# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rubygems' require 'rspec' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'hoe' # This is required until https://github.com/seattlerb/hoe/issues/112 is fixed class Hoe def with_config config = Hoe::DEFAULT_CONFIG rc = File.expand_path("~/.hoerc") homeconfig = load_config(rc) config = config.merge(homeconfig) localconfig = load_config(File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.pwd, ".hoerc"))) config = config.merge(localconfig) yield config, rc end def load_config(name) File.exist?(name) ? safe_load_yaml(name) : {} end def safe_load_yaml(name) return safe_load_yaml_file(name) if YAML.respond_to?(:safe_load_file) data = IO.binread(name) YAML.safe_load(data, permitted_classes: [Regexp]) rescue YAML.safe_load(data, [Regexp]) end def safe_load_yaml_file(name) YAML.safe_load_file(name, permitted_classes: [Regexp]) rescue YAML.safe_load_file(name, [Regexp]) end end Hoe.plugin :bundler Hoe.plugin :doofus Hoe.plugin :gemspec2 Hoe.plugin :git if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' class Array #:nodoc: def to_h Hash[*flatten(1)] end end class Gem::Specification #:nodoc: def metadata=(*); end def default_value(*); end end class Object #:nodoc: def caller_locations(*) [] end end end _spec = Hoe.spec 'diff-lcs' do developer('Austin Ziegler', 'halostatue@gmail.com') require_ruby_version '>= 1.8' self.history_file = 'History.md' self.readme_file = 'README.rdoc' self.licenses = ['MIT', 'Artistic-2.0', 'GPL-2.0+'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-doofus', '~> 1.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-gemspec2', '~> 1.1'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-git', '~> 1.6'] extra_dev_deps << ['hoe-rubygems', '~> 1.0'] extra_dev_deps << ['rspec', '>= 2.0', '< 4'] extra_dev_deps << ['rake', '>= 10.0', '< 14'] extra_dev_deps << ['rdoc', '>= 6.3.1', '< 7'] end desc "Run all specifications" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) do |t| rspec_dirs = %w(spec lib).join(":") t.rspec_opts = ["-I#{rspec_dirs}"] end Rake::Task["spec"].actions.uniq! { |a| a.source_location } task :default => :spec unless Rake::Task["default"].prereqs.include?("spec") task :test => :spec unless Rake::Task["test"].prereqs.include?("spec") if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0' && RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby' namespace :spec do desc "Runs test coverage. Only works Ruby 2.0+ and assumes 'simplecov' is installed." task :coverage do ENV['COVERAGE'] = 'yes' Rake::Task['spec'].execute end end end task :ruby18 do puts <<-MESSAGE You are starting a barebones Ruby 1.8 docker environment. You will need to do the following: - mv Gemfile.lock{,.v2} - gem install bundler --version 1.17.2 --no-ri --no-rdoc - ruby -S bundle - rake Don't forget to restore your Gemfile.lock after testing. MESSAGE sh "docker run -it --rm -v #{Dir.pwd}:/root/diff-lcs bellbind/docker-ruby18-rails2 bash -l" end