require "rake" ## # Gemcutter plugin for hoe. # # === Extra Configuration Options: # # otp_command:: Shell command to run to populate GEM_HOST_OTP_CODE. module Hoe::Gemcutter include Rake::DSL if defined?(Rake::DSL) Hoe::DEFAULT_CONFIG["otp_command"] = false def gem_push gems with_config do |config, _| otp_command = config["otp_command"] ENV["GEM_HOST_OTP_CODE"] = `#{otp_command}`.chomp if otp_command end gems.each do |g| sh Gem.ruby, "-S", "gem", "push", g end end ## # Define release_to_gemcutter and attach it to the release task. def define_gemcutter_tasks desc "Push gem to gemcutter." task :release_to_gemcutter => [:clean, :package, :release_sanity] do pkg = "pkg/#{}-#{spec.version}" gems = Dir["#{pkg}*.gem"] gem_push gems end task :release_to => :release_to_gemcutter end end unless defined? Hoe::Gemcutter