path: root/README.rdoc
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authorlorensr <>2011-02-06 21:10:56 -0500
committerFlorian Frank <>2011-05-11 17:00:33 +0200
commitdb5c507552e3a745e6e27e52a473ed1b5c8704fa (patch)
tree72b50cd52e51291713e2f3c8c4f3da1036b6587d /README.rdoc
parentd0738dd8a91a682d372d1773d496fd5f7dec0bec (diff)
typo, README file extension
Diffstat (limited to 'README.rdoc')
1 files changed, 356 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.rdoc b/README.rdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22249ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+== Description
+This is a implementation of the JSON specification according to RFC 4627
+ . Starting from version 1.0.0 on there
+will be two variants available:
+* A pure ruby variant, that relies on the iconv and the stringscan
+ extensions, which are both part of the ruby standard library.
+* The quite a bit faster C extension variant, which is in parts implemented
+ in C and comes with its own unicode conversion functions and a parser
+ generated by the ragel state machine compiler
+ .
+Both variants of the JSON generator generate UTF-8 character sequences by
+default. If an :ascii_only option with a true value is given, they escape all
+non-ASCII and control characters with \uXXXX escape sequences, and support
+UTF-16 surrogate pairs in order to be able to generate the whole range of
+unicode code points.
+All strings, that are to be encoded as JSON strings, should be UTF-8 byte
+sequences on the Ruby side. To encode raw binary strings, that aren't UTF-8
+encoded, please use the to_json_raw_object method of String (which produces
+an object, that contains a byte array) and decode the result on the receiving
+The JSON parsers can parse UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32BE, and UTF-32LE
+JSON documents under Ruby 1.8. Under Ruby 1.9 they take advantage of Ruby's
+M17n features and can parse all documents which have the correct
+String#encoding set. If a document string has ASCII-8BIT as an encoding the
+parser attempts to figure out which of the UTF encodings from above it is and
+trys to parse it.
+== Installation
+It's recommended to use the extension variant of JSON, because it's faster than
+the pure ruby variant. If you cannot build it on your system, you can settle
+for the latter.
+Just type into the command line as root:
+ # rake install
+The above command will build the extensions and install them on your system.
+ # rake install_pure
+ # ruby install.rb
+will just install the pure ruby implementation of JSON.
+If you use Rubygems you can type
+ # gem install json
+instead, to install the newest JSON version.
+There is also a pure ruby json only variant of the gem, that can be installed
+ # gem install json_pure
+== Compiling the extensions yourself
+If you want to build the extensions yourself you need rake:
+ You can get it from rubyforge:
+ or just type
+ # gem install rake
+ for the installation via rubygems.
+If you want to create the parser.c file from its parser.rl file or draw nice
+graphviz images of the state machines, you need ragel from:
+== Usage
+To use JSON you can
+ require 'json'
+to load the installed variant (either the extension 'json' or the pure
+variant 'json_pure'). If you have installed the extension variant, you can
+pick either the extension variant or the pure variant by typing
+ require 'json/ext'
+ require 'json/pure'
+Now you can parse a JSON document into a ruby data structure by calling
+ JSON.parse(document)
+If you want to generate a JSON document from a ruby data structure call
+ JSON.generate(data)
+You can also use the pretty_generate method (which formats the output more
+verbosely and nicely) or fast_generate (which doesn't do any of the security
+checks generate performs, e. g. nesting deepness checks).
+To create a valid JSON document you have to make sure, that the output is
+embedded in either a JSON array [] or a JSON object {}. The easiest way to do
+this, is by putting your values in a Ruby Array or Hash instance.
+There are also the JSON and JSON[] methods which use parse on a String or
+generate a JSON document from an array or hash:
+ document = JSON 'test' => 23 # => "{\"test\":23}"
+ document = JSON['test'] => 23 # => "{\"test\":23}"
+ data = JSON '{"test":23}' # => {"test"=>23}
+ data = JSON['{"test":23}'] # => {"test"=>23}
+You can choose to load a set of common additions to ruby core's objects if
+ require 'json/add/core'
+After requiring this you can, e. g., serialise/deserialise Ruby ranges:
+ JSON JSON(1..10) # => 1..10
+To find out how to add JSON support to other or your own classes, read the
+section "More Examples" below.
+To get the best compatibility to rails' JSON implementation, you can
+ require 'json/add/rails'
+Both of the additions attempt to require 'json' (like above) first, if it has
+not been required yet.
+== More Examples
+To create a JSON document from a ruby data structure, you can call
+JSON.generate like that:
+ json = JSON.generate [1, 2, {"a"=>3.141}, false, true, nil, 4..10]
+ # => "[1,2,{\"a\":3.141},false,true,null,\"4..10\"]"
+To get back a ruby data structure from a JSON document, you have to call
+JSON.parse on it:
+ JSON.parse json
+ # => [1, 2, {"a"=>3.141}, false, true, nil, "4..10"]
+Note, that the range from the original data structure is a simple
+string now. The reason for this is, that JSON doesn't support ranges
+or arbitrary classes. In this case the json library falls back to call
+Object#to_json, which is the same as #to_s.to_json.
+It's possible to add JSON support serialization to arbitrary classes by
+simply implementing a more specialized version of the #to_json method, that
+should return a JSON object (a hash converted to JSON with #to_json) like
+this (don't forget the *a for all the arguments):
+ class Range
+ def to_json(*a)
+ {
+ 'json_class' =>, # = 'Range'
+ 'data' => [ first, last, exclude_end? ]
+ }.to_json(*a)
+ end
+ end
+The hash key 'json_class' is the class, that will be asked to deserialise the
+JSON representation later. In this case it's 'Range', but any namespace of
+the form 'A::B' or '::A::B' will do. All other keys are arbitrary and can be
+used to store the necessary data to configure the object to be deserialised.
+If a the key 'json_class' is found in a JSON object, the JSON parser checks
+if the given class responds to the json_create class method. If so, it is
+called with the JSON object converted to a Ruby hash. So a range can
+be deserialised by implementing Range.json_create like this:
+ class Range
+ def self.json_create(o)
+ new(*o['data'])
+ end
+ end
+Now it possible to serialise/deserialise ranges as well:
+ json = JSON.generate [1, 2, {"a"=>3.141}, false, true, nil, 4..10]
+ # => "[1,2,{\"a\":3.141},false,true,null,{\"json_class\":\"Range\",\"data\":[4,10,false]}]"
+ JSON.parse json
+ # => [1, 2, {"a"=>3.141}, false, true, nil, 4..10]
+JSON.generate always creates the shortest possible string representation of a
+ruby data structure in one line. This is good for data storage or network
+protocols, but not so good for humans to read. Fortunately there's also
+JSON.pretty_generate (or JSON.pretty_generate) that creates a more readable
+ puts JSON.pretty_generate([1, 2, {"a"=>3.141}, false, true, nil, 4..10])
+ [
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ {
+ "a": 3.141
+ },
+ false,
+ true,
+ null,
+ {
+ "json_class": "Range",
+ "data": [
+ 4,
+ 10,
+ false
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+There are also the methods Kernel#j for generate, and Kernel#jj for
+pretty_generate output to the console, that work analogous to Core Ruby's p and
+the pp library's pp methods.
+The script tools/server.rb contains a small example if you want to test, how
+receiving a JSON object from a webrick server in your browser with the
+javasript prototype library works.
+== Speed Comparisons
+I have created some benchmark results (see the benchmarks/data-p4-3Ghz
+subdir of the package) for the JSON-parser to estimate the speed up in the C
+ Comparing times (call_time_mean):
+ 1 ParserBenchmarkExt#parser 900 repeats:
+ 553.922304770 ( real) -> 21.500x
+ 0.001805307
+ 2 ParserBenchmarkYAML#parser 1000 repeats:
+ 224.513358139 ( real) -> 8.714x
+ 0.004454078
+ 3 ParserBenchmarkPure#parser 1000 repeats:
+ 26.755020642 ( real) -> 1.038x
+ 0.037376163
+ 4 ParserBenchmarkRails#parser 1000 repeats:
+ 25.763381731 ( real) -> 1.000x
+ 0.038814780
+ calls/sec ( time) -> speed covers
+ secs/call
+In the table above 1 is JSON::Ext::Parser, 2 is YAML.load with YAML
+compatbile JSON document, 3 is is JSON::Pure::Parser, and 4 is
+ActiveSupport::JSON.decode. The ActiveSupport JSON-decoder converts the
+input first to YAML and then uses the YAML-parser, the conversion seems to
+slow it down so much that it is only as fast as the JSON::Pure::Parser!
+If you look at the benchmark data you can see that this is mostly caused by
+the frequent high outliers - the median of the Rails-parser runs is still
+overall smaller than the median of the JSON::Pure::Parser runs:
+ Comparing times (call_time_median):
+ 1 ParserBenchmarkExt#parser 900 repeats:
+ 800.592479481 ( real) -> 26.936x
+ 0.001249075
+ 2 ParserBenchmarkYAML#parser 1000 repeats:
+ 271.002390644 ( real) -> 9.118x
+ 0.003690004
+ 3 ParserBenchmarkRails#parser 1000 repeats:
+ 30.227910865 ( real) -> 1.017x
+ 0.033082008
+ 4 ParserBenchmarkPure#parser 1000 repeats:
+ 29.722384421 ( real) -> 1.000x
+ 0.033644676
+ calls/sec ( time) -> speed covers
+ secs/call
+I have benchmarked the JSON-Generator as well. This generated a few more
+values, because there are different modes that also influence the achieved
+ Comparing times (call_time_mean):
+ 1 GeneratorBenchmarkExt#generator_fast 1000 repeats:
+ 547.354332608 ( real) -> 15.090x
+ 0.001826970
+ 2 GeneratorBenchmarkExt#generator_safe 1000 repeats:
+ 443.968212317 ( real) -> 12.240x
+ 0.002252414
+ 3 GeneratorBenchmarkExt#generator_pretty 900 repeats:
+ 375.104545883 ( real) -> 10.341x
+ 0.002665923
+ 4 GeneratorBenchmarkPure#generator_fast 1000 repeats:
+ 49.978706968 ( real) -> 1.378x
+ 0.020008521
+ 5 GeneratorBenchmarkRails#generator 1000 repeats:
+ 38.531868759 ( real) -> 1.062x
+ 0.025952543
+ 6 GeneratorBenchmarkPure#generator_safe 1000 repeats:
+ 36.927649925 ( real) -> 1.018x 7 (>=3859)
+ 0.027079979
+ 7 GeneratorBenchmarkPure#generator_pretty 1000 repeats:
+ 36.272134441 ( real) -> 1.000x 6 (>=3859)
+ 0.027569373
+ calls/sec ( time) -> speed covers
+ secs/call
+In the table above 1-3 are JSON::Ext::Generator methods. 4, 6, and 7 are
+JSON::Pure::Generator methods and 5 is the Rails JSON generator. It is now a
+bit faster than the generator_safe and generator_pretty methods of the pure
+variant but slower than the others.
+To achieve the fastest JSON document output, you can use the fast_generate
+method. Beware, that this will disable the checking for circular Ruby data
+structures, which may cause JSON to go into an infinite loop.
+Here are the median comparisons for completeness' sake:
+ Comparing times (call_time_median):
+ 1 GeneratorBenchmarkExt#generator_fast 1000 repeats:
+ 708.258020939 ( real) -> 16.547x
+ 0.001411915
+ 2 GeneratorBenchmarkExt#generator_safe 1000 repeats:
+ 569.105020353 ( real) -> 13.296x
+ 0.001757145
+ 3 GeneratorBenchmarkExt#generator_pretty 900 repeats:
+ 482.825371244 ( real) -> 11.280x
+ 0.002071142
+ 4 GeneratorBenchmarkPure#generator_fast 1000 repeats:
+ 62.717626652 ( real) -> 1.465x
+ 0.015944481
+ 5 GeneratorBenchmarkRails#generator 1000 repeats:
+ 43.965681162 ( real) -> 1.027x
+ 0.022745013
+ 6 GeneratorBenchmarkPure#generator_safe 1000 repeats:
+ 43.929073409 ( real) -> 1.026x 7 (>=3859)
+ 0.022763968
+ 7 GeneratorBenchmarkPure#generator_pretty 1000 repeats:
+ 42.802514491 ( real) -> 1.000x 6 (>=3859)
+ 0.023363113
+ calls/sec ( time) -> speed covers
+ secs/call
+== Author
+Florian Frank <>
+== License
+Ruby License, see the COPYING file included in the source distribution. The
+Ruby License includes the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2, so see
+the file GPL as well.
+== Download
+The latest version of this library can be downloaded at
+Online Documentation should be located at