diff options
authorDaniel Doubrovkine (dB.) @dblockdotorg <>2014-08-18 18:49:29 -0400
committerDaniel Doubrovkine (dB.) @dblockdotorg <>2014-08-18 18:49:29 -0400
commitdbe80877cd0184675aafaa751c788c91b6736d33 (patch)
parent1c4fee0aa1c6248d59b2dacda78249e3e9347b01 (diff)
parent404d52f4d7dec6d02f7286ecfc8d576b959bfa2b (diff)
Merge pull request #200 from maxlinc/core_types
Improved coercion: primitives and error handling
5 files changed, 381 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 8772ab9..412221d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* [#201]( Hashie::Trash transforms can be inherited - [@fobocaster](
* [#189]( Added Rash#fetch - [@medcat](
* Your contribution here.
+* [#200]( Improved coercion: primitives and error handling - [@maxlinc](
## 3.2.0 (7/10/2014)
diff --git a/ b/
index 246867e..631ff6d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -96,6 +96,47 @@ tweet.relations.class # => Hash
# and on each value since Relation doesn't define the `coerce` class method
+### Coercing Core Types
+Hashie handles coercion to the following by using standard conversion methods:
+| type | method |
+| Integer | `#to_i` |
+| Float | `#to_f` |
+| Complex | `#to_c` |
+| Rational | `#to_r` |
+| String | `#to_s` |
+| Symbol | `#to_sym`|
+**Note**: The standard Ruby conversion methods are less strict than you may assume. For example, `:foo.to_i` raises an error but `"foo".to_i` returns 0.
+You can also use coerce from the following supertypes with `coerce_value`:
+- Integer
+- Numeric
+Hashie does not have built-in support for coercion boolean values, since Ruby does not have a built-in boolean type or standard method for to a boolean. You can coerce to booleans using a custom proc.
+### Coercion Proc
+You can use a custom coercion proc on either `#coerce_key` or `#coerce_value`. This is useful for coercing to booleans or other simple types without creating a new class and `coerce` method. For example:
+class Tweet < Hash
+ include Hashie::Extensions::Coercion
+ coerce_key :retweeted, ->(v) do
+ case v
+ when String
+ return !!(v =~ /^(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i)
+ when Numeric
+ return !
+ else
+ return v == true
+ end
+ end
### KeyConversion
The KeyConversion extension gives you the convenience methods of `symbolize_keys` and `stringify_keys` along with their bang counterparts. You can also include just stringify or just symbolize with `Hashie::Extensions::StringifyKeys` or `Hashie::Extensions::SymbolizeKeys`.
diff --git a/ b/
index 611d307..25e8a84 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
Upgrading Hashie
+### Upgrading to 3.2.1
+#### Possible coercion changes
+The improvements made to coercions in version 3.2.1 [issue #200]( do not break the documented API, but are significant enough that changes may effect undocumented side-effects. Applications that depended on those side-effects will need to be updated.
+**Change**: Type coercion no longer creates new objects if the input matches the target type. Previously coerced properties always resulted in the creation of a new object, even when it wasn't necessary. This had the effect of a `dup` or `clone` on coerced properties but not uncoerced ones.
+If necessary, `dup` or `clone` your own objects. Do not assume Hashie will do it for you.
+**Change**: Failed coercion attempts now raise Hashie::CoercionError.
+Hashie now raises a Hashie::CoercionError that details on the property that could not be coerced, the source and target type of the coercion, and the internal error. Previously only the internal error was raised.
+Applications that were attempting to rescuing the internal errors should be updated to rescue Hashie::CoercionError instead.
### Upgrading to 3.0
#### Compatibility with Rails 4 Strong Parameters
diff --git a/lib/hashie/extensions/coercion.rb b/lib/hashie/extensions/coercion.rb
index dea6e92..c78b29e 100644
--- a/lib/hashie/extensions/coercion.rb
+++ b/lib/hashie/extensions/coercion.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
module Hashie
+ class CoercionError < StandardError; end
module Extensions
module Coercion
+ Integer => :to_i,
+ Float => :to_f,
+ Complex => :to_c,
+ Rational => :to_r,
+ String => :to_s,
+ Symbol => :to_sym
+ }
+ Integer => [Fixnum, Bignum],
+ Numeric => [Fixnum, Bignum, Float, Complex, Rational]
+ }
def self.included(base)
base.send :include, InstanceMethods
base.extend ClassMethods # NOTE: we wanna make sure we first define set_value_with_coercion before extending
@@ -13,23 +29,47 @@ module Hashie
def set_value_with_coercion(key, value)
into = self.class.key_coercion(key) || self.class.value_coercion(value)
- return set_value_without_coercion(key, value) unless value && into
- return set_value_without_coercion(key, coerce_or_init(into).call(value)) unless into.is_a?(Enumerable)
+ return set_value_without_coercion(key, value) if value.nil? || into.nil?
- if into.class >= Hash
- key_coerce = coerce_or_init(into.flatten[0])
- value_coerce = coerce_or_init(into.flatten[-1])
- value = Hash[ { |k, v| [,] }]
- else # Enumerable but not Hash: Array, Set
- value_coerce = coerce_or_init(into.first)
- value = { |v| })
+ begin
+ return set_value_without_coercion(key, coerce_or_init(into).call(value)) unless into.is_a?(Enumerable)
+ if into.class >= Hash
+ key_coerce = coerce_or_init(into.flatten[0])
+ value_coerce = coerce_or_init(into.flatten[-1])
+ value = Hash[ { |k, v| [,] }]
+ else # Enumerable but not Hash: Array, Set
+ value_coerce = coerce_or_init(into.first)
+ value = { |v| })
+ end
+ rescue NoMethodError, TypeError => e
+ raise CoercionError, "Cannot coerce property #{key.inspect} from #{value.class} to #{into}: #{e.message}"
set_value_without_coercion(key, value)
def coerce_or_init(type)
- type.respond_to?(:coerce) ? ->(v) { type.coerce(v) } : ->(v) { }
+ return type if type.is_a? Proc
+ if CORE_TYPES.key?(type)
+ ->(v) do
+ return v if v.is_a? type
+ return v.send(CORE_TYPES[type])
+ end
+ elsif type.respond_to?(:coerce)
+ ->(v) do
+ return v if v.is_a? type
+ type.coerce(v)
+ end
+ elsif type.respond_to?(:new)
+ ->(v) do
+ return v if v.is_a? type
+ end
+ else
+ fail TypeError, "#{type} is not a coercable type"
+ end
private :coerce_or_init
@@ -102,6 +142,12 @@ module Hashie
def coerce_value(from, into, options = {})
options = { strict: true }.merge(options)
+ if ABSTRACT_CORE_TYPES.key? from
+ ABSTRACT_CORE_TYPES[from].each do | type |
+ coerce_value type, into, options
+ end
+ end
if options[:strict]
(@strict_value_coercions ||= {})[from] = into
diff --git a/spec/hashie/extensions/coercion_spec.rb b/spec/hashie/extensions/coercion_spec.rb
index 466c884..2819eea 100644
--- a/spec/hashie/extensions/coercion_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/hashie/extensions/coercion_spec.rb
@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Hashie::Extensions::Coercion do
+ class NotInitializable
+ private_class_method :new
+ end
class Initializable
attr_reader :coerced, :value
- def initialize(obj, coerced = false)
+ def initialize(obj, coerced = nil)
@coerced = coerced
@value = obj.class.to_s
def coerced?
- !!@coerced
+ !@coerced.nil?
@@ -32,6 +36,65 @@ describe Hashie::Extensions::Coercion do
let(:instance) { }
describe '#coerce_key' do
+ context 'nesting' do
+ class BaseCoercableHash < Hash
+ include Hashie::Extensions::Coercion
+ include Hashie::Extensions::MergeInitializer
+ end
+ class NestedCoercableHash < BaseCoercableHash
+ coerce_key :foo, String
+ coerce_key :bar, Integer
+ end
+ class RootCoercableHash < BaseCoercableHash
+ coerce_key :nested, NestedCoercableHash
+ coerce_key :nested_list, Array[NestedCoercableHash]
+ coerce_key :nested_hash, Hash[String => NestedCoercableHash]
+ end
+ def test_nested_object(obj)
+ expect(obj).to be_a(NestedCoercableHash)
+ expect(obj[:foo]).to be_a(String)
+ expect(obj[:bar]).to be_an(Integer)
+ end
+ subject { RootCoercableHash }
+ let(:instance) { }
+ it 'coeces nested objects' do
+ instance[:nested] = { foo: 123, bar: '456' }
+ test_nested_object(instance[:nested])
+ end
+ it 'coeces nested arrays' do
+ instance[:nested_list] = [
+ { foo: 123, bar: '456' },
+ { foo: 234, bar: '567' },
+ { foo: 345, bar: '678' }
+ ]
+ expect(instance[:nested_list]).to be_a Array
+ expect(instance[:nested_list].size).to eq(3)
+ instance[:nested_list].each do | nested |
+ test_nested_object nested
+ end
+ end
+ it 'coeces nested hashes' do
+ instance[:nested_hash] = {
+ a: { foo: 123, bar: '456' },
+ b: { foo: 234, bar: '567' },
+ c: { foo: 345, bar: '678' }
+ }
+ expect(instance[:nested_hash]).to be_a Hash
+ expect(instance[:nested_hash].size).to eq(3)
+ instance[:nested_hash].each do | key, nested |
+ expect(key).to be_a(String)
+ test_nested_object nested
+ end
+ end
+ end
it { expect(subject).to be_respond_to(:coerce_key) }
it 'runs through coerce on a specified key' do
@@ -41,6 +104,13 @@ describe Hashie::Extensions::Coercion do
expect(instance[:foo]).to be_coerced
+ it 'skips unnecessary coercions' do
+ subject.coerce_key :foo, Coercable
+ instance[:foo] ='bar')
+ expect(instance[:foo]).to_not be_coerced
+ end
it 'supports an array of keys' do
subject.coerce_keys :foo, :bar, Coercable
@@ -92,6 +162,116 @@ describe Hashie::Extensions::Coercion do
expect(instance[:foo].keys).to all(be_coerced)
+ context 'coercing core types' do
+ def test_coercion(literal, target_type, coerce_method)
+ subject.coerce_key :foo, target_type
+ instance[:foo] = literal
+ expect(instance[:foo]).to be_a(target_type)
+ expect(instance[:foo]).to eq(literal.send(coerce_method))
+ end
+ RSpec.shared_examples 'coerces from numeric types' do |target_type, coerce_method|
+ it "coerces from String to #{target_type} via #{coerce_method}" do
+ test_coercion '2.0', target_type, coerce_method
+ end
+ it "coerces from Integer to #{target_type} via #{coerce_method}" do
+ # Fixnum
+ test_coercion 2, target_type, coerce_method
+ # Bignum
+ test_coercion 12_345_667_890_987_654_321, target_type, coerce_method
+ end
+ it "coerces from Rational to #{target_type} via #{coerce_method}" do
+ test_coercion Rational(2, 3), target_type, coerce_method
+ end
+ end
+ RSpec.shared_examples 'coerces from alphabetical types' do |target_type, coerce_method|
+ it "coerces from String to #{target_type} via #{coerce_method}" do
+ test_coercion 'abc', target_type, coerce_method
+ end
+ it "coerces from Symbol to #{target_type} via #{coerce_method}" do
+ test_coercion :abc, target_type, coerce_method
+ end
+ end
+ include_examples 'coerces from numeric types', Integer, :to_i
+ include_examples 'coerces from numeric types', Float, :to_f
+ include_examples 'coerces from numeric types', String, :to_s
+ include_examples 'coerces from alphabetical types', String, :to_s
+ include_examples 'coerces from alphabetical types', Symbol, :to_sym
+ it 'can coerce String to Rational when possible' do
+ test_coercion '2/3', Rational, :to_r
+ end
+ it 'can coerce String to Complex when possible' do
+ test_coercion '2/3+3/4i', Complex, :to_c
+ end
+ it 'coerces collections with core types' do
+ subject.coerce_key :foo, Hash[String => String]
+ instance[:foo] = {
+ abc: 123,
+ xyz: 987
+ }
+ expect(instance[:foo]).to eq(
+ 'abc' => '123',
+ 'xyz' => '987'
+ )
+ end
+ it 'can coerce via a proc' do
+ subject.coerce_key :foo, ->(v) do
+ case v
+ when String
+ return !!(v =~ /^(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i)
+ when Numeric
+ return !
+ else
+ return v == true
+ end
+ end
+ true_values = [true, 'true', 't', 'yes', 'y', '1', 1, -1]
+ false_values = [false, 'false', 'f', 'no', 'n', '0', 0]
+ true_values.each do |v|
+ instance[:foo] = v
+ expect(instance[:foo]).to be_a(TrueClass)
+ end
+ false_values.each do |v|
+ instance[:foo] = v
+ expect(instance[:foo]).to be_a(FalseClass)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'raises errors for non-coercable types' do
+ subject.coerce_key :foo, NotInitializable
+ expect { instance[:foo] = 'true' }.to raise_error(Hashie::CoercionError, /NotInitializable is not a coercable type/)
+ end
+ it 'can coerce false' do
+ subject.coerce_key :foo, Coercable
+ instance[:foo] = false
+ expect(instance[:foo]).to be_coerced
+ expect(instance[:foo].value).to eq('FalseClass')
+ end
+ it 'does not coerce nil' do
+ subject.coerce_key :foo, String
+ instance[:foo] = nil
+ expect(instance[:foo]).to_not eq('')
+ expect(instance[:foo]).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
it 'calls #new if no coerce method is available' do
subject.coerce_key :foo, Initializable
@@ -239,6 +419,91 @@ describe Hashie::Extensions::Coercion do
expect(instance[:foo]).to be_kind_of(Coercable)
+ context 'core types' do
+ it 'coerces String to Integer when possible' do
+ subject.coerce_value String, Integer
+ instance[:foo] = '2'
+ instance[:bar] = '2.7'
+ instance[:hi] = 'hi'
+ expect(instance[:foo]).to be_a(Integer)
+ expect(instance[:foo]).to eq(2)
+ expect(instance[:bar]).to be_a(Integer)
+ expect(instance[:bar]).to eq(2)
+ expect(instance[:hi]).to be_a(Integer)
+ expect(instance[:hi]).to eq(0) # not what I expected...
+ end
+ it 'coerces non-numeric from String to Integer' do
+ # This was surprising, but I guess it's "correct"
+ # unless there is a stricter `to_i` alternative
+ subject.coerce_value String, Integer
+ instance[:hi] = 'hi'
+ expect(instance[:hi]).to be_a(Integer)
+ expect(instance[:hi]).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it 'raises a CoercionError when coercion is not possible' do
+ subject.coerce_value Fixnum, Symbol
+ expect { instance[:hi] = 1 }.to raise_error(Hashie::CoercionError, /Cannot coerce property :hi from Fixnum to Symbol/)
+ end
+ it 'coerces Integer to String' do
+ subject.coerce_value Integer, String
+ {
+ fixnum: 2,
+ bignum: 12_345_667_890_987_654_321,
+ float: 2.7,
+ rational: Rational(2, 3),
+ complex: Complex(1)
+ }.each do | k, v |
+ instance[k] = v
+ if v.is_a? Integer
+ expect(instance[k]).to be_a(String)
+ expect(instance[k]).to eq(v.to_s)
+ else
+ expect(instance[k]).to_not be_a(String)
+ expect(instance[k]).to eq(v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it 'coerces Numeric to String' do
+ subject.coerce_value Numeric, String
+ {
+ fixnum: 2,
+ bignum: 12_345_667_890_987_654_321,
+ float: 2.7,
+ rational: Rational(2, 3),
+ complex: Complex(1)
+ }.each do | k, v |
+ instance[k] = v
+ expect(instance[k]).to be_a(String)
+ expect(instance[k]).to eq(v.to_s)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'can coerce via a proc' do
+ subject.coerce_value String, ->(v) do
+ return !!(v =~ /^(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i)
+ end
+ true_values = %w(true t yes y 1)
+ false_values = %w(false f no n 0)
+ true_values.each do |v|
+ instance[:foo] = v
+ expect(instance[:foo]).to be_a(TrueClass)
+ end
+ false_values.each do |v|
+ instance[:foo] = v
+ expect(instance[:foo]).to be_a(FalseClass)
+ end
+ end
+ end
after(:each) do