#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 require "rubygems" require "highline/import" puts "Using: #{HighLine.default_instance.terminal.class}" puts # The old way, using ask() and say()... choices = %w[ruby python perl] say("This is the old way using ask() and say()...") say("Please choose your favorite programming language:") say(choices.map { |c| " #{c}\n" }.join) case ask("? ", choices) when "ruby" say("Good choice!") else say("Not from around here, are you?") end # The new and improved choose()... say("\nThis is the new mode (default)...") choose do |menu| menu.prompt = "Please choose your favorite programming language? " menu.choice(:ruby) { say("Good choice!") } menu.choices(:python, :perl) { say("Not from around here, are you?") } menu.default = :ruby end say("\nThis is letter indexing...") choose do |menu| menu.index = :letter # Use :capital_letter for uppercase menu.index_suffix = ") " menu.prompt = "Please choose your favorite programming language? " menu.choice(:ruby) { say("Good choice!") } menu.choices(:python, :perl) { say("Not from around here, are you?") } end say("\nThis is with a different layout...") choose do |menu| menu.layout = :one_line menu.header = "Languages" menu.prompt = "Favorite? " menu.choice(:ruby) { say("Good choice!") } menu.choices(:python, :perl) { say("Not from around here, are you?") } end say("\nYou can even build shells...") loop do choose do |menu| menu.layout = :menu_only menu.shell = true menu.choice(:load, "Load a file.") do |_command, details| say("Loading file with options: #{details}...") end menu.choice(:save, "Save a file.") do |_command, details| say("Saving file with options: #{details}...") end menu.choice(:quit, "Exit program.") { exit } end end