require 'spec_helper' describe Hashie::Rash do subject do /hello/ => 'hello', /world/ => 'world', 'other' => 'whee', true => false, 1 => 'awesome', 1..1000 => 'rangey', /(bcd)/ => proc { |m| m[1] } # /.+/ => "EVERYTHING" ) end it 'finds strings' do expect(subject['other']).to eq 'whee' expect(subject['well hello there']).to eq 'hello' expect(subject['the world is round']).to eq 'world' expect(subject.all('hello world').sort).to eq %w[hello world] end it 'finds regexps' do expect(subject[/other/]).to eq 'whee' end it 'finds other objects' do expect(subject[true]).to eq false expect(subject[1]).to eq 'awesome' end it 'finds numbers from ranges' do expect(subject[250]).to eq 'rangey' expect(subject[999]).to eq 'rangey' expect(subject[1000]).to eq 'rangey' expect(subject[1001]).to be_nil end it 'finds floats from ranges' do expect(subject[10.1]).to eq 'rangey' expect(subject[1.0]).to eq 'rangey' expect(subject[1000.1]).to be_nil end it 'evaluates proc values' do expect(subject['abcdef']).to eq 'bcd' expect(subject['ffffff']).to be_nil end it 'finds using the find method' do expect(subject.fetch(10.1)).to eq 'rangey' expect(subject.fetch(true)).to be false end it 'raises in find unless a key matches' do expect { subject.fetch(1_000_000) }.to raise_error(KeyError) end it 'yields in find unless a key matches' do expect { |y| subject.fetch(1_000_000, &y) }.to yield_control expect { |y| subject.fetch(10.1, &y) }.to_not yield_control end it 'gives a default value' do expect(subject.fetch(10.1, 'noop')).to eq 'rangey' expect(subject.fetch(1_000_000, 'noop')).to eq 'noop' expect(subject.fetch(1_000_000) { 'noop' }).to eq 'noop' expect(subject.fetch(1_000_000) { |k| k }).to eq 1_000_000 expect(subject.fetch(1_000_000, 'noop') { 'op' }).to eq 'op' end it 'responds to hash methods' do expect(subject.respond_to?(:to_a)).to be true expect(subject.methods).to_not include(:to_a) end it 'does not lose keys' do subject.optimize_every = 1 expect(subject['hello']).to eq('hello') expect(subject['world']).to eq('world') end end