require 'spec_helper' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' describe Hashie::Extensions::DeepLocate do let(:hash) do { from: 0, size: 25, query: { bool: { must: [ { query_string: { query: 'foobar', default_operator: 'AND', fields: [ 'title^2', '_all' ] } }, { match: { field_1: 'value_1' } }, { range: { lsr09: { gte: 2014 } } } ], should: [ { match: { field_2: 'value_2' } } ], must_not: [ { range: { lsr10: { gte: 2014 } } } ] } } } end describe '.deep_locate' do context 'if called with a non-callable comparator' do it 'creates a key comparator on-th-fly' do expect(described_class.deep_locate(:lsr10, hash)) .to eq([hash[:query][:bool][:must_not][0][:range]]) end end it 'locates enumerables for which the given comparator returns true for at least one element' do examples = [ [ ->(key, _value, _object) { key == :fields }, [ hash[:query][:bool][:must].first[:query_string] ] ], [ ->(_key, value, _object) { value.is_a?(String) && value.include?('value') }, [ hash[:query][:bool][:must][1][:match], hash[:query][:bool][:should][0][:match] ] ], [ lambda do |_key, _value, object| object.is_a?(Array) && !object.extend(described_class).deep_locate(:match).empty? end, [ hash[:query][:bool][:must], hash[:query][:bool][:should] ] ] ] examples.each do |comparator, expected_result| expect(described_class.deep_locate(comparator, hash)).to eq(expected_result) end end it 'returns an empty array if nothing was found' do expect(described_class.deep_locate(:muff, foo: 'bar')).to eq([]) end end context 'if extending an existing object' do let(:extended_hash) do hash.extend(described_class) end it 'adds #deep_locate' do expect(extended_hash.deep_locate(:bool)).to eq([hash[:query]]) end end context 'if included in a hash' do let(:derived_hash_with_extension_included) do do include Hashie::Extensions::DeepLocate end end let(:instance) do end it 'adds #deep_locate' do expect(instance.deep_locate(:bool)).to eq([hash[:query]]) end end context 'on an ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess' do let(:instance) { hash.dup.with_indifferent_access } it 'can locate symbolic keys' do expect(described_class.deep_locate(:lsr10, instance)).to eq ['lsr10' => { 'gte' => 2014 }] end it 'can locate string keys' do expect(described_class.deep_locate('lsr10', instance)).to eq ['lsr10' => { 'gte' => 2014 }] end end end