namespace :test do desc 'run functional tests' task :functional do ruby './test/functional/suite.rb' ruby './test/functional/for_redcloth.rb' unless (''.chop! rescue true) end desc 'run unit tests' task :units do ruby './test/unit/suite.rb' end scanner_suite = 'test/scanners/suite.rb' desc 'run all scanner tests' task :scanners => :update_scanner_suite do ruby scanner_suite end desc 'update scanner test suite from GitHub' task :update_scanner_suite do if File.exist? scanner_suite Dir.chdir File.dirname(scanner_suite) do if '.git' puts 'Updating scanner test suite...' sh 'git pull' elsif '.svn' raise <<-ERROR Found the deprecated Subversion scanner test suite in ./#{File.dirname(scanner_suite)}. Please rename or remove it and run again to use the GitHub repository: mv test/scanners test/scanners-old ERROR else raise 'No scanner test suite found.' end end else puts 'Downloading scanner test suite...' sh 'git clone test/scanners/' end unless ENV['SKIP_UPDATE_SCANNER_SUITE'] end namespace :scanner do Dir['./test/scanners/*'].each do |scanner| next unless scanner lang = File.basename(scanner) desc "run all scanner tests for #{lang}" task lang => :update_scanner_suite do ruby "./test/scanners/suite.rb #{lang}" end end end desc 'clean test output files' task :clean do for file in Dir['test/scanners/**/*.actual.*'] rm file end for file in Dir['test/scanners/**/*.debug.diff'] rm file end for file in Dir['test/scanners/**/*.debug.diff.html'] rm file end for file in Dir['test/scanners/**/*.expected.html'] rm file end end desc 'test the CodeRay executable' task :exe do if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.8.7' ruby './test/executable/suite.rb' else puts puts "Can't run executable tests because shoulda-context requires Ruby 1.8.7+." puts "Skipping." end end end if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' end task :test => %w(test:functional test:units test:exe spec)