# encoding: utf-8 # Pseudocode: states optionally define groups, comments removed, counter definition? module CodeRay module Scanners # Scanner for the Lua[http://lua.org] programming lanuage. # # The language’s complete syntax is defined in # {the Lua manual}[http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html], # which is what this scanner tries to conform to. class Lua3 < RuleBasedScannerX register_for :lua3 file_extension 'lua' title 'Lua' # Keywords used in Lua. KEYWORDS = %w[and break do else elseif end for function goto if in local not or repeat return then until while ] # Constants set by the Lua core. PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = %w[false true nil] # The expressions contained in this array are parts of Lua’s `basic' # library. Although it’s not entirely necessary to load that library, # it is highly recommended and one would have to provide own implementations # of some of these expressions if one does not do so. They however aren’t # keywords, neither are they constants, but nearly predefined, so they # get tagged as `predefined' rather than anything else. # # This list excludes values of form `_UPPERCASE' because the Lua manual # requires such identifiers to be reserved by Lua anyway and they are # highlighted directly accordingly, without the need for specific # identifiers to be listed here. PREDEFINED_EXPRESSIONS = %w[ assert collectgarbage dofile error getmetatable ipairs load loadfile next pairs pcall print rawequal rawget rawlen rawset select setmetatable tonumber tostring type xpcall ] # Automatic token kind selection for normal words. IDENT_KIND = CodeRay::WordList.new(:ident). add(KEYWORDS, :keyword). add(PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS, :predefined_constant). add(PREDEFINED_EXPRESSIONS, :predefined) protected # Scanner initialization. def setup super @brace_depth = 0 @num_equals = nil end counter :brace_depth state :initial, :map => :map do on %r/\-\-\[\=*\[/, push(:long_comment), :delimiter, set(:num_equals, -> (match) { match.count('=') }) on %r/--.*$/, :comment on %r/\[=*\[/, push(:long_string), :delimiter, set(:num_equals, -> (match) { match.count('=') }) on %r/::\s*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*::/, :label on %r/_[A-Z]+/, :predefined on check_if(:brace_depth, :>, 0), %r/([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*) (\s+)?(=)/x, groups(:key, :space, :operator) on %r/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, kind { |match| IDENT_KIND[match] }, push_state { |match, kind| if kind == :keyword && match == 'function' :function_expected elsif kind == :keyword && match == 'goto' :goto_label_expected elsif kind == :keyword && match == 'local' :local_var_expected end } on %r/\{/, push(:map), kind { |brace_depth| brace_depth > 0 ? :inline_delimiter : :delimiter }, increment(:brace_depth) on check_if(:brace_depth, :==, 1), %r/\}/, :delimiter, pop, decrement(:brace_depth) on check_if(:brace_depth, :==, 0), %r/\}/, :error on %r/\}/, :inline_delimiter, pop, decrement(:brace_depth) on %r/"/, push(:double_quoted_string), :delimiter on %r/'/, push(:single_quoted_string), :delimiter on %r/-? (?:0x\h* \. \h+ (?:p[+\-]?\d+)? | \d*\.\d+ (?:e[+\-]?\d+)?)/ix, :float on %r/-? (?:0x\h+ (?:p[+\-]?\d+)? | \d+ (?:e[+\-]?\d+)?)/ix, :integer on %r/[\+\-\*\/%^\#=~<>\(\)\[\]:;,] | \.(?!\d)/x, :operator on %r/\s+/, :space end state :function_expected do on %r/\(.*?\)/m, :operator, pop on %r/[a-zA-Z_] (?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\.] (?!\.\d))* [\.\:]/x, :ident on %r/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, :function, pop on %r/\s+/, :space end state :goto_label_expected do on %r/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, :label, pop on %r/\s+/, :space end state :local_var_expected do on %r/function/, :keyword, pop, push(:function_expected) on %r/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, :local_variable on %r/,/, :operator on %r/\=/, :operator, pop on %r/\n/, :space, pop on %r/\s+/, :space end state :long_comment => :comment do on pattern { |num_equals| %r/(.*?)(\]={#{num_equals}}\])/m }, groups(:content, :delimiter), pop(:comment) on %r/.*/m, :error, pop(:comment) end state :long_string => :string do on pattern { |num_equals| %r/(.*?)(\]={#{num_equals}}\])/m }, groups(:content, :delimiter), pop(:string) on %r/.*/m, :error, pop(:string) end state :single_quoted_string => :string do on %r/[^\\'\n]+/, :content on %r/\\(?:["'abfnrtv\\]|z\s*|x\h\h|\d{1,3}|\n)/m, :char on %r/'/, :delimiter, pop(:string) on %r/\n/, :error, pop(:string) end state :double_quoted_string => :string do on %r/[^\\"\n]+/, :content on %r/\\(?:["'abfnrtv\\]|z\s*|x\h\h|\d{1,3}|\n)/m, :char on %r/"/, :delimiter, pop(:string) on %r/\n/, :error, pop(:string) end end end end