From 32727d6d0beb48672a1ee2d4a5c20bb81f7e301d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Austin Ziegler Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 21:22:30 -0400 Subject: Fixing Coveralls for testing. --- README.rdoc | 6 ++---- Rakefile | 2 +- spec/spec_helper.rb | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- 3 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) diff --git a/README.rdoc b/README.rdoc index b895c8f..fecf267 100644 --- a/README.rdoc +++ b/README.rdoc @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ home :: code :: bugs :: rdoc :: +continuous integration :: {}[] +test coverage :: {Coverage Status}[] == Description @@ -76,10 +78,6 @@ Mario I. Wolczko's {Smalltalk version 1.2}[ This library is called Diff::LCS because of an early version of Algorithm::Diff which was restrictively licensed. -== Continuous Integration Status - -{}[] - :include: Contributing.rdoc :include: License.rdoc diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile index 20f236d..478ac32 100644 --- a/Rakefile +++ b/Rakefile @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' namespace :spec do desc "Submit test coverage to Coveralls" task :coveralls do - ENV['COVERAGE'] = ENV['COVERALLS'] = 'yes' + ENV['COVERALLS'] = 'yes' end desc "Runs test coverage. Only works Ruby 1.9+ and assumes 'simplecov' is installed." diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb index 23d9a86..48bec6f 100644 --- a/spec/spec_helper.rb +++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb @@ -4,39 +4,33 @@ require 'rubygems' require 'pathname' require 'psych' -if ENV['COVERAGE'] +if ENV['COVERALLS'] + require 'coveralls' + Coveralls.wear! +elsif ENV['COVERAGE'] require 'simplecov' - if ENV['COVERALLS'] - require 'coveralls' - formatters = Coveralls::SimpleCov::Formatter - else - def try_require(resource, &block) - require resource - - rescue LoadError - nil - end - - formatters = [ SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter ] + def require_do(resource, &block) + require resource + + rescue LoadError + nil + end - try_require('simplecov-rcov') { formatters << SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter } - try_require('simplecov-vim/formatter') { - formatters << SimpleCov::Formatter::VimFormatter - } - try_require('simplecov-sublime-ruby-coverage') { - formatters << SimpleCov::Formatter::SublimeRubyCoverageFormatter - } + formatters = [ SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter ] - formatters = if formatters.size == 1 - formatters.first - else - SimpleCov::Formatter::MultiFormatter[*formatters] - end - end + require_do('simplecov-rcov') { + formatters << SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter + } + require_do('simplecov-vim/formatter') { + formatters << SimpleCov::Formatter::VimFormatter + } + require_do('simplecov-sublime-ruby-coverage') { + formatters << SimpleCov::Formatter::SublimeRubyCoverageFormatter + } SimpleCov.start do - formatter formatters + formatter SimpleCov::Formatter::MultiFormatter[*formatters] end end -- cgit v1.2.1 From 06ee20e929656d41c301f61fd447105c3840e410 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Austin Ziegler Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 00:08:02 -0400 Subject: diff-lcs 1.3 - Updated testing and gem infrastructure. - Cleaning up documentation. - Modernizing specs. - Silence Ruby 2.4 Fixnum deprecation warnings. Fixes #36, #38. - Ensure test dependencies are loaded. Fixes #33, #34 so that specs can be run independently. - Fix issue #1 with incorrect intuition of patch direction. Tentative fix, but the failure cases pass now. --- .gitignore | 10 +- .hoerc | 45 ++++++- .rspec | 1 - .travis.yml | 33 +++-- | 74 +++++++++++ | 83 ++++++++++++ Contributing.rdoc | 64 --------- Gemfile | 23 ++-- | 220 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ History.rdoc | 163 ----------------------- | 39 ++++++ License.rdoc | 39 ------ Manifest.txt | 15 +-- README.rdoc | 27 ++-- Rakefile | 47 +++---- diff-lcs.gemspec | 46 ++++--- lib/diff/lcs.rb | 86 +----------- lib/diff/lcs/change.rb | 8 +- lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb | 22 ++-- lib/diff/lcs/ldiff.rb | 52 ++------ spec/diff_spec.rb | 28 ++-- spec/fixtures/ds1.csv | 50 +++++++ spec/fixtures/ds2.csv | 51 ++++++++ spec/hunk_spec.rb | 34 ++--- spec/issues_spec.rb | 55 +++++--- spec/lcs_spec.rb | 44 ++++--- spec/ldiff_spec.rb | 47 +++++++ spec/patch_spec.rb | 282 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------- spec/sdiff_spec.rb | 8 +- spec/spec_helper.rb | 4 +- spec/traverse_balanced_spec.rb | 16 +-- spec/traverse_sequences_spec.rb | 112 ++++++++-------- 32 files changed, 1046 insertions(+), 782 deletions(-) create mode 100644 create mode 100644 delete mode 100644 Contributing.rdoc create mode 100644 delete mode 100644 History.rdoc create mode 100644 delete mode 100644 License.rdoc create mode 100644 spec/fixtures/ds1.csv create mode 100644 spec/fixtures/ds2.csv create mode 100644 spec/ldiff_spec.rb diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 452922f..a049920 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,13 +1,10 @@ -Gemfile.lock -spec/ldap.yml -.rvmrc -pkg/ *.pyc *.rbc *.swp *~ .DS_Store .rake_tasks~ +.rvmrc .source_index Gemfile.lock @@ -15,8 +12,9 @@ coverage.vim coverage/ doc/ html/ +pkg/ publish/ research/ +spec/ldap.yml website/index.html -pkg/ -publish/ +.byebug_history diff --git a/.hoerc b/.hoerc index 0a13543..7922c87 100644 --- a/.hoerc +++ b/.hoerc @@ -1,2 +1,45 @@ --- -exclude: !ruby/regexp /(tmp|swp)$|CVS|TAGS|\.(svn|git|hg|DS_Store|idea)|Gemfile\.lock|research\/|\.gemspec$/ +exclude: !ruby/regexp '/ + \.(?: + tmp | + swp + )$ + | + \.(?: + autotest | + byebug_history | + gemtest | + gitignore | + hoerc | + minitest.rb | + simplecov-prelude.rb)$ + | + \.(?: + coveralls | + pullreview | + travis | + appveyor + )\.yml$ + | + (?i:TAGS)$ + | + \.(?: + DS_Store| + bundle| + git| + hg| + idea| + svn| + vagrant + )\/ + | + [gG]emfile(?:\.lock)? + | + support\/ + | + research\/ + | + \.gemspec$ + | + Vagrantfile + /x' diff --git a/.rspec b/.rspec index 7438fbe..53607ea 100644 --- a/.rspec +++ b/.rspec @@ -1,2 +1 @@ --colour ---format documentation diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index b54d13c..6854cfd 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -1,35 +1,32 @@ --- language: ruby rvm: - - 2.1.0 + - 2.4.0 + - 2.3.3 + - 2.2.6 + - 2.1.9 - 2.0.0 - 1.9.3 - - 1.9.2 - - ruby-head - - jruby-19mode - - jruby-head - - rbx - 1.8.7 - - jruby-18mode - ree + - ruby-head + - jruby-19mode matrix: allow_failures: - - rvm: rbx + - rvm: ruby-head + - rvm: 1.8.7 + - rvm: ree gemfile: - Gemfile before_script: - - | - case "${TRAVIS_RUBY_VERSION}" in - rbx*) - gem install psych - gem install -v '~> 2.0' rubysl - ;; - esac - - rake travis:before -t -script: rake travis + - bundle exec rake travis:before -t +script: bundle exec rake travis after_script: - - rake travis:after -t + - bundle exec rake travis:after -t notifications: email: + recipients: + - on_success: change on_failure: always +sudo: false diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d05f4bc --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as +contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and +our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, +nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and +orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment +include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or +advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic + address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable +behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or +reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions +that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or +permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, +threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces +when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of +representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail +address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be +further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported by contacting the project team at [INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS]. All +complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that +is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is +obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. +Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good +faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other +members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, +available at [][version] + +[homepage]: +[version]: diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3eb81ee --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +## Contributing + +I value any contribution to Diff::LCS you can provide: a bug report, a feature +request, or code contributions. Code contributions to Diff::LCS are especially +welcomeencouraged. Because Diff::LCS is a complex codebase, there +are a few guidelines: + +* Code changes *will not* be accepted without tests. The test suite is + written with [RSpec][]. +* Match my coding style. +* Use a thoughtfully-named topic branch that contains your change. Rebase + your commits into logical chunks as necessary. +* Use [quality commit messages][]. +* Do not change the version number; when your patch is accepted and a release + is made, the version will be updated at that point. +* Submit a GitHub pull request with your changes. +* New or changed behaviours require appropriate documentation. + +### Test Dependencies + +Diff::LCS uses Ryan Davis’s [Hoe][] to manage the release process, and it adds +a number of rake tasks. You will mostly be interested in: + + $ rake + +which runs the tests the same way that: + + $ rake spec + $ rake travis + +will do. + +To assist with the installation of the development dependencies, I have +provided a Gemfile pointing to the (generated) `diff-lcs.gemspec` file. This +will permit you to do: + + $ bundle install + +to get the development dependencies. If you aleady have `hoe` installed, you +can accomplish the same thing with: + + $ rake newb + +This task will install any missing dependencies, run the tests/specs, and +generate the RDoc. + +You can run tests with code coverage analysis by running: + + $ rake spec:coverage + +### Workflow + +Here's the most direct way to get your work merged into the project: + +* Fork the project. +* Clone down your fork (`git clone git://`). +* Create a topic branch to contain your change (`git checkout -b + my_awesome_feature`). +* Hack away, add tests. Not necessarily in that order. +* Make sure everything still passes by running `rake`. +* If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks, without errors. +* Push the branch up (`git push origin my_awesome_feature`). +* Create a pull request against halostatue/diff-lcs and describe what your + change does and the why you think it should be merged. + +### Contributors + +* Austin Ziegler created Diff::LCS. + +Thanks to everyone else who has contributed to Diff::LCS: + +* Kenichi Kamiya +* Michael Granger +* Vít Ondruch +* Jon Rowe +* Koichi Ito +* Josef Strzibny +* Josh Bronson +* Mark Friedgan + +[Rspec]: +[quality commit messages]: +[Hoe]: diff --git a/Contributing.rdoc b/Contributing.rdoc deleted file mode 100644 index a0f37de..0000000 --- a/Contributing.rdoc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -== Contributing - -I value any contribution to Diff::LCS you can provide: a bug report, a feature -request, or code contributions. - -Code contributions to Diff::LCS are especially welcomeencouraged. -Because Diff::LCS is a complex codebase, there are a few guidelines: - -* Changes will not be accepted without tests. -* The test suite is written with RSpec.‡ -* Match my coding style. -* Use a thoughtfully-named topic branch that contains your change. Rebase your - commits into logical chunks as necessary. -* Use {quality commit messages}[]. -* Do not change the version number; when your patch is accepted and a release - is made, the version will be updated at that point. -* Submit a GitHub pull request with your changes. -* New features require new documentation. - -=== Test Dependencies - -To run the test suite, you will need to install the development dependencies -for Diff::LCS. If you have Bundler, you can accomplish this easily: - - $ bundle install - -Diff::LCS uses Ryan Davis’s excellent {Hoe}[] -to manage the release process, and it adds a number of rake tasks. You will -mostly be interested in: - - $ rake - -which runs the tests the same way that: - - $ rake spec - $ rake test - $ rake travis - -will do. - -=== Workflow - -Here's the most direct way to get your work merged into the project: - -* Fork the project. -* Clone down your fork (+git clone git:// -* Create a topic branch to contain your change (+git checkout -b my\_awesome\_feature+). -* Hack away, add tests. Not necessarily in that order. -* Make sure everything still passes by running `rake`. -* If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks, without errors. -* Push the branch up (+git push origin my\_awesome\_feature+). -* Create a pull request against halostatue/diff-lcs and describe what your - change does and the why you think it should be merged. - -=== Contributors - -* Austin Ziegler created Diff::LCS. - -Thanks to everyone else who has contributed to Diff::LCS: - -* Kenichi Kamiya -* Michael Granger -* Vít Ondruch -* Jon Rowe diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile index 174f15f..fa1f60f 100644 --- a/Gemfile +++ b/Gemfile @@ -1,20 +1,19 @@ # -*- ruby -*- -# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Instead, edit Rakefile, and run `rake bundler:gemfile`. +# NOTE: This file is present to keep Travis CI happy. Edits to it will not +# be accepted. source "" +if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' + gem 'rdoc', '< 4.0' +elsif RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0' + if RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby' + gem 'simplecov', '~> 0.7' + gem 'coveralls', '~> 0.7' + end +end -gem "rubyforge", ">=2.0.4", :group => [:development, :test] -gem "rdoc", "~>4.0", :group => [:development, :test] -gem "hoe-bundler", "~>1.2", :group => [:development, :test] -gem "hoe-doofus", "~>1.0", :group => [:development, :test] -gem "hoe-gemspec2", "~>1.1", :group => [:development, :test] -gem "hoe-git", "~>1.5", :group => [:development, :test] -gem "hoe-rubygems", "~>1.0", :group => [:development, :test] -gem "hoe-travis", "~>1.2", :group => [:development, :test] -gem "rake", "~>10.0", :group => [:development, :test] -gem "rspec", "~>2.0", :group => [:development, :test] -gem "hoe", "~>3.7", :group => [:development, :test] +gemspec # vim: syntax=ruby diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0db6448 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +## 1.3 / 2017-01-18 + +* Bugs fixed: + + * Fixed an error for bin/ldiff --version. Fixes [issue #21][]. + * Force Diff::LCS::Change and Diff::LCS::ContextChange to only perform + equality comparisons against themselves. Provided by Kevin Mook in + [pull request #29][]. + * Fix tab expansion in htmldiff, provided by Mark Friedgan in + [pull request #25][]. + * Silence Ruby 2.4 Fixnum deprecation warnings. Fixxues [issue #38][] and + [pull request#36][]. + * Ensure that test dependencies are loaded properly. Fixes [issue #33][] + and [pull request #34][]. + * Fix [issue #1][] with incorrect intuition of patch direction. Tentative + fix, but the previous failure cases pass now. + +* Tooling changes: + + * Added SimpleCov and Coveralls support. + * Change the homepage (temporarily) to the GitHub repo. + * Updated testing and gem infrastructure. + * Modernized the specs. + +* Cleaned up documentation. + +* Added a Code of Conduct. + +## 1.2.5 / 2013-11-08 + +* Bugs fixed: + + * Comparing arrays flattened them too far, especially with + Diff::LCS.sdiff. Fixed by Josh Bronson in [pull request #23][]. + +## 1.2.4 / 2013-04-20 + +* Bugs fixed: + + * A bug was introduced after 1.1.3 when pruning common sequences at the + start of comparison. Paul Kunysch (@pck) fixed this in + [pull request #18][]. Thanks! + + * The Rubinius (1.9 mode) bug in [rubinius/rubinius#2268][] has been + fixed by the Rubinius team two days after it was filed. Thanks for + fixing this so quickly! + +* Switching to Raggi's hoe-gemspec2 for gemspec generation. + +## 1.2.3 / 2013-04-11 + +* Bugs Fixed: + + * The new encoding detection for diff output generation (added in 1.2.2) + introduced a bug if the left side of the comparison was the empty set. + Originally found in [rspec/rspec-expectations#238][] and + [rspec/rspec-expectations#239][]. Jon Rowe developed a reasonable + heuristic (left side, right side, empty string literal) to avoid this + bug. + * There is a known issue with Rubinius in 1.9 mode reported in + [rubinius/rubinius#2268][] and demonstrated in the Travis CI builds. + For all other tested platforms, diff-lcs is considered stable. As soon + as a suitably small test-case can be created for the Rubinius team to + examine, this will be added to the Rubinius issue around this. + +## 1.2.2 / 2013-03-30 + +* Bugs Fixed: + + * Diff::LCS::Hunk could not properly generate a difference for comparison + sets that are not US-ASCII-compatible because of the use of literal + regular expressions and strings. Jon Rowe found this in + [rspec/rspec-expectations#219][] and provided a first pass + implementation in [pull request #15][]. I've reworked it because of + test failures in Rubinius when running in Ruby 1.9 mode. This coerces + the added values to the encoding of the old dataset (as determined by + the first piece of the old dataset). + * Adding Travis CI testing for Ruby 2.0. + +## 1.2.1 / 2013-02-09 + +* Bugs Fixed: + + * As seen in [rspec/rspec-expectations#200][], the release of + Diff::LCS 1.2 introduced an unnecessary public API change to + Diff::LCS::Hunk (see the change at + [rspec/rspec-expectations@3d6fc82c][] for details). The new method name + (and behaviour) is more correct, but I should not have renamed the + function or should have at least provided an alias. This release + restores Diff::LCS::Hunk#unshift as an alias to #merge. Note that the + old #unshift behaviour was incorrect and will not be restored. + +## 1.2.0 / 2013-01-21 + +* Minor Enhancements: + + * Added special case handling for Diff::LCS.patch so that it handles + patches that are empty or contain no changes. + * Added two new methods (#patch\_me and #unpatch\_me) to the includable + module. + +* Bugs Fixed: + + * Fixed [issue #1][] patch direction detection. + * Resolved [issue #2][] by handling `string[string.size, 1]` properly (it + returns `""` not `nil`). + * Michael Granger (ged) fixed an implementation error in + Diff::LCS::Change and added specs in [pull request #8][]. Thanks! + * Made the code auto-testable. + * Vít Ondruch (voxik) provided the latest version of the GPL2 license + file in [pull request #10][]. Thanks! + * Fixed a documentation issue with the includable versions of #patch! and + #unpatch! where they implied that they would replace the original + value. Given that Diff::LCS.patch always returns a copy, the + documentation was incorrect and has been corrected. To provide the + behaviour that was originally documented, two new methods were added to + provide this behaviour. Found by scooter-dangle in [issue #12][]. + Thanks! + +* Code Style Changes: + + * Removed trailing spaces. + * Calling class methods using `.` instead of `::`. + * Vít Ondruch (voxik) removed unnecessary shebangs in [pull request #9][]. + Thanks! + * Kenichi Kamiya (kachick) removed some warnings of an unused variable in + lucky [pull request #13][]. Thanks! + * Embarked on a major refactoring to make the files a little more + manageable and understand the code on a deeper level. + * Adding to + +## 1.1.3 / 2011-08-27 + +* Converted to 'hoe' for release. +* Converted tests to RSpec 2. +* Extracted the body of htmldiff into a class available from + diff/lcs/htmldiff. +* Migrated development and issue tracking to GitHub. +* Bugs fixed: + + * Eliminated the explicit use of RubyGems in both bin/htmldiff and + bin/ldiff. Resolves [issue #4][]. + * Eliminated Ruby warnings. Resolves [issue #3][]. + +## 1.1.2 / 2004-10-20 + +* Fixed a problem reported by Mauricio Fernandez in htmldiff. + +## 1.1.1 / 2004-09-25 + +* Fixed bug #891 (Set returned from patch command does not contain last equal + part). +* Fixed a problem with callback initialisation code (it assumed that all + callbacks passed as classes can be initialised; now, it rescues + NoMethodError in the event of private :new being called). +* Modified the non-initialisable callbacks to have a private #new method. +* Moved ldiff core code to Diff::LCS::Ldiff (diff/lcs/ldiff.rb). + +## 1.1.0 / - + +* Eliminated the need for Diff::LCS::Event and removed it. +* Added a contextual diff callback, Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallback. +* Implemented patching/unpatching for standard Diff callback output formats + with both #diff and #sdiff. +* Extensive documentation changes. + +## 1.0.4 + +* Fixed a problem with bin/ldiff output, especially for unified format. + Newlines that should have been present weren't. +* Changed the .tar.gz installer to generate Windows batch files if ones do + not exist already. Removed the existing batch files as they didn't work. + +## 1.0.3 + +* Fixed a problem with #traverse\_sequences where the first difference from + the left sequence might not be appropriately captured. + +## 1.0.2 + +* Fixed an issue with ldiff not working because actions were changed from + symbols to strings. + +## 1.0.1 + +* Minor modifications to the gemspec, the README. +* Renamed the diff program to ldiff (as well as the companion batch file) so + as to not collide with the standard diff program. +* Fixed issues with RubyGems. Requires RubyGems > 0.6.1 or >= 0.6.1 with the + latest CVS version. + +## 1.0 + +* Initial release based mostly on Perl's Algorithm::Diff. + +[rubinius/rubinius#2268]: +[rspec/rspec-expectations#239]: +[rspec/rspec-expectations#238]: +[rspec/rspec-expectations#219]: +[rspec/rspec-expectations@3d6fc82c]: +[rspec/rspec-expectations#200]: +[pull request #36]: +[pull request #34]: +[pull request #29]: +[pull request #25]: +[pull request #23]: +[pull request #18]: +[pull request #15]: +[pull request #13]: +[pull request #10]: +[pull request #9]: +[pull request #8]: +[issue #38]: +[issue #33]: +[issue #21]: +[issue #12]: +[issue #4]: +[issue #3]: +[issue #2]: +[issue #1]: diff --git a/History.rdoc b/History.rdoc deleted file mode 100644 index 30d1d1e..0000000 --- a/History.rdoc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,163 +0,0 @@ -== 1.3 / 2014-MM-DD - -* Bugs fixed: - * Fixed an error for bin/ldiff --version. - * Force Diff::LCS::Change and Diff::LCS::ContextChange to only perform - equality comparisons against themselves. - -* Tooling changes: - * Added SimpleCov and Coveralls support. - * Change the homepage (temporarily) to the GitHub repo. - -== 1.2.5 / 2013-11-08 - -* Bugs fixed: - * Comparing arrays flattened them too far, especially with Diff::LCS.sdiff. - - -== 1.2.4 / 2013-04-20 - -* Bugs fixed: - * A bug was introduced after 1.1.3 when pruning common sequences at the start - of comparison. Paul Kunysch (@pck) fixed this in pull request 18. Thanks! - -* The Rubinius (1.9 mode) bug in rubinius/rubinius#2268 has been fixed by the - Rubinius team two days after it was filed. Thanks for fixing this so quickly! - -* Switching to Raggi's hoe-gemspec2 for gemspec generation. - -== 1.2.3 / 2013-04-11 - -* Bugs Fixed: - * The new encoding detection for diff output generation (added in 1.2.2) - introduced a bug if the left side of the comparison was the empty set. - Originally found in rspec/rspec-expectations#238 and - rspec/rspec-expectations#239. Jon Rowe developed a reasonable heuristic - (left side, right side, empty string literal) to avoid this bug. - - -* There is a known issue with Rubinius in 1.9 mode reported in - rubinius/rubinius#2268 and demonstrated in the Travis CI builds. For all - other tested platforms, diff-lcs is considered stable. As soon as a suitably - small test-case can be created for the Rubinius team to examine, this will be - added to the Rubinius issue around this. - - - -== 1.2.2 / 2013-03-30 - -* Bugs Fixed: - * Diff::LCS::Hunk could not properly generate a difference for comparison - sets that are not US-ASCII-compatible because of the use of literal regular - expressions and strings. Jon Rowe (JonRowe) found this in - rspec/rspec-expectations#219 and provided a first pass implementation in - diff-lcs#15. I've reworked it because of test failures in Rubinius when - running in Ruby 1.9 mode. This coerces the added values to the encoding of - the old dataset (as determined by the first piece of the old dataset). - - -* Adding Travis CI testing for Ruby 2.0. - -== 1.2.1 / 2013-02-09 - -* Bugs Fixed: - * As seen in, the - release of Diff::LCS 1.2 introduced an unnecessary public API change to - Diff::LCS::Hunk (see the change at - for details). - The new method name (and behaviour) is more correct, but I should not have - renamed the function or should have at least provided an alias. This - release restores Diff::LCS::Hunk#unshift as an alias to - #merge. Note that the old #unshift behaviour was incorrect and will not be - restored. - -== 1.2.0 / 2013-01-21 -* Minor Enhancements: - * Added special case handling for Diff::LCS.patch so that it handles patches - that are empty or contain no changes. - * Added two new methods (#patch\_me and #unpatch\_me) to the includable - module. -* Bugs Fixed: - * Fixed issue #1 patch direction detection. - - * Resolved issue #2 by handling string[string.size, 1] properly (it returns - "" not nil). - * Michael Granger (ged) fixed an implementation error in Diff::LCS::Change - and added specs in pull request #8. Thanks! - - * Made the code auto-testable. - * Vít Ondruch (voxik) provided the latest version of the GPL2 license file in - pull request #10. Thanks! - * Fixed a documentation issue with the includable versions of #patch! and - #unpatch! where they implied that they would replace the original value. - Given that Diff::LCS.patch always returns a copy, the documentation was - incorrect and has been corrected. To provide the behaviour that was - originally documented, two new methods were added to provide this - behaviour. Found by scooter-dangle in issue #12. Thanks! - -* Code Style Changes: - * Removed trailing spaces. - * Calling class methods using '.' instead of '::'. - * Vít Ondruch (voxik) removed unnecessary shebangs in pull request #9. - Thanks! - * Kenichi Kamiya (kachick) removed some warnings of an unused variable in - lucky pull request #13. - Thanks! - * Embarked on a major refactoring to make the files a little more manageable - and understand the code on a deeper level. - * Adding to - -== 1.1.3 / 2011-08-27 -* Converted to 'hoe' for release. -* Converted tests to RSpec 2. -* Extracted the body of htmldiff into a class available from - diff/lcs/htmldiff. -* Migrated development and issue tracking to GitHub. -* Bugs fixed: - - Eliminated the explicit use of RubyGems in both bin/htmldiff and bin/ldiff. - Resolves issue 4 ( - - Eliminated Ruby warnings. Resolves issue 3 - ( - -== 1.1.2 / 2004-10-20 -* Fixed a problem reported by Mauricio Fernandez in htmldiff. - -== 1.1.1 / 2004-09-25 -* Fixed bug #891: - -* Fixed a problem with callback initialisation code (it assumed that all - callbacks passed as classes can be initialised; now, it rescues - NoMethodError in the event of private :new being called). -* Modified the non-initialisable callbacks to have a private #new method. -* Moved ldiff core code to Diff::LCS::Ldiff (diff/lcs/ldiff.rb). - -== 1.1.0 / - -* Eliminated the need for Diff::LCS::Event and removed it. -* Added a contextual diff callback, Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallback. -* Implemented patching/unpatching for standard Diff callback output formats - with both #diff and #sdiff. -* Extensive documentation changes. - -== 1.0.4 / - -* Fixed a problem with bin/ldiff output, especially for unified format. - Newlines that should have been present weren't. -* Changed the .tar.gz installer to generate Windows batch files if ones do not - exist already. Removed the existing batch files as they didn't work. - -== 1.0.3 / - -* Fixed a problem with #traverse\_sequences where the first difference from the - left sequence might not be appropriately captured. - -== 1.0.2 / - -* Fixed an issue with ldiff not working because actions were changed from - symbols to strings. - -== 1.0.1 / - -* Minor modifications to the gemspec, the README. -* Renamed the diff program to ldiff (as well as the companion batch file) so as - to not collide with the standard diff program. -* Fixed issues with RubyGems. Requires RubyGems > 0.6.1 or >= 0.6.1 with the - latest CVS version. - -== 1.0 / - -* Initial release based mostly on Perl's Algorithm::Diff. diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63b763d --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +== License + +This software is available under three licenses: the GNU GPL version 2 (or at +your option, a later version), the Perl Artistic license, or the MIT license. +Note that my preference for licensing is the MIT license, but Algorithm::Diff +was dually originally licensed with the Perl Artistic and the GNU GPL ("the +same terms as Perl itself") and given that the Ruby implementation originally +hewed pretty closely to the Perl version, I must maintain the additional +licensing terms. + +* Copyright 2004–2013 Austin Ziegler. +* Adapted from Algorithm::Diff (Perl) by Ned Konz and a Smalltalk version by + Mario I. Wolczko. + +=== MIT License + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of +this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in +the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to +use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies +of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do +so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + +=== Perl Artistic License (version 2) +See the file docs/artistic.txt in the main distribution. + +=== GNU GPL version 2 +See the file docs/COPYING.txt in the main distribution. diff --git a/License.rdoc b/License.rdoc deleted file mode 100644 index 63b763d..0000000 --- a/License.rdoc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -== License - -This software is available under three licenses: the GNU GPL version 2 (or at -your option, a later version), the Perl Artistic license, or the MIT license. -Note that my preference for licensing is the MIT license, but Algorithm::Diff -was dually originally licensed with the Perl Artistic and the GNU GPL ("the -same terms as Perl itself") and given that the Ruby implementation originally -hewed pretty closely to the Perl version, I must maintain the additional -licensing terms. - -* Copyright 2004–2013 Austin Ziegler. -* Adapted from Algorithm::Diff (Perl) by Ned Konz and a Smalltalk version by - Mario I. Wolczko. - -=== MIT License - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of -this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in -the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to -use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies -of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do -so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. - -=== Perl Artistic License (version 2) -See the file docs/artistic.txt in the main distribution. - -=== GNU GPL version 2 -See the file docs/COPYING.txt in the main distribution. diff --git a/Manifest.txt b/Manifest.txt index d078734..955bec0 100644 --- a/Manifest.txt +++ b/Manifest.txt @@ -1,12 +1,8 @@ -.autotest -.gemtest -.hoerc .rspec -.travis.yml -Contributing.rdoc -Gemfile -History.rdoc -License.rdoc Manifest.txt README.rdoc Rakefile @@ -28,9 +24,12 @@ lib/diff/lcs/ldiff.rb lib/diff/lcs/string.rb spec/change_spec.rb spec/diff_spec.rb +spec/fixtures/ds1.csv +spec/fixtures/ds2.csv spec/hunk_spec.rb spec/issues_spec.rb spec/lcs_spec.rb +spec/ldiff_spec.rb spec/patch_spec.rb spec/sdiff_spec.rb spec/spec_helper.rb diff --git a/README.rdoc b/README.rdoc index fecf267..7a3350a 100644 --- a/README.rdoc +++ b/README.rdoc @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ home :: code :: bugs :: rdoc :: -continuous integration :: {}[] -test coverage :: {Coverage Status}[] +continuous integration :: {}[] +test coverage :: {Coverage Status}[] == Description @@ -13,14 +13,10 @@ Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm. It includes utilities to create a simple HTML diff output format and a standard diff-like tool. -This is release 1.2.4, fixing a bug introduced after diff-lcs 1.1.3 that did -not properly prune common sequences at the beginning of a comparison set. -Thanks to Paul Kunysch for fixing this issue. - -Coincident with the release of diff-lcs 1.2.3, we reported an issue with -Rubinius in 1.9 mode -({rubinius/rubinius#2268}[]). -We are happy to report that this issue has been resolved. +This is release 1.3, providing a tentative fix to a long-standing issue related +to incorrect detection of a patch direction. Also modernizes the gem +infrastructure, testing infrastructure, and provides a warning-free experience +to Ruby 2.4 users. == Synopsis @@ -71,12 +67,17 @@ or Array will perform best. Diff::LCS is a port of Perl's Algorithm::Diff that uses the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm to compute intelligent differences between two sequenced enumerable containers. The implementation is based on -Mario I. Wolczko's {Smalltalk version 1.2}[] +Mario I. Wolczko's +{Smalltalk version 1.2}[] (1993) and Ned Konz's Perl version {Algorithm::Diff 1.15}[]. +Diff::LCS#sdiff and Diff::LCS#traverse_balanced were originally written for the +Perl version by Mike Schilli. -This library is called Diff::LCS because of an early version of Algorithm::Diff -which was restrictively licensed. +The algorithm is described in A Fast Algorithm for Computing Longest Common +Subsequences, CACM, vol.20, no.5, pp.350-353, May 1977, with a few minor +improvements to improve the speed. A simplified description of the algorithm, +originally written for the Perl version, was written by Mark-Jason Dominus. :include: Contributing.rdoc diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile index 478ac32..b971c84 100644 --- a/Rakefile +++ b/Rakefile @@ -14,27 +14,20 @@ Hoe.plugin :travis spec = Hoe.spec 'diff-lcs' do developer('Austin Ziegler', '') - self.need_tar = true + require_ruby_version '>= 1.8' - self.history_file = 'History.rdoc' + self.history_file = '' self.readme_file = 'README.rdoc' - self.extra_rdoc_files = FileList["*.rdoc"].to_a - - %w(MIT Perl\ Artistic\ v2 GNU\ GPL\ v2).each { |l| self.license l } - - self.extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-bundler', '~> 1.2'] - self.extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-doofus', '~> 1.0'] - self.extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-gemspec2', '~> 1.1'] - self.extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-git', '~> 1.5'] - self.extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-rubygems', '~> 1.0'] - self.extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-travis', '~> 1.2'] - self.extra_dev_deps << ['rake', '~> 10.0'] - self.extra_dev_deps << ['rspec', '~> 2.0'] - - if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' and (ENV['CI'] or ENV['TRAVIS']) - self.extra_dev_deps << ['simplecov', '~> 0.8'] - self.extra_dev_deps << ['coveralls', '~> 0.7'] - end + self.licenses = [ 'MIT', 'Perl Artistic v2', 'GNU GPL v2' ] + + extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-doofus', '~> 1.0'] + extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-gemspec2', '~> 1.1'] + extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-git', '~> 1.6'] + extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-rubygems', '~> 1.0'] + extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-travis', '~> 1.2'] + extra_dev_deps << ['rspec', '>= 2.0', '< 4'] + extra_dev_deps << ['rake', '>= 10.0', '< 12'] + extra_dev_deps << ['rdoc', '>= 0'] end unless Rake::Task.task_defined? :test @@ -42,21 +35,23 @@ unless Rake::Task.task_defined? :test Rake::Task['travis'].prerequisites.replace(%w(spec)) end -if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' +if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0' && RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby' namespace :spec do - desc "Submit test coverage to Coveralls" task :coveralls do - ENV['COVERALLS'] = 'yes' + if ENV['CI'] or ENV['TRAVIS'] + ENV['COVERALLS'] = 'yes' + Rake::Task['spec'].execute + else + Rake::Task['spec:coverage'].execute + end end - desc "Runs test coverage. Only works Ruby 1.9+ and assumes 'simplecov' is installed." + desc "Runs test coverage. Only works Ruby 2.0+ and assumes 'simplecov' is installed." task :coverage do ENV['COVERAGE'] = 'yes' Rake::Task['spec'].execute end end - Rake::Task['travis'].prerequisites.replace(%w(spec:coveralls)) + # Rake::Task['travis'].prerequisites.replace(%w(spec:coveralls)) end - -# vim: syntax=ruby diff --git a/diff-lcs.gemspec b/diff-lcs.gemspec index b972c34..f5e4195 100644 --- a/diff-lcs.gemspec +++ b/diff-lcs.gemspec @@ -8,54 +8,52 @@ do |s| s.required_rubygems_version =">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version= s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.authors = ["Austin Ziegler"] - = "2014-04-26" - s.description = "Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the\nMcIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm. It includes utilities\nto create a simple HTML diff output format and a standard diff-like tool.\n\nThis is release 1.2.4, fixing a bug introduced after diff-lcs 1.1.3 that did\nnot properly prune common sequences at the beginning of a comparison set.\nThanks to Paul Kunysch for fixing this issue.\n\nCoincident with the release of diff-lcs 1.2.3, we reported an issue with\nRubinius in 1.9 mode\n({rubinius/rubinius#2268}[]).\nWe are happy to report that this issue has been resolved." + = "2017-01-18" + s.description = "Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the\nMcIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm. It includes utilities\nto create a simple HTML diff output format and a standard diff-like tool.\n\nThis is release 1.3, providing a tentative fix to a long-standing issue related\nto incorrect detection of a patch direction. Also modernizes the gem\ninfrastructure, testing infrastructure, and provides a warning-free experience\nto Ruby 2.4 users." = [""] s.executables = ["htmldiff", "ldiff"] - s.extra_rdoc_files = ["Contributing.rdoc", "History.rdoc", "License.rdoc", "Manifest.txt", "README.rdoc", "docs/COPYING.txt", "docs/artistic.txt", "Contributing.rdoc", "History.rdoc", "License.rdoc", "README.rdoc"] - s.files = [".autotest", ".gemtest", ".hoerc", ".rspec", ".travis.yml", "Contributing.rdoc", "Gemfile", "History.rdoc", "License.rdoc", "Manifest.txt", "README.rdoc", "Rakefile", "autotest/discover.rb", "bin/htmldiff", "bin/ldiff", "docs/COPYING.txt", "docs/artistic.txt", "lib/diff-lcs.rb", "lib/diff/lcs.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/array.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/block.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/change.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/htmldiff.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/ldiff.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/string.rb", "spec/change_spec.rb", "spec/diff_spec.rb", "spec/hunk_spec.rb", "spec/issues_spec.rb", "spec/lcs_spec.rb", "spec/patch_spec.rb", "spec/sdiff_spec.rb", "spec/spec_helper.rb", "spec/traverse_balanced_spec.rb", "spec/traverse_sequences_spec.rb"] - s.homepage = "" + s.extra_rdoc_files = ["", "", "", "", "Manifest.txt", "README.rdoc", "docs/COPYING.txt", "docs/artistic.txt"] + s.files = [".rspec", "", "", "", "", "Manifest.txt", "README.rdoc", "Rakefile", "autotest/discover.rb", "bin/htmldiff", "bin/ldiff", "docs/COPYING.txt", "docs/artistic.txt", "lib/diff-lcs.rb", "lib/diff/lcs.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/array.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/block.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/change.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/htmldiff.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/hunk.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/ldiff.rb", "lib/diff/lcs/string.rb", "spec/change_spec.rb", "spec/diff_spec.rb", "spec/fixtures/ds1.csv", "spec/fixtures/ds2.csv", "spec/hunk_spec.rb", "spec/issues_spec.rb", "spec/lcs_spec.rb", "spec/ldiff_spec.rb", "spec/patch_spec.rb", "spec/sdiff_spec.rb", "spec/spec_helper.rb", "spec/traverse_balanced_spec.rb", "spec/traverse_sequences_spec.rb"] + s.homepage = "" s.licenses = ["MIT", "Perl Artistic v2", "GNU GPL v2"] s.rdoc_options = ["--main", "README.rdoc"] - s.rubygems_version = "2.2.1" + s.required_ruby_version =">= 1.8") + s.rubygems_version = "2.5.1" s.summary = "Diff::LCS computes the difference between two Enumerable sequences using the McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm" if s.respond_to? :specification_version then s.specification_version = 4 if >='1.2.0') then - s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["~> 4.0"]) - s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.2"]) s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.0"]) s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.1"]) - s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.5"]) + s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.6"]) s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.0"]) s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.2"]) - s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["~> 10.0"]) - s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["~> 2.0"]) - s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["~> 3.11"]) + s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["< 4", ">= 2.0"]) + s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["< 12", ">= 10.0"]) + s.add_development_dependency(%q, [">= 0"]) + s.add_development_dependency(%q, ["~> 3.16"]) else - s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 4.0"]) - s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.2"]) s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.0"]) s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.1"]) - s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.5"]) + s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.6"]) s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.0"]) s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.2"]) - s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 10.0"]) - s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 2.0"]) - s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 3.11"]) + s.add_dependency(%q, ["< 4", ">= 2.0"]) + s.add_dependency(%q, ["< 12", ">= 10.0"]) + s.add_dependency(%q, [">= 0"]) + s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 3.16"]) end else - s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 4.0"]) - s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.2"]) s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.0"]) s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.1"]) - s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.5"]) + s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.6"]) s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.0"]) s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 1.2"]) - s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 10.0"]) - s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 2.0"]) - s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 3.11"]) + s.add_dependency(%q, ["< 4", ">= 2.0"]) + s.add_dependency(%q, ["< 12", ">= 10.0"]) + s.add_dependency(%q, [">= 0"]) + s.add_dependency(%q, ["~> 3.16"]) end end diff --git a/lib/diff/lcs.rb b/lib/diff/lcs.rb index b51c1bc..34ddf0f 100644 --- a/lib/diff/lcs.rb +++ b/lib/diff/lcs.rb @@ -1,57 +1,7 @@ # -*- ruby encoding: utf-8 -*- module Diff; end unless defined? Diff -# Computes "intelligent" differences between two sequenced Enumerables. This -# is an implementation of the McIlroy-Hunt "diff" algorithm for Enumerable -# objects that include Diffable. -# -# Based on Mario I. Wolczko's Smalltalk version (1.2, 1993) and Ned Konz's -# Perl version (Algorithm::Diff 1.15). -# -# == Synopsis -# require 'diff/lcs' -# -# seq1 = %w(a b c e h j l m n p) -# seq2 = %w(b c d e f j k l m r s t) -# -# lcs = Diff::LCS.lcs(seq1, seq2) -# diffs = Diff::LCS.diff(seq1, seq2) -# sdiff = Diff::LCS.sdiff(seq1, seq2) -# seq = Diff::LCS.traverse_sequences(seq1, seq2, callback_obj) -# bal = Diff::LCS.traverse_balanced(seq1, seq2, callback_obj) -# seq2 == Diff::LCS.patch(seq1, diffs) -# seq2 == Diff::LCS.patch!(seq1, diffs) -# seq1 == Diff::LCS.unpatch(seq2, diffs) -# seq1 == Diff::LCS.unpatch!(seq2, diffs) -# seq2 == Diff::LCS.patch(seq1, sdiff) -# seq2 == Diff::LCS.patch!(seq1, sdiff) -# seq1 == Diff::LCS.unpatch(seq2, sdiff) -# seq1 == Diff::LCS.unpatch!(seq2, sdiff) -# -# Alternatively, objects can be extended with Diff::LCS: -# -# seq1.extend(Diff::LCS) -# lcs = seq1.lcs(seq2) -# diffs = seq1.diff(seq2) -# sdiff = seq1.sdiff(seq2) -# seq = seq1.traverse_sequences(seq2, callback_obj) -# bal = seq1.traverse_balanced(seq2, callback_obj) -# seq2 == seq1.patch(diffs) -# seq2 == seq1.patch!(diffs) -# seq1 == seq2.unpatch(diffs) -# seq1 == seq2.unpatch!(diffs) -# seq2 == seq1.patch(sdiff) -# seq2 == seq1.patch!(sdiff) -# seq1 == seq2.unpatch(sdiff) -# seq1 == seq2.unpatch!(sdiff) -# -# Default extensions are provided for Array and String objects through the -# use of 'diff/lcs/array' and 'diff/lcs/string'. -# -# == Introduction (by Mark-Jason Dominus) -# -# The following text is from the Perl documentation. The only changes -# have been to make the text appear better in Rdoc. +# == How Diff Works (by Mark-Jason Dominus) # # I once read an article written by the authors of +diff+; they said that # they hard worked very hard on the algorithm until they found the right @@ -98,34 +48,6 @@ module Diff; end unless defined? Diff # # a x b y c z p d q # a b c a x b y c z -# -# == Author -# This version is by Austin Ziegler . -# -# It is based on the Perl Algorithm::Diff (1.15) by Ned Konz , copyright -# © 2000–2002 and the Smalltalk diff version by Mario I. -# Wolczko, copyright © 1993. Documentation includes work by -# Mark-Jason Dominus. -# -# == Licence -# Copyright © 2004–2013 Austin Ziegler -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -# under the same terms as Ruby, or alternatively under the Perl Artistic -# licence. -# -# == Credits -# Much of the documentation is taken directly from the Perl Algorithm::Diff -# implementation and was written originally by Mark-Jason Dominus and later -# by Ned Konz. The basic Ruby implementation was re-ported from the -# Smalltalk implementation, available at -# -# -# #sdiff and #traverse_balanced were written for the Perl version by Mike -# Schilli . -# -# "The algorithm is described in A Fast Algorithm for Computing Longest -# Common Subsequences, CACM, vol.20, no.5, pp.350-353, May -# 1977, with a few minor improvements to improve the speed." module Diff::LCS VERSION = '1.3' end @@ -765,7 +687,7 @@ class << Diff::LCS ai += 1 bj += 1 end - ai += 1 + ai += 1 when '+' while bj < change.position res << (string ? src[ai, 1] : src[ai]) @@ -773,9 +695,9 @@ class << Diff::LCS bj += 1 end - bj += 1 + bj += 1 - res << change.element + res << change.element end end end diff --git a/lib/diff/lcs/change.rb b/lib/diff/lcs/change.rb index 3104a51..9229069 100644 --- a/lib/diff/lcs/change.rb +++ b/lib/diff/lcs/change.rb @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ # addition of an element from either the old or the new sequenced # enumerable. class Diff::LCS::Change + IntClass = 1.class # Fixnum is deprecated in Ruby 2.4 + # The only actions valid for changes are '+' (add), '-' (delete), '=' # (no change), '!' (changed), '<' (tail changes from first sequence), or # '>' (tail changes from second sequence). The last two ('<>') are only @@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ class Diff::LCS::Change unless Diff::LCS::Change.valid_action?(@action) raise "Invalid Change Action '#{@action}'" end - raise "Invalid Position Type" unless @position.kind_of? Fixnum + raise "Invalid Position Type" unless @position.kind_of? IntClass end def inspect @@ -115,10 +117,10 @@ class Diff::LCS::ContextChange < Diff::LCS::Change unless Diff::LCS::Change.valid_action?(@action) raise "Invalid Change Action '#{@action}'" end - unless @old_position.nil? or @old_position.kind_of? Fixnum + unless @old_position.nil? or @old_position.kind_of? IntClass raise "Invalid (Old) Position Type" end - unless @new_position.nil? or @new_position.kind_of? Fixnum + unless @new_position.nil? or @new_position.kind_of? IntClass raise "Invalid (New) Position Type" end end diff --git a/lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb b/lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb index 9d9e3f3..17d1d06 100644 --- a/lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb +++ b/lib/diff/lcs/internals.rb @@ -142,8 +142,6 @@ class << Diff::LCS::Internals # some time. This also works better with Diff::LCS::ContextChange or # Diff::LCS::Change as its source, as an array will cause the creation # of one of the above. - # - # Note: This will be deprecated as a public function in a future release. def intuit_diff_direction(src, patchset, limit = nil) string = src.kind_of?(String) count = left_match = left_miss = right_match = right_miss = 0 @@ -217,19 +215,27 @@ class << Diff::LCS::Internals no_left = (left_match == 0) && (left_miss > 0) no_right = (right_match == 0) && (right_miss > 0) - case [no_left, no_right] - when [false, true] + case [ no_left, no_right ] + when [ false, true ] :patch - when [true, false] + when [ true, false ] :unpatch else case left_match <=> right_match when 1 - :patch + if + :patch + else + :unpatch + end when -1 - :unpatch + if + :unpatch + else + :patch + end else - raise "The provided patchset does not appear to apply to the provided value as either source or destination value." + raise "The provided patchset does not appear to apply to the provided enumerable as either source or destination value." end end end diff --git a/lib/diff/lcs/ldiff.rb b/lib/diff/lcs/ldiff.rb index 75d890f..c789f46 100644 --- a/lib/diff/lcs/ldiff.rb +++ b/lib/diff/lcs/ldiff.rb @@ -4,46 +4,18 @@ require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'diff/lcs/hunk' -# == ldiff Usage -# ldiff [options] oldfile newfile -# -# -c:: Displays a context diff with 3 lines of context. -# -C [LINES], --context [LINES]:: Displays a context diff with LINES lines of context. Default 3 lines. -# -u:: Displays a unified diff with 3 lines of context. -# -U [LINES], --unified [LINES]:: Displays a unified diff with LINES lines of context. Default 3 lines. -# -e:: Creates an 'ed' script to change oldfile to newfile. -# -f:: Creates an 'ed' script to change oldfile to newfile in reverse order. -# -a, --text:: Treats the files as text and compares them line-by-line, even if they do not seem to be text. -# --binary:: Treats the files as binary. -# -q, --brief:: Reports only whether or not the files differ, not the details. -# --help:: Shows the command-line help. -# --version:: Shows the version of Diff::LCS. -# -# By default, runs produces an "old-style" diff, with output like UNIX diff. -# -# == Copyright -# Copyright © 2004 Austin Ziegler -# -# Part of Diff::LCS -# Austin Ziegler -# -# This program is free software. It may be redistributed and/or modified under -# the terms of the GPL version 2 (or later), the Perl Artistic licence, or the -# Ruby licence. -module Diff::LCS::Ldiff +module Diff::LCS::Ldiff #:nodoc: BANNER = <<-COPYRIGHT ldiff #{Diff::LCS::VERSION} - Copyright 2004-2013 Austin Ziegler + Copyright 2004-2014 Austin Ziegler Part of Diff::LCS. - - - Austin Ziegler + This program is free software. It may be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GPL version 2 (or later), the Perl Artistic licence, or the MIT licence. - COPYRIGHT +COPYRIGHT end class << Diff::LCS::Ldiff @@ -118,13 +90,13 @@ class << Diff::LCS::Ldiff file_length_difference = 0 if @binary.nil? or @binary - data_old = IO::read(file_old) - data_new = IO::read(file_new) + data_old = + data_new = # Test binary status if @binary.nil? - old_txt = data_old[0...4096].scan(/\0/).empty? - new_txt = data_new[0...4096].scan(/\0/).empty? + old_txt = data_old[0, 4096].scan(/\0/).empty? + new_txt = data_new[0, 4096].scan(/\0/).empty? @binary = (not old_txt) or (not new_txt) old_txt = new_txt = nil end @@ -134,8 +106,8 @@ class << Diff::LCS::Ldiff data_new = data_new.split($/).map { |e| e.chomp } end else - data_old = IO::readlines(file_old).map { |e| e.chomp } - data_new = IO::readlines(file_new).map { |e| e.chomp } + data_old = IO.readlines(file_old).map { |e| e.chomp } + data_new = IO.readlines(file_new).map { |e| e.chomp } end # diff yields lots of pieces, each of which is basically a Block object @@ -155,9 +127,9 @@ class << Diff::LCS::Ldiff if (@format == :unified) or (@format == :context) ft = File.stat(file_old).mtime.localtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N %z') - puts "#{char_old} #{file_old}\t#{ft}" + output << "#{char_old} #{file_old}\t#{ft}\n" ft = File.stat(file_new).mtime.localtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N %z') - puts "#{char_new} #{file_new}\t#{ft}" + output << "#{char_new} #{file_new}\t#{ft}\n" end # Loop over hunks. If a hunk overlaps with the last hunk, join them. diff --git a/spec/diff_spec.rb b/spec/diff_spec.rb index 95d7b40..020ff44 100644 --- a/spec/diff_spec.rb +++ b/spec/diff_spec.rb @@ -2,20 +2,20 @@ require 'spec_helper' -describe "Diff::LCS.diff" do +describe Diff::LCS, ".diff" do include Diff::LCS::SpecHelper::Matchers - it "should correctly diff seq1 to seq2" do + it "correctly diffs seq1 to seq2" do diff_s1_s2 = Diff::LCS.diff(seq1, seq2) - change_diff(correct_forward_diff).should == diff_s1_s2 + expect(change_diff(correct_forward_diff)).to eq(diff_s1_s2) end - it "should correctly diff seq2 to seq1" do + it "correctly diffs seq2 to seq1" do diff_s2_s1 = Diff::LCS.diff(seq2, seq1) - change_diff(correct_backward_diff).should == diff_s2_s1 + expect(change_diff(correct_backward_diff)).to eq(diff_s2_s1) end - it "should correctly diff against an empty sequence" do + it "correctly diffs against an empty sequence" do diff = Diff::LCS.diff(word_sequence, []) correct_diff = [ [ [ '-', 0, 'abcd' ], @@ -24,24 +24,24 @@ describe "Diff::LCS.diff" do [ '-', 3, 'mnopqrstuvwxyz' ] ] ] - change_diff(correct_diff).should == diff + expect(change_diff(correct_diff)).to eq(diff) diff = Diff::LCS.diff([], word_sequence) correct_diff.each { |hunk| hunk.each { |change| change[0] = '+' } } - change_diff(correct_diff).should == diff + expect(change_diff(correct_diff)).to eq(diff) end - it "should correctly diff 'xx' and 'xaxb'" do + it "correctly diffs 'xx' and 'xaxb'" do left = 'xx' right = 'xaxb' - Diff::LCS.patch(left, Diff::LCS.diff(left, right)).should == right + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(left, Diff::LCS.diff(left, right))).to eq(right) end - it "should return an empty diff with (hello, hello)" do - Diff::LCS.diff(hello, hello).should == [] + it "returns an empty diff with (hello, hello)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.diff(hello, hello)).to be_empty end - it "should return an empty diff with (hello_ary, hello_ary)" do - Diff::LCS.diff(hello_ary, hello_ary).should == [] + it "returns an empty diff with (hello_ary, hello_ary)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.diff(hello_ary, hello_ary)).to be_empty end end diff --git a/spec/fixtures/ds1.csv b/spec/fixtures/ds1.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ac8428 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/fixtures/ds1.csv @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +1,3 +2,7 +3,13 +4,21 +5,31 +6,43 +7,57 +8,73 +9,91 +10,111 +11,133 +12,157 +13,183 +14,211 +15,241 +16,273 +17,307 +18,343 +19,381 +20,421 +21,463 +22,507 +23,553 +24,601 +25,651 +26,703 +27,757 +28,813 +29,871 +30,931 +31,993 +32,1057 +33,1123 +34,1191 +35,1261 +36,1333 +37,1407 +38,1483 +39,1561 +40,1641 +41,1723 +42,1807 +43,1893 +44,1981 +45,2071 +46,2163 +47,2257 +48,2353 +49,2451 +50,2500 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/spec/fixtures/ds2.csv b/spec/fixtures/ds2.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..797de76 --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/fixtures/ds2.csv @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ + 1,3 +2,7 +3,13 +4,21 +5,31 +6,42 +7,57 +8,73 +9,91 +10,111 +11,133 +12,157 +13,183 +14,211 +15,241 +16,273 +17,307 +18,343 +19,200 +20,421 +21,463 +22,507 +23,553 +24,601 +25,651 +26,703 +27,757 +28,813 +29,871 +30,931 +31,123 +32,1057 +33,1123 +34,1000 +35,1261 +36,1333 +37,1407 +38,1483 +39,1561 +40,1641 +41,1723 +42,1807 +43,1893 +44,1981 +45,2071 +46,2163 +47,1524 +48,2353 +49,2451 +50,2500 +51,2520 diff --git a/spec/hunk_spec.rb b/spec/hunk_spec.rb index dc6f532..0711e0d 100644 --- a/spec/hunk_spec.rb +++ b/spec/hunk_spec.rb @@ -2,28 +2,26 @@ require 'spec_helper' -def h(v) - { |e| "%02x" % e }.join -end - -describe "Diff::LCS::Hunk" do - if String.method_defined?(:encoding) +if String.method_defined?(:encoding) + require 'diff/lcs/hunk' + describe Diff::LCS::Hunk do let(:old_data) { ["Tu avec carté {count} itém has".encode('UTF-16LE')] } let(:new_data) { ["Tu avec carte {count} item has".encode('UTF-16LE')] } let(:pieces) { Diff::LCS.diff old_data, new_data } let(:hunk) {, new_data, pieces[0], 3, 0) } - it 'should be able to produce a unified diff from the two pieces' do + it 'produces a unified diff from the two pieces' do expected = (<<-EOD.gsub(/^\s+/,'').encode('UTF-16LE').chomp) @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -Tu avec carté {count} itém has +Tu avec carte {count} item has EOD - expect(hunk.diff(:unified).to_s == expected).to eql true + + expect(hunk.diff(:unified)).to eq(expected) end - it 'should be able to produce a context diff from the two pieces' do + it 'produces a context diff from the two pieces' do expected = (<<-EOD.gsub(/^\s+/,'').encode('UTF-16LE').chomp) *************** *** 1,2 **** @@ -32,10 +30,10 @@ describe "Diff::LCS::Hunk" do !Tu avec carte {count} item has EOD - expect(hunk.diff(:context).to_s == expected).to eql true + expect(hunk.diff(:context)).to eq(expected) end - it 'should be able to produce an old diff from the two pieces' do + it 'produces an old diff from the two pieces' do expected = (<<-EOD.gsub(/^ +/,'').encode('UTF-16LE').chomp) 1,2c1,2 < Tu avec carté {count} itém has @@ -43,30 +41,32 @@ describe "Diff::LCS::Hunk" do > Tu avec carte {count} item has EOD - expect(hunk.diff(:old).to_s == expected).to eql true + + expect(hunk.diff(:old)).to eq(expected) end - it 'should be able to produce a reverse ed diff from the two pieces' do + it 'produces a reverse ed diff from the two pieces' do expected = (<<-EOD.gsub(/^ +/,'').encode('UTF-16LE').chomp) c1,2 Tu avec carte {count} item has . EOD - expect(hunk.diff(:reverse_ed).to_s == expected).to eql true + + expect(hunk.diff(:reverse_ed)).to eq(expected) end context 'with empty first data set' do let(:old_data) { [] } - it 'should be able to produce a unified diff' do + it 'produces a unified diff' do expected = (<<-EOD.gsub(/^\s+/,'').encode('UTF-16LE').chomp) @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +Tu avec carte {count} item has EOD - expect(hunk.diff(:unified).to_s == expected).to eql true + + expect(hunk.diff(:unified)).to eq(expected) end end - end end diff --git a/spec/issues_spec.rb b/spec/issues_spec.rb index c3d8f87..7638249 100644 --- a/spec/issues_spec.rb +++ b/spec/issues_spec.rb @@ -5,20 +5,45 @@ require 'spec_helper' describe "Diff::LCS Issues" do include Diff::LCS::SpecHelper::Matchers - it "should not fail to provide a simple patchset (issue 1)" do - s1, s2 = *%W(aX bXaX) - correct_forward_diff = [ - [ [ '+', 0, 'b' ], - [ '+', 1, 'X' ] ], - ] - - diff_s1_s2 = Diff::LCS.diff(s1, s2) - change_diff(correct_forward_diff).should == diff_s1_s2 - expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(s1, diff_s1_s2).should == s2 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) - expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(s2, diff_s1_s2).should == s1 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) + describe 'issue #1' do + shared_examples 'handles simple diffs' do |s1, s2, forward_diff| + before do + @diff_s1_s2 = Diff::LCS.diff(s1, s2) + end + + it 'creates the correct diff' do + expect(change_diff(forward_diff)).to eq(@diff_s1_s2) + end + + it 'creates the correct patch s1->s2' do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(s1, @diff_s1_s2)).to eq(s2) + end + + it 'creates the correct patch s2->s1' do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(s2, @diff_s1_s2)).to eq(s1) + end + end + + describe 'string' do + it_has_behavior 'handles simple diffs', 'aX', 'bXaX', [ + [ [ '+', 0, 'b' ], + [ '+', 1, 'X' ] ], + ] + it_has_behavior 'handles simple diffs', 'bXaX', 'aX', [ + [ [ '-', 0, 'b' ], + [ '-', 1, 'X' ] ], + ] + end + + describe 'array' do + it_has_behavior 'handles simple diffs', %w(a X), %w(b X a X), [ + [ [ '+', 0, 'b' ], + [ '+', 1, 'X' ] ], + ] + it_has_behavior 'handles simple diffs', %w(b X a X), %w(a X), [ + [ [ '-', 0, 'b' ], + [ '-', 1, 'X' ] ], + ] + end end end diff --git a/spec/lcs_spec.rb b/spec/lcs_spec.rb index 205d563..28533e3 100644 --- a/spec/lcs_spec.rb +++ b/spec/lcs_spec.rb @@ -2,53 +2,55 @@ require 'spec_helper' -describe "Diff::LCS::Internals.lcs" do +describe Diff::LCS::Internals, ".lcs" do include Diff::LCS::SpecHelper::Matchers - it "should return a meaningful LCS array with (seq1, seq2)" do + it "returns a meaningful LCS array with (seq1, seq2)" do res = Diff::LCS::Internals.lcs(seq1, seq2) # The result of the LCS (less the +nil+ values) must be as long as the # correct result. - res.compact.size.should == correct_lcs.size - res.should correctly_map_sequence(seq1).to_other_sequence(seq2) + expect(res.compact.size).to eq(correct_lcs.size) + expect(res).to correctly_map_sequence(seq1).to_other_sequence(seq2) # Compact these transformations and they should be the correct LCS. x_seq1 = (0...res.size).map { |ix| res[ix] ? seq1[ix] : nil }.compact x_seq2 = (0...res.size).map { |ix| res[ix] ? seq2[res[ix]] : nil }.compact - x_seq1.should == correct_lcs - x_seq2.should == correct_lcs + expect(x_seq1).to eq(correct_lcs) + expect(x_seq2).to eq(correct_lcs) end - it "should return all indexes with (hello, hello)" do - Diff::LCS::Internals.lcs(hello, hello).should == (0...hello.size).to_a + it "returns all indexes with (hello, hello)" do + expect(Diff::LCS::Internals.lcs(hello, hello)).to \ + eq((0...hello.size).to_a) end - it "should return all indexes with (hello_ary, hello_ary)" do - Diff::LCS::Internals.lcs(hello_ary, hello_ary).should == (0...hello_ary.size).to_a + it "returns all indexes with (hello_ary, hello_ary)" do + expect(Diff::LCS::Internals.lcs(hello_ary, hello_ary)).to \ + eq((0...hello_ary.size).to_a) end end -describe "Diff::LCS.LCS" do +describe Diff::LCS, ".LCS" do include Diff::LCS::SpecHelper::Matchers - it "should return the correct compacted values from Diff::LCS.LCS" do + it "returns the correct compacted values from Diff::LCS.LCS" do res = Diff::LCS.LCS(seq1, seq2) - res.should == correct_lcs - res.compact.should == res + expect(res).to eq(correct_lcs) + expect(res.compact).to eq(res) end - it "should be transitive" do + it "is transitive" do res = Diff::LCS.LCS(seq2, seq1) - res.should == correct_lcs - res.compact.should == res + expect(res).to eq(correct_lcs) + expect(res.compact).to eq(res) end - it "should return %W(h e l l o) with (hello, hello)" do - Diff::LCS.LCS(hello, hello).should == hello.split(//) + it "returns %W(h e l l o) with (hello, hello)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.LCS(hello, hello)).to eq(hello.split(//)) end - it "should return hello_ary with (hello_ary, hello_ary)" do - Diff::LCS.LCS(hello_ary, hello_ary).should == hello_ary + it "returns hello_ary with (hello_ary, hello_ary)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.LCS(hello_ary, hello_ary)).to eq(hello_ary) end end diff --git a/spec/ldiff_spec.rb b/spec/ldiff_spec.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad1377f --- /dev/null +++ b/spec/ldiff_spec.rb @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +# -*- ruby encoding: utf-8 -*- + +require 'spec_helper' + +describe "Diff::LCS.diff" do + include Diff::LCS::SpecHelper::Matchers + + it 'correctly diffs seq1 to seq2' do + diff_s1_s2 = Diff::LCS.diff(seq1, seq2) + expect(change_diff(correct_forward_diff)).to eq(diff_s1_s2) + end + + it 'correctly diffs seq2 to seq1' do + diff_s2_s1 = Diff::LCS.diff(seq2, seq1) + expect(change_diff(correct_backward_diff)).to eq(diff_s2_s1) + end + + it 'correctly diffs against an empty sequence' do + diff = Diff::LCS.diff(word_sequence, []) + correct_diff = [ + [ [ '-', 0, 'abcd' ], + [ '-', 1, 'efgh' ], + [ '-', 2, 'ijkl' ], + [ '-', 3, 'mnopqrstuvwxyz' ] ] + ] + + expect(change_diff(correct_diff)).to eq(diff) + + diff = Diff::LCS.diff([], word_sequence) + correct_diff.each { |hunk| hunk.each { |change| change[0] = '+' } } + expect(change_diff(correct_diff)).to eq(diff) + end + + it "correctly diffs 'xx' and 'xaxb'" do + left = 'xx' + right = 'xaxb' + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(left, Diff::LCS.diff(left, right))).to eq(right) + end + + it "returns an empty diff with (hello, hello)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.diff(hello, hello)).to eq([]) + end + + it "returns an empty diff with (hello_ary, hello_ary)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.diff(hello_ary, hello_ary)).to eq([]) + end +end diff --git a/spec/patch_spec.rb b/spec/patch_spec.rb index 0fc9160..9f1a4f1 100644 --- a/spec/patch_spec.rb +++ b/spec/patch_spec.rb @@ -6,33 +6,35 @@ describe "Diff::LCS.patch" do include Diff::LCS::SpecHelper::Matchers shared_examples "patch sequences correctly" do - it "should correctly patch left-to-right (patch autodiscovery)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(s1, patch_set).should == s2 + it "correctly patches left-to-right (patch autodiscovery)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(s1, patch_set)).to eq(s2) end - it "should correctly patch left-to-right (explicit patch)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(s1, patch_set, :patch).should == s2 - Diff::LCS.patch!(s1, patch_set).should == s2 + it "correctly patches left-to-right (explicit patch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(s1, patch_set, :patch)).to eq(s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch!(s1, patch_set)).to eq(s2) end - it "should correctly patch right-to-left (unpatch autodiscovery)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(s2, patch_set).should == s1 + it "correctly patches right-to-left (unpatch autodiscovery)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(s2, patch_set)).to eq(s1) end - it "should correctly patch right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(s2, patch_set, :unpatch).should == s1 - Diff::LCS.unpatch!(s2, patch_set).should == s1 + it "correctly patches right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(s2, patch_set, :unpatch)).to eq(s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.unpatch!(s2, patch_set)).to eq(s1) end end describe "using a Diff::LCS.diff patchset" do describe "an empty patchset returns the source" do it "works on a string (hello)" do - Diff::LCS::patch(hello, Diff::LCS.diff(hello, hello)).should == hello + diff = Diff::LCS.diff(hello, hello) + expect(Diff::LCS::patch(hello, diff)).to eq(hello) end it "works on an array %W(h e l l o)" do - Diff::LCS::patch(hello_ary, Diff::LCS.diff(hello_ary, hello_ary)).should == hello_ary + diff = Diff::LCS.diff(hello_ary, hello_ary) + expect(Diff::LCS::patch(hello_ary, diff)).to eq(hello_ary) end end @@ -102,11 +104,11 @@ describe "Diff::LCS.patch" do describe "using a Diff::LCS.sdiff patchset" do describe "an empty patchset returns the source" do it "works on a string (hello)" do - Diff::LCS::patch(hello, Diff::LCS.sdiff(hello, hello)).should == hello + expect(Diff::LCS::patch(hello, Diff::LCS.sdiff(hello, hello))).to eq(hello) end it "works on an array %W(h e l l o)" do - Diff::LCS::patch(hello_ary, Diff::LCS.sdiff(hello_ary, hello_ary)).should == hello_ary + expect(Diff::LCS::patch(hello_ary, Diff::LCS.sdiff(hello_ary, hello_ary))).to eq(hello_ary) end end @@ -178,122 +180,126 @@ describe "Diff::LCS.patch" do # set. Once the bug in autodiscovery is fixed, this can be converted as # above. describe "fix bug 891: patchsets do not contain the last equal part" do - before(:each) do + before :each do @s1 = %w(a b c d e f g h i j k) @s2 = %w(a b c d D e f g h i j k) end describe "using Diff::LCS.diff with default diff callbacks" do - before(:each) do + before :each do @patch_set_s1_s2 = Diff::LCS.diff(@s1, @s2) @patch_set_s2_s1 = Diff::LCS.diff(@s2, @s1) end - it "should autodiscover s1 to s2 patches" do + it "autodiscovers s1 to s2 patches" do expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s2 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s2) + end.to_not raise_error end - it "should autodiscover s2 to s1 patches" do + it "autodiscovers s2 to s1 patches" do expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s2 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s2) + end.to_not raise_error end - it "should autodiscover s2 to s1 the left-to-right patches" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s1 + it "autodiscovers s2 to s1 the left-to-right patches" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s1) end - it "should correctly patch left-to-right (explicit patch)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2, :patch).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1, :patch).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch!(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.patch!(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s1 + it "correctly patches left-to-right (explicit patch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2, :patch)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1, :patch)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch!(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch!(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s1) end - it "should correctly patch right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2, :unpatch).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1, :unpatch).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s2 + it "correctly patches right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2, :unpatch)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1, :unpatch)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s2) end end describe "using Diff::LCS.diff with context diff callbacks" do - before(:each) do - @patch_set_s1_s2 = Diff::LCS.diff(@s1, @s2, Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks) - @patch_set_s2_s1 = Diff::LCS.diff(@s2, @s1, Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks) + before :each do + @patch_set_s1_s2 = Diff::LCS.diff(@s1, @s2, + Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks) + @patch_set_s2_s1 = Diff::LCS.diff(@s2, @s1, + Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks) end - it "should autodiscover s1 to s2 patches" do + it "autodiscovers s1 to s2 patches" do expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s2 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s2) + end.to_not raise_error end - it "should autodiscover s2 to s1 patches" do + it "autodiscovers s2 to s1 patches" do expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s2 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s2) + end.to_not raise_error end - it "should autodiscover s2 to s1 the left-to-right patches" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s1 + it "autodiscovers s2 to s1 the left-to-right patches" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s1) end - it "should correctly patch left-to-right (explicit patch)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2, :patch).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1, :patch).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch!(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.patch!(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s1 + it "correctly patches left-to-right (explicit patch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2, :patch)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1, :patch)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch!(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch!(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s1) end - it "should correctly patch right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2, :unpatch).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1, :unpatch).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s2 + it "correctly patches right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2, :unpatch)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1, :unpatch)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s2) end end describe "using Diff::LCS.diff with sdiff callbacks" do before(:each) do - @patch_set_s1_s2 = Diff::LCS.diff(@s1, @s2, Diff::LCS::SDiffCallbacks) - @patch_set_s2_s1 = Diff::LCS.diff(@s2, @s1, Diff::LCS::SDiffCallbacks) + @patch_set_s1_s2 = Diff::LCS.diff(@s1, @s2, + Diff::LCS::SDiffCallbacks) + @patch_set_s2_s1 = Diff::LCS.diff(@s2, @s1, + Diff::LCS::SDiffCallbacks) end - it "should autodiscover s1 to s2 patches" do + it "autodiscovers s1 to s2 patches" do expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s2 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s2) + end.to_not raise_error end - it "should autodiscover s2 to s1 patches" do + it "autodiscovers s2 to s1 patches" do expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s2 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s2) + end.to_not raise_error end - it "should autodiscover s2 to s1 the left-to-right patches" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s1 + it "autodiscovers s2 to s1 the left-to-right patches" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s1) end - it "should correctly patch left-to-right (explicit patch)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2, :patch).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1, :patch).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch!(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.patch!(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s1 + it "correctly patches left-to-right (explicit patch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2, :patch)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1, :patch)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch!(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch!(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s1) end - it "should correctly patch right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2, :unpatch).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1, :unpatch).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s2 + it "correctly patches right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2, :unpatch)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1, :unpatch)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s2) end end @@ -303,73 +309,75 @@ describe "Diff::LCS.patch" do @patch_set_s2_s1 = Diff::LCS.sdiff(@s2, @s1) end - it "should autodiscover s1 to s2 patches" do + it "autodiscovers s1 to s2 patches" do expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s2 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s2) + end.to_not raise_error end - it "should autodiscover s2 to s1 patches" do + it "autodiscovers s2 to s1 patches" do expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s2 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s2) + end.to_not raise_error end - it "should autodiscover s2 to s1 the left-to-right patches" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s1 + it "autodiscovers s2 to s1 the left-to-right patches" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s1) end - it "should correctly patch left-to-right (explicit patch)", :only => true do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2, :patch).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1, :patch).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch!(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.patch!(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s1 + it "correctly patches left-to-right (explicit patch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2, :patch)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1, :patch)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch!(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch!(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s1) end - it "should correctly patch right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2, :unpatch).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1, :unpatch).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s2 + it "correctly patches right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2, :unpatch)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1, :unpatch)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s2) end end describe "using Diff::LCS.sdiff with context diff callbacks" do before(:each) do - @patch_set_s1_s2 = Diff::LCS.sdiff(@s1, @s2, Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks) - @patch_set_s2_s1 = Diff::LCS.sdiff(@s2, @s1, Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks) + @patch_set_s1_s2 = Diff::LCS.sdiff(@s1, @s2, + Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks) + @patch_set_s2_s1 = Diff::LCS.sdiff(@s2, @s1, + Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks) end - it "should autodiscover s1 to s2 patches" do + it "autodiscovers s1 to s2 patches" do expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s2 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s2) + end.to_not raise_error end - it "should autodiscover s2 to s1 patches" do + it "autodiscovers s2 to s1 patches" do expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s2 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s2) + end.to_not raise_error end - it "should autodiscover s2 to s1 the left-to-right patches" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s1 + it "autodiscovers s2 to s1 the left-to-right patches" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s1) end - it "should correctly patch left-to-right (explicit patch)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2, :patch).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1, :patch).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch!(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.patch!(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s1 + it "correctly patches left-to-right (explicit patch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2, :patch)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1, :patch)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch!(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch!(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s1) end - it "should correctly patch right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2, :unpatch).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1, :unpatch).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s2 + it "correctly patches right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2, :unpatch)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1, :unpatch)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s2) end end @@ -379,35 +387,35 @@ describe "Diff::LCS.patch" do @patch_set_s2_s1 = Diff::LCS.sdiff(@s2, @s1, Diff::LCS::DiffCallbacks) end - it "should autodiscover s1 to s2 patches" do + it "autodiscovers s1 to s2 patches" do expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s2 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s2) + end.to_not raise_error end - it "should autodiscover s2 to s1 patches" do + it "autodiscovers s2 to s1 patches" do expect do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s2 - end.to_not raise_error(RuntimeError, /provided patchset/) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s2) + end.to_not raise_error end - it "should autodiscover s2 to s1 the left-to-right patches" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s1 + it "autodiscovers s2 to s1 the left-to-right patches" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s1) end - it "should correctly patch left-to-right (explicit patch)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2, :patch).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1, :patch).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch!(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.patch!(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s1 + it "correctly patches left-to-right (explicit patch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2, :patch)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1, :patch)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch!(@s1, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch!(@s2, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s1) end - it "should correctly patch right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do - Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2, :unpatch).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1, :unpatch).should == @s2 - Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2).should == @s1 - Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1).should == @s2 + it "correctly patches right-to-left (explicit unpatch)" do + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2, :unpatch)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.patch(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1, :unpatch)).to eq(@s2) + expect(Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s2, @patch_set_s1_s2)).to eq(@s1) + expect(Diff::LCS.unpatch!(@s1, @patch_set_s2_s1)).to eq(@s2) end end end diff --git a/spec/sdiff_spec.rb b/spec/sdiff_spec.rb index 7ab3bb6..d619eb4 100644 --- a/spec/sdiff_spec.rb +++ b/spec/sdiff_spec.rb @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ describe "Diff::LCS.sdiff" do include Diff::LCS::SpecHelper::Matchers shared_examples "compare sequences correctly" do - it "should compare s1 -> s2 correctly" do - Diff::LCS.sdiff(s1, s2).should == context_diff(result) + it "compares s1 -> s2 correctly" do + expect(Diff::LCS.sdiff(s1, s2)).to eq(context_diff(result)) end - it "should compare s2 -> s1 correctly" do - Diff::LCS.sdiff(s2, s1).should == context_diff(reverse_sdiff(result)) + it "compares s2 -> s1 correctly" do + expect(Diff::LCS.sdiff(s2, s1)).to eq(context_diff(reverse_sdiff(result))) end end diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb index 48bec6f..27298c4 100644 --- a/spec/spec_helper.rb +++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb @@ -296,14 +296,14 @@ module Diff::LCS::SpecHelper matcher :be_nil_or_match_values do |ii, s1, s2| match do |ee| - ee.should satisfy { |vee| vee.nil? || s1[ii] == s2[ee] } + expect(ee).to(satisfy { |vee| vee.nil? || s1[ii] == s2[ee] }) end end matcher :correctly_map_sequence do |s1| match do |actual| actual.each_with_index { |ee, ii| - ee.should be_nil_or_match_values(ii, s1, @s2) + expect(ee).to be_nil_or_match_values(ii, s1, @s2) } end diff --git a/spec/traverse_balanced_spec.rb b/spec/traverse_balanced_spec.rb index 63fe1eb..95e60ec 100644 --- a/spec/traverse_balanced_spec.rb +++ b/spec/traverse_balanced_spec.rb @@ -6,26 +6,26 @@ describe "Diff::LCS.traverse_balanced" do include Diff::LCS::SpecHelper::Matchers shared_examples "with a #change callback" do |s1, s2, result| - it "should traverse s1 -> s2 correctly" do + it "traverses s1 -> s2 correctly" do traversal = balanced_traversal(s1, s2, :balanced_callback) - traversal.result.should == result + expect(traversal.result).to eq(result) end - it "should traverse s2 -> s1 correctly" do + it "traverses s2 -> s1 correctly" do traversal = balanced_traversal(s2, s1, :balanced_callback) - traversal.result.should == balanced_reverse(result) + expect(traversal.result).to eq(balanced_reverse(result)) end end shared_examples "without a #change callback" do |s1, s2, result| - it "should traverse s1 -> s2 correctly" do + it "traverses s1 -> s2 correctly" do traversal = balanced_traversal(s1, s2, :balanced_callback_no_change) - traversal.result.should == map_to_no_change(result) + expect(traversal.result).to eq(map_to_no_change(result)) end - it "should traverse s2 -> s1 correctly" do + it "traverses s2 -> s1 correctly" do traversal = balanced_traversal(s2, s1, :balanced_callback_no_change) - traversal.result.should == map_to_no_change(balanced_reverse(result)) + expect(traversal.result).to eq(map_to_no_change(balanced_reverse(result))) end end diff --git a/spec/traverse_sequences_spec.rb b/spec/traverse_sequences_spec.rb index f4480df..1252d53 100644 --- a/spec/traverse_sequences_spec.rb +++ b/spec/traverse_sequences_spec.rb @@ -13,31 +13,31 @@ describe "Diff::LCS.traverse_sequences" do Diff::LCS.traverse_sequences(seq2, seq1, @callback_s2_s1) end - it "should have the correct LCS result on left-matches" do - @callback_s1_s2.matched_a.should == correct_lcs - @callback_s2_s1.matched_a.should == correct_lcs + it "has the correct LCS result on left-matches" do + expect(@callback_s1_s2.matched_a).to eq(correct_lcs) + expect(@callback_s2_s1.matched_a).to eq(correct_lcs) end - it "should have the correct LCS result on right-matches" do - @callback_s1_s2.matched_b.should == correct_lcs - @callback_s2_s1.matched_b.should == correct_lcs + it "has the correct LCS result on right-matches" do + expect(@callback_s1_s2.matched_b).to eq(correct_lcs) + expect(@callback_s2_s1.matched_b).to eq(correct_lcs) end - it "should have the correct skipped sequences with the left sequence" do - @callback_s1_s2.discards_a.should == skipped_seq1 - @callback_s2_s1.discards_a.should == skipped_seq2 + it "has the correct skipped sequences with the left sequence" do + expect(@callback_s1_s2.discards_a).to eq(skipped_seq1) + expect(@callback_s2_s1.discards_a).to eq(skipped_seq2) end - it "should have the correct skipped sequences with the right sequence" do - @callback_s1_s2.discards_b.should == skipped_seq2 - @callback_s2_s1.discards_b.should == skipped_seq1 + it "has the correct skipped sequences with the right sequence" do + expect(@callback_s1_s2.discards_b).to eq(skipped_seq2) + expect(@callback_s2_s1.discards_b).to eq(skipped_seq1) end - it "should not have anything done markers from the left or right sequences" do - @callback_s1_s2.done_a.should be_empty - @callback_s1_s2.done_b.should be_empty - @callback_s2_s1.done_a.should be_empty - @callback_s2_s1.done_b.should be_empty + it "does not have anything done markers from the left or right sequences" do + expect(@callback_s1_s2.done_a).to be_empty + expect(@callback_s1_s2.done_b).to be_empty + expect(@callback_s2_s1.done_a).to be_empty + expect(@callback_s2_s1.done_b).to be_empty end end @@ -47,25 +47,25 @@ describe "Diff::LCS.traverse_sequences" do Diff::LCS.traverse_sequences(hello, hello, @callback) end - it "should have the correct LCS result on left-matches" do - @callback.matched_a.should == hello.split(//) + it "has the correct LCS result on left-matches" do + expect(@callback.matched_a).to eq(hello.split(//)) end - it "should have the correct LCS result on right-matches" do - @callback.matched_b.should == hello.split(//) + it "has the correct LCS result on right-matches" do + expect(@callback.matched_b).to eq(hello.split(//)) end - it "should have the correct skipped sequences with the left sequence", :only => true do - @callback.discards_a.should be_empty + it "has the correct skipped sequences with the left sequence", :only => true do + expect(@callback.discards_a).to be_empty end - it "should have the correct skipped sequences with the right sequence" do - @callback.discards_b.should be_empty + it "has the correct skipped sequences with the right sequence" do + expect(@callback.discards_b).to be_empty end - it "should not have anything done markers from the left or right sequences" do - @callback.done_a.should be_empty - @callback.done_b.should be_empty + it "does not have anything done markers from the left or right sequences" do + expect(@callback.done_a).to be_empty + expect(@callback.done_b).to be_empty end end @@ -75,25 +75,25 @@ describe "Diff::LCS.traverse_sequences" do Diff::LCS.traverse_sequences(hello_ary, hello_ary, @callback) end - it "should have the correct LCS result on left-matches" do - @callback.matched_a.should == hello_ary + it "has the correct LCS result on left-matches" do + expect(@callback.matched_a).to eq(hello_ary) end - it "should have the correct LCS result on right-matches" do - @callback.matched_b.should == hello_ary + it "has the correct LCS result on right-matches" do + expect(@callback.matched_b).to eq(hello_ary) end - it "should have the correct skipped sequences with the left sequence" do - @callback.discards_a.should be_empty + it "has the correct skipped sequences with the left sequence" do + expect(@callback.discards_a).to be_empty end - it "should have the correct skipped sequences with the right sequence" do - @callback.discards_b.should be_empty + it "has the correct skipped sequences with the right sequence" do + expect(@callback.discards_b).to be_empty end - it "should not have anything done markers from the left or right sequences" do - @callback.done_a.should be_empty - @callback.done_b.should be_empty + it "does not have anything done markers from the left or right sequences" do + expect(@callback.done_a).to be_empty + expect(@callback.done_b).to be_empty end end end @@ -106,34 +106,34 @@ describe "Diff::LCS.traverse_sequences" do Diff::LCS.traverse_sequences(seq2, seq1, @callback_s2_s1) end - it "should have the correct LCS result on left-matches" do - @callback_s1_s2.matched_a.should == correct_lcs - @callback_s2_s1.matched_a.should == correct_lcs + it "has the correct LCS result on left-matches" do + expect(@callback_s1_s2.matched_a).to eq(correct_lcs) + expect(@callback_s2_s1.matched_a).to eq(correct_lcs) end - it "should have the correct LCS result on right-matches" do - @callback_s1_s2.matched_b.should == correct_lcs - @callback_s2_s1.matched_b.should == correct_lcs + it "has the correct LCS result on right-matches" do + expect(@callback_s1_s2.matched_b).to eq(correct_lcs) + expect(@callback_s2_s1.matched_b).to eq(correct_lcs) end - it "should have the correct skipped sequences for the left sequence" do - @callback_s1_s2.discards_a.should == skipped_seq1 - @callback_s2_s1.discards_a.should == skipped_seq2 + it "has the correct skipped sequences for the left sequence" do + expect(@callback_s1_s2.discards_a).to eq(skipped_seq1) + expect(@callback_s2_s1.discards_a).to eq(skipped_seq2) end - it "should have the correct skipped sequences for the right sequence" do - @callback_s1_s2.discards_b.should == skipped_seq2 - @callback_s2_s1.discards_b.should == skipped_seq1 + it "has the correct skipped sequences for the right sequence" do + expect(@callback_s1_s2.discards_b).to eq(skipped_seq2) + expect(@callback_s2_s1.discards_b).to eq(skipped_seq1) end - it "should have done markers differently-sized sequences" do - @callback_s1_s2.done_a.should == [[ "p", 9, "s", 10 ]] - @callback_s1_s2.done_b.should be_empty + it "has done markers differently-sized sequences" do + expect(@callback_s1_s2.done_a).to eq([[ "p", 9, "s", 10 ]]) + expect(@callback_s1_s2.done_b).to be_empty # 20110731 I don't yet understand why this particular behaviour # isn't transitive. - @callback_s2_s1.done_a.should be_empty - @callback_s2_s1.done_b.should be_empty + expect(@callback_s2_s1.done_a).to be_empty + expect(@callback_s2_s1.done_b).to be_empty end end end -- cgit v1.2.1