source "" gemspec name: "ffi-yajl" group :development do # for testing loading concurrently with yajl-ruby, not on jruby # gem 'yajl-ruby', platforms: [ :ruby, :mswin, :mingw ] gem "ffi" gem "rake"#, ">= 10.1" gem "rspec"#, "~> 3.0" gem "pry", "~> 0.9" gem "rake-compiler"#, "~> 1.0" gem "rack"#, "~> 2.0" end group :development_extras do gem "chefstyle" end instance_eval(ENV["GEMFILE_MOD"]) if ENV["GEMFILE_MOD"] # If you want to load debugging tools into the bundle exec sandbox, # add these additional dependencies into Gemfile.local eval_gemfile(__FILE__ + ".local") if File.exist?(__FILE__ + ".local")