require 'spec_helper' describe Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess do class IndifferentHashWithMergeInitializer < Hash include Hashie::Extensions::MergeInitializer include Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess class << self alias build new end end class IndifferentHashWithArrayInitializer < Hash include Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess class << self alias build [] end end class IndifferentHashWithTryConvertInitializer < Hash include Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess class << self alias build try_convert end end class IndifferentHashWithDash < Hashie::Dash include Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess property :foo end class IndifferentHashWithIgnoreUndeclaredAndPropertyTranslation < Hashie::Dash include Hashie::Extensions::IgnoreUndeclared include Hashie::Extensions::Dash::PropertyTranslation include Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess property :foo, from: :bar end describe '#merge' do it 'indifferently merges in a hash' do indifferent_hash = do include Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess merged_hash = indifferent_hash.merge(cat: 'meow') expect(merged_hash[:cat]).to eq('meow') expect(merged_hash['cat']).to eq('meow') end it 'injects the resulting new Hash with IndifferentAccess' do hash = :cat => 'meow', 'dog' => { name: 'Mango', sound: 'woof' } ) dog = hash[:dog] merged = dog.merge(foo: 'bar') expect(merged[:foo]).to eq('bar') expect(merged['foo']).to eq('bar') end end describe '#merge!' do it 'indifferently merges in a hash' do indifferent_hash = do include Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess indifferent_hash[:cat] = 'meow' expect(indifferent_hash[:cat]).to eq('meow') expect(indifferent_hash['cat']).to eq('meow') end end describe 'when included in dash' do let(:params) { { foo: 'bar' } } subject { } it 'initialize with a symbol' do expect( eq params[:foo] end end describe 'when overriding indifferent methods' do let(:indifferent_hash) do do include Hashie::Extensions::IndifferentAccess ALIASES = { cat: :grumpy }.freeze # Override writer to maintain alias of the given key def indifferent_writer(key, value) indifferent_value = indifferent_value(value) regular_writer convert_key(key), indifferent_value regular_writer convert_key(ALIASES[key]), indifferent_value end alias_method :[]=, :indifferent_writer end it '#indifferent_writer' do indifferent_hash[:cat] = 'meow' expect(indifferent_hash[:cat]).to eq('meow') expect(indifferent_hash['cat']).to eq('meow') expect(indifferent_hash[:grumpy]).to eq('meow') expect(indifferent_hash['grumpy']).to eq('meow') end it '#merge' do merged_hash = indifferent_hash.merge(cat: 'meow') expect(merged_hash[:cat]).to eq('meow') expect(merged_hash['cat']).to eq('meow') expect(merged_hash[:grumpy]).to eq('meow') expect(merged_hash['grumpy']).to eq('meow') end end describe 'when translating properties and ignoring undeclared' do let(:value) { 'baz' } subject { } context 'and the hash keys are strings' do let(:params) { { 'bar' => value } } it 'sets the property' do expect(subject[:foo]).to eq value end end context 'and the hash keys are symbols' do let(:params) { { bar: 'baz' } } it 'sets the property' do expect(subject[:foo]).to eq value end end context 'and there are undeclared keys' do let(:params) { { 'bar' => 'baz', 'fail' => false } } it 'sets the property' do expect(subject[:foo]).to eq value end end end shared_examples_for 'hash with indifferent access' do it 'is able to access via string or symbol' do h = 123) expect(h[:abc]).to eq 123 expect(h['abc']).to eq 123 end describe '#values_at' do it 'indifferently finds values' do h = => 'bar', 'baz' => 'qux') expect(h.values_at('foo', :baz)).to eq %w[bar qux] end it 'returns the same instance of the hash that was set' do hash = {} h = hash) expect(h.values_at(:foo)[0]).to be(hash) end it 'returns the same instance of the array that was set' do array = [] h = array) expect(h.values_at(:foo)[0]).to be(array) end it 'returns the same instance of the string that was set' do str = 'my string' h = str) expect(h.values_at(:foo)[0]).to be(str) end it 'returns the same instance of the object that was set' do object = h = object) expect(h.values_at(:foo)[0]).to be(object) end end describe '#fetch' do it 'works like normal fetch, but indifferent' do h = 'bar') expect(h.fetch(:foo)).to eq h.fetch('foo') expect(h.fetch(:foo)).to eq 'bar' end it 'returns the same instance of the hash that was set' do hash = {} h = hash) expect(h.fetch(:foo)).to be(hash) end it 'returns the same instance of the array that was set' do array = [] h = array) expect(h.fetch(:foo)).to be(array) end it 'returns the same instance of the string that was set' do str = 'my string' h = str) expect(h.fetch(:foo)).to be(str) end it 'returns the same instance of the object that was set' do object = h = object) expect(h.fetch(:foo)).to be(object) end it 'yields with key name if key does not exists' do h = 0) expect(h.fetch(:foo) { |key| ['default for', key] }).to eq ['default for', 'foo'] end end describe '#delete' do it 'deletes indifferently' do h = => 'bar', 'baz' => 'qux') h.delete('foo') h.delete(:baz) expect(h).to be_empty end end describe '#key?' do let(:h) { 'bar') } it 'finds it indifferently' do expect(h).to be_key(:foo) expect(h).to be_key('foo') end %w[include? member? has_key?].each do |key_alias| it "is aliased as #{key_alias}" do expect(h.send(key_alias.to_sym, :foo)).to be(true) expect(h.send(key_alias.to_sym, 'foo')).to be(true) end end end describe '#update' do let(:h) { 'bar') } it 'allows keys to be indifferent still' do h.update(baz: 'qux') expect(h['foo']).to eq 'bar' expect(h['baz']).to eq 'qux' end it 'recursively injects indifference into sub-hashes' do h.update(baz: { qux: 'abc' }) expect(h['baz']['qux']).to eq 'abc' end it 'does not change the ancestors of the injected object class' do h.update(baz: { qux: 'abc' }) expect({}).not_to be_respond_to(:indifferent_access?) end end describe '#replace' do let(:h) { 'bar').replace(bar: 'baz', hi: 'bye') } it 'returns self' do expect(h).to be_a(subject) end it 'removes old keys' do [:foo, 'foo'].each do |k| expect(h[k]).to be_nil expect(h.key?(k)).to be_falsy end end it 'creates new keys with indifferent access' do [:bar, 'bar', :hi, 'hi'].each { |k| expect(h.key?(k)).to be_truthy } expect(h[:bar]).to eq 'baz' expect(h['bar']).to eq 'baz' expect(h[:hi]).to eq 'bye' expect(h['hi']).to eq 'bye' end end describe '#try_convert' do describe 'with conversion' do let(:h) { subject.try_convert(foo: 'bar') } it 'is a subject' do expect(h).to be_a(subject) end end describe 'without conversion' do let(:h) { subject.try_convert('{ :foo => bar }') } it 'is nil' do expect(h).to be_nil end end end end describe 'with merge initializer' do subject { IndifferentHashWithMergeInitializer } it_should_behave_like 'hash with indifferent access' end describe 'with array initializer' do subject { IndifferentHashWithArrayInitializer } it_should_behave_like 'hash with indifferent access' end describe 'with try convert initializer' do subject { IndifferentHashWithTryConvertInitializer } it_should_behave_like 'hash with indifferent access' end end