module Hashie module Extensions module StringifyKeys # Convert all keys in the hash to strings. # # @example # test = {:abc => 'def'} # test.stringify_keys! # test # => {'abc' => 'def'} def stringify_keys! StringifyKeys.stringify_keys!(self) self end # Return a new hash with all keys converted # to strings. def stringify_keys StringifyKeys.stringify_keys(self) end module ClassMethods # Stringify all keys recursively within nested # hashes and arrays. # @api private def stringify_keys_recursively!(object) case object when self.class stringify_keys!(object) when ::Array object.each do |i| stringify_keys_recursively!(i) end when ::Hash stringify_keys!(object) end end # Convert all keys in the hash to strings. # # @param [::Hash] hash # @example # test = {:abc => 'def'} # test.stringify_keys! # test # => {'abc' => 'def'} def stringify_keys!(hash) hash.extend(Hashie::Extensions::StringifyKeys) unless hash.respond_to?(:stringify_keys!) hash.keys.each do |k| # rubocop:disable Performance/HashEachMethods stringify_keys_recursively!(hash[k]) hash[k.to_s] = hash.delete(k) end hash end # Return a copy of hash with all keys converted # to strings. # @param [::Hash] hash def stringify_keys(hash) copy = hash.dup copy.extend(Hashie::Extensions::StringifyKeys) unless copy.respond_to?(:stringify_keys!) copy.tap do |new_hash| stringify_keys!(new_hash) end end end class << self include ClassMethods end end end end