# # This file is part of ruby-ffi. # For licensing, see LICENSE.SPECS # require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper")) describe "async callback" do module LibTest extend FFI::Library ffi_lib TestLibrary::PATH AsyncIntCallback = callback [ :int ], :void @blocking = true attach_function :testAsyncCallback, [ AsyncIntCallback, :int ], :void end it ":int (0x7fffffff) argument" do skip "not yet supported on TruffleRuby" if RUBY_ENGINE == "truffleruby" v = 0xdeadbeef called = false cb = Proc.new {|i| v = i; called = Thread.current } LibTest.testAsyncCallback(cb, 0x7fffffff) expect(called).to be_kind_of(Thread) expect(called).to_not eq(Thread.current) expect(v).to eq(0x7fffffff) end it "called a second time" do skip "not yet supported on TruffleRuby" if RUBY_ENGINE == "truffleruby" v = 1 th1 = th2 = false LibTest.testAsyncCallback(2) { |i| v += i; th1 = Thread.current } LibTest.testAsyncCallback(3) { |i| v += i; th2 = Thread.current } expect(th1).to be_kind_of(Thread) expect(th2).to be_kind_of(Thread) expect(th1).to_not eq(Thread.current) expect(th2).to_not eq(Thread.current) expect(th1).to_not eq(th2) expect(v).to eq(6) end it "sets the name of the thread that runs the callback" do skip "not yet supported on TruffleRuby" if RUBY_ENGINE == "truffleruby" skip "not yet supported on JRuby" if RUBY_ENGINE == "jruby" callback_runner_thread = nil LibTest.testAsyncCallback(proc { callback_runner_thread = Thread.current }, 0) expect(callback_runner_thread.name).to eq("FFI Callback Runner") end end