Upgrading Hashie ================ ### Upgrading to 4.0.0 #### Non-destructive Hash methods called on Mash The following non-destructive Hash methods called on Mash will now return an instance of the class it was called on. | method | ruby | | ----------------- | ---- | | #compact | | | #invert | | | #reject | | | #select | | | #slice | 2.5 | | #transform_keys | 2.5 | | #transform_values | 2.4 | ```ruby class Parents < Hashie::Mash; end parents = Parents.new(father: 'Dad', mother: 'Mom') cool_parents = parents.transform_values { |v| v + v[-1] + 'io'} p cool_parents # before: {"father"=>"Daddio", "mother"=>"Mommio"} => {"father"=>"Daddio", "mother"=>"Mommio"} # after: # => {"father"=>"Dad", "mother"=>"Mom"} ``` This may make places where you had to re-make the Mash redundant, and may cause unintended side effects if your application was expecting a plain old ruby Hash. #### Ruby 2.6: Mash#merge and Mash#merge! In Ruby > 2.6.0, Hashie now supports passing multiple hash and Mash objects to Mash#merge and Mash#merge!. #### Hashie::Mash::CannotDisableMashWarnings error class is removed There shouldn't really be a case that anyone was relying on catching this specific error, but if so, they should change it to rescue Hashie::Extensions::KeyConflictWarning::CannotDisableMashWarnings ### Upgrading to 3.7.0 #### Mash#load takes options The `Hashie::Mash#load` method now accepts options, changing the interface of `Parser#initialize`. If you have a custom parser, you must update its `initialize` method. For example, `Hashie::Extensions::Parsers::YamlErbParser` now accepts `permitted_classes`, `permitted_symbols` and `aliases` options. Before: ```ruby class Hashie::Extensions::Parsers::YamlErbParser def initialize(file_path) @file_path = file_path end end ``` After: ```ruby class Hashie::Extensions::Parsers::YamlErbParser def initialize(file_path, options = {}) @file_path = file_path @options = options end end ``` Options can now be passed into `Mash#load`. ```ruby Mash.load(filename, permitted_classes: []) ``` ### Upgrading to 3.5.2 #### Disable logging in Mash subclasses If you subclass `Hashie::Mash`, you can now disable the logging we do about overriding existing methods with keys. This looks like: ```ruby class MyMash < Hashie::Mash disable_warnings end ``` ### Upgrading to 3.4.7 #### Procs as default values for Dash ```ruby class MyHash < Hashie::Dash property :time, default: -> { Time.now } end ``` In versions < 3.4.7 `Time.now` will be evaluated when `time` property is accessed directly first time. In version >= 3.4.7 `Time.now` is evaluated in time of object initialization. ### Upgrading to 3.4.4 #### Mash subclasses and reverse_merge ```ruby class MyMash < Hashie::Mash end ``` In versions >= 3.4.4 `MyMash#reverse_merge` returns an instance of `MyMash` but in previous versions it was a `Hashie::Mash` instance. ### Upgrading to 3.2.2 #### Testing if key defined In versions <= 3.2.1 Hash object being questioned doesn't return a boolean value as it's mentioned in README.md ```ruby class MyHash < Hash include Hashie::Extensions::MethodAccess end h = MyHash.new h.abc = 'def' h.abc # => 'def' h.abc? # => 'def' ``` In versions >= 3.2.2 it returns a boolean value ```ruby h.abc? # => true h.abb? # => false ``` ### Upgrading to 3.2.1 #### Possible coercion changes The improvements made to coercions in version 3.2.1 [issue #200](https://github.com/intridea/hashie/pull/200) do not break the documented API, but are significant enough that changes may effect undocumented side-effects. Applications that depended on those side-effects will need to be updated. **Change**: Type coercion no longer creates new objects if the input matches the target type. Previously coerced properties always resulted in the creation of a new object, even when it wasn't necessary. This had the effect of a `dup` or `clone` on coerced properties but not uncoerced ones. If necessary, `dup` or `clone` your own objects. Do not assume Hashie will do it for you. **Change**: Failed coercion attempts now raise Hashie::CoercionError. Hashie now raises a Hashie::CoercionError that details on the property that could not be coerced, the source and target type of the coercion, and the internal error. Previously only the internal error was raised. Applications that were attempting to rescuing the internal errors should be updated to rescue Hashie::CoercionError instead. ### Upgrading to 3.0 #### Compatibility with Rails 4 Strong Parameters Version 2.1 introduced support to prevent default Rails 4 mass-assignment protection behavior. This was [issue #89](https://github.com/intridea/hashie/issues/89), resolved in [#104](https://github.com/intridea/hashie/pull/104). In version 2.2 this behavior has been removed in [#147](https://github.com/intridea/hashie/pull/147) in favor of a mixin and finally extracted into a separate gem in Hashie 3.0. To enable 2.1 compatible behavior with Rails 4, use the [hashie_rails](http://rubygems.org/gems/hashie_rails) gem. ``` gem 'hashie_rails' ``` See [#154](https://github.com/intridea/hashie/pull/154) and [Mash and Rails 4 Strong Parameters](README.md#mash-and-rails-4-strong-parameters) for more details. #### Key Conversions in Hashie::Dash and Hashie::Trash Version 2.1 and older of Hashie::Dash and Hashie::Trash converted keys to strings by default. This is no longer the case in 2.2. Consider the following code. ```ruby class Person < Hashie::Dash property :name end p = Person.new(name: 'dB.') ``` Version 2.1 behaves as follows. ```ruby p.name # => 'dB.' p[:name] # => 'dB.' p['name'] # => 'dB.' # not what I put in p.inspect # => { 'name' => 'dB.' } p.to_hash # => { 'name' => 'dB.' } ``` It was not possible to achieve the behavior of preserving keys, as described in [issue #151](https://github.com/intridea/hashie/issues/151). Version 2.2 does not perform this conversion by default. ```ruby p.name # => 'dB.' p[:name] # => 'dB.' # p['name'] # => NoMethodError p.inspect # => { :name => 'dB.' } p.to_hash # => { :name => 'dB.' } ``` To enable behavior compatible with older versions, use `Hashie::Extensions::Dash::IndifferentAccess`. ```ruby class Person < Hashie::Dash include Hashie::Extensions::Dash::IndifferentAccess property :name end ``` #### Key Conversions in Hashie::Hash#to_hash Version 2.1 or older of Hash#to_hash converted keys to strings automatically. ```ruby instance = Hashie::Hash[first: 'First', 'last' => 'Last'] instance.to_hash # => { "first" => 'First', "last" => 'Last' } ``` It was possible to symbolize keys by passing `:symbolize_keys`, however it was not possible to retrieve the hash with initial key values. ```ruby instance.to_hash(symbolize_keys: true) # => { :first => 'First', :last => 'Last' } instance.to_hash(stringify_keys: true) # => { "first" => 'First', "last" => 'Last' } ``` Version 2.2 no longer converts keys by default. ```ruby instance = Hashie::Hash[first: 'First', 'last' => 'Last'] instance.to_hash # => { :first => 'First', "last" => 'Last' } ``` The behavior with `symbolize_keys` and `stringify_keys` is unchanged. See [#152](https://github.com/intridea/hashie/pull/152) for more information.