require "hoe/rake" ## # Publish plugin for hoe. # # === Tasks Provided: # # announce:: Create news email file and optionally publish docs. # debug_email:: Generate email announcement file. # post_blog:: Post announcement to blog. # publish_docs:: Publish RDoc to `rdoc_locations`. # ridocs:: Generate ri locally for testing. # # === Extra Configuration Options: # # publish_on_announce:: Run +publish_docs+ when you run +release+. # blogs:: An array of hashes of blog settings. # # The blogs entry can either look like: # # - path: ~/Work/p4/zss/www/ # type: zenweb # cmd: rake sync (optional) # # or: # # - url: # blog_id: 1 # user: username # password: passwd # extra_headers: # blah: whatever module Hoe::Publish ## # Optional: An array of the project's blog categories. Defaults to project # name. attr_accessor :blog_categories ## # Optional: Name of destination directory for RDoc generated files. # [default: doc] attr_accessor :local_rdoc_dir ## # Optional: Should RDoc and ri generation tasks be defined? [default: true] # # Allows you to define custom RDoc tasks then use the publish_rdoc task to # upload them all. See also local_rdoc_dir attr_accessor :need_rdoc ## # Optional: An array of remote (rsync) paths to copy rdoc to. # # eg: # # rdoc_locations << "user@server:Sites/rdoc/#{remote_rdoc_dir}" attr_accessor :rdoc_locations ## # Optional: Name of RDoc destination directory. [default: +name+] attr_accessor :remote_rdoc_dir ## # Optional: Flags for RDoc rsync. [default: "-av --delete"] attr_accessor :rsync_args Hoe::DEFAULT_CONFIG["publish_on_announce"] = true Hoe::DEFAULT_CONFIG["blogs"] = [ { "user" => "user", "password" => "password", "url" => "url", "blog_id" => "blog_id", "extra_headers" => { "mt_convert_breaks" => "markdown", }, }, ] ## # Initialize variables for plugin. def initialize_publish self.blog_categories ||= [] self.local_rdoc_dir ||= "doc" self.need_rdoc ||= true self.rdoc_locations ||= [] self.remote_rdoc_dir ||= self.rsync_args ||= "-av -O --delete" end ## # Declare a dependency on rdoc, IF NEEDED. def activate_publish_deps dependency "rdoc", [">= 4.0", "< 7"], :developer if need_rdoc end ## # Define tasks for plugin. def define_publish_tasks if need_rdoc then task :isolate # ensure it exists desc "Generate rdoc" task :docs => [:clobber_docs, :isolate] do sh(*make_rdoc_cmd) end desc "Generate rdoc coverage report" task :dcov => :isolate do sh(*make_rdoc_cmd("-C")) end desc "Remove RDoc files" task :clobber_docs do rm_rf local_rdoc_dir end task :clobber => :clobber_docs desc "Generate ri locally for testing." task :ridocs => [:clean, :isolate] do sh(*make_rdoc_cmd("--ri", "-o", "ri")) end end desc "Publish RDoc to wherever you want." task :publish_docs => [:clean, :docs] do publish_docs_task end # no doco for this one task :publish_on_announce do publish_on_announce_task end desc "Generate email announcement file." task :debug_email do puts generate_email ENV["FULL"] end desc 'Post announcement to blog. Uses the "blogs" array in your hoerc.' task :post_blog do post_blog_task end desc "Announce your release." task :announce => [:post_blog, :publish_on_announce ] end def publish_docs_task # :nodoc: warn "no rdoc_location values" if rdoc_locations.empty? self.rdoc_locations.each do |dest| sh %(rsync #{rsync_args} #{local_rdoc_dir}/ #{dest}) end end def publish_on_announce_task # :nodoc: with_config do |config, _| Rake::Task["publish_docs"].invoke if config["publish_on_announce"] end end def post_blog_task # :nodoc: with_config do |config, _path| break unless config["blogs"] config["blogs"].each do |site| if site["path"] then msg = "post_blog_#{site["type"]}" send msg, site system site["cmd"] if site["cmd"] else require "xmlrpc/client" _, title, body, urls = announcement body += "\n\n#{urls}" server = XMLRPC::Client.new2(site["url"]) content = site["extra_headers"].merge(:title => title, :description => body, :categories => blog_categories)"metaWeblog.newPost", site["blog_id"], site["user"], site["password"], content, true) end end end end def make_rdoc_cmd(*extra_args) # :nodoc: title = "#{name}-#{version} Documentation" title = "#{group_name}'s #{title}" if group_name != name rdoc = Gem.bin_wrapper "rdoc" extra = nil unless File.exist? rdoc then warn "Can't find #{rdoc}. Falling back." rdoc = "rdoc" extra = "-S" end ( # I don't understand this bug... but removing empties definitely fixes it. %W[#{Gem.ruby} #{extra} #{rdoc} --title #{title} -o #{local_rdoc_dir} ] + spec.rdoc_options + extra_args + spec.require_paths + spec.extra_rdoc_files ).reject(&:empty?) end def post_blog_zenweb site # :nodoc: dir = site["path"] _, title, body, urls = announcement body += "\n\n#{urls}" Dir.chdir File.expand_path dir do time = # nukes fractions path = [time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-"), title.sub(/\W+$/, "").gsub(/\W+/, "-"), ""].join header = { "title" => title, "categories" => blog_categories, "date" => time, } path, "w" do |f| f.puts header.to_yaml.gsub(/\s$/, "") f.puts "..." f.puts f.puts body end end end def generate_email full = nil # :nodoc: require "time" abort "No email 'to' entry. Run `rake config_hoe` to fix." unless !full || email_to from_name, from_email = author.first, email.first subject, title, body, urls = announcement [ full && "From: #{from_name} <#{from_email}>", full && "To: #{email_to.join(", ")}", full && "Date: #{}", "Subject: [ANN] #{subject}", "", title, "", urls, "", body, ].compact.join("\n") end def announcement # :nodoc: changes = self.changes.rdoc_to_markdown subject = "#{name} #{version} Released" title = "#{name} version #{version} has been released!" body = "#{description}\n\nChanges:\n\n#{changes}".rdoc_to_markdown urls = case self.urls when Hash then { |k, v| "* #{k}: <#{v.strip.rdoc_to_markdown}>" } when Array then { |s| "* <#{s.strip.rdoc_to_markdown}>" } else raise "unknown urls format: #{urls.inspect}" end return subject, title, body, urls.join("\n") end end class ::Rake::SshDirPublisher # :nodoc: attr_reader :host, :remote_dir, :local_dir end class String ## # Very basic munge from rdoc to markdown format. def rdoc_to_markdown self.gsub(/^mailto:/, "").gsub(/^(=+)/) { "#" * $1.size } end end