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Without this, repeated keys will silently replace the previous key. ## Encoder Options * `:pretty` (default = false): Produces more human readable 'pretty' output. * `:validate_utf8` (default = true): Will raise an exception when trying to encode strings that are invalid UTF-8. When set to false this still will produce valid UTF-8 JSON but will replace invalid characters. ## Forcing FFI or C Extension You can set the environment variable `FORCE_FFI_YAJL` to `ext` or `ffi` to control if the C extension or FFI bindings are used. ## Yajl Library Packaging This library prefers to use the embedded yajl 2.x C library packaged in the libyajl2 gem. In order to use the operating system yajl library (which must be yajl 2.x) the environment variable `USE_SYSTEM_LIBYAJL2` can be set before installing or bundling libyajl2. This will force the libyajl2 gem to skip compiling its embedded library and the ffi-yajl gem will fallback to using the system yajl library. ## No JSON Gem Compatiblity layer This library does not offer a feature to patch `#to_json` methods into all the ruby classes similarly to the JSON gem or yajl-ruby's `yajl/json_gem` compatibility API. The differences in encoding between the JSON gem and the Yajl C library can produce different output on different systems and makes testing brittle. Such a feature will not be included. It was removed in this pull request and could be easily extracted to its own gem (we have no interest in maintaining that gem): https://github.com/chef/ffi-yajl/pull/47/files ## Why This Instead of X? yajl is the only JSON library we've found that has error messages that meet our requirements. The stdlib json gem and oj (at the time we started this project) have error messages like "invalid token at byte 1234," which are probably fine for server use, but in [chef](https://github.com/chef/chef) we frequently deal with user-written JSON documents, which means we need a good user experience when encountering malformed JSON. We previously used brianmario's [yajl-ruby](https://github.com/brianmario/yajl-ruby) project, but we wanted to be able to fallback to using FFI bindings to the C code (so we could support non-MRI rubies) and we also needed some bug fixes in yajl2, but the maintainer wasn't able to devote enough time to the project to make these updates in a timeframe that worked for us. ## Thanks This was initially going to be a clean rewrite of an ffi ruby wrapper around yajl2, but as it progressed more and more code was pulled in from brianmario's existing yajl-ruby gem, particularly all the c extension code, lots of specs and the benchmarks. And the process of writing this would have been much more difficult without being able to draw heavily from already solved problems in yajl-ruby. ## License Given that this draws heavily from the yajl-ruby sources, and could be considered a derivative work, the MIT License from that project has been preserved and this source code has deliberately not been dual licensed under Chef's typical Apache License. See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/chef/ffi-yajl/blob/master/LICENSE) file in this project.