# CHANGELOG ## 2.0.0 * update gemspec with license info jordimassaguerpla #72 * fix readme typo jcamenisch #71 * initialize with merge coerces values mattfawcett #27 * Hashie::Extensions::Coercion coerce_keys takes arguments mattfawcett #28 * Trash removes translated values on initialization sleverbor #39 * Mash#fetch works with symbol or string keys arthwood #66 * Hashie::Hash inherits from ::Hash to avoid ambiguity meh, orend #49 * update respond_to? method signature to match ruby core definition dlupu #62 * DeepMerge extension nashby #41 * Dash defaults are dup'ed before assigned ohrite #63 * remove id, type, and object_id as special allowable keys jch #77 * merge and update accepts a block jch #78