require File.expand_path('../../../lib/hashie/extensions/ruby_version', __FILE__) # Generates the bundle command for running an integration test # # @param [String] integration the integration folder to run # @param [String] command the command to run # @return [String] def integration_command(integration, command) if >='3.1.0') ruby_opts = "RUBYOPT=--disable-error_highlight " end "#{ruby_opts}#{integration_gemfile(integration)} #{command}" end # Generates the Gemfile for an integration # # @param [String] integration the integration test name # @return [String] def integration_gemfile(integration) "BUNDLE_GEMFILE=#{integration_path(integration)}/Gemfile" end # Generates the path to the integration # # @param [String] integration the integration test name # @return [String] def integration_path(integration) "spec/integration/#{integration}" end # Runs all integration specs in their own environment def run_all_integration_specs(handler: ->(_code) {}, logger: ->(_msg) {}) Dir['spec/integration/*'] .map { |directory| directory.split('/').last } .each do |integration| "#{integration}" integration spec)) system(integration_command(integration, 'bundle --quiet')) system(integration_command(integration, "bundle exec rspec #{integration_path(integration)}"))$CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus) end end