module Hashie # A collection of helper methods that can be used throughout the gem. module Utils # Describes a method by where it was defined. # # @param bound_method [Method] The method to describe. # @return [String] def self.method_information(bound_method) if bound_method.source_location "defined at #{bound_method.source_location.join(':')}" else "defined in #{bound_method.owner}" end end # Duplicates a value or returns the value when it is not duplicable # # @api public # # @param value [Object] the value to safely duplicate # @return [Object] the duplicated value def self.safe_dup(value) case value when Complex, FalseClass, NilClass, Rational, Method, Symbol, TrueClass, *integer_classes value else value.dup end end # Lists the classes Ruby uses for integers # # @api private # @return [Array] def self.integer_classes @integer_classes ||= if const_defined?(:Fixnum) [Fixnum, Bignum] # rubocop:disable Lint/UnifiedInteger else [Integer] end end end end