require 'coderay' code =$0) * 500 puts "Size of code: %d KB" % [code.size / 1024] puts "Use your system's memory tracker to see how much RAM this takes." print 'Press some key to continue...'; gets require 'benchmark' e = CodeRay.encoder(:div) for do_stream in [true, false] puts "Scanning and encoding in %s mode, please wait..." % [do_stream ? 'streaming' : 'normal'] output = '' time = Benchmark.realtime do if do_stream output = e.encode_stream(code, :ruby) else output = e.encode_tokens(t = CodeRay.scan(code, :ruby)) end end puts 'Finished after %4.2f seconds.' % time puts "Size of output: %d KB" % [output.size / 1024] print 'Press some key to continue...'; gets end