require 'spec_helper' describe Hashie::Mash do subject { } include_context 'with a logger' it 'inherits from Hash' do expect(subject.is_a?(Hash)).to be_truthy end it 'sets hash values through method= calls' do subject.test = 'abc' expect(subject['test']).to eq 'abc' end it 'retrieves set values through method calls' do subject['test'] = 'abc' expect(subject.test).to eq 'abc' end it 'retrieves set values through blocks' do subject['test'] = 'abc' value = nil subject.[]('test') { |v| value = v } expect(value).to eq 'abc' end it 'retrieves set values through blocks with method calls' do subject['test'] = 'abc' value = nil subject.test { |v| value = v } expect(value).to eq 'abc' end it 'tests for already set values when passed a ? method' do expect(subject.test?).to be_falsy subject.test = 'abc' expect(subject.test?).to be_truthy end it 'returns false on a ? method if a value has been set to nil or false' do subject.test = nil expect(subject).not_to be_test subject.test = false expect(subject).not_to be_test end it 'makes all [] and []= into strings for consistency' do subject['abc'] = 123 expect(subject.key?('abc')).to be_truthy expect(subject['abc']).to eq 123 end it 'has a to_s that is identical to its inspect' do = 123 expect(subject.to_s).to eq subject.inspect end it 'returns nil instead of raising an error for attribute-esque method calls' do expect( be_nil end it 'returns the default value if set like Hash' do subject.default = 123 expect( eq 123 end it 'gracefully handles being accessed with arguments' do expect('foobar')).to eq nil = 123 expect('foobar')).to eq 123 end # Added due to downstream gems assuming indifferent access to be true for Mash # When this is not, bump major version so that downstream gems can target # correct version and fix accordingly. # See it 'maintains indifferent access when nested' do subject[:a] = { b: 'c' } expect(subject[:a][:b]).to eq 'c' expect(subject[:a]['b']).to eq 'c' end it 'returns a Hashie::Mash when passed a bang method to a non-existenct key' do expect(!.is_a?(Hashie::Mash)).to be_truthy end it 'returns the existing value when passed a bang method for an existing key' do = 'Bob' expect(!).to eq 'Bob' end it 'returns a Hashie::Mash when passed an under bang method to a non-existenct key' do expect(subject.abc_.is_a?(Hashie::Mash)).to be_truthy end it 'returns the existing value when passed an under bang method for an existing key' do = 'Bob' expect(subject.name_).to eq 'Bob' end it '#initializing_reader returns a Hashie::Mash when passed a non-existent key' do expect(subject.initializing_reader(:abc).is_a?(Hashie::Mash)).to be_truthy end it 'allows for multi-level assignment through bang methods' do!.name = 'Michael Bleigh' expect( eq 'Michael Bleigh')!.website!.url = '' expect( eq '') end it 'allows for multi-level under bang testing' do expect(subject.author_.website_.url).to be_nil expect(subject.author_.website_.url?).to eq false expect( be_nil end it 'does not call super if id is not a key' do expect( eq nil end it 'returns the value if id is a key' do = 'Steve' expect( eq 'Steve' end it 'does not call super if type is not a key' do expect(subject.type).to eq nil end it 'returns the value if type is a key' do subject.type = 'Steve' expect(subject.type).to eq 'Steve' end include_context 'with a logger' do it 'logs a warning when overriding built-in methods' do'trust' => { 'two' => 2 }) expect(logger_output).to match('Hashie::Mash#trust') end it 'can set keys more than once and does not warn when doing so' do mash = mash[:test_key] = 'Test value' expect { mash[:test_key] = 'A new value' }.not_to raise_error expect(logger_output).to be_empty end it 'does not write to the logger when warnings are disabled' do mash_class = do disable_warnings end'trust' => { 'two' => 2 }) expect(logger_output).to be_empty end it 'does not write to the logger when setting most affixed keys' do underbang ='foo_' => 'foo') bang ='foo!' => 'foo') query ='foo?' => 'foo') expect(logger_output).to be_empty expect(underbang.foo_).to eq 'foo' expect(!).to eq 'foo' expect( eq 'foo' end it 'warns when setting a key that looks like a setter' do setter ='foo=' => 'foo') expect(logger_output).to match 'Hashie::Mash#foo=' expect('').not_to parse_as_valid_ruby = 'bar' expect(setter.to_h).to eq 'foo=' => 'foo' end it 'cannot disable logging on the base Mash' do expected_error = Hashie::Extensions::KeyConflictWarning::CannotDisableMashWarnings expect { Hashie::Mash.disable_warnings }.to raise_error(expected_error) end it 'carries over the disable for warnings on grandchild classes' do child_class = do disable_warnings end grandchild_class ='trust' => { 'two' => 2 }) expect(logger_output).to be_empty end it 'writes to logger when a key is overridden that is not ignored' do mash_class = do disable_warnings :merge end'address' => { 'zip' => '90210' }) expect(logger_output).not_to be_empty end it 'does not write to logger when a key is overridden that is ignored' do mash_class = do disable_warnings :zip end'address' => { 'zip' => '90210' }) expect(logger_output).to be_empty end it 'carries over the ignored warnings list for warnings on grandchild classes' do child_class = do disable_warnings :zip, :merge end grandchild_class ='address' => { 'zip' => '90210' }, 'merge' => true) expect(grandchild_class.disabled_warnings).to eq(%i[zip merge]) expect(logger_output).to be_empty end context 'multiple disable_warnings calls' do context 'calling disable_warnings multiple times with parameters' do it 'appends each new parameter to the ignore list' do child_class = do disable_warnings :zip disable_warnings :merge disable_warnings :cycle end expect(child_class.disabled_warnings).to eq(%i[zip merge cycle]) end end context 'calling disable_warnings without keys after calling with keys' do it 'uses the last call to determine the ignore list' do child_class = do disable_warnings :zip disable_warnings end'address' => { 'zip' => '90210' }, 'merge' => true, 'cycle' => 'bi') expect(child_class.disabled_warnings).to eq([]) expect(logger_output).to be_empty end end context 'calling disable_parameters with keys after calling without keys' do it 'only ignores logging for ignored methods' do child_class = do disable_warnings disable_warnings :zip end'address' => { 'zip' => '90210' }, 'merge' => true) expect(logger_output).to match(/#{child_class}#merge/) expect(logger_output).not_to match(/#{child_class}#zip/) end end end end context 'updating' do subject do first_name: 'Michael', last_name: 'Bleigh', details: { email: '', address: 'Nowhere road' } ) end describe '#deep_update' do it 'recursively Hashie::Mash Hashie::Mashes and hashes together' do subject.deep_update(details: { email: '', city: 'Imagineton' }) expect(subject.first_name).to eq 'Michael' expect( eq '' expect(subject.details.address).to eq 'Nowhere road' expect( eq 'Imagineton' end it 'converts values only once' do class ConvertedMash < Hashie::Mash end rhs = '') expect(subject).to receive(:convert_value).exactly(1).times subject.deep_update(rhs) end it 'makes #update deep by default' do expect(subject.update(details: { address: 'Fake street' })).to eql(subject) expect(subject.details.address).to eq 'Fake street' expect( eq '' end it 'clones before a #deep_merge' do duped = subject.deep_merge(details: { address: 'Fake street' }) expect(duped).not_to eql(subject) expect(duped.details.address).to eq 'Fake street' expect(subject.details.address).to eq 'Nowhere road' expect( eq '' end it 'default #merge is deep' do duped = subject.merge(details: { email: '' }) expect(duped).not_to eql(subject) expect( eq '' expect(duped.details.address).to eq 'Nowhere road' end # it 'accepts a block' do duped = subject.merge(details: { address: 'Pasadena CA' }) do |_, oldv, newv| [oldv, newv].join(', ') end expect(duped.details.address).to eq 'Nowhere road, Pasadena CA' end it 'copies values for non-duplicate keys when a block is supplied' do m_hash = { details: { address: 'Pasadena CA', state: 'West Thoughtleby' } } duped = subject.merge(m_hash) { |_, oldv, _| oldv } expect(duped.details.address).to eq 'Nowhere road' expect(duped.details.state).to eq 'West Thoughtleby' end it 'does not raise an exception when default_proc raises an error' do hash = 1) { |_k, _v| raise('Should not be raise I') } other_has = 2, b: 2) { |_k, _v| raise('Should not be raise II') } expected_hash = 2, b: 2) res = hash.merge(other_has) expect(res).to eq(expected_hash) end end describe 'shallow update' do it 'shallowly Hashie::Mash Hashie::Mashes and hashes together' do expect(subject.shallow_update(details: { email: '', city: 'Imagineton' })).to eql(subject) expect(subject.first_name).to eq 'Michael' expect( eq '' expect(subject.details.address).to be_nil expect( eq 'Imagineton' end it 'clones before a #regular_merge' do duped = subject.shallow_merge(details: { address: 'Fake street' }) expect(duped).not_to eql(subject) end it 'default #merge is shallow' do duped = subject.shallow_merge(details: { address: 'Fake street' }) expect(duped.details.address).to eq 'Fake street' expect(subject.details.address).to eq 'Nowhere road' expect( be_nil end end describe '#replace' do before do subject.replace( middle_name: 'Cain', details: { city: 'Imagination' } ) end it 'returns self' do expect(subject.replace(foo: 'bar').to_hash).to eq('foo' => 'bar') end it 'sets all specified keys to their corresponding values' do expect(subject.middle_name?).to be_truthy expect(subject.details?).to be_truthy expect(subject.middle_name).to eq 'Cain' expect( be_truthy expect( eq 'Imagination' end it 'leaves only specified keys' do expect(subject.keys.sort).to eq %w[details middle_name] expect(subject.first_name?).to be_falsy expect(subject).not_to respond_to(:first_name) expect(subject.last_name?).to be_falsy expect(subject).not_to respond_to(:last_name) end end describe 'delete' do it 'deletes with String key' do subject.delete('details') expect(subject.details).to be_nil expect(subject).not_to be_respond_to :details end it 'deletes with Symbol key' do subject.delete(:details) expect(subject.details).to be_nil expect(subject).not_to be_respond_to :details end end end it 'converts hash assignments into Hashie::Mashes' do subject.details = { email: '', address: { state: 'TX' } } expect( eq '' expect(subject.details.address.state).to eq 'TX' end it 'does not convert the type of Hashie::Mashes childs to Hashie::Mash' do class MyMash < Hashie::Mash end record = record.son = expect(record.son.class).to eq MyMash end it 'does not change the class of Mashes when converted' do class SubMash < Hashie::Mash end record = son = record['submash'] = son expect(record['submash']).to be_kind_of(SubMash) end it 'respects the class when passed a bang method for a non-existent key' do record = expect(record.non_existent!).to be_kind_of(Hashie::Mash) class SubMash < Hashie::Mash end son = expect(son.non_existent!).to be_kind_of(SubMash) end it 'respects the class when passed an under bang method for a non-existent key' do record = expect(record.non_existent_).to be_kind_of(Hashie::Mash) class SubMash < Hashie::Mash end son = expect(son.non_existent_).to be_kind_of(SubMash) end it 'respects the class when converting the value' do record = record.details = '') expect(record.details).to be_kind_of(Hashie::Mash) end it 'respects another subclass when converting the value' do record = class SubMash < Hashie::Mash end son = '') record.details = son expect(record.details).to be_kind_of(SubMash) end describe '#respond_to?' do subject do 'def') end it 'responds to a normal method' do expect(subject).to be_respond_to(:key?) end it 'responds to a set key' do expect(subject).to be_respond_to(:abc) expect(subject.method(:abc)).to_not be_nil end it 'responds to a set key with a suffix' do %w[= ? ! _].each do |suffix| expect(subject).to be_respond_to(:"abc#{suffix}") end end it 'is able to access the suffixed key as a method' do %w[= ? ! _].each do |suffix| expect(subject.method(:"abc#{suffix}")).to_not be_nil end end it 'responds to an unknown key with a suffix' do %w[= ? ! _].each do |suffix| expect(subject).to be_respond_to(:"xyz#{suffix}") end end it 'is able to access an unknown suffixed key as a method' do # See for more information pending_for(engine: 'ruby', versions: %w[2.2.0 2.2.1 2.2.2]) %w[= ? ! _].each do |suffix| expect(subject.method(:"xyz#{suffix}")).to_not be_nil end end it 'does not respond to an unknown key without a suffix' do expect(subject).not_to be_respond_to(:xyz) expect { subject.method(:xyz) }.to raise_error(NameError) end end context '#initialize' do it 'converts an existing hash to a Hashie::Mash' do converted = 123, name: 'Bob') expect( eq 123 expect( eq 'Bob' end it 'converts hashes recursively into Hashie::Mashes' do converted = { b: 1, c: { d: 23 } }) expect(converted.a.is_a?(Hashie::Mash)).to be_truthy expect(converted.a.b).to eq 1 expect(converted.a.c.d).to eq 23 end it 'converts hashes in arrays into Hashie::Mashes' do converted = [{ b: 12 }, 23]) expect(converted.a.first.b).to eq 12 expect(converted.a.last).to eq 23 end it 'converts an existing Hashie::Mash into a Hashie::Mash' do initial = 'randy', address: { state: 'TX' }) copy = expect( eq expect(initial.__id__).not_to eq copy.__id__ expect(copy.address.state).to eq 'TX' copy.address.state = 'MI' expect(initial.address.state).to eq 'TX' expect(copy.address.__id__).not_to eq initial.address.__id__ end it 'accepts a default block' do initial = { |h, i| h[i] = [] } expect(initial.default_proc).not_to be_nil expect(initial.default).to be_nil expect(initial.test).to eq [] expect(initial.test?).to be_truthy end it 'allows propagation of a default block' do h = { |mash, key| mash[key] = } expect { h[:x][:y][:z] = :xyz }.not_to raise_error expect(h.x.y.z).to eq(:xyz) expect(h[:x][:y][:z]).to eq(:xyz) end it 'allows assignment of an empty array in a default block' do initial = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } initial.hello << 100 expect(initial.hello).to eq [100] initial['hi'] << 100 expect(initial['hi']).to eq [100] end it 'allows assignment of a non-empty array in a default block' do initial = { |h, k| h[k] = [100] } initial.hello << 200 expect(initial.hello).to eq [100, 200] initial['hi'] << 200 expect(initial['hi']).to eq [100, 200] end it 'allows assignment of an empty hash in a default block' do initial = { |h, k| h[k] = {} } initial.hello[:a] = 100 expect(initial.hello).to eq 100) initial[:hi][:a] = 100 expect(initial[:hi]).to eq 100) end it 'allows assignment of a non-empty hash in a default block' do initial = { |h, k| h[k] = { a: 100 } } initial.hello[:b] = 200 expect(initial.hello).to eq 100, b: 200) initial[:hi][:b] = 200 expect(initial[:hi]).to eq 100, b: 200) end it 'converts Hashie::Mashes within Arrays back to Hashes' do initial_hash = { 'a' => [{ 'b' => 12, 'c' => ['d' => 50, 'e' => 51] }, 23] } converted = expect(converted.to_hash['a'].first.is_a?(Hashie::Mash)).to be_falsy expect(converted.to_hash['a'].first.is_a?(Hash)).to be_truthy expect(converted.to_hash['a'].first['c'].first.is_a?(Hashie::Mash)).to be_falsy end end describe '#fetch' do let(:hash) { { one: 1, other: false } } let(:mash) { } context 'when key exists' do it 'returns the value' do expect(mash.fetch(:one)).to eql(1) end it 'returns the value even if the value is falsy' do expect(mash.fetch(:other)).to eql(false) end context 'when key has other than original but acceptable type' do it 'returns the value' do expect(mash.fetch('one')).to eql(1) end end end context 'when key does not exist' do it 'raises KeyError' do error = RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.8/ ? IndexError : KeyError expect { mash.fetch(:two) }.to raise_error(error) end context 'with default value given' do it 'returns default value' do expect(mash.fetch(:two, 8)).to eql(8) end it 'returns default value even if it is falsy' do expect(mash.fetch(:two, false)).to eql(false) end end context 'with block given' do it 'returns default value' do expect(mash.fetch(:two) do 'block default value' end).to eql('block default value') end end end end describe '#to_hash' do let(:hash) { { 'outer' => { 'inner' => 42 }, 'testing' => [1, 2, 3] } } let(:mash) { } it 'returns a standard Hash' do expect(mash.to_hash).to be_a(::Hash) end it 'includes all keys' do expect(mash.to_hash.keys).to eql(%w[outer testing]) end it 'converts keys to symbols when symbolize_keys option is true' do expect(mash.to_hash(symbolize_keys: true).keys).to include(:outer) expect(mash.to_hash(symbolize_keys: true).keys).not_to include('outer') end it 'leaves keys as strings when symbolize_keys option is false' do expect(mash.to_hash(symbolize_keys: false).keys).to include('outer') expect(mash.to_hash(symbolize_keys: false).keys).not_to include(:outer) end it 'symbolizes keys recursively' do expect(mash.to_hash(symbolize_keys: true)[:outer].keys).to include(:inner) expect(mash.to_hash(symbolize_keys: true)[:outer].keys).not_to include('inner') end end describe '#stringify_keys' do it 'turns all keys into strings recursively' do hash = Hashie::Mash[:a => 'hey', 123 => { 345 => 'hey' }] hash.stringify_keys! expect(hash).to eq Hashie::Hash['a' => 'hey', '123' => { '345' => 'hey' }] end end describe '#values_at' do let(:hash) { { 'key_one' => 1, :key_two => 2 } } let(:mash) { } context 'when the original type is given' do it 'returns the values' do expect(mash.values_at('key_one', :key_two)).to eq([1, 2]) end end context 'when a different, but acceptable type is given' do it 'returns the values' do expect(mash.values_at(:key_one, 'key_two')).to eq([1, 2]) end end context 'when a key is given that is not in the Mash' do it 'returns nil for that value' do expect(mash.values_at('key_one', :key_three)).to eq([1, nil]) end end end describe '.load(filename, options = {})' do let(:config) do { 'production' => { 'foo' => 'production_foo' } } end let(:path) { 'database.yml' } let(:parser) { double(:parser) } subject { described_class.load(path, parser: parser) } before do |ex| unless ex.metadata == :test_cache described_class.instance_variable_set('@_mashes', nil) # clean the cached mashes end end context 'if the file exists' do before do expect(File).to receive(:file?).with(path).and_return(true) expect(parser).to receive(:perform).with(path, {}).and_return(config) end it { be_a(Hashie::Mash) } it 'return a Mash from a file' do expect(subject.production).not_to be_nil expect(subject.production.keys).to eq config['production'].keys expect( eq config['production']['foo'] end it 'freeze the attribtues' do expect { subject.production = {} }.to raise_exception(RuntimeError, /can't modify frozen/) end end context 'if the fils does not exists' do before do expect(File).to receive(:file?).with(path).and_return(false) end it 'raise an ArgumentError' do expect { subject }.to raise_exception(ArgumentError) end end context 'if the file is passed as Pathname' do require 'pathname' let(:path) {'database.yml') } before do expect(File).to receive(:file?).with(path).and_return(true) expect(parser).to receive(:perform).with(path, {}).and_return(config) end it 'return a Mash from a file' do expect( eq config['production']['foo'] end end describe 'results are cached' do let(:parser) { double(:parser) } subject { described_class.load(path, parser: parser) } before do expect(File).to receive(:file?).with(path).and_return(true) expect(File).to receive(:file?).with("#{path}+1").and_return(true) expect(parser).to receive(:perform).once.with(path, {}).and_return(config) expect(parser).to receive(:perform).once.with("#{path}+1", {}).and_return(config) end it 'cache the loaded yml file', :test_cache do 2.times do expect(subject).to be_a(described_class) expect(described_class.load("#{path}+1", parser: parser)).to be_a(described_class) end expect(subject.object_id).to eq subject.object_id end end context 'when the file has aliases in it' do it 'can use the aliases and does not raise an error' do mash = Hashie::Mash.load('spec/fixtures/yaml_with_aliases.yml') expect(mash.company_a.accounts.admin.password).to eq('secret') end it 'can override the value of aliases' do expect do Hashie::Mash.load('spec/fixtures/yaml_with_aliases.yml', aliases: false) raise_error Psych::BadAlias, /base_accounts/ end end context 'when the file has symbols' do it 'can override the value of permitted_classes' do mash = Hashie::Mash.load('spec/fixtures/yaml_with_symbols.yml', permitted_classes: [Symbol]) expect(mash.user_icon.width).to eq(200) end it 'uses defaults for permitted_classes' do expect do Hashie::Mash.load('spec/fixtures/yaml_with_symbols.yml') raise_error Psych::DisallowedClass, /Symbol/ end it 'can override the value of permitted_symbols' do mash = Hashie::Mash.load('spec/fixtures/yaml_with_symbols.yml', permitted_classes: [Symbol], permitted_symbols: %i[ user_icon width height ]) expect(mash.user_icon.width).to eq(200) end it 'raises an error on insufficient permitted_symbols' do expect do Hashie::Mash.load('spec/fixtures/yaml_with_symbols.yml', permitted_classes: [Symbol], permitted_symbols: %i[ user_icon width ]) raise_error Psych::DisallowedClass, /Symbol/ end end end describe '#to_module(mash_method_name)' do let(:mash) { } subject { mash.to_module } it 'defines a settings method on the klass class that extends the module' do expect(subject).to respond_to(:settings) expect(subject.settings).to eq mash end context 'when a settings_method_name is set' do let(:mash_method_name) { 'config' } subject { mash.to_module(mash_method_name) } it 'defines a settings method on the klass class that extends the module' do expect(subject).to respond_to(mash_method_name.to_sym) expect(subject.send(mash_method_name.to_sym)).to eq mash end end end describe '#reverse_merge' do subject { 1, b: 2) } it 'unifies strings and symbols' do expect(subject.reverse_merge(a: 2).length).to eq 2 expect(subject.reverse_merge('a' => 2).length).to eq 2 end it 'does not overwrite values' do expect(subject.reverse_merge(a: 5).a).to eq subject.a end context 'when using with subclass' do let(:subclass) { } subject { 1) } it 'creates an instance of subclass' do expect(subject.reverse_merge(a: 5)).to be_kind_of(subclass) end end end describe '#invert' do subject(:mash) { 'apple', b: 4) } it 'returns a Hashie::Mash' do expect(mash.invert).to be_kind_of(described_class) end it 'returns a mash with the keys and values inverted' do expect(mash.invert).to eq('apple' => 'a', '4' => 'b') end context 'when using with subclass' do let(:subclass) { } subject(:sub_mash) { 1, b: nil) } it 'creates an instance of subclass' do expect(sub_mash.invert).to be_kind_of(subclass) end end end describe '#reject' do subject(:mash) { 1, b: nil) } it 'returns a Hashie::Mash' do expect(mash.reject { |_k, v| v.nil? }).to be_kind_of(described_class) end it 'rejects keys for which the block returns true' do expect(mash.reject { |_k, v| v.nil? }).to eq('a' => 1) end context 'when using with subclass' do let(:subclass) { } subject(:sub_mash) { 1, b: nil) } it 'creates an instance of subclass' do expect(sub_mash.reject { |_k, v| v.nil? }).to be_kind_of(subclass) end end end describe '#select' do subject(:mash) { 'apple', b: 4) } it 'returns a Hashie::Mash' do expect( { |_k, v| v.is_a? String }).to be_kind_of(described_class) end it 'selects keys for which the block returns true' do expect( { |_k, v| v.is_a? String }).to eq('a' => 'apple') end context 'when using with subclass' do let(:subclass) { } subject(:sub_mash) { 1, b: nil) } it 'creates an instance of subclass' do expect( { |_k, v| v.is_a? String }).to be_kind_of(subclass) end end end describe '.quiet' do it 'returns a subclass of the calling class' do expect( be_a(Hashie::Mash) end it 'memoizes and returns classes' do call_one = Hashie::Mash.quiet call_two = Hashie::Mash.quiet expect(Hashie::Mash.instance_variable_get('@memoized_classes').count).to eq(1) expect(call_one).to eq(call_two) end end with_minimum_ruby('2.3.0') do describe '#dig' do subject { { b: 1 }) } it 'accepts both string and symbol as key' do expect(subject.dig(:a, :b)).to eq(1) expect(subject.dig('a', 'b')).to eq(1) end context 'with numeric key' do subject {'1' => { b: 1 }) } it 'accepts a numeric value as key' do expect(subject.dig(1, :b)).to eq(1) expect(subject.dig('1', :b)).to eq(1) end end context 'when the Mash wraps a Hashie::Array' do it 'handles digging into an array' do mash = { first_three: Hashie::Array['a', 'b', 'c'] }) expect(mash.dig(:alphabet, :first_three, 0)).to eq 'a' end end end end with_minimum_ruby('2.4.0') do describe '#transform_values' do subject(:mash) { 1) } it 'returns a Hashie::Mash' do expect(mash.transform_values(&:to_s)).to be_kind_of(described_class) end it 'transforms the value' do expect(mash.transform_values(&:to_s).a).to eql('1') end context 'when using with subclass' do let(:subclass) { } subject(:sub_mash) { 1).transform_values { |a| a + 2 } } it 'creates an instance of subclass' do expect(sub_mash).to be_kind_of(subclass) end end end describe '#compact' do subject(:mash) { 1, b: nil) } it 'returns a Hashie::Mash' do expect(mash.compact).to be_kind_of(described_class) end it 'removes keys with nil values' do expect(mash.compact).to eq('a' => 1) end context 'when using with subclass' do let(:subclass) { } subject(:sub_mash) { 1, b: nil) } it 'creates an instance of subclass' do expect(sub_mash.compact).to be_kind_of(subclass) end end end end with_minimum_ruby('2.5.0') do describe '#slice' do subject(:mash) { 1, b: 2) } it 'returns a Hashie::Mash' do expect(mash.slice(:a)).to be_kind_of(described_class) end it 'returns a Mash with only the keys passed' do expect(mash.slice(:a).to_hash).to eq('a' => 1) end context 'when using with subclass' do let(:subclass) { } subject(:sub_mash) { 1, b: 2) } it 'creates an instance of subclass' do expect(sub_mash.slice(:a)).to be_kind_of(subclass) end end end describe '#transform_keys' do subject(:mash) { 1, b: 2) } it 'returns a Hashie::Mash' do expect(mash.transform_keys { |k| k + k }).to be_kind_of(described_class) end it 'returns a Mash with transformed keys' do expect(mash.transform_keys { |k| k + k }).to eq('aa' => 1, 'bb' => 2) end context 'when using with subclass' do let(:subclass) { } subject(:sub_mash) { 1, b: 2) } it 'creates an instance of subclass' do expect(sub_mash.transform_keys { |k| k + k }).to be_kind_of(subclass) end end end end with_minimum_ruby('2.6.0') do context 'ruby 2.6 merging' do subject(:mash) { 'Honda') } it 'merges multiple hashes and mashes passeed to #merge' do first_hash = { model: 'Ford' } second_hash = { model: 'DeLorean' } expect(mash.merge(first_hash, second_hash)).to eq('model' => 'DeLorean') end end end end