# -*- ruby encoding: utf-8 -*- class << Diff::LCS def diff_traversal(method, seq1, seq2, callbacks, &block) callbacks = callbacks_for(callbacks) case method when :diff traverse_sequences(seq1, seq2, callbacks) when :sdiff traverse_balanced(seq1, seq2, callbacks) end callbacks.finish if callbacks.respond_to? :finish if block callbacks.diffs.map do |hunk| if hunk.kind_of? Array hunk.map { |hunk_block| block[hunk_block] } else block[hunk] end end else callbacks.diffs end end private :diff_traversal end module Diff::LCS::Internals # :nodoc: end class << Diff::LCS::Internals # Compute the longest common subsequence between the sequenced # Enumerables +a+ and +b+. The result is an array whose contents is such # that # # result = Diff::LCS::Internals.lcs(a, b) # result.each_with_index do |e, i| # assert_equal(a[i], b[e]) unless e.nil? # end def lcs(a, b) a_start = b_start = 0 a_finish = a.size - 1 b_finish = b.size - 1 vector = [] # Prune off any common elements at the beginning... while ((a_start <= a_finish) and (b_start <= b_finish) and (a[a_start] == b[b_start])) vector[a_start] = b_start a_start += 1 b_start += 1 end b_start = a_start # Now the end... while ((a_start <= a_finish) and (b_start <= b_finish) and (a[a_finish] == b[b_finish])) vector[a_finish] = b_finish a_finish -= 1 b_finish -= 1 end # Now, compute the equivalence classes of positions of elements. b_matches = position_hash(b, b_start..b_finish) thresh = [] links = [] string = a.kind_of?(String) (a_start .. a_finish).each do |i| ai = string ? a[i, 1] : a[i] bm = b_matches[ai] k = nil bm.reverse_each do |j| if k and (thresh[k] > j) and (thresh[k - 1] < j) thresh[k] = j else k = replace_next_larger(thresh, j, k) end links[k] = [ (k > 0) ? links[k - 1] : nil, i, j ] unless k.nil? end end unless thresh.empty? link = links[thresh.size - 1] while not link.nil? vector[link[1]] = link[2] link = link[0] end end vector end # This method will analyze the provided patchset to provide a # single-pass normalization (conversion of the array form of # Diff::LCS::Change objects to the object form of same) and detection of # whether the patchset represents changes to be made. def analyze_patchset(patchset, depth = 0) raise "Patchset too complex" if depth > 1 has_changes = false # Format: # [ # patchset # # hunk (change) # [ # hunk # # change # ] # ] patchset = patchset.map do |hunk| case hunk when Diff::LCS::Change has_changes ||= !hunk.unchanged? hunk when Array # Detect if the 'hunk' is actually an array-format # Change object. if Diff::LCS::Change.valid_action? hunk[0] hunk = Diff::LCS::Change.from_a(hunk) has_changes ||= !hunk.unchanged? hunk else with_changes, hunk = analyze_patchset(hunk, depth + 1) has_changes ||= with_changes hunk.flatten end else raise ArgumentError, "Cannot normalise a hunk of class #{hunk.class}." end end [ has_changes, patchset.flatten(1) ] end # Examine the patchset and the source to see in which direction the # patch should be applied. # # WARNING: By default, this examines the whole patch, so this could take # some time. This also works better with Diff::LCS::ContextChange or # Diff::LCS::Change as its source, as an array will cause the creation # of one of the above. # # Note: This will be deprecated as a public function in a future release. def intuit_diff_direction(src, patchset, limit = nil) string = src.kind_of?(String) count = left_match = left_miss = right_match = right_miss = 0 patchset.each do |change| count += 1 case change when Diff::LCS::ContextChange le = string ? src[change.old_position, 1] : src[change.old_position] re = string ? src[change.new_position, 1] : src[change.new_position] case change.action when '-' # Remove details from the old string if le == change.old_element left_match += 1 else left_miss += 1 end when '+' if re == change.new_element right_match += 1 else right_miss += 1 end when '=' left_miss += 1 if le != change.old_element right_miss += 1 if re != change.new_element when '!' if le == change.old_element left_match += 1 else if re == change.new_element right_match += 1 else left_miss += 1 right_miss += 1 end end end when Diff::LCS::Change # With a simplistic change, we can't tell the difference between # the left and right on '!' actions, so we ignore those. On '=' # actions, if there's a miss, we miss both left and right. element = string ? src[change.position, 1] : src[change.position] case change.action when '-' if element == change.element left_match += 1 else left_miss += 1 end when '+' if element == change.element right_match += 1 else right_miss += 1 end when '=' if element != change.element left_miss += 1 right_miss += 1 end end end break if (not limit.nil?) && (count > limit) end no_left = (left_match == 0) && (left_miss > 0) no_right = (right_match == 0) && (right_miss > 0) case [no_left, no_right] when [false, true] :patch when [true, false] :unpatch else case left_match <=> right_match when 1 :patch when -1 :unpatch else raise "The provided patchset does not appear to apply to the provided value as either source or destination value." end end end # Find the place at which +value+ would normally be inserted into the # Enumerable. If that place is already occupied by +value+, do nothing # and return +nil+. If the place does not exist (i.e., it is off the end # of the Enumerable), add it to the end. Otherwise, replace the element # at that point with +value+. It is assumed that the Enumerable's values # are numeric. # # This operation preserves the sort order. def replace_next_larger(enum, value, last_index = nil) # Off the end? if enum.empty? or (value > enum[-1]) enum << value return enum.size - 1 end # Binary search for the insertion point last_index ||= enum.size first_index = 0 while (first_index <= last_index) i = (first_index + last_index) >> 1 found = enum[i] if value == found return nil elsif value > found first_index = i + 1 else last_index = i - 1 end end # The insertion point is in first_index; overwrite the next larger # value. enum[first_index] = value return first_index end private :replace_next_larger # If +vector+ maps the matching elements of another collection onto this # Enumerable, compute the inverse of +vector+ that maps this Enumerable # onto the collection. (Currently unused.) def inverse_vector(a, vector) inverse = a.dup (0...vector.size).each do |i| inverse[vector[i]] = i unless vector[i].nil? end inverse end private :inverse_vector # Returns a hash mapping each element of an Enumerable to the set of # positions it occupies in the Enumerable, optionally restricted to the # elements specified in the range of indexes specified by +interval+. def position_hash(enum, interval) string = enum.kind_of?(String) hash = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } interval.each do |i| k = string ? enum[i, 1] : enum[i] hash[k] << i end hash end private :position_hash end