @@PLEAC@@_6.23 %r/^m*(d?c{0,3}|c[dm])(l?x{0,3}|x[lc])(v?i{0,3}|i[vx])$/i #----------------------------- str.sub!(/(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)/, '\3\2\1') #----------------------------- %r/(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/ # keyword is $1, value is $2 #----------------------------- %r/.{80,}/ #----------------------------- %r|(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)| #----------------------------- str.gsub!(%r|/usr/bin|,'/usr/local/bin') #----------------------------- str.gsub!(/%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/){ $1.hex.chr } #----------------------------- str.gsub!(%r{ /\* # Match the opening delimiter .*? # Match a minimal number of characters \*/ # Match the closing delimiter }xm,'') #----------------------------- str.sub!(/^\s+/, '') str.sub!(/\s+$/, '') # but really, in Ruby we'd just do: str.strip! #----------------------------- str.gsub!(/\\n/,"\n") #----------------------------- str.sub!(/^.*::/, '') #----------------------------- %r/^([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\. ([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$/x #----------------------------- str.sub!(%r|^.*/|, '') #----------------------------- cols = ( (ENV['TERMCAP'] || " ") =~ /:co#(\d+):/ ) ? $1 : 80; #----------------------------- name = " #{$0} #{ARGV}".gsub(%r| /\S+/|, ' ') #----------------------------- require 'rbconfig' include Config raise "This isn't Linux" unless CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /linux/i; #----------------------------- str.gsub!(%r/\n\s+/, ' ') #----------------------------- nums = str.scan(/(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)/) #----------------------------- capwords = str.scan(%r/(\b[^\Wa-z0-9_]+\b)/) #----------------------------- lowords = str.scan(%r/(\b[^\WA-Z0-9_]+\b)/) #----------------------------- icwords = str.scan(%r/(\b[^\Wa-z0-9_][^\WA-Z0-9_]*\b)/) #----------------------------- links = str.scan(%r/]+?HREF\s*=\s*["']?([^'" >]+?)[ '"]?>/mi) #----------------------------- initial = str =~ /^\S+\s+(\S)\S*\s+\S/ ? $1 : "" #----------------------------- str.gsub!(%r/"([^"]*)"/, %q-``\1''-) #----------------------------- $/ = "" sentences = [] ARGF.each do |para| para.gsub!(/\n/, ' ') para.gsub!(/ {3,}/,' ') sentences << para.scan(/(\S.*?[!?.])(?= |\Z)/) end #----------------------------- %r/(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/ # YYYY in $1, MM in $2, DD in $3 #----------------------------- %r/ ^ (?: 1 \s (?: \d\d\d \s)? # 1, or 1 and area code | # ... or ... \(\d\d\d\) \s # area code with parens | # ... or ... (?: \+\d\d?\d? \s)? # optional +country code \d\d\d ([\s\-]) # and area code ) \d\d\d (\s|\1) # prefix (and area code separator) \d\d\d\d # exchange $ /x #----------------------------- %r/\boh\s+my\s+gh?o(d(dess(es)?|s?)|odness|sh)\b/i #----------------------------- lines = [] lines << $1 while input.sub!(/^([^\012\015]*)(\012\015?|\015\012?)/,'') # @@PLEAC@@_7.0 # An IO object being Enumerable, we can use 'each' directly on it"/usr/local/widgets/data").each { |line| puts line if line =~ /blue/ } logfile ="/var/log/rubylog.txt", "w") mysub($stdin, logfile) # The method IO#readline is similar to IO#gets # but throws an exception when it reaches EOF f ="bla.txt") begin while (line = f.readline) line.chomp $stdout.print line if line =~ /blue/ end rescue EOFError f.close end while $stdin.gets # reads from STDIN unless (/\d/) $stderr.puts "No digit found." # writes to STDERR end puts "Read: #{$_}" # writes to STDOUT end logfile ="/tmp/log", "w") logfile.close # $defout (or its synonym '$>') is the destination of output # for Kernel#print, Kernel#puts, and family functions logfile ="log.txt", "w") old = $defout $defout = logfile # switch to logfile for output puts "Countdown initiated ..." $defout = old # return to original output puts "You have 30 seconds to reach minimum safety distance." # @@PLEAC@@_7.1 source =, "r") # open file "path" for reading only sink =, "w") # open file "path" for writing only source =, File::RDONLY) # open file "path" for reading only sink =, File::WRONLY) # open file "path" for writing only file =, "r+") # open "path" for reading and writing file =, flags) # open "path" with the flags "flags" (see examples below for flags) # open file "path" read only file =, "r") file =, File::RDONLY) # open file "path" write only, create it if it does not exist # truncate it to zero length if it exists file =, "w") file =, File::WRONLY|File::TRUNC|File::CREAT) file =, File::WRONLY|File::TRUNC|File::CREAT, 0666) # with permission 0666 # open file "path" write only, fails if file exists file =, File::WRONLY|File::EXCL|File::CREAT) file =, File::WRONLY|File::EXCL|File::CREAT, 0666) # open file "path" for appending file =, "a") file =, File::WRONLY|File::APPEND|File::CREAT) file =, File::WRONLY|File::APPEND|File::CREAT, 0666) # open file "path" for appending only when file exists file =, File::WRONLY|File::APPEND) # open file "path" for reading and writing file =, "r+") file =, File::RDWR) # open file for reading and writing, create a new file if it does not exist file =, File::RDWR|File::CREAT) file =, File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0600) # open file "path" reading and writing, fails if file exists file =, File::RDWR|File::EXCL|File::CREAT) file =, File::RDWR|File::EXCL|File::CREAT, 0600) # @@PLEAC@@_7.2 # No problem with Ruby since the filename doesn't contain characters with # special meaning; like Perl's sysopen, 'r') # @@PLEAC@@_7.3 File.expand_path('~root/tmp') #=> "/root/tmp" File.expand_path('~rpcuser') #=> "/var/lib/nfs" # To expand ~/.. it explicitely needs the environment variable HOME File.expand_path('~/tmp') #=> "/home/gc/tmp" # @@PLEAC@@_7.4 # The exception raised in Ruby reports the filename'afile') # @@PLEAC@@_7.5 # Standard Ruby distribution provides the following useful extension require 'tempfile' # With the Tempfile class, the file is automatically deleted on garbage # collection, so you won't need to remove it, later on. tf ='tmp') # a name is required to create the filename # If you need to pass the filename to an external program you can use # File#path, but don't forget to File#flush in order to flush anything # living in some buffer somewhere. tf.flush system("/usr/bin/dowhatever #{tf.path}") fh ='tmp') fh.sync = true # autoflushes 10.times { |i| fh.puts i } fh.rewind puts 'Tmp file has: ', fh.readlines # @@PLEAC@@_7.6 while (DATA.gets) do # process the line end __END__ # your data goes here # __DATA__ doesn't exist in Ruby #CODE # get info about the script (size, date of last modification) kilosize = DATA.stat.size / 1024 last_modif = DATA.stat.mtime puts "

Script size is #{kilosize}" puts "

Last script update: #{last_modif}" __END__ # DO NOT REMOVE THE PRECEEDING LINE. # Everything else in this file will be ignored. #CODE # @@PLEAC@@_7.7 while line = gets do # do something with line. end # or while gets do # do something with $_ end # or more rubyish $stdun.each do |line| # do stuff with line end # ARGF may makes this more easy # this is skipped if ARGV.size==0 ARGV.each do |filename| # closing and exception handling are done by the block open(filename) do |fd| fd.each do |line| # do stuff with line end end rescue abort("can't open %s" % filename) end # globbing is done in the Dir module ARGV = Dir["*.[Cch]"] if ARGV.empty? # note: optparse is the preferred way to handle this if (ARGV[0] == '-c') chop_first += 1 ARGV.shift end # processing numerical options if ARGV[0] =~ /^-(\d+)$/ columns = $1 ARGV.shift end # again, better to use optparse: require 'optparse' nostdout = 0 append = 0 unbuffer = 0 ignore_ints = 0 ARGV.options do |opt| opt.on('-n') { nostdout +=1 } opt.on('-a') { append +=1 } opt.on('-u') { unbuffer +=1 } opt.on('-i') { ignore_ints +=1 } opt.parse! end or abort("usage: " + __FILE__ + " [-ainu] [filenames]") # no need to do undef $/, we have str =[0]) # again we have str =[0]) # not sure what this should do: # I believe open the file, print filename, lineno and line: ARGF.each_with_index do |line, idx| print ARGF.filename, ":", idx, ";", line end # print all the lines in every file passed via command line that contains login ARGF.each do |line| puts line if line =~ /login/ end # # even this would fit #%ruby -ne "print if /f/" 2.log # ARGF.each { |l| puts l.downcase! } #------------------ #!/usr/bin/ruby -p # just like perl's -p $_.downcase! # # I don't know who should I trust. # perl's version splits on \w+ while python's on \w. chunks = 0[0]).split.each do |word| next if word =~ /^#/ break if ["__DATA__", "__END__"].member? word chunks += 1 end print "Found ", chunks, " chunks\n" # @@PLEAC@@_7.8 old = new =, "w") while old.gets do # change $_, then... new.print $_ end old.close new.close File.rename(old_file, "old.orig") File.rename(new_file, old_file) while old.gets do if $. == 20 then # we are at the 20th line new.puts "Extra line 1" new.puts "Extra line 2" end new.print $_ end while old.gets do next if 20..30 # skip the 20th line to the 30th # Ruby (and Perl) permit to write if 20..30 # instead of if (20 <= $.) and ($. <= 30) new.print $_ end # @@PLEAC@@_7.9 #% ruby -i.orig -pe 'FILTER COMMAND' file1 file2 file3 ... # #----------------------------- ##!/usr/bin/ruby -i.orig -p # filter commands go here #----------------------------- #% ruby -pi.orig -e 'gsub!(/DATE/){' # effectively becomes: ARGV << 'I' oldfile = "" while gets if ARGF.filename != oldfile newfile = ARGF.filename File.rename(newfile, newfile + ".orig") $stdout =,'w') oldfile = newfile end gsub!(/DATE/){} print end $stdout = STDOUT #----------------------------- #% ruby -i.old -pe 'gsub!(%r{\bhisvar\b}, 'hervar')' *.[Cchy] #----------------------------- # set up to iterate over the *.c files in the current directory, # editing in place and saving the old file with a .orig extension $-i = '.orig' # set up -i mode ARGV.replace(Dir['*.[Cchy]']) while gets if $. == 1 print "This line should appear at the top of each file\n" end gsub!(/\b(p)earl\b/i, '\1erl') # Correct typos, preserving case print ARGF.close if ARGF.eof end # @@PLEAC@@_7.10'itest', 'r+') do |f| # open file for update lines = f.readlines # read into array of lines lines.each do |it| # modify lines it.gsub!(/foo/, 'QQQ') end f.pos = 0 # back to start f.print lines # write out modified lines f.truncate(f.pos) # truncate to new length end # file is automatically closed #-----------------------------'itest', 'r+') do |f| out = "" f.each do |line| out << line.gsub(/DATE/) {} end f.pos = 0 f.print out f.truncate(f.pos) end # @@PLEAC@@_7.11'infile', 'r+') do |f| f.flock File::LOCK_EX # update file end #----------------------------- File::LOCK_SH # shared lock (for reading) File::LOCK_EX # exclusive lock (for writing) File::LOCK_NB # non-blocking request File::LOCK_UN # free lock #----------------------------- unless f.flock File::LOCK_EX | File::LOCK_NB warn "can't get immediate lock: blocking ..." f.flock File::LOCK_EX end #-----------------------------'numfile', File::RDWR|File::CREAT) do |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) num = f.gets.to_i || 0 f.pos = 0 f.truncate 0 f.puts num + 1q end # @@PLEAC@@_7.12 output_handle.sync = true # Please note that like in Perl, $stderr is already unbuffered #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # seeme - demo stdio output buffering $stdout.sync = ARGV.size > 0 print "Now you don't see it..." sleep 2 puts "now you do" #----------------------------- $stderr.sync = true afile.sync = false #----------------------------- # assume 'remote_con' is an interactive socket handle, # but 'disk_file' is a handle to a regular file. remote_con.sync = true # unbuffer for clarity disk_file.sync = false # buffered for speed #----------------------------- require 'socket' sock ='', 80) sock.sync = true sock.puts "GET /en/ HTTP/1.0 \n\n" resp = print "DOC IS: #{resp}\n" # @@PLEAC@@_7.13 #----------------------------- # assumes fh1, fh2, fh2 are oen IO objects nfound = select([$stdin, fh1, fh2, fh3], nil, nil, 0) nfound[0].each do |file| case file when fh1 # do something with fh1 when fh2 # do something with fh2 when fh3 # do something with fh3 end end #----------------------------- input_files = [] # repeat next line for all in-files to poll input_files << fh1 if nfound = select(input_files, nil, nil, 0) # input ready on files in nfound[0] end # @@PLEAC@@_8.0 #----------------------------- # datafile is a file or IO object datafile.readlines.each { |line| line.chomp! size = line.length puts size } #----------------------------- datafile.readlines.each { |line| puts line.chomp!.length } #----------------------------- lines = datafile.readlines #----------------------------- whole_file = #----------------------------- # ruby -040 -e 'word = gets; puts "First word is #{word}"' #----------------------------- # ruby -ne 'BEGIN { $/="%%\n" }; $_.chomp; puts $_ if( $_=~/Unix/i)' fortune.dat #----------------------------- handle.print "one", "two", "three" # "onetwothree" puts "Baa baa black sheep." # sent to $stdout #----------------------------- buffer = rv = buffer.length #----------------------------- handle.truncate(length) open("/tmp#{$$}.pid", 'w') { |handle| handle.truncate(length) } #----------------------------- pos = datafile.pos # tell is an alias of pos puts "I'm #{pos} bytes from the start of datafile" #-----------------------------, IO::SEEK_END) # IO::SEEK_SET is the default, IO::SEEK_CUR) #----------------------------- written = datafile.syswrite(mystring) raise RunTimeError unless written == mystring.length block = infile.sysread(256) # no equivalent to perl offset parameter in sysread puts "only read #{block.length} bytes" if 256 != block.length #----------------------------- pos = handle.sysseek(0, IO::SEEK_CUR) # don't change position # @@PLEAC@@_8.1 while (line = fh.gets) line.chomp! nextline = nil line.gsub!(/\\$/) { |match| nextline = fh.gets; '' } if (nextline != nil) line += nextline redo end # process full record in line here end #----------------------------- # DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) \ # $(TEXINFOS) $(INFOS) $(MANS) $(DATA) # DEP_DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) \ # $(TEXINFOS) $(INFO_DEPS) $(MANS) $(DATA) \ # $(EXTRA_DIST) #----------------------------- line.gsub!(/\\\s*$/, '') { # as before } # @@PLEAC@@_8.2 #----------------------------- count = `wc -l < #{filename}` fail "wc failed: #{$?}" if $? != 0 count.chomp! #----------------------------- count = 0, 'r') { |fh| count += 1 while fh.gets } # count now holds the number of lines read #----------------------------- count = 0 while (chunk = file.sysread(2**16)) count += chunk.count("\n") end rescue EOFError #-----------------------------,'r') { |fh| count += 1 while fh.gets } # count now holds the number of lines read #----------------------------- # As ruby doesn't quite have an equivalent to using a for # statement as in perl, I threw this in count = File.readlines(filename).size #----------------------------- 1 while file.gets count = $. #----------------------------- $/ = '' open(filename, 'r') { |fh| 1 while fh.gets para_count = $. } rescue fail("can't open #{filename}: $!") #----------------------------- # ^^PLEAC^^_8.3 #----------------------------- while (gets) split.each { |chunk| # do something with chunk } end #----------------------------- while (gets) gsub(/(\w[\w'-]*)/) { |word| # do something with word } end #----------------------------- # Make a word frequency count # normally hashes can be created using {} or just # but we want the default value of an entry to be 0 instead # of nil. (nil can't be incremented) seen = while (gets) gsub(/(\w[\w'-]*)/) { |word| seen[word.downcase] += 1 } end # output hash in a descending numeric sort of its values seen.sort { |a,b| b[1] <=> a[1] }.each do |k,v| printf("%5d %s\n", v, k ) end #----------------------------- # Line frequency count seen = while (gets) seen[$_.downcase] += 1 end seen.sort { |a,b| b[1] <=> a[1] }.each do |k,v| printf("%5d %s\n", v, k ) end #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_8.4 #----------------------------- # instead of file handle FILE, we can just # use a string containing the filename File.readlines(file).each { |line| # do something with line } #----------------------------- File.readlines(file).reverse_each { |line| # do something with line } #----------------------------- # the variable lines might have been created # this way # lines = File.readlines(file) # # normally one would use the reverse_each, but # if you insist on using a numerical index to # iterate over the lines array... (lines.size - 1).downto(0) { |i| line = lines[i] } #----------------------------- # the second readlines argument is a the # record separator $/, just like perl, a blank # separator splits the records into paragraphs File.readlines(file, '').each { |paragraph| # do something with paragraph puts "->Paragraph #{paragraph}" } #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_8.6 $/ = "%\n"; srand;'/usr/share/fortune/humorists').each do |line| adage = line if rand($.) < 1 end puts adage; # @@PLEAC@@_8.10 begin fh =, "r+") addr = fh.tell unless fh.eof while fh.gets fh.truncate(addr) rescue SystemCallError $stderr.puts "#$!" end # @@PLEAC@@_9.0 entry = File.stat("/usr/bin/vi") entry = File.stat("/usr/bin") entry = File.stat(INFILE) entry = File.stat("/usr/bin/vi") ctime = entry.ctime size = entry.size f =, "r") ## There is no -T equivalent in Ruby, but we can still test emptiness if test(?s, filename) puts "#{filename} doesn't have text in it." exit end"/usr/bin").each do |filename| puts "Inside /usr/bin is something called #{filename}" end # @@PLEAC@@_9.1 file = File.stat("filename") readtime, writetime = file.atime, file.mtime file.utime(readtime, writetime) SECONDS_PER_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24 file = File.stat("filename") atime, mtime = file.atime, file.mtime atime -= 7 * SECONDS_PER_DAY mtime -= 7 * SECONDS_PER_DAY File.utime(atime, mtime, file) mtime = File.stat(file).mtime File.utime(, mtime, file) File.utime(, File.stat("testfile").mtime, file) #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby -w ## uvi - vi a file without changing it's access times if ARGV.length != 1 puts "usage: uvi filename" exit end file = ARGV[0] atime, mtime = File.stat(file).atime, File.stat(file).mtime system(ENV["EDITOR"] || "vi", file) File.utime(atime, mtime, file) #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_9.2 File.unlink(FILENAME) err_flg = false filenames.each do |file| begin File.unlink(file) rescue err_flg = $! end end err_flg and raise "Couldn't unlink all of #{filenames.join(" ")}: #{err_flg}" File.unlink(file) count = filenames.length filenames.each do |file| begin File.unlink(file) rescue count -= 1 end end if count != filenames.length STDERR.puts "could only delete #{count} of #{filenames.length} files" end # @@PLEAC@@_9.3 require "ftools" File.copy(oldfile, newfile) infile =, "r") outfile =, "w") blksize = infile.stat.blksize # This doesn't handle partial writes or ^Z # like the Perl version does. while (line = outfile.write(line) end infile.close outfile.close system("cp #{oldfile} #{newfile}") # unix system("copy #{oldfile} #{newfile}") # dos, vms require "ftools" File.copy("datafile.dat", "datafile.bak") File.move("", "datafile.dat") # @@PLEAC@@_9.4 $seen = {} # must use global var to be seen inside of method below def do_my_thing(filename) dev, ino = File.stat(filename).dev, File.stat(filename).ino unless $seen[[dev, ino]] # do something with $filename because we haven't # seen it before end $seen[[dev, ino]] = $seen[[dev, ino]].to_i + 1 end files.each do |filename| dev, ino = File.stat(filename).dev, File.stat(filename).ino if !$seen.has_key?([dev, ino]) $seen[[dev, ino]] = [] end $seen[[dev, ino]].push(filename) end $seen.keys.sort.each do |devino| ino, dev = devino if $seen[devino].length > 1 # $seen[devino] is a list of filenames for the same file end end # @@PLEAC@@_9.5 do |dir| dir.each do |file| # do something with dirname/file puts file end end # Dir.close is automatic # No -T equivalent in Ruby dir.each do |file| next if file =~ /^\.\.?$/ # ... end def plainfiles(dir) dh = dh.entries.grep(/^[^.]/). map {|file| "#{dir}/#{file}"}. find_all {|file| test(?f, file)}. sort end # @@PLEAC@@_9.6 list = Dir.glob("*.c") dir = files = dir.entries.grep(/\.c$/) dir.close files = Dir.glob("*.c") files =\.[ch]$/i) dir = files = dir.entries.grep(/\.[ch]$/i) begin d = rescue Errno::ENOENT raise "Couldn't open #{dir} for reading: #{$!}" end files = [] d.each do |file| puts file next unless file =~ /\.[ch]$/i filename = "#{dir}/#{file}" # There is no -T equivalent in Ruby, but we can still test emptiness files.push(filename) if test(?s, filename) end dirs.entries.grep(/^\d+$/). map { |file| [file, "#{path}/#{file}"]} . select { |file| test(?d, file[1]) }. sort { |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] }. map { |file| file[1] } # @@PLEAC@@_9.7 require 'find' Find.find(dirlist) do |file| # do whatever end require 'find' argv = ARGV.empty? ? %w{.} : ARGV Find.find(*argv) do |file| print file, (test(?d, file) ? "/\n" : "\n") end require 'find' argv = ARGV.empty? ? %w{.} : ARGV sum = 0 Find.find(*argv) do |file| size = test(?s, file) || 0 sum += size end puts "#{argv.join(' ')} contains #{sum} bytes" require 'find' argv = ARGV.empty? ? %w{.} : ARGV saved_size, saved_name = -1, "" Find.find(*argv) do |file| size = test(?s, file) || 0 next unless test(?f, file) && size > saved_size saved_size = size saved_name = file end puts "Biggest file #{saved_name} in #{argv.join(' ')} is #{saved_size}" require 'find' argv = ARGV.empty? ? %w{.} : ARGV age, name = nil Find.find(*argv) do |file| mtime = File.stat(file).mtime next if age && age > mtime age = mtime name = file end puts "#{name} #{age}" #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # fdirs - find all directories require 'find' argv = ARGV.empty? ? %w{.} : ARGV File.find(*argv) { |file| puts file if test(?d, file) } #----------------------------- # @@PLEAC@@_9.8 require 'fileutils' puts "Usage #{$0} dir ..." if ARGV.empty? ARGV.each do |dir| FileUtils.rmtree(dir) end # @@PLEAC@@_9.9 require 'ftools' names.each do |file| newname = file begin File.move(file, newname) rescue Errno::EPERM $stderr.puts "Couldn't rename #{file} to #{newname}: #{$!}" end end require 'ftools' op = ARGV.empty? ? (raise "Usage: rename expr [files]\n") : ARGV.shift argv = ARGV.empty? ? $ { |f| f.chomp } : ARGV argv.each do |file| was = file file = eval("file.#{op}") File.move(was, file) unless was == file end # @@PLEAC@@_9.10 base = File.basename(path) dir = File.dirname(path) # ruby has no fileparse equivalent dir, base = File.split(path) ext = base.scan(/\..*$/).to_s path = '/usr/lib/libc.a' file = File.basename(path) dir = File.dirname(path) puts "dir is #{dir}, file is #{file}" # dir is /usr/lib, file is libc.a path = '/usr/lib/libc.a' dir, filename = File.split(path) name, ext = filename.split(/(?=\.)/) puts "dir is #{dir}, name is #{name}, ext is #{ext}" # NOTE: The Ruby code prints # dir is /usr/lib, name is libc, extension is .a # while the Perl code prints a '/' after the directory name # dir is /usr/lib/, name is libc, extension is .a # No fileparse_set_fstype() equivalent in ruby def extension(path) ext = path.scan(/\..*$/).to_s ext.sub(/^\./, "") end # @@PLEAC@@_9.11 #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # symirror - build spectral forest of symlinks require 'find' require 'fileutils' raise "usage: #{$0} realdir mirrordir" unless ARGV.size == 2 srcdir,dstdir = ARGV srcmode = File::stat(srcdir).mode Dir.mkdir(dstdir, srcmode & 07777) unless test(?d, dstdir) # fix relative paths Dir.chdir(srcdir) {srcdir = Dir.pwd} Dir.chdir(dstdir) {dstdir = Dir.pwd} Find.find(srcdir) do |srcfile| if test(?d, srcfile) dest = srcfile.sub(/^#{srcdir}/, dstdir) dmode = File::stat(srcfile).mode & 07777 Dir.mkdir(dest, dmode) unless test(?d, dest) a = Dir["#{srcfile}/*"].reject{|f| test(?d, f)} FileUtils.ln_s(a, dest) end end # @@PLEAC@@_9.12 # we use the Getopt/Declare library here for convenience: # #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # lst - list sorted directory contents (depth first) require 'find' require 'etc' require "Getopt/Declare" # Note: in the option-spec below there must by at least one hard # tab in between each -option and its description. For example # -i read from stdin opts =<<'EOPARAM') ============ Input Format: -i read from stdin ============ Output Format: -l long listing -r reverse listing ============ Sort on: (one of) -m mtime (modify time - default) {$sort_criteria = :mtime} -u atime (access time) {$sort_criteria = :atime} -c ctime (inode change time) {$sort_criteria = :ctime} -s size {$sort_criteria = :size} [mutex: -m -u -c -s] EOPARAM $sort_criteria ||= :mtime files = {} DIRS = opts['-i'] ? ${|f|f.chomp!} : ARGV DIRS.each do |dir| Find.find(dir) do |ent| files[ent] = File::stat(ent) end end entries = files.keys.sort_by{|f| files[f].send($sort_criteria)} entries = entries.reverse unless opts['-r'] entries.each do |ent| unless opts['-l'] puts ent next end stats = files[ent] ftime = stats.send($sort_criteria == :size ? :mtime : $sort_criteria) printf "%6d %04o %6d %8s %8s %8d %s %s\n", stats.ino, stats.mode & 07777, stats.nlink, ETC::PASSWD[stats.uid].name, ETC::GROUP[stats.gid].name, stats.size, ftime.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"), ent end # @@PLEAC@@_10.0 def hello $greeted += 1 # in Ruby, a variable beginning with $ is global (can be any type of course) puts "hi there!" end # We need to initialize $greeted before it can be used, because "+=" is waiting a Numeric object $greeted = 0 hello # note that appending () is optional to function calls with no parameters # @@PLEAC@@_10.1 # In Ruby, parameters are named anyway def hypotenuse(side1, side2) Math.sqrt(side1**2 + side2**2) # the sqrt function comes from the Math module end diag = hypotenuse(3, 4) puts hypotenuse(3, 4) a = [3, 4] print hypotenuse(*a) # the star operator will magically convert an Array into a "tuple" both = men + women # In Ruby, all objects are references, so the same problem arises; we then return a new object nums = [1.4, 3.5, 6.7] def int_all(n) n.collect { |v| v.to_i } end ints = int_all(nums) nums = [1.4, 3.5, 6.7] def trunc_em(n) n.collect! { |v| v.to_i } # the bang-version of collect modifies the object end trunc_em(nums) # Ruby has two chomp version: # ``chomp'' chomps the record separator and returns what's expected # ``chomp!'' does the same but also modifies the parameter object # @@PLEAC@@_10.2 def somefunc variable = something # variable is local by default end name, age = ARGV start = fetch_time a, b = pair # will succeed if pair is an Array object (like ARGV is) c = fetch_time # In ruby, run_check can't access a, b, or c until they are # explicitely defined global (using leading $), even if they are # both defined in the same scope def check_x(x) y = "whatever" run_check if $condition puts "got $x" end end # The following will keep a reference to the array, though the # results will be slightly different from perl: the last element # of $global_array will be itself an array def save_array(ary) $global_array << ary end # The following gives the same results as in Perl for $global_array, # though it doesn't illustrate anymore the way to keep a reference # to an object: $global_array is extended with the elements of ary def save_array(ary) $global_array += ary end # @@PLEAC@@_10.3 # In Ruby, AFAIK a method cannot access "local variables" defined # upper scope; mostly because everything is an object, so you'll # do the same by defining an attribute or a static attribute # In Ruby the BEGIN also exists: BEGIN { puts "hello from BEGIN" } puts "hello from main" BEGIN { puts "hello from 2nd BEGIN" } # gives: # hello from BEGIN # hello from 2nd BEGIN # hello from main # In Ruby, it can be written as a static method and a static # variable class Counter @@counter = 0 def Counter.next_counter; @@counter += 1; end end # There is no need of BEGIN since the variable will get # initialized when parsing class Counter @@counter = 42 def Counter.next_counter; @@counter += 1; end def Counter.prev_counter; @@counter -= 1; end end # @@PLEAC@@_10.4 # You can either get the whole trace as an array of strings, each # string telling which file, line and method is calling: caller # ...or only the last caller caller[0] # We need to extract just the method name of the backtrace: def whoami; caller()[0] =~ /in `([^']+)'/ ? $1 : '(anonymous)'; end def whowasi; caller()[1] =~ /in `([^']+)'/ ? $1 : '(anonymous)'; end # @@PLEAC@@_10.5 # In Ruby, every value is a reference on an object, thus there is # no such problem array_diff(array1, array2) def add_vecpair(a1, a2) results = [] a1.each_index { |i| results << (a1[i] + a2[i]) } results end a = [1, 2] b = [5, 8] c = add_vecpair(a, b) p c # Add this to the beginning of the function to check if we were # given two arrays a1.type == Array && a2.type == Array or raise "usage: add_vecpair array1 array2 (was used with: #{a1.type} #{a2.type})" # @@PLEAC@@_10.6 # There is no return context in Ruby # @@PLEAC@@_10.7 # Like in Perl, we need to fake with a hash, but it's dirty :-( def thefunc(param_args) args = { 'INCREMENT' => '10s', 'FINISH' => '0', 'START' => 0 } args.update(param_args) if (args['INCREMENT'] =~ /m$/ ) # ..... end end thefunc({ 'INCREMENT' => '20s', 'START' => '+5m', 'FINISH' => '+30m' }) thefunc({}) # @@PLEAC@@_10.8 # there is no "undef" direct equivalent but there is the slice equiv: a, c = func.indexes(0, 2) # @@PLEAC@@_10.9 # Ruby has no such limitation: def somefunc ary = [] hash = {} # ... return ary, hash end arr, dict = somefunc array_of_hashes = fn h1, h2, h3 = fn # @@PLEAC@@_10.10 return # or (equivalent) return nil # @@PLEAC@@_10.11 # You can't prototype in Ruby regarding types :-( # Though, you can force the number of arguments: def func_with_no_arg; end def func_with_no_arg(); end def func_with_one_arg(a1); end def func_with_two_args(a1, a2); end def func_with_any_number_of_args(*args); end # @@PLEAC@@_10.12 raise "some message" # raise exception begin val = func rescue Exception => msg $stderr.puts "func raised an exception: #{msg}" end # In Ruby the rescue statement uses an exception class, every # exception which is not matched is still continuing begin val = func rescue FullMoonError ... end # @@PLEAC@@_10.13 # Saving Global Values # Of course we can just save the value and restore it later: def print_age puts "Age is #{$age}" end $age = 18 # global variable print_age() if condition safeage = $age $age = 23 print_age() $age = safeage end # We can also use a method that saves the global variable and # restores it automatically when the block is left: def local(var) eval("save = #{var.id2name}") begin result = yield ensure # we want to call this even if we got an exception eval("#{var.id2name} = save") end result end condition = true $age = 18 print_age() if condition local(:$age) { $age = 23 print_age() } end print_age() # There is no need to use local() for filehandles or directory # handles in ruby because filehandles are normal objects. # @@PLEAC@@_10.14 # In Ruby you may redefine a method [but not overload it :-(] # just by defining again with the same name. def foo; puts 'foo'; end def foo; puts 'bar'; end foo #=> bar # You can also take a reference to an existing method before # redefining a new one, using the `alias' keyword def foo; puts 'foo'; end alias foo_orig foo def foo; puts 'bar'; end foo_orig foo #=> foo #=> bar # AFAIK, there is no direct way to create a new method whose name # comes from a variable, so use "eval" colors = %w(red blue green yellow orange purple violet) colors.each { |c| eval <<-EOS def #{c}(*a) "" + a.to_s + "" end EOS } # @@PLEAC@@_10.15 def method_missing(name, *args) "" + args.join(' ') + "" end puts chartreuse("stuff") # @@PLEAC@@_10.16 def outer(arg) x = arg + 35 inner = proc { x * 19 } x + end # @@PLEAC@@_10.17 #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # mailsort - sort mbox by different criteria require 'English' require 'Date' # Objects of class Mail represent a single mail. class Mail attr_accessor :no attr_accessor :subject attr_accessor :fulltext attr_accessor :date def initialize @fulltext = "" @subject = "" end def append(para) @fulltext << para end # this is called if you call puts(mail) def to_s @fulltext end end # represents a list of mails. class Mailbox < Array Subjectpattern ='Subject:\s*(?:Re:\s*)*(.*)\n') Datepattern ='Date:\s*(.*)\n') # reads mails from open file and stores them def read(file) $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = '' # paragraph reads msgno = -1 file.each { |para| if para =~ /^From/ mail = = (msgno += 1) md = Subjectpattern.match(para) if md mail.subject = md[1] end md = Datepattern.match(para) if md = DateTime.parse(md[1]) else = end self.push(mail) end mail.append(para) if mail } end def sort_by_subject_and_no self.sort_by { |m| [m.subject,] } end # sorts by a list of attributs of mail, given as symbols def sort_by_attributs(*attrs) # you can sort an Enumerable by an array of # values, they would be compared # from ary[0] to ary[n]t, say: # ['b',1] > ['a',10] > ['a',9] self.sort_by { |elem| { |attr| elem.send(attr) } } end end mailbox = # print only subjects sorted by subject and number for m in mailbox.sort_by_subject_and_no puts(m.subject) end # print complete mails sorted by date, then subject, then number for m in mailbox.sort_by_attributs(:date, :subject) puts(m) end # @@PLEAC@@_11.7 def mkcounter(count) start = count bundle = { "NEXT" => proc { count += 1 }, "PREV" => proc { count -= 1 }, "RESET" => proc { count = start } } bundle["LAST"] = bundle["PREV"] return bundle end c1 = mkcounter(20) c2 = mkcounter(77) puts "next c1: #{c1["NEXT"].call}" # 21 puts "next c2: #{c2["NEXT"].call}" # 78 puts "next c1: #{c1["NEXT"].call}" # 22 puts "last c1: #{c1["PREV"].call}" # 21 puts "last c1: #{c1["LAST"].call}" # 20 puts "old c2: #{c2["RESET"].call}" # 77 # @@PLEAC@@_11.15 class Binary_tree def initialize(val) @value = val @left = nil @right = nil end # insert given value into proper point of # provided tree. If no tree provided, # use implicit pass by reference aspect of @_ # to fill one in for our caller. def insert(val) if val < @value then if @left then @left.insert(val) else @left = end elsif val > @value then if @right then @right.insert(val) else @right = end else puts "double" # do nothing, no double values end end # recurse on left child, # then show current value, # then recurse on right child. def in_order @left.in_order if @left print @value, " " @right.in_order if @right end # show current value, # then recurse on left child, # then recurse on right child. def pre_order print @value, " " @left.pre_order if @left @right.pre_order if @right end # recurse on left child, # then recurse on right child, # then show current value. def post_order @left.post_order if @left @right.post_order if @right print @value, " " end # find out whether provided value is in the tree. # if so, return the node at which the value was found. # cut down search time by only looking in the correct # branch, based on current value. def search(val) if val == @value then return self elsif val < @value then return if @left return nil else return if @right return nil end end end # first generate 20 random inserts test = for a in 0..20 test.insert(rand(1000)) end # now dump out the tree all three ways print "Pre order: "; test.pre_order; puts "" print "In order: "; test.in_order; puts "" print "Post order: "; test.post_order; puts "" print "search?" while gets print$_.to_i) print "\nsearch?" end # @@PLEAC@@_12.0 # class and module names need to have the first letter capitalized module Alpha NAME = 'first' end module Omega NAME = 'last' end puts "Alpha is #{Alpha::NAME}, Omega is #{Omega::NAME}" # ruby doesn't differentiate beteen compile-time and run-time require 'getoptlong.rb' require 'getoptlong' # assumes the .rb require 'cards/poker.rb' require 'cards/poker' # assumes the .rb load 'cards/poker' # require only loads the file once module Cards module Poker @card_deck = # or @card_deck = [] def shuffle end end end # @@PLEAC@@_12.1 # a module exports all of its functions module Your_Module def self.function # this would be called as Your_Module.function end def Your_Module.another # this is the same as above, but more specific end end # @@PLEAC@@_12.2 begin require 'nonexistent' rescue LoadError puts "Couldn't load #{$!}" # $! contains the last error string end # @@PLEAC@@_12.4 # module variables are private unless access functions are defined module Alpha @aa = 10 @bb = 11 def self.put_aa puts @aa end def @bb = val end end = 12 # Alpha.aa = 10 # error, no aa=method # @@PLEAC@@_12.5 # caller provides a backtrace of the call stack module MyModule def find_caller caller end def find_caller2(i) caller(i) # an argument limits the size of the stack returned end end # @@PLEAC@@_12.6 BEGIN { $logfile = '/tmp/mylog' unless defined? $logfile $LF =$logfile, 'a') } module Logger def self.logmsg(msg) $LF.puts msg end logmsg('startup') end END { Logger::logmsg('shutdown') $LF.close } # @@PLEAC@@_12.7 #----------------------------- # results may be different on your system # % ruby -e "$LOAD_PATH.each_index { |i| printf("%d %s\n", i, $LOAD_PATH[i] } #0 /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.6 #1 /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.6/i386-linux #2 /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/ #3 /usr/lib/ruby/1.6 #4 /usr/lib/ruby/1.6/i136-linux #5 . #----------------------------- # syntax for sh, bash, ksh, or zsh #$ export RUBYLIB=$HOME/rubylib # syntax for csh or tcsh # % setenv RUBYLIB ~/rubylib #----------------------------- $LOAD_PATH.unshift "/projects/spectre/lib"; # @@PLEAC@@_12.8 # equivalents in ruby are mkmf, SWIG, or Ruby/DL depending on usage # @@PLEAC@@_12.9 # no equivalent in ruby # @@PLEAC@@_12.10 # no equivalent in ruby # @@PLEAC@@_12.11 module FineTime def self.time # to be defined later end end module FineTime def self.time "its a fine time" end end puts FineTime.time #=> "its a fine time" # @@PLEAC@@_12.12 def even_only(n) raise "#{n} is not even" if (n & 1) != 0 # one way to test # ... end def even_only(n) $stderr.puts "#{n} is not even" if (n & 1) != 0 # ... end # @@PLEAC@@_12.17 # The library archive for ruby is called Ruby Application archive, # or shorter RAA, and can be found at # A typical library is installed like this: # % gunzip some-module-4.54.tar.gz # % tar xf some-module-4.54.tar # % cd some-module-4.54.tar # % ruby install.rb config # % ruby install.rb setup # get superuser previleges here if needed for next step # % ruby install.rb install # Some modules use a different process, # you should find details in the documentation # Here is an example of such a different process # % ruby extconf.rb # % make # % make install # If you want the module installed in your own directory: # For ruby version specific libraries # % ruby install.rb config --site-ruby=~/lib # For version independent libraries # % ruby install.rb config --site-ruby-common=~/lib # Information about possible options for config # % ruby install.rb --help # If you have your own complete distribution # % ruby install.rb --prefix=path=~/ruby-private # @@PLEAC@@_13.0 # Classes and objects in Ruby are rather straigthforward class Person # Class variables (also called static attributes) are prefixed by @@ @@person_counter=0 # object constructor def initialize(age, name, alive = true) # Default arg like in C++ @age, @name, @alive = age, name, alive # Object attributes are prefixed by '@' @@person_counter += 1 # There is no '++' operator in Ruby. The '++'/'--' operators are in fact # hidden assignments which affect variables, not objects. You cannot accomplish # assignment via method. Since everything in Ruby is object, '++' and '--' # contradict Ruby OO ideology. Instead '-=' and '+=' are used. end attr_accessor :name, :age # This creates setter and getter methods for @name # and @age. See 13.3 for detailes. # methods modifying the receiver object usually have the '!' suffix def die! @alive = false puts "#{@name} has died at the age of #{@age}." @alive end def kill(anotherPerson) print @name, ' is killing ',, ".\n" anotherPerson.die! end # methods used as queries # usually have the '?' suffix def alive? @alive && true end def year_of_birth - @age end # Class method (also called static method) def Person.number_of_people @@person_counter end end # Using the class: # Create objects of class Person lecter =, 'Hannibal') starling =, 'Clarice', true) pazzi =, 'Rinaldo', true) # Calling a class method print "There are ", Person.number_of_people, " Person objects\n" print, ' is ', (pazzi.alive?) ? 'alive' : 'dead', ".\n" lecter.kill(pazzi) print, ' is ', (pazzi.alive?) ? 'alive' : 'dead', ".\n" print , ' was born in ', starling.year_of_birth, "\n" # @@PLEAC@@_13.1 # If you don't need any initialisation in the constructor, # you don't need to write a constructor. class MyClass end class MyClass def initialize @start = @age = 0 end end class MyClass def initialize(inithash) @start = @age = 0 for key, value in inithash instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value) end end end # @@PLEAC@@_13.2 # Objects are destroyed by the garbage collector. # The time of destroying is not predictable. # The ruby garbage collector can handle circular references, # so there is no need to write destructor for that. # There is no direct support for destructor. # You can call a custom function, or more specific a proc object, when the # garbage collector is about to destruct the object, but it is unpredictable # when this occurs. # Also if such a finalizer object has a reference to the orignal object, # this may prevent the original object to get garbage collected. # Because of this problem the finalize method below is # a class method and not a instance method. # So if you need to free resources for an object, like # closing a socket or kill a spawned subprocess, # you should do it explicitly. class MyClass def initialize ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, self.class.method(:finalize).to_proc) end def MyClass.finalize(id) puts "Object #{id} dying at #{}" end end # test code 3.times { } ObjectSpace.garbage_collect # @@PLEAC@@_13.3 # You can write getter and setter methods in a natural way: class Person def name @name end def name=(name) @name = name end end # But there is a better and shorter way class Person attr_reader :age attr_writer :name # attr_reader and attr_writer are actually methods in class Class # which set getter and setter methods for you. end # There is also attr_accessor to create both setters and getters class Person attr_accessor :age, :name end # @@PLEAC@@_13.4 class Person # Class variables (also called static attributes) are prefixed by @@ @@person_counter = 0 def Person.population @@person_counter end def initialize @@person_counter += 1 ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, self.class.method(:finalize).to_proc) end def Person.finalize(id) @@person_counter -= 1 end end people = [] 10.times { people.push( } printf("There are %d people alive", Person.population) FixedArray.class_max_bounds = 100 alpha = puts "Bound on alpha is #{alpha.max_bounds}" beta = beta.max_bounds = 50 # calls the instance method beta.class.class_max_bounds = 50 # alternative, calls the class method puts "Bound on alpha is #{alpha.max_bounds}" class FixedArray @@bounds = 7 def max_bounds @@max_bounds end # instance method, which sets the class variable def max_bounds=(value) @@max_bounds = value end # class method. This can only be called on a class, # but not on the instances def FixedArray.class_max_bounds=(value) @@max_bounds = value end end # @@PLEAC@@_13.5 PersonStruct ="Person", :name, :age, :peers) # creates a class "Person::Struct", which is accessiable with the # constant "PersonStruct" p = p = # alternative using the classname = "Jason Smythe" p.age = 13 p.peers = ["Wilbur", "Ralph", "Fred"] p[:peers] = ["Wilbur", "Ralph", "Fred"] # alternative access using symbol p["peers"] = ["Wilbur", "Ralph", "Fred"] # alternative access using name of field p[2] = ["Wilbur", "Ralph", "Fred"] # alternative access using index of field puts "At age #{p.age}, #{}'s first friend is #{p.peers[0]}" # The fields of a struct have no special type, like other ruby variables # you can put any objects in. Therefore the discussions how to specify # the types of the fields do not apply to ruby. FamilyStruct ="Family", :head, :address, :members) folks = folks.head = dad = folks.head = "John" dad.age = 34 # supply of own accessor method for the struct for error checking class PersonStruct def age=(value) if !value.kind_of?(Integer) raise(ArgumentError, "Age #{value} isn't an Integer") elsif value > 150 raise(ArgumentError, "Age #{value} is unreasonable") end @age = value end end # @@PLEAC@@_13.6 # The ruby Object class defines a dup and a clone method. # The dup method is recommended for prototype object creation. # The default implementation makes a shallow copy, # but each class can override it, for example to make a deep copy. # If you want to call 'new' directly on the instances, # you can create a instance method "new", which returns a new duplicate. # This method is distinct from the class method new. # class A def new dup end end ob1 = # later on ob2 = # @@PLEAC@@_13.7 methname = 'flicker' obj.send(methname, 10) # calls obj.flicker(10) # call three methods on the object, by name ['start', 'run', 'stop'].each do |method_string| obj.send(method_string) end # Another way is to create a Method object method_obj = obj.method('flicker') # And then call it # @@PLEAC@@_13.8 # All classes in Ruby inherit from class Object # and thus all objects share methods defined in this class # the class of the object puts any_object.type # Ruby classes are actually objects of class Class and they # respond to methods defined in Object class as well # the superclass of this class puts any_object.class.superclass # ask an object whether it is an instance of particular class n = 4.7 puts n.instance_of?(Float) # true puts n.instance_of?(Numeric) # false # ask an object whether it is an instance of class, one of the # superclasses of the object, or modules included in it puts n.kind_of?(Float) # true (the class) puts n.kind_of?(Numeric) # true (an ancestor class) puts n.kind_of?(Comparable) # true (a mixin module) puts n.kind_of?(String) # false # ask an object whether it can respond to a particular method puts n.respond_to?('+') # true puts n.respond_to?('length') # false # all methods an object can respond to 'just a string'.methods.each { |m| puts m } # @@PLEAC@@_13.9 # Actually any class in Ruby is inheritable class Person attr_accessor :age, :name def initialize @name @age end end #----------------------------- dude = = 'Jason' dude.age = 23 printf "%s is age %d.\n",, dude.age #----------------------------- # Inheriting from Person class Employee < Person attr_accessor :salary end #----------------------------- empl = = 'Jason' empl.age = 23 empl.salary = 200 printf "%s is age %d, the salary is %d.\n",, empl.age, empl.salary #----------------------------- # Any built-in class can be inherited the same way class WeirdString < String def initialize(obj) super obj end def +(anotherObj) # + method in this class is overridden # to return the sum of string lengths self.length + anotherObj.length # 'self' can be omitted end end #----------------------------- a ='hello') b ='bye') puts a + b # the overridden + #=> 8 puts a.length # method from the superclass, String #=> 5 # @@PLEAC@@_13.11 # In ruby you can override the method_missing method # to have a solution similar to perls AUTOLOAD. class Person def initialize @ok_fields = %w(name age peers parent) end def valid_attribute?(name) @ok_fields.include?(name) end def method_missing(namesymbol, *params) name = namesymbol.to_s return if name =~ /^A-Z/ if name.to_s[-1] == ('='[0]) # we have a setter isSetter = true name.sub!(/=$/, '') end if valid_attribute?(name) if isSetter instance_variable_set("@#{name}", *params) else instance_variable_get("@#{name}", *params) end else # if no annestor is responsible, # the Object class will throw a NoMethodError exception super(namesymbol, *params) end end def new kid = kid.parent = self kid end end dad = = "Jason" dad.age = 23 kid = = "Rachel" kid.age = 2 puts "Kid's parent is #{}" puts dad puts kid class Employee < Person def initialize super @ok_fields.push("salary", "boss") end def ok_fields @ok_fields end end # @@PLEAC@@_13.13 # The ruby garbage collector pretends to cope with circular structures. # You can test it with this code: class RingNode attr_accessor :next attr_accessor :prev attr_reader :name def initialize(aName) @name = aName ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, self.class.method(:finalize).to_proc) end def RingNode.finalize(id) puts "Node #{id} dying" end def RingNode.show_all_objects ObjectSpace.each_object {|id| puts if id.class == RingNode } end end def create_test a ="Node A") b ="Node B") c ="Node C") = b = c = a a.prev = c c.prev = b b.prev = a a = nil b = nil c = nil end create_test RingNode.show_all_objects ObjectSpace.garbage_collect puts "After garbage collection" RingNode.show_all_objects # @@PLEAC@@_13.14 class String def <=>(other) self.casecmp other end end # There is no way to directly overload the '""' (stringify) # operator in Ruby. However, by convention, classes which # can reasonably be converted to a String will define a # 'to_s' method as in the TimeNumber class defined below. # The 'puts' method will automatcally call an object's # 'to_s' method as is demonstrated below. # Furthermore, if a class defines a to_str method, an object of that # class can be used most any place where the interpreter is looking # for a String value. #--------------------------------------- # NOTE: Ruby has a builtin Time class which would usually be used # to manipulate time objects, the following is supplied for # educational purposes to demonstrate operator overloading. # class TimeNumber attr_accessor :hours,:minutes,:seconds def initialize( hours, minutes, seconds) @hours = hours @minutes = minutes @seconds = seconds end def to_s return sprintf( "%d:%02d:%02d", @hours, @minutes, @seconds) end def to_str to_s end def +( other) seconds = @seconds + other.seconds minutes = @minutes + other.minutes hours = @hours + other.hours if seconds >= 60 seconds %= 60 minutes += 1 end if minutes >= 60 minutes %= 60 hours += 1 end return, minutes, seconds) end def -(other) raise NotImplementedError end def *(other) raise NotImplementedError end def /( other) raise NotImplementedError end end t1 =, 58, 59) sec =, 0, 1) min =, 1, 0) puts t1 + sec + min + min #----------------------------- # StrNum class example: Ruby's builtin String class already has the # capabilities outlined in StrNum Perl example, however the '*' operator # on Ruby's String class acts differently: It creates a string which # is the original string repeated N times. # # Using Ruby's String class as is in this example: x = "Red"; y = "Black" z = x+y r = z*3 # r is "RedBlackRedBlackRedBlack" puts "values are #{x}, #{y}, #{z}, and #{r}" print "#{x} is ", x < y ? "LT" : "GE", " #{y}\n" # prints: # values are Red, Black, RedBlack, and RedBlackRedBlackRedBlack # Red is GE Black #----------------------------- class FixNum REGEX = /(\.\d*)/ DEFAULT_PLACES = 0 attr_accessor :value, :places def initialize(value, places = nil) @value = value if places @places = places else m = REGEX.match(value.to_s) if m @places = m[0].length - 1 else @places = DEFAULT_PLACES end end end def +(other) + other.value, max(@places, other.places)) end def *(other) * other.value, max(@places, other.places)) end def /(other) puts "Divide: #{@value.to_f/other.value.to_f}" result = result.places = max(result.places,other.places) result end def to_s sprintf("STR%s: %.*f", self.class.to_s , @places, @value) #. end def to_str to_s end def to_i #convert to int @value.to_i end def to_f #convert to float` @value.to_f end private def max(a,b) a > b ? a : b end end def demo() x = y =, 0) puts "sum of #{x} and #{y} is #{x+y}" puts "product of #{x} and #{y} is #{x*y}" z = x/y puts "#{z} has #{z.places} places" unless z.places z.places = 2 end puts "div of #{x} by #{y} is #{z}" puts "square of that is #{z*z}" end if __FILE__ == $0 demo() end # @@PLEAC@@_14.1 # There are dbm, sdbm, gdbm modules # and the bdb module for accessing the berkeley db # sdbm seem to be available on the most systems, # so we use it here # require "sdbm""filename", 0666) { |dbobj| # raises exception if open error # the returned sdbm-dbobj has most of the methods of a hash v = dbobj["key"] dbobj["key"] = "newvalue" if dbobj.has_key?("key") # ... end dbobj.delete("key2") } # database is open only inside the block. # It is also possible to use a open .. close pair: dbobj ="filename", 0666) #.. do something with dbobj dbobj.close #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # userstats - generate statistics on who is logged in # call with usernames as argument to display the totals # for the given usernames, call with "ALL" to display all users require "sdbm" filename = '/tmp/userstats.db', 0666) { |dbobj| if ARGV.length > 0 if ARGV[0] == "ALL" # ARGV is constant, so we need the variable userlist userlist = dbobj.keys().sort() else userlist = ARGV end userlist.each { |user| print "#{user}\t#{dbobj[user]}\n" } else who = `who` who.split("\n").each { |line| md = /^(\S+)/.match(line) raise "Bad line from who: #{line}" unless md # sdbm stores only strings, so "+=" doesn't work, # we need to convert them expicitly back to integer. if dbobj.has_key?(md[0]) dbobj[md[0]] = dbobj[md[0]].to_i + 1 else dbobj[md[0]] = "1" end } end } # @@PLEAC@@_14.2 # using open and clear dbobj ="filename", 0666) dbobj.clear() dbobj.close() # deleting file and recreating it # the filenames depend on the flavor of dbm you use, # for example sdbm has two files named filename.pag and filename.dir, # so you need to delete both files begin File.delete("filename") # raises Exception if not exist dbobj ="filename", 0666) rescue # add error handling here end # @@PLEAC@@_14.3 # sdbm2gdbm: converts sdbm database to a gdbm database require "sdbm" require "gdbm" unless ARGV.length == 2 fail "usage: sdbm2gdbm infile outfile" end infile = ARGV[0] outfile = ARGV[1] sdb = gdb =, 0666) sdb.each { |key, val| gdb[key] = val } gdb.close sdb.close # @@PLEAC@@_14.4 #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # dbmmerge: merges two dbm databases require "sdbm" unless ARGV.length == 3 fail "usage: dbmmerge indb1 indb2 outdb" end infile1 = ARGV[0] infile2 = ARGV[0] outfile = ARGV[2] in1 =, nil) in2 =, nil) outdb =, 0666) [in1, in2].each { |indb| indb.each { |key, val| if outdb.has_key?(key) # decide which value to set. # set outdb[key] if necessary else outdb[key] = val end } } in1.close in2.close outdb.close # @@PLEAC@@_14.7 # we write a tie method that extends the Array class. # It reads the file into the memory, executes the code block # in which you can manipulate the array as needed, and writes # the array back to the file after the end of the block execution class Array def tie(filename, flags), flags) { |f| f.each_line { |line| self.push(line.chomp) } yield f.rewind each { |line| if line f.puts(line) else f.puts "" end } } end end array = array.tie("/tmp/textfile.txt", File::RDWR|File::CREAT) { array[4] = "a new line 4" } # The tied array can be manipulated like a normal array, # so there is no need for a special API, and the recno_demo program # to demonstrate is API is useless # tied array demo: show how to use array with a tied file filename = "db_file.txt" lines = File.unlink(filename) if File.exists?(filename) lines.tie(filename, File::RDWR | File::CREAT) { # first create a textfile to play with lines[0] = "zero" lines[1] = "one" lines[2] = "two" lines[3] = "three" lines[4] = "four" # print the records in order. # Opposed to perl, the tied array behaves exactly as a normal array puts "\nOriginal" for i in 0..(lines.length-1) puts "#{i}: #{lines[i]}" end #use push and pop a = lines.pop lines.push("last") puts("The last line was [#{a}]") #use shift and unshift a = lines.shift lines.unshift("first") puts("The first line was [#{a}]") # add record after record 2 i = 2 lines.insert(i + 1, "Newbie") # add record before record one i = 1 lines.insert(i, "New One") # delete record 3 lines.delete_at(3) #now print the records in reverse order puts "\nReverse" (lines.length - 1).downto(0){ |i| puts "#{i}: #{lines[i]}" } } # @@PLEAC@@_14.8 # example to store complex data in a database # uses marshall from the standard library require "sdbm" db ="pleac14-8-database", 0666) # convert the Objects into strings and back by using the Marshal module. # Most normal objects can be converted out of the box, # but not special things like procedure objects, # IO instance variables, singleton objects db["Tom Christiansen"] = Marshal.dump(["book author", ""]) db["Tom Boutell"] = Marshal.dump(["shareware author", ""]) name1 = "Tom Christiansen" name2 = "Tom Boutell" tom1 = Marshal.load(db[name1]) tom2 = Marshal.load(db[name2]) puts "Two Toming: #{tom1} #{tom2}" if tom1[0] == tom2[0] && tom1[1] == tom2[1] puts "You're having runtime fun with one Tom made two." else puts "No two Toms are ever alike" end # To change parts of an entry, get the whole entry, change the parts, # and save the whole entry back entry = Marshal.load(db["Tom Boutell"]) entry[0] = "Poet Programmer" db["Tom Boutell"] = Marshal.dump(entry) db.close # @@PLEAC@@_14.9 # example to make data persistent # uses Marshal from the standard lib # Stores the data in a simple file, # see 14.8 on how to store it in a dbm file # The BEGIN block is executed before the rest of the script # we use global variables here because local variables # will go out of scope and are not accessible from the main script BEGIN { $persistent_store = "persitence.dat" begin$persistent_store) do |f| $stringvariable1 = Marshal.load(f) $arrayvariable2 = Marshal.load(f) end rescue puts "Can not open #{$persistent_store}" # Initialisation if this script runs the first time $stringvariable1 = "" $arrayvariable2 = [] end } END {$persistent_store, "w+") do |f| Marshal.dump($stringvariable1, f) Marshal.dump($arrayvariable2, f) end } # simple test program puts $stringvariable1 puts $arrayvariable2 $stringvariable1 = "Hello World" $arrayvariable2.push(5) puts $stringvariable1 puts $arrayvariable2 # @@PLEAC@@_14.10 #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # Ruby has a dbi module with an architecture similar # to the Perl dbi module: the dbi module provides an unified # interface and uses specialized drivers for each dbms vendor # begin DBI.connect("DBI:driver:driverspecific", "username", "auth") { |dbh| dbh.prepare(SQL2){ |sth| sth.execute sth.fetch {|row| # ... } } # end of block finishes the statement handle } # end of block closes the database connection rescue DBI::DatabaseError => e puts "dbi error occurred" puts "Error code: #{e.err}" puts "Error message: #{e.errstr}" end #!/usr/bin/ruby -w # dbusers - example for mysql which creates a table, # fills it with values, retrieves the values back, # and finally destroys the table. require "dbi" # replacement for the User::pwnt module def getpwent result = []"/etc/passwd") {|file| file.each_line {|line| next if line.match(/^#/) cols = line.split(":") result.push([cols[2], cols[0]]) } } result end begin DBI.connect("DBI:Mysql:pleacdatabase", "pleac", "pleacpassword") { |conn|"CREATE TABLE users (uid INT, login CHAR(8))") users = getpwent conn.prepare("INSERT INTO users VALUES (?,?)") {|sth| users.each {|entry| sth.execute(entry[0], entry[1]) } } conn.execute("SELECT uid, login FROM users WHERE uid < 50") {|sth| sth.fetch {|row| puts row.collect {|col| if col.nil? "(null)" else col end }.join(", ") } }"DROP TABLE users") } rescue DBI::DatabaseError => e puts "dbi error occurred" puts "Error code: #{e.err}" puts "Error message: #{e.errstr}" end # @@PLEAC@@_15.1 # This test program demonstrates parsing program arguments. # It uses the optparse library, which is included with ruby 1.8 # It handles classic unix style and gnu style options require 'optparse' @debugmode = false @verbose = false ARGV.options do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: ruby #{$0} [OPTIONS] INPUTFILES" opts.on("-h", "--help", "show this message") { puts opts exit } # The OptionParser#on method is called with a specification of short # options, of long options, a data type spezification and user help # messages for this option. # The method analyses the given parameter and decides what it is, # so you can leave out the long option if you don't need it opts.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose=[FLAG]", TrueClass, "run verbosly") { |@verbose| # sets @verbose to true or false } opts.on("-D", "--DEBUG", TrueClass, "turns on debug mode" ){ |@debugmode| # sets @debugmode to true } opts.on("-c", "--count=NUMBER", Integer, "how many times we do it" ){ |@count| # sets @count to given integer } opts.on("-o", "--output=FILE", String, "file to write output to"){ |@outputfile| # sets @outputfile to given string } opts.parse! end # example to use the options in the main program puts "Verbose is on" if @verbose puts "Debugmode is on" if @debugmode puts "Outfile is #{@outputfile}" if defined? @outputfile puts "Count is #{@count}" if defined? @count ARGV.each { |param| puts "Got parameter #{param}" } # @@PLEAC@@_15.4 buf = "\0" * 8 $stdout.ioctl(0x5413, buf) ws_row, ws_col, ws_xpixel, ws_ypixel = buf.unpack("S4") raise "You must have at least 20 characters" unless ws_col >= 20 max = 0 values = (1..5).collect { rand(20) } # generate an array[5] of rand values for i in values max = i if max < i end ratio = Float(ws_col-12)/max # chars per unit for i in values printf "%8.1f %s\n", i, "*" * (ratio*i) end # gives, for example: # 15.0 ******************************* # 10.0 ********************* # 5.0 ********** # 14.0 ***************************** # 18.0 ************************************** # @@PLEAC@@_16.1 output = `program args` # collect output into one multiline string output = `program args`.split # collect output into array, one line per element readme = IO.popen("ls") output = "" while readme.gets do output += $_ end readme.close `fsck -y /dev/rsd1a` # BAD AND SCARY in Perl because it's managed by the shell # I donna in Ruby ... # so the "clean and secure" version readme, writeme = IO.pipe pid = fork { # child $stdout = writeme readme.close exec('find', '..') } # parent Process.waitpid(pid, 0) writeme.close while readme.gets do # do something with $_ end # @@PLEAC@@_16.2 status = system("xemacs #{myfile}") status = system("xemacs", myfile) system("cmd1 args | cmd2 | cmd3 >outfile") system("cmd args outfile 2>errfile") # stop if the command fails raise "$program exited funny: #{$?}" unless system("cmd", "args1", "args2") # get the value of the signal sent to the child # even if it is a SIGINT or SIGQUIT system(arglist) raise "program killed by signal #{$?}" if ($? & 127) != 0 pid = fork { trap("SIGINT", "IGNORE") exec("sleep", "10") } trap ("SIGINT") { puts "Tsk tsk, no process interruptus" } Process.waitpid(pid, 0) # Ruby doesn't permit to lie to the program called by a 'system'. # (ie specify what return argv[0] in C, $0 in Perl/Ruby ...) # A (dirty) way is to create a link (under Unix), run this link and # erase it. Somebody has a best idea ? # @@PLEAC@@_16.3 exec("archive *.data") exec("archive", "") exec("archive") # @@PLEAC@@_16.4 # read the output of a program IO.popen("ls") {|readme| while readme.gets do # ... end } # or readme = IO.popen("ls") while readme.gets do # ... end readme.close # "write" in a program IO.popen("cmd args","w") {|pipe| pipe.puts("data") pipe.puts("foo") } # close wait for the end of the process read = IO.popen("sleep 10000") # child goes to sleep read.close # and the parent goes to lala land writeme = IO.popen("cmd args", "w") writeme.puts "hello" # program will get hello\n on STDIN writeme.close # program will get EOF on STDIN # send in a pager (eg less) all output $stdout = IO.popen("/usr/bin/less","w") print "huge string\n" * 10000 # @@PLEAC@@_16.5 #----------------------------- def head(lines = 20) pid = open("|-","w") if pid == nil return else while gets() do pid.print lines -= 1 break if lines == 0 end end exit end head(100) while gets() do print end #----------------------------- 1: > Welcome to Linux, version 2.0.33 on a i686 2: > 3: > "The software required `Windows 95 or better', 4: > so I installed Linux." #----------------------------- > 1: Welcome to Linux, Kernel version 2.0.33 on a i686 > 2: > 3: "The software required `Windows 95 or better', > 4: so I installed Linux." #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby # qnumcat - demo additive output filters def number() pid = open("|-","w") if pid == nil return else while gets() do pid.printf("%d: %s", $., $_); end end exit end def quote() pid = open("|-","w") if pid == nil return else while gets() do pid.print "> #{$_}" end end exit end number() quote() while gets() do print end $stdout.close exit # @@PLEAC@@_16.6! { |arg| arg =~ /\.(gz|Z)$/ ? "|gzip -dc #{arg}" : arg } for file in ARGV fh = open(file) while fh.gets() do # ....... end end #-----------------------------! { |arg| arg =~ %r#^\w+://# ? "|GET #{arg}" : arg # } for file in ARGV fh = open(file) while fh.gets() do # ....... end end #----------------------------- pwdinfo = (`domainname` =~ /^(\(none\))?$/) ? '/etc/passwd' : '|ypcat passwd'; pwd = open(pwdinfo); #----------------------------- puts "File, please? "; file = gets().chomp(); fh = open(file); # @@PLEAC@@_16.7 output = `cmd 2>&1` # with backticks # or ph = open("|cmd 2>&1") # with an open pipe while ph.gets() { } # plus a read #----------------------------- output = `cmd 2>/dev/null` # with backticks # or ph = open("|cmd 2>/dev/null") # with an open pipe while ph.gets() { } # plus a read #----------------------------- output = `cmd 2>&1 1>/dev/null` # with backticks # or ph = open("|cmd 2>&1 1>/dev/null") # with an open pipe while ph.gets() { } # plus a read #----------------------------- output = `cmd 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-` # with backticks # or ph = open("|cmd 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-") # with an open pipe while ph.gets() { } # plus a read #----------------------------- system("program args 1>/tmp/program.stdout 2>/tmp/program.stderr") #----------------------------- output = `cmd 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-` #----------------------------- fd3 = fd1 fd1 = fd2 fd2 = fd3 fd3 = undef #----------------------------- system("prog args 1>tmpfile 2>&1") system("prog args 2>&1 1>tmpfile") #----------------------------- # system ("prog args 1>tmpfile 2>&1") fd1 = "tmpfile" # change stdout destination first fd2 = fd1 # now point stderr there, too #----------------------------- # system("prog args 2>&1 1>tmpfile") fd2 = fd1 # stderr same destination as stdout fd1 = "tmpfile" # but change stdout destination #----------------------------- # It is often better not to rely on the shell, # because of portability, possible security problems # and bigger resource usage. So, it is often better to use the open3 library. # See below for an example. # opening stdin, stdout, stderr require "open3" stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen('cmd') # @@PLEAC@@_16.8 #----------------------------- # Contrary to perl, we don't need to use a module in Ruby fh ="|" + program, "w+") fh.puts "here's your input\n" output = fh.gets() fh.close() #-----------------------------"|program"),"w+") # RIGHT ! #----------------------------- # Ruby has already object methods for I/O handles #----------------------------- begin fh ="|" + program_and_options, "w+") rescue if ($@ ~= /^open/) $stderr.puts "open failed : #{$!} \n #{$@} \n" break end raise # reraise unforseen exception end # @@PLEAC@@_16.13 #% kill -l #HUP INT QUIT ILL TRAP ABRT BUS FPE KILL USR1 SEGV USR2 PIPE #ALRM TERM CHLD CONT STOP TSTP TTIN TTOU URG XCPU XFSZ VTALRM #PROF WINCH POLL PWR #----------------------------- #% ruby -e 'puts Signal.list.keys.join(" ")' #PWR USR1 BUS USR2 TERM SEGV KILL POLL STOP SYS TRAP IOT HUP INT # #WINCH XCPU TTIN CLD TSTP FPE IO TTOU PROF CHLD CONT PIPE ABRT #VTALRM QUIT ILL XFSZ URG ALRM #----------------------------- # After that, the perl script create an hash equivalent to Signal.list, # and an array. The array can be obtained by : signame = [] Signal.list.each { |name, i| signame[i] = name } # @@PLEAC@@_16.14 Process.kill(9, pid) # send $pid a signal 9 Process.kill(-1, Process.getpgrp()) # send whole job a signal 1 Process.kill("USR1", $$) # send myself a SIGUSR1 Process.kill("HUP", pid1, pid2, pid3) # send a SIGHUP to processes in @pids #----------------------------- begin Process.kill(0, minion) puts "#{minion} is alive!" rescue Errno::EPERM # changed uid puts "#{minion} has escaped my control!"; rescue Errno::ESRCH puts "#{minion} is deceased."; # or zombied rescue puts "Odd; I couldn't check the status of #{minion} : #{$!}" end # @@PLEAC@@_16.15 Kernel.trap("QUIT", got_sig_quit) # got_sig_quit = { puts "Quit\n" } trap("PIPE", "got_sig_quit") # def got_sig_pipe ... trap("INT") { ouch++ } # increment ouch for every SIGINT #----------------------------- trap("INT", "IGNORE") # ignore the signal INT #----------------------------- trap("STOP", "DEFAULT") # restore default STOP signal handling # @@PLEAC@@_16.16 # the signal handler def ding trap("INT", "ding") puts "\aEnter your name!" end # prompt for name, overriding SIGINT def get_name save = trap("INT", "ding") puts "Kindly Stranger, please enter your name: " name = gets().chomp() trap("INT", save) name end # @@PLEAC@@_16.21 # implemented thanks to require 'timeout' # we'll do something vastly more useful than cookbook to demonstrate timeouts begin timeout(5) { waitsec = rand(10) puts "Let's see if a sleep of #{waitsec} seconds is longer than 5 seconds..." system("sleep #{waitsec}") } puts "Timeout didn't occur" rescue Timeout::Error puts "Timed out!" end # @@PLEAC@@_17.1 # A basic TCP client connection require 'socket' begin t ='', 'www') rescue puts "error: #{$!}" else # ... do something with the socket t.print "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n" answer = t.gets(nil) # and terminate the connection when we're done t.close end # Using the evil low level socket API require 'socket' # create a socket s =, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0) # build the address of the remote machine sockaddr_server = [Socket::AF_INET, 80, Socket.gethostbyname('')[3], 0, 0].pack("snA4NN") # connect begin s.connect(sockaddr_server) rescue puts "error: #{$!}" else # ... do something with the socket s.print "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n" # and terminate the connection when we're done s.close end # TCP connection with management of error (DNS) require 'socket' begin client ='does not exists', 'www') rescue puts "error: #{$!}" end # TCP connection with a time out require 'socket' require 'timeout' begin timeout(1) do #the server has one second to answer client ='', 'www') end rescue puts "error: #{$!}" end # @@PLEAC@@_17.12 require 'socket' class Preforker attr_reader (:child_count) def initialize(prefork, max_clients_per_child, port, client_handler) @prefork = prefork @max_clients_per_child = max_clients_per_child @port = port @child_count = 0 @reaper = proc { trap('CHLD', @reaper) pid = Process.wait @child_count -= 1 } @huntsman = proc { trap('CHLD', 'IGNORE') trap('INT', 'IGNORE') Process.kill('INT', 0) exit } @client_handler=client_handler end def child_handler trap('INT', 'EXIT') @client_handler.setUp # wish: sigprocmask UNblock SIGINT @max_clients_per_child.times { client = @server.accept or break @client_handler.handle_request(client) client.close } @client_handler.tearDown end def make_new_child # wish: sigprocmask block SIGINT @child_count += 1 pid = fork do child_handler end # wish: sigprocmask UNblock SIGINT end def run @server = trap('CHLD', @reaper) trap('INT', @huntsman) loop { (@prefork - @child_count).times { |i| make_new_child } sleep .1 } end end #----------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby require 'Preforker' class ClientHandler def setUp end def tearDown end def handle_request(client) # do stuff end end server =, 100, 3102, # @@PLEAC@@_18.2 require 'net/ftp' begin ftp = Net::FTP::new("") ftp.login(username,password) ftp.chdir(directory) ftp.get(filename) ftp.put(filename) rescue Net::FTPError $stderr.print "FTP failed: " + $! ensure ftp.close() if ftp end # A better solution for a local use could be : Net::FTP::new("") do |ftp| ftp.login(username,password) ftp.chdir(directory) ftp.get(filename) ftp.put(filename) end # If you have only one file to get, there is a simple solution : require 'open-uri' open("") do |fh| # read from filehandle fh end #-------------------------------------------- # to wait a defined time for the connection, # use the timeout module require 'timeout' begin timeout(30){ ftp = Net::FTP::new("") ftp.debug_mode = true } rescue Net::FTPError $stderr.puts "Couldn't connect." rescue Timeout::Error $stderr.puts "Timeout while connecting to server." end begin ftp.login() rescue Net::FTPError $stderr.print "Couldn't authentificate.\n" end begin ftp.login(username) rescue Net::FTPError $stderr.print "Still couldn't authenticate.\n" end begin ftp.login(username, password) rescue Net::FTPError $stderr.print "Couldn't authenticate, even with explicit username and password.\n" end begin ftp.login(username, password, account) rescue Net::FTPError $stderr.print "No dice. It hates me.\n" end #----------------------------- ftp.put(localfile, remotefile) #----------------------------- # Sending data from STDIN is not directly supported # by the ftp library module. A possible way to do it is to use the # storlines method directly to send raw commands to the ftp server. #----------------------------- ftp.get(remotefile, localfile) #----------------------------- ftp.get(remotefile) { |data| puts data } #----------------------------- ftp.chdir("/pub/ruby") print "I'm in the directory ", ftp.pwd(), "\n" #----------------------------- ftp.mkdir("/pub/ruby/new_dir") #----------------------------- lines ="/pub/ruby/") # => ["drwxr-xr-x 2 matz users 4096 July 17 1998 1.0", ... ] latest = ftp.dir("/pub/ruby/*.tgz").sort.last ftp.nlst("/pub/ruby") # => ["/pub/ruby/1.0", ... ] #----------------------------- ftp.quit() # @@PLEAC@@_18.6 require 'net/telnet' t = Net::Telnet::new( "Timeout" => 10, "Prompt" => /%/, "Host" => host ) t.login(username, password) files = t.cmd("ls") t.print("top") process_string = t.waitfor(/\d+ processes/) t.close #----------------------------- /[$%#>] \z/n #----------------------------- # In case of an error, the telnet module throws an exception. # For control of the behavior in case of an error, # you just need to catch the exceptions and do your custom # error handling. #----------------------------- begin telnet.login(username, password) rescue TimeoutError fail "Login failed !\n" end #----------------------------- telnet.waitfor('/--more--/') #----------------------------- telnet.waitfor(String => 'greasy smoke', Timeout => 30) # @@PLEAC@@_18.7 require 'ping' puts "#{host} is alive.\n" if Ping.pingecho(host); #----------------------------- # the ping module only use TCP ping, not ICMP even if we are root if Ping.pingecho("") puts "The giant ape lives!\n"; else puts "All hail mighty Gamera, friend of children!\n"; end # @@PLEAC@@_19.1 #!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w # hiweb - load CGI class to decode information given by web server require 'cgi' cgi ='html3') # get a parameter from a form value = cgi.params['PARAM_NAME'][0] # output a document cgi.out { cgi.html { cgi.head { cgi.title { "Howdy there!" } } + cgi.body { cgi.p { "You typed: " + { CGI.escapeHTML(value) } } } } } require 'cgi' cgi = who = cgi.param["Name"][0] # first param in list phone = cgi.param["Number"][0] picks = cgi.param["Choices"] # complete list print cgi.header( 'type' => 'text/plain', 'expires' => + (3 * 24 * 60 * 60) ) # @@PLEAC@@_19.3 #!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w # webwhoami - show web user's id require 'etc' print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n" print "Running as " + + "\n" # % ruby -wc cgi-script # just check syntax # % ruby -w cgi-script # params from stdin # (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input) # name=joe # number=10 # ^D # % ruby -w cgi-script name=joe number=10 # run with mock form input # % ruby -d cgi-script name=joe number=10 # ditto, under the debugger # POST method script in csh # % (setenv HTTP_METHOD POST; ruby -w cgi-script name=joe number=10) # POST method script in sh # % HTTP_METHOD=POST perl -w cgi-script name=joe number=10 # @@PLEAC@@_19.4 # ruby has several security levels, the level "1" is similar to perls taint mode. # It can be switched on by providing the -T command line parameter # or by setting $SAFE to 1. Setting $SAFE to 2,3 or 4 restricts possible # harmful operations further. #!/usr/bin/ruby -T $SAFE = 1[0], "w") # ruby warns with: # taint1.rb:2:in `initialize': Insecure operation - initialize (SecurityError) $SAFE = 1 file = ARGV[0] unless /^([\w.-]+)$/.match(file) raise "filename #{file} has invalid characters" end file = $1 # In ruby, even the back reference from a regular expression stays tainted. # you need to explicitly untaint the variable: file.untaint, "w") # Race condition exists like in perl: unless File.exists(filename) # Wrong because of race condition, "w") end # @@PLEAC@@_19.10 preference_value = cgi.cookies["preference name"][0] packed_cookie ="name" => "preference name", "value" => "whatever you'd like", "expires" => Time.local( + 2,,,,, ) cgi.header("cookie" => [packed_cookie]) #!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w # ic_cookies - sample CGI script that uses a cookie require 'cgi' cgi ='html3') cookname = "favorite ice cream" favorite = cgi.params["flavor"][0] tasty = cgi.cookies[cookname][0] || 'mint' unless favorite cgi.out { cgi.html { cgi.head { cgi.title { "Ice Cookies" } } + cgi.body { cgi.h1 { "Hello Ice Cream" } + + cgi.form { cgi.p { "Please select a flavor: " + cgi.text_field("flavor", tasty ) } } + } } } else cookie = "name" => cookname, "value" => favorite, "expires" => Time.local( + 2,,,,, ) cgi.out("cookie" => [cookie]) { cgi.html { cgi.head { cgi.title { "Ice Cookies" } } + cgi.body { cgi.h1 { "Hello Ice Cream" } + cgi.p { "You chose as your favorite flavor `#{favorite}'." } } } } end # @@PLEAC@@_20.9 def templatefile(filename, fillings) aFile =, "r") text = aFile.close() pattern ='%%(.*?)%%') text.gsub!(pattern) { fillings[$1] || "" } text end fields = { 'username' => whats_his_name, 'count' => login_count, 'total' => minutes_used } puts templatefile('simple.template', fields) # @@INCOMPLETE@@ # An example using databases is missing