begin require 'rake/gempackagetask' rescue LoadError end begin require 'rake/extensiontask' rescue LoadError puts "WARNING: rake-compiler is not installed. You will not be able to build the json gem until you install it." end require 'rbconfig' include Config require 'rake/clean' CLOBBER.include Dir['benchmarks/data/*.{dat,log}'], FileList['**/*.rbc'] CLEAN.include FileList['diagrams/*.*'], 'doc', 'coverage', 'tmp', FileList["ext/**/{Makefile,mkmf.log}"], FileList["{ext,lib}/**/*.{so,bundle,#{CONFIG['DLEXT']},o,obj,pdb,lib,manifest,exp,def}"] MAKE = ENV['MAKE'] || %w[gmake make].find { |c| system(c, '-v') } PKG_NAME = 'json' PKG_TITLE = 'JSON Implementation for Ruby' PKG_VERSION ='VERSION').chomp PKG_FILES = FileList["**/*"].exclude(/CVS|pkg|tmp|coverage|Makefile|\.nfs\./).exclude(/\.(so|bundle|o|#{CONFIG['DLEXT']})$/) EXT_ROOT_DIR = 'ext/json/ext' EXT_PARSER_DIR = "#{EXT_ROOT_DIR}/parser" EXT_PARSER_DL = "#{EXT_PARSER_DIR}/parser.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}" EXT_PARSER_SRC = "#{EXT_PARSER_DIR}/parser.c" PKG_FILES << EXT_PARSER_SRC EXT_GENERATOR_DIR = "#{EXT_ROOT_DIR}/generator" EXT_GENERATOR_DL = "#{EXT_GENERATOR_DIR}/generator.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}" EXT_GENERATOR_SRC = "#{EXT_GENERATOR_DIR}/generator.c" RAGEL_CODEGEN = %w[rlcodegen rlgen-cd ragel].find { |c| system(c, '-v') } RAGEL_DOTGEN = %w[rlgen-dot rlgen-cd ragel].find { |c| system(c, '-v') } RAGEL_PATH = "#{EXT_PARSER_DIR}/parser.rl" def myruby(*args, &block) @myruby ||= File.join(CONFIG['bindir'], CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) options = (Hash === args.last) ? args.pop : {} if args.length > 1 then sh(*([@myruby] + args + [options]), &block) else sh("#{@myruby} #{args.first}", options, &block) end end desc "Installing library (pure)" task :install_pure => :version do myruby 'install.rb' end task :install_ext_really do sitearchdir = CONFIG["sitearchdir"] cd 'ext' do for file in Dir["json/ext/*.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}"] d = File.join(sitearchdir, file) mkdir_p File.dirname(d) install(file, d) end end end desc "Installing library (extension)" task :install_ext => [ :compile_ext, :install_pure, :install_ext_really ] desc "Installing library (extension)" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ task :install => :install_pure else task :install => :install_ext end desc "Compiling extension" task :compile_ext => [ EXT_PARSER_DL, EXT_GENERATOR_DL ] file EXT_PARSER_DL => EXT_PARSER_SRC do cd EXT_PARSER_DIR do myruby 'extconf.rb' sh MAKE end cp "#{EXT_PARSER_DIR}/parser.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}", EXT_ROOT_DIR end file EXT_GENERATOR_DL => EXT_GENERATOR_SRC do cd EXT_GENERATOR_DIR do myruby 'extconf.rb' sh MAKE end cp "#{EXT_GENERATOR_DIR}/generator.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}", EXT_ROOT_DIR end desc "Generate parser with ragel" task :ragel => EXT_PARSER_SRC task :ragel_clean do rm_rf EXT_PARSER_SRC end file EXT_PARSER_SRC => RAGEL_PATH do cd EXT_PARSER_DIR do if RAGEL_CODEGEN == 'ragel' sh "ragel parser.rl -G2 -o parser.c" else sh "ragel -x parser.rl | #{RAGEL_CODEGEN} -G2" end end end desc "Generate diagrams of ragel parser (ps)" task :ragel_dot_ps do root = 'diagrams' specs = []^\s*machine\s*(\S+);\s*$/) { specs << $1 } for s in specs if RAGEL_DOTGEN == 'ragel' sh "ragel #{RAGEL_PATH} -S#{s} -p -V | dot -Tps -o#{root}/#{s}.ps" else sh "ragel -x #{RAGEL_PATH} -S#{s} | #{RAGEL_DOTGEN} -p|dot -Tps -o#{root}/#{s}.ps" end end end desc "Generate diagrams of ragel parser (png)" task :ragel_dot_png do root = 'diagrams' specs = []^\s*machine\s*(\S+);\s*$/) { specs << $1 } for s in specs if RAGEL_DOTGEN == 'ragel' sh "ragel #{RAGEL_PATH} -S#{s} -p -V | dot -Tpng -o#{root}/#{s}.png" else sh "ragel -x #{RAGEL_PATH} -S#{s} | #{RAGEL_DOTGEN} -p|dot -Tpng -o#{root}/#{s}.png" end end end desc "Generate diagrams of ragel parser" task :ragel_dot => [ :ragel_dot_png, :ragel_dot_ps ] desc "Testing library (pure ruby)" task :test_pure => :clean do ENV['JSON'] = 'pure' ENV['RUBYOPT'] = "-Iext:lib #{ENV['RUBYOPT']}" myruby "-S testrb #{Dir['./tests/*.rb'] * ' '}" end desc "Testing library (extension)" task :test_ext => :compile_ext do ENV['JSON'] = 'ext' ENV['RUBYOPT'] = "-Iext:lib #{ENV['RUBYOPT']}" myruby "-S testrb #{Dir['./tests/*.rb'] * ' '}" end desc "Testing library (pure ruby and extension)" task :test => [ :test_pure, :test_ext ] desc "Benchmarking parser" task :benchmark_parser do ENV['RUBYOPT'] = "-Ilib:ext #{ENV['RUBYOPT']}" myruby 'benchmarks/parser_benchmark.rb' myruby 'benchmarks/parser2_benchmark.rb' end desc "Benchmarking generator" task :benchmark_generator do ENV['RUBYOPT'] = "-Ilib:ext #{ENV['RUBYOPT']}" myruby 'benchmarks/generator_benchmark.rb' myruby 'benchmarks/generator2_benchmark.rb' end desc "Benchmarking library" task :benchmark => [ :benchmark_parser, :benchmark_generator ] desc "Create RDOC documentation" task :doc => [ :version, EXT_PARSER_SRC ] do sh "sdoc -o doc -t '#{PKG_TITLE}' -m README README lib/json.rb #{FileList['lib/json/**/*.rb']} #{EXT_PARSER_SRC} #{EXT_GENERATOR_SRC}" end if defined?(Gem) and defined?(Rake::GemPackageTask) spec_pure = do |s| = 'json_pure' s.version = PKG_VERSION s.summary = PKG_TITLE s.description = "This is a JSON implementation in pure Ruby." s.files = PKG_FILES s.require_path = 'lib' s.bindir = "bin" s.executables = [ "edit_json.rb", "prettify_json.rb" ] s.default_executable = "edit_json.rb" s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files << 'README' s.rdoc_options << '--title' << 'JSON implemention for ruby' << '--main' << 'README' s.test_files.concat Dir['tests/*.rb'] = "Florian Frank" = "" s.homepage = "{PKG_NAME}" s.rubyforge_project = "json" end do |pkg| pkg.need_tar = true pkg.package_files = PKG_FILES end end if defined?(Gem) and defined?(Rake::GemPackageTask) and defined?(Rake::ExtensionTask) spec_ext = do |s| = 'json' s.version = PKG_VERSION s.summary = PKG_TITLE s.description = "This is a JSON implementation as a Ruby extension in C." s.files = PKG_FILES s.extensions = FileList['ext/**/extconf.rb'] s.require_path = EXT_ROOT_DIR s.require_paths << 'ext' s.require_paths << 'lib' s.bindir = "bin" s.executables = [ "edit_json.rb", "prettify_json.rb" ] s.default_executable = "edit_json.rb" s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files << 'README' s.rdoc_options << '--title' << 'JSON implemention for Ruby' << '--main' << 'README' s.test_files.concat Dir['tests/*.rb'] = "Florian Frank" = "" s.homepage = "{PKG_NAME}" s.rubyforge_project = "json" end do |pkg| pkg.need_tar = true pkg.package_files = PKG_FILES end do |ext| = 'parser' ext.gem_spec = spec_ext ext.cross_compile = true ext.cross_platform = %w[i386-mswin32 i386-mingw32] ext.ext_dir = 'ext/json/ext/parser' ext.lib_dir = 'lib/json/ext' end do |ext| = 'generator' ext.gem_spec = spec_ext ext.cross_compile = true ext.cross_platform = %w[i386-mswin32 i386-mingw32] ext.ext_dir = 'ext/json/ext/generator' ext.lib_dir = 'lib/json/ext' end end desc m = "Writing version information for #{PKG_VERSION}" task :version do puts m'lib', 'json', 'version.rb'), 'w') do |v| v.puts < [ :clean, :version, :cross, :native, :gem ] do sh "#$0 clean native gem" sh "#$0 clean package" end desc "Compile in the the source directory" task :default => [ :version, :compile_ext ]