$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..') $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib') require 'rubygems' require 'benchmark' require 'yajl' begin require 'json' rescue LoadError end begin require 'active_support' rescue LoadError end filename = 'benchmark/subjects/twitter_stream.json' json = File.new(filename, 'r') times = ARGV[0] ? ARGV[0].to_i : 100 puts "Starting benchmark parsing JSON stream (#{File.size(filename)} bytes of JSON data with 430 JSON separate strings) #{times} times\n\n" Benchmark.bmbm { |x| parser = Yajl::Parser.new parser.on_parse_complete = lambda {|obj|} x.report { puts "Yajl::Parser#parse" times.times { json.rewind parser.parse(json) } } if defined?(JSON) x.report { puts "JSON.parse" times.times { json.rewind while chunk = json.gets JSON.parse(chunk, :max_nesting => false) end } } end if defined?(ActiveSupport::JSON) x.report { puts "ActiveSupport::JSON.decode" times.times { json.rewind while chunk = json.gets ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(chunk) end } } end } json.close