path: root/ext/json/ext/parser/parser.rl
diff options
authorFlorian Frank <>2009-08-24 16:20:32 +0200
committerFlorian Frank <>2009-08-24 16:20:32 +0200
commit10f03df1f6a54edaae86e87e1fd7d9a6a6a319f1 (patch)
treed7133d6f5ba8bc2f195ee6e070b34331bd4f5d04 /ext/json/ext/parser/parser.rl
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/json/ext/parser/parser.rl')
1 files changed, 686 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/json/ext/parser/parser.rl b/ext/json/ext/parser/parser.rl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..384ab9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/json/ext/parser/parser.rl
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+#include "ruby.h"
+#include "unicode.h"
+#if HAVE_RE_H
+#include "re.h"
+#include "ruby/st.h"
+#if HAVE_ST_H
+#include "st.h"
+#define EVIL 0x666
+#ifndef RHASH_TBL
+#define RHASH_TBL(hsh) (RHASH(hsh)->tbl)
+#include "ruby/encoding.h"
+#define FORCE_UTF8(obj) rb_enc_associate((obj), rb_utf8_encoding())
+#define FORCE_UTF8(obj)
+static VALUE mJSON, mExt, cParser, eParserError, eNestingError;
+static VALUE CNaN, CInfinity, CMinusInfinity;
+static ID i_json_creatable_p, i_json_create, i_create_id, i_create_additions,
+ i_chr, i_max_nesting, i_allow_nan, i_object_class, i_array_class;
+#define MinusInfinity "-Infinity"
+typedef struct JSON_ParserStruct {
+ VALUE Vsource;
+ char *source;
+ long len;
+ char *memo;
+ VALUE create_id;
+ int max_nesting;
+ int current_nesting;
+ int allow_nan;
+ VALUE object_class;
+ VALUE array_class;
+} JSON_Parser;
+static char *JSON_parse_object(JSON_Parser *json, char *p, char *pe, VALUE *result);
+static char *JSON_parse_array(JSON_Parser *json, char *p, char *pe, VALUE *result);
+static char *JSON_parse_value(JSON_Parser *json, char *p, char *pe, VALUE *result);
+static char *JSON_parse_string(JSON_Parser *json, char *p, char *pe, VALUE *result);
+static char *JSON_parse_integer(JSON_Parser *json, char *p, char *pe, VALUE *result);
+static char *JSON_parse_float(JSON_Parser *json, char *p, char *pe, VALUE *result);
+#define GET_STRUCT \
+ JSON_Parser *json; \
+ Data_Get_Struct(self, JSON_Parser, json);
+ machine JSON_common;
+ cr = '\n';
+ cr_neg = [^\n];
+ ws = [ \t\r\n];
+ c_comment = '/*' ( any* - (any* '*/' any* ) ) '*/';
+ cpp_comment = '//' cr_neg* cr;
+ comment = c_comment | cpp_comment;
+ ignore = ws | comment;
+ name_separator = ':';
+ value_separator = ',';
+ Vnull = 'null';
+ Vfalse = 'false';
+ Vtrue = 'true';
+ VNaN = 'NaN';
+ VInfinity = 'Infinity';
+ VMinusInfinity = '-Infinity';
+ begin_value = [nft"\-[{NI] | digit;
+ begin_object = '{';
+ end_object = '}';
+ begin_array = '[';
+ end_array = ']';
+ begin_string = '"';
+ begin_name = begin_string;
+ begin_number = digit | '-';
+ machine JSON_object;
+ include JSON_common;
+ write data;
+ action parse_value {
+ VALUE v = Qnil;
+ char *np = JSON_parse_value(json, fpc, pe, &v);
+ if (np == NULL) {
+ fhold; fbreak;
+ } else {
+ rb_hash_aset(*result, last_name, v);
+ fexec np;
+ }
+ }
+ action parse_name {
+ char *np = JSON_parse_string(json, fpc, pe, &last_name);
+ if (np == NULL) { fhold; fbreak; } else fexec np;
+ }
+ action exit { fhold; fbreak; }
+ a_pair = ignore* begin_name >parse_name
+ ignore* name_separator ignore*
+ begin_value >parse_value;
+ main := begin_object
+ (a_pair (ignore* value_separator a_pair)*)?
+ ignore* end_object @exit;
+static char *JSON_parse_object(JSON_Parser *json, char *p, char *pe, VALUE *result)
+ int cs = EVIL;
+ VALUE last_name = Qnil;
+ VALUE object_class = json->object_class;
+ if (json->max_nesting && json->current_nesting > json->max_nesting) {
+ rb_raise(eNestingError, "nesting of %d is too deep", json->current_nesting);
+ }
+ *result = NIL_P(object_class) ? rb_hash_new() : rb_class_new_instance(0, 0, object_class);
+ %% write init;
+ %% write exec;
+ if (cs >= JSON_object_first_final) {
+ if (RTEST(json->create_id)) {
+ VALUE klassname = rb_hash_aref(*result, json->create_id);
+ if (!NIL_P(klassname)) {
+ VALUE klass = rb_path2class(StringValueCStr(klassname));
+ if RTEST(rb_funcall(klass, i_json_creatable_p, 0)) {
+ *result = rb_funcall(klass, i_json_create, 1, *result);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return p + 1;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ machine JSON_value;
+ include JSON_common;
+ write data;
+ action parse_null {
+ *result = Qnil;
+ }
+ action parse_false {
+ *result = Qfalse;
+ }
+ action parse_true {
+ *result = Qtrue;
+ }
+ action parse_nan {
+ if (json->allow_nan) {
+ *result = CNaN;
+ } else {
+ rb_raise(eParserError, "%u: unexpected token at '%s'", __LINE__, p - 2);
+ }
+ }
+ action parse_infinity {
+ if (json->allow_nan) {
+ *result = CInfinity;
+ } else {
+ rb_raise(eParserError, "%u: unexpected token at '%s'", __LINE__, p - 8);
+ }
+ }
+ action parse_string {
+ char *np = JSON_parse_string(json, fpc, pe, result);
+ if (np == NULL) { fhold; fbreak; } else fexec np;
+ }
+ action parse_number {
+ char *np;
+ if(pe > fpc + 9 && !strncmp(MinusInfinity, fpc, 9)) {
+ if (json->allow_nan) {
+ *result = CMinusInfinity;
+ fexec p + 10;
+ fhold; fbreak;
+ } else {
+ rb_raise(eParserError, "%u: unexpected token at '%s'", __LINE__, p);
+ }
+ }
+ np = JSON_parse_float(json, fpc, pe, result);
+ if (np != NULL) fexec np;
+ np = JSON_parse_integer(json, fpc, pe, result);
+ if (np != NULL) fexec np;
+ fhold; fbreak;
+ }
+ action parse_array {
+ char *np;
+ json->current_nesting++;
+ np = JSON_parse_array(json, fpc, pe, result);
+ json->current_nesting--;
+ if (np == NULL) { fhold; fbreak; } else fexec np;
+ }
+ action parse_object {
+ char *np;
+ json->current_nesting++;
+ np = JSON_parse_object(json, fpc, pe, result);
+ json->current_nesting--;
+ if (np == NULL) { fhold; fbreak; } else fexec np;
+ }
+ action exit { fhold; fbreak; }
+main := (
+ Vnull @parse_null |
+ Vfalse @parse_false |
+ Vtrue @parse_true |
+ VNaN @parse_nan |
+ VInfinity @parse_infinity |
+ begin_number >parse_number |
+ begin_string >parse_string |
+ begin_array >parse_array |
+ begin_object >parse_object
+ ) %*exit;
+static char *JSON_parse_value(JSON_Parser *json, char *p, char *pe, VALUE *result)
+ int cs = EVIL;
+ %% write init;
+ %% write exec;
+ if (cs >= JSON_value_first_final) {
+ return p;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ machine JSON_integer;
+ write data;
+ action exit { fhold; fbreak; }
+ main := '-'? ('0' | [1-9][0-9]*) (^[0-9] @exit);
+static char *JSON_parse_integer(JSON_Parser *json, char *p, char *pe, VALUE *result)
+ int cs = EVIL;
+ %% write init;
+ json->memo = p;
+ %% write exec;
+ if (cs >= JSON_integer_first_final) {
+ long len = p - json->memo;
+ *result = rb_Integer(rb_str_new(json->memo, len));
+ return p + 1;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ machine JSON_float;
+ include JSON_common;
+ write data;
+ action exit { fhold; fbreak; }
+ main := '-'? (
+ (('0' | [1-9][0-9]*) '.' [0-9]+ ([Ee] [+\-]?[0-9]+)?)
+ | (('0' | [1-9][0-9]*) ([Ee] [+\-]?[0-9]+))
+ ) (^[0-9Ee.\-] @exit );
+static char *JSON_parse_float(JSON_Parser *json, char *p, char *pe, VALUE *result)
+ int cs = EVIL;
+ %% write init;
+ json->memo = p;
+ %% write exec;
+ if (cs >= JSON_float_first_final) {
+ long len = p - json->memo;
+ *result = rb_Float(rb_str_new(json->memo, len));
+ return p + 1;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ machine JSON_array;
+ include JSON_common;
+ write data;
+ action parse_value {
+ VALUE v = Qnil;
+ char *np = JSON_parse_value(json, fpc, pe, &v);
+ if (np == NULL) {
+ fhold; fbreak;
+ } else {
+ rb_ary_push(*result, v);
+ fexec np;
+ }
+ }
+ action exit { fhold; fbreak; }
+ next_element = value_separator ignore* begin_value >parse_value;
+ main := begin_array ignore*
+ ((begin_value >parse_value ignore*)
+ (ignore* next_element ignore*)*)?
+ end_array @exit;
+static char *JSON_parse_array(JSON_Parser *json, char *p, char *pe, VALUE *result)
+ int cs = EVIL;
+ VALUE array_class = json->array_class;
+ if (json->max_nesting && json->current_nesting > json->max_nesting) {
+ rb_raise(eNestingError, "nesting of %d is too deep", json->current_nesting);
+ }
+ *result = NIL_P(array_class) ? rb_ary_new() : rb_class_new_instance(0, 0, array_class);
+ %% write init;
+ %% write exec;
+ if(cs >= JSON_array_first_final) {
+ return p + 1;
+ } else {
+ rb_raise(eParserError, "%u: unexpected token at '%s'", __LINE__, p);
+ }
+static VALUE json_string_unescape(char *p, char *pe)
+ VALUE result = rb_str_buf_new(pe - p + 1);
+ while (p < pe) {
+ if (*p == '\\') {
+ p++;
+ if (p >= pe) return Qnil; /* raise an exception later, \ at end */
+ switch (*p) {
+ case '"':
+ case '\\':
+ rb_str_buf_cat(result, p, 1);
+ p++;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ rb_str_buf_cat2(result, "\b");
+ p++;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ rb_str_buf_cat2(result, "\f");
+ p++;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ rb_str_buf_cat2(result, "\n");
+ p++;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ rb_str_buf_cat2(result, "\r");
+ p++;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ rb_str_buf_cat2(result, "\t");
+ p++;
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ if (p > pe - 4) {
+ return Qnil;
+ } else {
+ p = JSON_convert_UTF16_to_UTF8(result, p, pe, strictConversion);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ rb_str_buf_cat(result, p, 1);
+ p++;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ char *q = p;
+ while (*q != '\\' && q < pe) q++;
+ rb_str_buf_cat(result, p, q - p);
+ p = q;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ machine JSON_string;
+ include JSON_common;
+ write data;
+ action parse_string {
+ *result = json_string_unescape(json->memo + 1, p);
+ if (NIL_P(*result)) {
+ fhold;
+ fbreak;
+ } else {
+ FORCE_UTF8(*result);
+ fexec p + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ action exit { fhold; fbreak; }
+ main := '"' ((^(["\\] | 0..0x1f) | '\\'["\\/bfnrt] | '\\u'[0-9a-fA-F]{4} | '\\'^(["\\/bfnrtu]|0..0x1f))* %parse_string) '"' @exit;
+static char *JSON_parse_string(JSON_Parser *json, char *p, char *pe, VALUE *result)
+ int cs = EVIL;
+ *result = rb_str_new("", 0);
+ %% write init;
+ json->memo = p;
+ %% write exec;
+ if (cs >= JSON_string_first_final) {
+ return p + 1;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ machine JSON;
+ write data;
+ include JSON_common;
+ action parse_object {
+ char *np;
+ json->current_nesting = 1;
+ np = JSON_parse_object(json, fpc, pe, &result);
+ if (np == NULL) { fhold; fbreak; } else fexec np;
+ }
+ action parse_array {
+ char *np;
+ json->current_nesting = 1;
+ np = JSON_parse_array(json, fpc, pe, &result);
+ if (np == NULL) { fhold; fbreak; } else fexec np;
+ }
+ main := ignore* (
+ begin_object >parse_object |
+ begin_array >parse_array
+ ) ignore*;
+ * Document-class: JSON::Ext::Parser
+ *
+ * This is the JSON parser implemented as a C extension. It can be configured
+ * to be used by setting
+ *
+ * JSON.parser = JSON::Ext::Parser
+ *
+ * with the method parser= in JSON.
+ *
+ */
+ * call-seq: new(source, opts => {})
+ *
+ * Creates a new JSON::Ext::Parser instance for the string _source_.
+ *
+ * Creates a new JSON::Ext::Parser instance for the string _source_.
+ *
+ * It will be configured by the _opts_ hash. _opts_ can have the following
+ * keys:
+ *
+ * _opts_ can have the following keys:
+ * * *max_nesting*: The maximum depth of nesting allowed in the parsed data
+ * structures. Disable depth checking with :max_nesting => false|nil|0, it
+ * defaults to 19.
+ * * *allow_nan*: If set to true, allow NaN, Infinity and -Infinity in
+ * defiance of RFC 4627 to be parsed by the Parser. This option defaults to
+ * false.
+ * * *create_additions*: If set to false, the Parser doesn't create
+ * additions even if a matchin class and create_id was found. This option
+ * defaults to true.
+ * * *object_class*: Defaults to Hash
+ * * *array_class*: Defaults to Array
+ */
+static VALUE cParser_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
+ char *ptr;
+ long len;
+ VALUE source, opts;
+ rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &source, &opts);
+ source = StringValue(source);
+ ptr = RSTRING_PTR(source);
+ len = RSTRING_LEN(source);
+ if (len < 2) {
+ rb_raise(eParserError, "A JSON text must at least contain two octets!");
+ }
+ if (!NIL_P(opts)) {
+ opts = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash");
+ if (NIL_P(opts)) {
+ rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "opts needs to be like a hash");
+ } else {
+ VALUE tmp = ID2SYM(i_max_nesting);
+ if (st_lookup(RHASH_TBL(opts), tmp, 0)) {
+ VALUE max_nesting = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
+ if (RTEST(max_nesting)) {
+ Check_Type(max_nesting, T_FIXNUM);
+ json->max_nesting = FIX2INT(max_nesting);
+ } else {
+ json->max_nesting = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ json->max_nesting = 19;
+ }
+ tmp = ID2SYM(i_allow_nan);
+ if (st_lookup(RHASH_TBL(opts), tmp, 0)) {
+ VALUE allow_nan = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
+ json->allow_nan = RTEST(allow_nan) ? 1 : 0;
+ } else {
+ json->allow_nan = 0;
+ }
+ tmp = ID2SYM(i_create_additions);
+ if (st_lookup(RHASH_TBL(opts), tmp, 0)) {
+ VALUE create_additions = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
+ if (RTEST(create_additions)) {
+ json->create_id = rb_funcall(mJSON, i_create_id, 0);
+ } else {
+ json->create_id = Qnil;
+ }
+ } else {
+ json->create_id = rb_funcall(mJSON, i_create_id, 0);
+ }
+ tmp = ID2SYM(i_object_class);
+ if (st_lookup(RHASH_TBL(opts), tmp, 0)) {
+ json->object_class = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
+ } else {
+ json->object_class = Qnil;
+ }
+ tmp = ID2SYM(i_array_class);
+ if (st_lookup(RHASH_TBL(opts), tmp, 0)) {
+ json->array_class = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
+ } else {
+ json->array_class = Qnil;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ json->max_nesting = 19;
+ json->allow_nan = 0;
+ json->create_id = rb_funcall(mJSON, i_create_id, 0);
+ json->object_class = Qnil;
+ json->array_class = Qnil;
+ }
+ json->current_nesting = 0;
+ /*
+ Convert these?
+ if (len >= 4 && ptr[0] == 0 && ptr[1] == 0 && ptr[2] == 0) {
+ rb_raise(eParserError, "Only UTF8 octet streams are supported atm!");
+ } else if (len >= 4 && ptr[0] == 0 && ptr[2] == 0) {
+ rb_raise(eParserError, "Only UTF8 octet streams are supported atm!");
+ } else if (len >= 4 && ptr[1] == 0 && ptr[2] == 0 && ptr[3] == 0) {
+ rb_raise(eParserError, "Only UTF8 octet streams are supported atm!");
+ } else if (len >= 4 && ptr[1] == 0 && ptr[3] == 0) {
+ rb_raise(eParserError, "Only UTF8 octet streams are supported atm!");
+ }
+ */
+ json->len = len;
+ json->source = ptr;
+ json->Vsource = source;
+ return self;
+ * call-seq: parse()
+ *
+ * Parses the current JSON text _source_ and returns the complete data
+ * structure as a result.
+ */
+static VALUE cParser_parse(VALUE self)
+ char *p, *pe;
+ int cs = EVIL;
+ VALUE result = Qnil;
+ %% write init;
+ p = json->source;
+ pe = p + json->len;
+ %% write exec;
+ if (cs >= JSON_first_final && p == pe) {
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ rb_raise(eParserError, "%u: unexpected token at '%s'", __LINE__, p);
+ }
+inline static JSON_Parser *JSON_allocate()
+ JSON_Parser *json = ALLOC(JSON_Parser);
+ MEMZERO(json, JSON_Parser, 1);
+ return json;
+static void JSON_mark(JSON_Parser *json)
+ rb_gc_mark_maybe(json->Vsource);
+ rb_gc_mark_maybe(json->create_id);
+ rb_gc_mark_maybe(json->object_class);
+ rb_gc_mark_maybe(json->array_class);
+static void JSON_free(JSON_Parser *json)
+ ruby_xfree(json);
+static VALUE cJSON_parser_s_allocate(VALUE klass)
+ JSON_Parser *json = JSON_allocate();
+ return Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, JSON_mark, JSON_free, json);
+ * call-seq: source()
+ *
+ * Returns a copy of the current _source_ string, that was used to construct
+ * this Parser.
+ */
+static VALUE cParser_source(VALUE self)
+ return rb_str_dup(json->Vsource);
+void Init_parser()
+ rb_require("json/common");
+ mJSON = rb_define_module("JSON");
+ mExt = rb_define_module_under(mJSON, "Ext");
+ cParser = rb_define_class_under(mExt, "Parser", rb_cObject);
+ eParserError = rb_path2class("JSON::ParserError");
+ eNestingError = rb_path2class("JSON::NestingError");
+ rb_define_alloc_func(cParser, cJSON_parser_s_allocate);
+ rb_define_method(cParser, "initialize", cParser_initialize, -1);
+ rb_define_method(cParser, "parse", cParser_parse, 0);
+ rb_define_method(cParser, "source", cParser_source, 0);
+ CNaN = rb_const_get(mJSON, rb_intern("NaN"));
+ CInfinity = rb_const_get(mJSON, rb_intern("Infinity"));
+ CMinusInfinity = rb_const_get(mJSON, rb_intern("MinusInfinity"));
+ i_json_creatable_p = rb_intern("json_creatable?");
+ i_json_create = rb_intern("json_create");
+ i_create_id = rb_intern("create_id");
+ i_create_additions = rb_intern("create_additions");
+ i_chr = rb_intern("chr");
+ i_max_nesting = rb_intern("max_nesting");
+ i_allow_nan = rb_intern("allow_nan");
+ i_object_class = rb_intern("object_class");
+ i_array_class = rb_intern("array_class");