#!/usr/bin/env ruby # coding: utf-8 # tc_style.rb # # Created by Richard LeBer on 2011-06-11. # # This is Free Software. See LICENSE and COPYING for details. require "test_helper" require "highline" require "stringio" class TestStyle < Minitest::Test def setup HighLine.reset @input = StringIO.new @output = StringIO.new @terminal = HighLine.new(@input, @output) @style1 = HighLine::Style.new(name: :foo, code: "\e[99m", rgb: [1, 2, 3]) @style2 = HighLine::Style.new(name: :lando, code: "\e[98m") @style3 = HighLine::Style.new(name: [:foo, :lando], list: [:foo, :lando]) @style4 = HighLine::Style(:rgb_654321) @added_styles_on_setup = 4 # update here if added more styles @added_codes_to_index = 3 # :foo, :lando and :rgb_654321 end def test_clear_index_reset_styles_to_builtin styles_size_after_setup = HighLine::Style.list.size expected_styles_size = styles_size_after_setup - @added_styles_on_setup HighLine::Style.clear_index styles_size_after_clear_index = HighLine::Style.list.size assert_equal expected_styles_size, styles_size_after_clear_index end def test_clear_index_reset_code_index_to_builtin code_index = HighLine::Style.code_index code_index_array = code_index.map { |_code, style_array| style_array }.flatten expected_code_index_array_size = code_index_array.size - @added_codes_to_index HighLine::Style.clear_index cleared_code_index = HighLine::Style.code_index cleared_code_index_array = cleared_code_index.map { |_code, style_array| style_array }.flatten assert_equal expected_code_index_array_size, cleared_code_index_array.size end def test_style_method # Retrieve a style from an existing Style (no new Style created) new_style = @style1.dup # This will replace @style1 in the indexes s = HighLine.Style(@style1) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s # i.e. s===the latest style created, but not the one searched for assert_same new_style, s # Retrieve a style from a new Style (no new Style created) s2 = HighLine::Style.new(name: :bar, code: "\e[97m") s = HighLine.Style(s2) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s assert_same s2, s # Create a builtin style from an existing ANSI escape string s = HighLine.Style("\e[1m") assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s assert_nil s.list assert_equal "\e[1m", s.code assert_equal :bold, s.name assert s.builtin # Create a builtin style from a new ANSI escape string s = HighLine.Style("\e[96m") assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s assert_nil s.list assert_equal "\e[96m", s.code assert s.builtin # Create a non-builtin style from a string s = HighLine.Style("\e[109m") assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s assert_nil s.list assert_equal "\e[109m", s.code refute s.builtin # Create a builtin style from a symbol s = HighLine.Style(:red) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s assert_nil s.list assert_equal :red, s.name assert s.builtin # Retrieve an existing style by name (no new Style created) s = HighLine.Style(@style2.name) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s assert_same @style2, s # See below for color scheme tests # Create style from a Hash s = HighLine.Style(name: :han, code: "blah", rgb: "phooey") assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s assert_equal :han, s.name assert_equal "blah", s.code assert_equal "phooey", s.rgb # Create style from an RGB foreground color code s = HighLine.Style(:rgb_1f2e3d) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s assert_equal :rgb_1f2e3d, s.name assert_equal "\e[38;5;23m", s.code # Trust me; more testing below assert_equal [31, 46, 61], s.rgb # 0x1f==31, 0x2e==46, 0x3d=61 # Create style from an RGB background color code s = HighLine.Style(:on_rgb_1f2e3d) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s assert_equal :on_rgb_1f2e3d, s.name assert_equal "\e[48;5;23m", s.code # Trust me; more testing below assert_equal [31, 46, 61], s.rgb # 0x1f==31, 0x2e==46, 0x3d=61 # Create a style list s1 = HighLine.Style(:bold, :red) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s1 assert_equal [:bold, :red], s1.list # Find an existing style list s2 = HighLine.Style(:bold, :red) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s2 assert_same s1, s2 # Create a style list with nils s1 = HighLine.Style(:underline, nil, :blue) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s1 assert_equal [:underline, :blue], s1.list # Raise an error for an undefined style assert_raises(::NameError) { HighLine.Style(:fubar) } end def test_no_color_scheme HighLine.color_scheme = nil assert_raises(::NameError) { HighLine.Style(:critical) } end def test_with_color_scheme HighLine.color_scheme = HighLine::SampleColorScheme.new s = HighLine.Style(:critical) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s assert_equal :critical, s.name assert_equal [:yellow, :on_red], s.list end def test_builtin_foreground_colors_defined HighLine::COLORS.each do |color| style = HighLine.const_get(color + "_STYLE") assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, style assert_equal color.downcase.to_sym, style.name assert style.builtin code = HighLine.const_get(color) assert_instance_of String, code, "Bad code for #{color}" end end def test_builtin_background_colors_defined HighLine::COLORS.each do |color| style = HighLine.const_get("ON_" + color + "_STYLE") assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, style assert_equal "ON_#{color}".downcase.to_sym, style.name assert style.builtin code = HighLine.const_get("ON_" + color) assert_instance_of String, code, "Bad code for ON_#{color}" end end def test_builtin_styles_defined HighLine::STYLES.each do |style_constant| style = HighLine.const_get(style_constant + "_STYLE") assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, style assert_equal style_constant.downcase.to_sym, style.name assert style.builtin code = HighLine.const_get(style_constant) assert_instance_of String, code, "Bad code for #{style_constant}" end end def test_index # Add a Style with a new name and code assert_nil HighLine::Style.list[:s1] assert_nil HighLine::Style.code_index["foo"] s1 = HighLine::Style.new(name: :s1, code: "foo") refute_nil HighLine::Style.list[:s1] assert_same s1, HighLine::Style.list[:s1] assert_equal :s1, HighLine::Style.list[:s1].name assert_equal "foo", HighLine::Style.list[:s1].code styles = HighLine::Style.list.size codes = HighLine::Style.code_index.size assert_instance_of Array, HighLine::Style.code_index["foo"] assert_equal 1, HighLine::Style.code_index["foo"].size assert_same s1, HighLine::Style.code_index["foo"].last assert_equal :s1, HighLine::Style.code_index["foo"].last.name assert_equal "foo", HighLine::Style.code_index["foo"].last.code # Add another Style with a new name and code assert_nil HighLine::Style.list[:s2] assert_nil HighLine::Style.code_index["bar"] s2 = HighLine::Style.new(name: :s2, code: "bar") assert_equal styles + 1, HighLine::Style.list.size assert_equal codes + 1, HighLine::Style.code_index.size refute_nil HighLine::Style.list[:s2] assert_same s2, HighLine::Style.list[:s2] assert_equal :s2, HighLine::Style.list[:s2].name assert_equal "bar", HighLine::Style.list[:s2].code assert_instance_of Array, HighLine::Style.code_index["bar"] assert_equal 1, HighLine::Style.code_index["bar"].size assert_same s2, HighLine::Style.code_index["bar"].last assert_equal :s2, HighLine::Style.code_index["bar"].last.name assert_equal "bar", HighLine::Style.code_index["bar"].last.code # Add a Style with an existing name s3_before = HighLine::Style.list[:s2] refute_nil HighLine::Style.list[:s2] assert_nil HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"] s3 = HighLine::Style.new(name: :s2, code: "baz") refute_same s2, s3 refute_same s3_before, s3 assert_equal styles + 1, HighLine::Style.list.size assert_equal codes + 2, HighLine::Style.code_index.size refute_nil HighLine::Style.list[:s2] assert_same s3, HighLine::Style.list[:s2] refute_same s2, HighLine::Style.list[:s2] assert_equal :s2, HighLine::Style.list[:s2].name assert_equal "baz", HighLine::Style.list[:s2].code assert_instance_of Array, HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"] assert_equal 1, HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"].size assert_same s3, HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"].last assert_equal :s2, HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"].last.name assert_equal "baz", HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"].last.code # Add a Style with an existing code assert_equal 1, HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"].size s4 = HighLine::Style.new(name: :s4, code: "baz") assert_equal styles + 2, HighLine::Style.list.size assert_equal codes + 2, HighLine::Style.code_index.size refute_nil HighLine::Style.list[:s4] assert_same s4, HighLine::Style.list[:s4] assert_equal :s4, HighLine::Style.list[:s4].name assert_equal "baz", HighLine::Style.list[:s4].code assert_equal 2, HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"].size # Unchanged from last time assert_same s3, HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"].first assert_equal :s2, HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"].first.name assert_equal "baz", HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"].first.code assert_same s4, HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"].last assert_equal :s4, HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"].last.name assert_equal "baz", HighLine::Style.code_index["baz"].last.code end def test_rgb_hex assert_equal "abcdef", HighLine::Style.rgb_hex("abcdef") assert_equal "ABCDEF", HighLine::Style.rgb_hex("AB", "CD", "EF") assert_equal "010203", HighLine::Style.rgb_hex(1, 2, 3) assert_equal "123456", HighLine::Style.rgb_hex(18, 52, 86) end def test_rgb_parts assert_equal [1, 2, 3], HighLine::Style.rgb_parts("010203") assert_equal [18, 52, 86], HighLine::Style.rgb_parts("123456") end def test_rgb s = HighLine::Style.rgb(1, 2, 3) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s assert_equal :rgb_010203, s.name assert_equal [1, 2, 3], s.rgb assert_equal "\e[38;5;16m", s.code s = HighLine::Style.rgb("12", "34", "56") assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s assert_equal :rgb_123456, s.name assert_equal [0x12, 0x34, 0x56], s.rgb assert_equal "\e[38;5;24m", s.code s = HighLine::Style.rgb("abcdef") assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s assert_equal :rgb_abcdef, s.name assert_equal [0xab, 0xcd, 0xef], s.rgb assert_equal "\e[38;5;189m", s.code end def test_rgb_number # ANSI RGB coding splits 0..255 into equal sixths, and then the # red green and blue are encoded in base 6, plus 16, i.e. # 16 + 36*(red_level) + 6*(green_level) + blue_level, # where each of red_level, green_level, and blue_level are in # the range 0..5 # This test logic works because 42 is just below 1/6 of 255, # and 43 is just above assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(0, 0, 0) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(0, 0, 42) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 1, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(0, 0, 43) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(0, 42, 0) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(0, 42, 42) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 1, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(0, 42, 43) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(0, 43, 0) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(0, 43, 42) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 1, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(0, 43, 43) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(42, 0, 0) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(42, 0, 42) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 1, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(42, 0, 43) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(42, 42, 0) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(42, 42, 42) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 1, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(42, 42, 43) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(42, 43, 0) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(42, 43, 42) assert_equal 16 + 0 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 1, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(42, 43, 43) assert_equal 16 + 1 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(43, 0, 0) assert_equal 16 + 1 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(43, 0, 42) assert_equal 16 + 1 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 1, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(43, 0, 43) assert_equal 16 + 1 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(43, 42, 0) assert_equal 16 + 1 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(43, 42, 42) assert_equal 16 + 1 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 1, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(43, 42, 43) assert_equal 16 + 1 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(43, 43, 0) assert_equal 16 + 1 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 0, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(43, 43, 42) assert_equal 16 + 1 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 1, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(43, 43, 43) assert_equal 16 + 5 * 36 + 5 * 6 + 5, HighLine::Style.rgb_number(255, 255, 255) end def test_ansi_rgb_to_hex ansi_rgb_to_hex = ->(rgb) { HighLine::Style.ansi_rgb_to_hex(rgb) } assert_equal "000000", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "000000", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "00002b", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 1) assert_equal "000000", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "000000", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "00002b", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 1) assert_equal "002b00", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "002b00", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "002b2b", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 1) assert_equal "000000", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "000000", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "00002b", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 1) assert_equal "000000", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "000000", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "00002b", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 1) assert_equal "002b00", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "002b00", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "002b2b", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 0 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 1) assert_equal "2b0000", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 1 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "2b0000", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 1 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "2b002b", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 1 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 1) assert_equal "2b0000", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 1 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "2b0000", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 1 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "2b002b", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 1 * 36 + 0 * 6 + 1) assert_equal "2b2b00", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 1 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "2b2b00", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 1 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 0) assert_equal "2b2b2b", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 1 * 36 + 1 * 6 + 1) # 0xd5 is the smallest number where n/255.0*6.0 > 5 assert_equal "d5d5d5", ansi_rgb_to_hex.call(16 + 5 * 36 + 5 * 6 + 5) end def test_list list_size = HighLine::Style.list.size # Add a Style with a new name and code assert_nil HighLine::Style.list[:s5] s5 = HighLine::Style.new(name: :s5, code: "foo") refute_nil HighLine::Style.list[:s5] assert_equal list_size + 1, HighLine::Style.list.size refute_nil HighLine::Style.list[:s5] assert_same s5, HighLine::Style.list[:s5] assert_equal :s5, HighLine::Style.list[:s5].name assert_equal "foo", HighLine::Style.list[:s5].code # Add another Style with a new name and code assert_nil HighLine::Style.list[:s6] s6 = HighLine::Style.new(name: :s6, code: "bar") assert_equal list_size + 2, HighLine::Style.list.size refute_nil HighLine::Style.list[:s6] assert_same s6, HighLine::Style.list[:s6] assert_equal :s6, HighLine::Style.list[:s6].name assert_equal "bar", HighLine::Style.list[:s6].code # Add a Style with an existing name s7 = HighLine::Style.new(name: :s6, code: "baz") # No net addition to list assert_equal list_size + 2, HighLine::Style.list.size refute_nil HighLine::Style.list[:s6] assert_same s7, HighLine::Style.list[:s6] # New one replaces old one refute_same s6, HighLine::Style.list[:s6] assert_equal :s6, HighLine::Style.list[:s6].name assert_equal "baz", HighLine::Style.list[:s6].code end def test_code_index list_size = HighLine::Style.code_index.size # Add a Style with a new name and code assert_nil HighLine::Style.code_index["chewie"] HighLine::Style.new(name: :s8, code: "chewie") assert_equal list_size + 1, HighLine::Style.code_index.size assert_instance_of Array, HighLine::Style.code_index["chewie"] assert_equal 1, HighLine::Style.code_index["chewie"].size assert_equal :s8, HighLine::Style.code_index["chewie"].last.name assert_equal "chewie", HighLine::Style.code_index["chewie"].last.code # Add another Style with a new name and code assert_nil HighLine::Style.code_index["c3po"] HighLine::Style.new(name: :s9, code: "c3po") assert_equal list_size + 2, HighLine::Style.code_index.size assert_instance_of Array, HighLine::Style.code_index["c3po"] assert_equal 1, HighLine::Style.code_index["c3po"].size assert_equal :s9, HighLine::Style.code_index["c3po"].last.name assert_equal "c3po", HighLine::Style.code_index["c3po"].last.code # Add a Style with an existing code assert_equal 1, HighLine::Style.code_index["c3po"].size HighLine::Style.new(name: :s10, code: "c3po") assert_equal list_size + 2, HighLine::Style.code_index.size assert_equal 2, HighLine::Style.code_index["c3po"].size assert_equal :s10, HighLine::Style.code_index["c3po"].last.name assert_equal "c3po", HighLine::Style.code_index["c3po"].last.code end def test_uncolor # Normal color assert_equal( "This should be reverse underlined magenta!\n", HighLine::Style.uncolor( "This should be \e[7m\e[4m\e[35mreverse underlined magenta\e[0m!\n" ) ) # RGB color assert_equal( "This should be rgb_906030!\n", HighLine::Style.uncolor("This should be \e[38;5;137mrgb_906030\e[0m!\n") ) end def test_color assert_equal "\e[99mstring\e[0m", @style1.color("string") # simple style assert_equal "\e[99m\e[98mstring\e[0m", @style3.color("string") # Style list end def test_code assert_equal "\e[99m", @style1.code # simple style assert_equal "\e[99m\e[98m", @style3.code # Style list end def test_red assert_equal 0x65, @style4.red assert_equal 0, HighLine::Style(:none).red # Probably reliable assert_equal 0, HighLine::Style(:black).red # Probably reliable assert_equal 255, HighLine::Style(:bright_magenta).red # Seems reliable assert_equal 255, HighLine::Style(:on_none).red # Probably reliable end def test_green assert_equal 0x43, @style4.green assert_equal 0, HighLine::Style(:none).green # Probably reliable assert_equal 0, HighLine::Style(:black).green # Probably reliable assert HighLine::Style(:bright_cyan).green >= 240 # Probably reliable assert_equal 255, HighLine::Style(:on_none).green # Probably reliable end def test_blue assert_equal 0x21, @style4.blue assert_equal 0, HighLine::Style(:none).blue # Probably reliable assert_equal 0, HighLine::Style(:black).blue # Probably reliable assert_equal 255, HighLine::Style(:bright_blue).blue # Probably reliable assert_equal 255, HighLine::Style(:on_none).blue # Probably reliable end def test_builtin assert HighLine::Style(:red).builtin assert !@style1.builtin end def test_variant style1_name = @style1.name style1_code = @style1.code style1_rgb = @style1.rgb s1 = @style1.variant(:new_foo1, code: "abracadabra") assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s1 refute_same @style1, s1 # This is a copy assert_equal :new_foo1, s1.name # Changed assert_equal "abracadabra", s1.code # Changed assert_equal [1, 2, 3], s1.rgb # Unchanged s2 = @style1.variant(:new_foo2, increment: -15) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s2 refute_same @style1, s2 # This is a copy assert_equal :new_foo2, s2.name # Changed assert_equal "\e[84m", s2.code # 99 (original code) - 15 assert_equal [1, 2, 3], s2.rgb # Unchanged s3 = @style1.variant(:new_foo3, code: "\e[55m", increment: 15) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s3 refute_same @style1, s3 # This is a copy assert_equal :new_foo3, s3.name # Changed assert_equal "\e[70m", s3.code # 99 (new code) + 15 assert_equal [1, 2, 3], s3.rgb # Unchanged s4 = @style1.variant(:new_foo4, code: "\e[55m", increment: 15, rgb: "blah") assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s4 refute_same @style1, s4 # This is a copy assert_equal :new_foo4, s4.name # Changed assert_equal "\e[70m", s4.code # 99 (new code) + 15 assert_equal "blah", s4.rgb # Changed s5 = @style1.variant(:new_foo5) assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s5 refute_same @style1, s5 # This is a copy assert_equal :new_foo5, s5.name # Changed assert_equal "\e[99m", s5.code # Unchanged assert_equal [1, 2, 3], s5.rgb # Unchanged # No @style1's have been harmed in the running of this test assert_equal style1_name, @style1.name assert_equal style1_code, @style1.code assert_equal style1_rgb, @style1.rgb # Can't create a variant of a list style assert_raises(::RuntimeError) { @style3.variant(:new_foo6) } end def test_on style1_name = @style1.name style1_code = @style1.code style1_rgb = @style1.rgb s1 = @style1.on assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s1 refute_same @style1, s1 # This is a copy assert_equal :on_foo, s1.name # Changed assert_equal "\e[109m", s1.code # Changed assert_equal [1, 2, 3], s1.rgb # Unchanged # No @style1's have been harmed in the running of this test assert_equal style1_name, @style1.name assert_equal style1_code, @style1.code assert_equal style1_rgb, @style1.rgb # Can't create a variant of a list style assert_raises(::RuntimeError) { @style3.on } end def test_bright style1_name = @style1.name style1_code = @style1.code style1_rgb = @style1.rgb s1 = @style1.bright assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s1 refute_same @style1, s1 # This is a copy assert_equal :bright_foo, s1.name # Changed assert_equal "\e[159m", s1.code # Changed assert_equal [129, 130, 131], s1.rgb # Changed # No @style1's have been harmed in the running of this test assert_equal style1_name, @style1.name assert_equal style1_code, @style1.code assert_equal style1_rgb, @style1.rgb s2_base = HighLine::Style.new(name: :leia, code: "\e[92m", rgb: [0, 0, 14]) s2 = s2_base.bright assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s2 refute_same s2_base, s2 # This is a copy assert_equal :bright_leia, s2.name # Changed assert_equal "\e[152m", s2.code # Changed assert_equal [0, 0, 142], s2.rgb # Changed s3_base = HighLine::Style.new(name: :luke, code: "\e[93m", rgb: [20, 21, 0]) s3 = s3_base.bright assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s3 refute_same s3_base, s3 # This is a copy assert_equal :bright_luke, s3.name # Changed assert_equal "\e[153m", s3.code # Changed assert_equal [148, 149, 0], s3.rgb # Changed s4_base = HighLine::Style.new(name: :r2d2, code: "\e[94m", rgb: [0, 0, 0]) s4 = s4_base.bright assert_instance_of HighLine::Style, s4 refute_same s4_base, s4 # This is a copy assert_equal :bright_r2d2, s4.name # Changed assert_equal "\e[154m", s4.code # Changed assert_equal [128, 128, 128], s4.rgb # Changed; special case # Can't create a variant of a list style assert_raises(::RuntimeError) { @style3.bright } end def test_light_do_the_same_as_bright bright_style = @style1.bright light_style = @style1.light refute_equal bright_style, light_style assert_equal :bright_foo, bright_style.name assert_equal :light_foo, light_style.name assert_equal bright_style.code, light_style.code assert_equal bright_style.rgb, light_style.rgb end end