# # This file is part of ruby-ffi. # For licensing, see LICENSE.SPECS # require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper")) describe "Managed Struct" do include FFI module ManagedStructTestLib extend FFI::Library ffi_lib TestLibrary::PATH attach_function :ptr_from_address, [ FFI::Platform::ADDRESS_SIZE == 32 ? :uint : :ulong_long ], :pointer end it "should raise an error if release() is not defined" do class NoRelease < FFI::ManagedStruct ; layout :i, :int; end expect { NoRelease.new(ManagedStructTestLib.ptr_from_address(0x12345678)) }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "should be the right class" do class WhatClassAmI < FFI::ManagedStruct layout :i, :int def self.release(_ptr) end end expect(WhatClassAmI.new(ManagedStructTestLib.ptr_from_address(0x12345678)).class).to eq(WhatClassAmI) end it "should build with self reference" do class ClassWithSelfRef < FFI::ManagedStruct layout :data, self.ptr def self.release(_ptr) end end expect(ClassWithSelfRef.new(ManagedStructTestLib.ptr_from_address(0x12345678)).class).to eq(ClassWithSelfRef) end # see #427 it "should release memory properly" do class PleaseReleaseMe < FFI::ManagedStruct layout :i, :int @@count = 0 def self.release(_ptr) @@count += 1 end private_class_method :release def self.wait_gc(count) loop = 5 while loop > 0 && @@count < count loop -= 1 TestLibrary.force_gc sleep 0.05 if @@count < count end @@count end end loop_count = 30 wiggle_room = 5 loop_count.times do PleaseReleaseMe.new(ManagedStructTestLib.ptr_from_address(0x12345678)) end calls = PleaseReleaseMe.wait_gc(loop_count) expect(calls).to be >= loop_count-wiggle_room end end