$: << '..' require 'coderay' tokens = CodeRay.scan DATA.read, :ruby html = tokens.page(:tab_width => 2, :line_numbers => :table, :title => 'CodeRay HTML Encoder Example') puts html __END__ require 'scanner' module CodeRay class RubyScanner < Scanner RESERVED_WORDS = [ 'and', 'def', 'end', 'in', 'or', 'unless', 'begin', 'defined?', 'ensure', 'module', 'redo', 'super', 'until', 'BEGIN', 'break', 'do', 'next', 'rescue', 'then', 'when', 'END', 'case', 'else', 'for', 'retry', 'while', 'alias', 'class', 'elsif', 'if', 'not', 'return', 'undef', 'yield', ] DEF_KEYWORDS = ['def'] MODULE_KEYWORDS = ['class', 'module'] DEF_NEW_STATE = WordList.new(:initial). add(DEF_KEYWORDS, :def_expected). add(MODULE_KEYWORDS, :module_expected) WORDS_ALLOWING_REGEXP = [ 'and', 'or', 'not', 'while', 'until', 'unless', 'if', 'elsif', 'when' ] REGEXP_ALLOWED = WordList.new(false). add(WORDS_ALLOWING_REGEXP, :set) PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS = [ 'nil', 'true', 'false', 'self', 'DATA', 'ARGV', 'ARGF', '__FILE__', '__LINE__', ] IDENT_KIND = WordList.new(:ident). add(RESERVED_WORDS, :reserved). add(PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS, :pre_constant) METHOD_NAME = / #{IDENT} [?!]? /xo METHOD_NAME_EX = / #{METHOD_NAME} # common methods: split, foo=, empty?, gsub! | \*\*? # multiplication and power | [-+~]@? # plus, minus | [\/%&|^`] # division, modulo or format strings, &and, |or, ^xor, `system` | \[\]=? # array getter and setter | <=?>? | >=? # comparison, rocket operator | << | >> # append or shift left, shift right | ===? # simple equality and case equality /ox GLOBAL_VARIABLE = / \$ (?: #{IDENT} | \d+ | [~&+`'=\/,;_.<>!@0$?*":F\\] | -[a-zA-Z_0-9] ) /ox DOUBLEQ = / " [^"\#\\]* (?: (?: \#\{.*?\} | \#(?:$")? | \\. ) [^"\#\\]* )* "? /ox SINGLEQ = / ' [^'\\]* (?: \\. [^'\\]* )* '? /ox STRING = / #{SINGLEQ} | #{DOUBLEQ} /ox SHELL = / ` [^`\#\\]* (?: (?: \#\{.*?\} | \#(?:$`)? | \\. ) [^`\#\\]* )* `? /ox REGEXP = / \/ [^\/\#\\]* (?: (?: \#\{.*?\} | \#(?:$\/)? | \\. ) [^\/\#\\]* )* \/? /ox DECIMAL = /\d+(?:_\d+)*/ # doesn't recognize 09 as octal error OCTAL = /0_?[0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*/ HEXADECIMAL = /0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+(?:_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*/ BINARY = /0b[01]+(?:_[01]+)*/ EXPONENT = / [eE] [+-]? #{DECIMAL} /ox FLOAT = / #{DECIMAL} (?: #{EXPONENT} | \. #{DECIMAL} #{EXPONENT}? ) / INTEGER = /#{OCTAL}|#{HEXADECIMAL}|#{BINARY}|#{DECIMAL}/ def reset super @regexp_allowed = false end def next_token return if @scanner.eos? kind = :error if @scanner.scan(/\s+/) # in every state kind = :space @regexp_allowed = :set if @regexp_allowed or @scanner.matched.index(?\n) # delayed flag setting elsif @state == :def_expected if @scanner.scan(/ (?: (?:#{IDENT}(?:\.|::))* | (?:@@?|$)? #{IDENT}(?:\.|::) ) #{METHOD_NAME_EX} /ox) kind = :method @state = :initial else @scanner.scan(/./) kind = :error end @state = :initial elsif @state == :module_expected if @scanner.scan(/<;,|&!()\[\]{}~?] | \.\.?\.? | ::? /x) kind = :operator @regexp_allowed = :set if @scanner.matched[-1,1] =~ /[~=!<>|&^,\(\[+\-\/\*%]\z/ elsif @scanner.scan(FLOAT) kind = :float elsif @scanner.scan(INTEGER) kind = :integer elsif @scanner.scan(/:(?:#{GLOBAL_VARIABLE}|#{METHOD_NAME_EX}|#{STRING})/ox) kind = :global_variable else @scanner.scan(/./m) end end token = Token.new @scanner.matched, kind if kind == :regexp token.text << @scanner.scan(/[eimnosux]*/) end @regexp_allowed = (@regexp_allowed == :set) # delayed flag setting token end end ScannerList.register RubyScanner, 'ruby' end module CodeRay require 'scanner' class Highlighter def initialize lang @scanner = Scanner[lang].new end def highlight code @scanner.feed code @scanner.all_tokens.map { |t| t.inspect }.join "\n" end end class HTMLHighlighter < Highlighter ClassOfKind = { :attribute_name => 'an', :attribute_name_fat => 'af', :attribute_value => 'av', :attribute_value_fat => 'aw', :bin => 'bi', :char => 'ch', :class => 'cl', :class_variable => 'cv', :color => 'cr', :comment => 'c', :constant => 'co', :definition => 'df', :directive => 'di', :doc => 'do', :doc_string => 'ds', :exception => 'ex', :error => 'er', :float => 'fl', :function => 'fu', :global_variable => 'gv', :hex => 'hx', :include => 'ic', :instance_variable => 'iv', :integer => 'i', :interpreted => 'in', :label => 'la', :local_variable => 'lv', :oct => 'oc', :operator_name => 'on', :pre_constant => 'pc', :pre_type => 'pt', :predefined => 'pd', :preprocessor => 'pp', :regexp => 'rx', :reserved => 'r', :shell => 'sh', :string => 's', :symbol => 'sy', :tag => 'ta', :tag_fat => 'tf', :tag_special => 'ts', :type => 'ty', :variable => 'v', :xml_text => 'xt', :ident => :NO_HIGHLIGHT, :operator => :NO_HIGHLIGHT, :space => :NO_HIGHLIGHT, } ClassOfKind[:procedure] = ClassOfKind[:method] = ClassOfKind[:function] ClassOfKind.default = ClassOfKind[:error] or raise 'no class found for :error!' def initialize lang, options = {} super lang @HTML_TAB = ' ' * options.fetch(:tabs2space, 8) case level = options.fetch(:level, 'xhtml') when 'html' @HTML_BR = "
\n" when 'xhtml' @HTML_BR = "
\n" else raise "Unknown HTML level: #{level}" end end def highlight code @scanner.feed code out = '' while t = @scanner.next_token warn t.inspect if t.text.nil? out << to_html(t) end TEMPLATE =~ /<%CONTENT%>/ $` + out + $' end private def to_html token css_class = ClassOfKind[token.kind] if defined? ::DEBUG and not ClassOfKind.has_key? token.kind warn "no token class found for :#{token.kind}" end text = text_to_html token.text if css_class == :NO_HIGHLIGHT text else "#{text}" end end def text_to_html text return '' if text.empty? text = text.dup # important if text.index(/["><&]/) text.gsub!('&', '&') text.gsub!('"', '"') text.gsub!('>', '>') text.gsub!('<', '<') end if text.index(/\s/) text.gsub!("\n", @HTML_BR) text.gsub!("\t", @HTML_TAB) text.gsub!(/^ /, ' ') text.gsub!(' ', '  ') end text end TEMPLATE = <<-'TEMPLATE' RubyBB BBCode
Valid HTML 4.01! Valid CSS!
TEMPLATE end end