begin require 'rubygems/package_task' rescue LoadError end require 'rbconfig' include\ begin RbConfig rescue NameError Config end require 'rake/clean' CLOBBER.include 'doc', 'Gemfile.lock' CLEAN.include FileList['diagrams/*.*'], 'doc', 'coverage', 'tmp', FileList["ext/**/{Makefile,mkmf.log}"], 'build', 'dist', FileList['**/*.rbc'], FileList["{ext,lib}/**/*.{so,bundle,#{CONFIG['DLEXT']},o,obj,pdb,lib,manifest,exp,def,jar,class,dSYM}"], FileList['java/src/**/*.class'] require 'rake/testtask' class UndocumentedTestTask < Rake::TestTask def desc(*) end end which = lambda { |c| w = `which #{c}` break w.chomp unless w.empty? } MAKE = ENV['MAKE'] || %w[gmake make].find(&which) BUNDLE = ENV['BUNDLE'] || %w[bundle].find(&which) PKG_NAME = 'json' PKG_TITLE = 'JSON Implementation for Ruby' PKG_VERSION ='VERSION').chomp PKG_FILES = FileList[`git ls-files`.split(/\n/)] EXT_ROOT_DIR = 'ext/json/ext' EXT_PARSER_DIR = "#{EXT_ROOT_DIR}/parser" EXT_PARSER_DL = "#{EXT_PARSER_DIR}/parser.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}" RAGEL_PATH = "#{EXT_PARSER_DIR}/parser.rl" EXT_PARSER_SRC = "#{EXT_PARSER_DIR}/parser.c" EXT_GENERATOR_DIR = "#{EXT_ROOT_DIR}/generator" EXT_GENERATOR_DL = "#{EXT_GENERATOR_DIR}/generator.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}" EXT_GENERATOR_SRC = "#{EXT_GENERATOR_DIR}/generator.c" JAVA_DIR = "java/src/json/ext" JAVA_RAGEL_PATH = "#{JAVA_DIR}/Parser.rl" JAVA_PARSER_SRC = "#{JAVA_DIR}/" JAVA_SOURCES = FileList["#{JAVA_DIR}/*.java"] JAVA_CLASSES = [] JRUBY_PARSER_JAR = File.expand_path("lib/json/ext/parser.jar") JRUBY_GENERATOR_JAR = File.expand_path("lib/json/ext/generator.jar") RAGEL_CODEGEN = %w[rlcodegen rlgen-cd ragel].find(&which) RAGEL_DOTGEN = %w[rlgen-dot rlgen-cd ragel].find(&which) desc "Installing library (pure)" task :install_pure => :version do ruby 'install.rb' end task :install_ext_really do sitearchdir = CONFIG["sitearchdir"] cd 'ext' do for file in Dir["json/ext/*.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}"] d = File.join(sitearchdir, file) mkdir_p File.dirname(d) install(file, d) end warn " *** Installed EXT ruby library." end end desc "Installing library (extension)" task :install_ext => [ :compile, :install_pure, :install_ext_really ] desc "Installing library (extension)" task :install => :install_ext desc m = "Writing version information for #{PKG_VERSION}" task :version do puts m'lib', 'json', 'version.rb'), 'w') do |v| v.puts < [ :set_env_pure, :check_env, :do_test_pure ] task(:set_env_pure) { ENV['JSON'] = 'pure' } do |t| = 'do_test_pure' t.libs << 'lib' << 'tests' t.test_files = FileList['tests/*_test.rb'] t.verbose = true t.options = '-v' end desc "Testing library (pure ruby and extension)" task :test => [ :test_pure, :test_ext ] namespace :gems do desc 'Install all development gems' task :install do sh "#{BUNDLE}" end end if defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) and RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby' ENV['JAVA_HOME'] ||= [ '/usr/local/java/jdk', '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk', '/Library/Java/Home', ].find { |c| } if ENV['JAVA_HOME'] warn " *** JAVA_HOME is set to #{ENV['JAVA_HOME'].inspect}" ENV['PATH'] = ENV['PATH'].split(/:/).unshift(java_path = "#{ENV['JAVA_HOME']}/bin") * ':' warn " *** java binaries are assumed to be in #{java_path.inspect}" else warn " *** JAVA_HOME was not set or could not be guessed!" exit 1 end file JAVA_PARSER_SRC => JAVA_RAGEL_PATH do cd JAVA_DIR do if RAGEL_CODEGEN == 'ragel' sh "ragel Parser.rl -J -o" else sh "ragel -x Parser.rl | #{RAGEL_CODEGEN} -J" end end end desc "Generate parser for java with ragel" task :ragel => JAVA_PARSER_SRC desc "Delete the ragel generated Java source" task :ragel_clean do rm_rf JAVA_PARSER_SRC end JRUBY_JAR = File.join(CONFIG["libdir"], "jruby.jar") if File.exist?(JRUBY_JAR) JAVA_SOURCES.each do |src| classpath = (Dir['java/lib/*.jar'] << 'java/src' << JRUBY_JAR) * ':' obj = src.sub(/\.java\Z/, '.class') file obj => src do sh 'javac', '-classpath', classpath, '-source', '1.6', '-target', '1.6', src end JAVA_CLASSES << obj end else warn "WARNING: Cannot find jruby in path => Cannot build jruby extension!" end desc "Compiling jruby extension" task :compile => JAVA_CLASSES desc "Package the jruby gem" task :jruby_gem => :create_jar do sh 'gem build json-java.gemspec' mkdir_p 'pkg' mv "json-#{PKG_VERSION}-java.gem", 'pkg' end desc "Testing library (jruby)" task :test_ext => [ :set_env_ext, :create_jar, :check_env, :do_test_ext ] task(:set_env_ext) { ENV['JSON'] = 'ext' } do |t| = 'do_test_ext' t.libs << 'lib' << 'tests' t.test_files = FileList['tests/*_test.rb'] t.verbose = true t.options = '-v' end file JRUBY_PARSER_JAR => :compile do cd 'java/src' do parser_classes = FileList[ "json/ext/ByteListTranscoder*.class", "json/ext/OptionsReader*.class", "json/ext/Parser*.class", "json/ext/RuntimeInfo*.class", "json/ext/StringDecoder*.class", "json/ext/Utils*.class" ] sh 'jar', 'cf', File.basename(JRUBY_PARSER_JAR), *parser_classes mv File.basename(JRUBY_PARSER_JAR), File.dirname(JRUBY_PARSER_JAR) end end desc "Create parser jar" task :create_parser_jar => JRUBY_PARSER_JAR file JRUBY_GENERATOR_JAR => :compile do cd 'java/src' do generator_classes = FileList[ "json/ext/ByteListTranscoder*.class", "json/ext/OptionsReader*.class", "json/ext/Generator*.class", "json/ext/RuntimeInfo*.class", "json/ext/StringEncoder*.class", "json/ext/Utils*.class" ] sh 'jar', 'cf', File.basename(JRUBY_GENERATOR_JAR), *generator_classes mv File.basename(JRUBY_GENERATOR_JAR), File.dirname(JRUBY_GENERATOR_JAR) end end desc "Create generator jar" task :create_generator_jar => JRUBY_GENERATOR_JAR desc "Create parser and generator jars" task :create_jar => [ :create_parser_jar, :create_generator_jar ] desc "Build all gems and archives for a new release of the jruby extension." task :build => [ :clean, :version, :jruby_gem ] task :release => :build else desc "Compiling extension" task :compile => [ EXT_PARSER_DL, EXT_GENERATOR_DL ] file EXT_PARSER_DL => EXT_PARSER_SRC do cd EXT_PARSER_DIR do ruby 'extconf.rb' sh MAKE end cp "#{EXT_PARSER_DIR}/parser.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}", EXT_ROOT_DIR end file EXT_GENERATOR_DL => EXT_GENERATOR_SRC do cd EXT_GENERATOR_DIR do ruby 'extconf.rb' sh MAKE end cp "#{EXT_GENERATOR_DIR}/generator.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}", EXT_ROOT_DIR end desc "Testing library (extension)" task :test_ext => [ :check_env, :compile, :do_test_ext ] do |t| = 'do_test_ext' t.libs << 'ext' << 'lib' << 'tests' t.test_files = FileList['tests/*_test.rb'] t.verbose = true t.options = '-v' end desc "Generate parser with ragel" task :ragel => EXT_PARSER_SRC desc "Delete the ragel generated C source" task :ragel_clean do rm_rf EXT_PARSER_SRC end desc "Update the tags file" task :tags do system 'ctags', *Dir['**/*.{rb,c,h,java}'] end file EXT_PARSER_SRC => RAGEL_PATH do cd EXT_PARSER_DIR do if RAGEL_CODEGEN == 'ragel' sh "ragel parser.rl -G2 -o parser.c" else sh "ragel -x parser.rl | #{RAGEL_CODEGEN} -G2" end src ="parser.c").gsub(/[ \t]+$/, '') src.gsub!(/^static const int (JSON_.*=.*);$/, 'enum {\1};') src.gsub!(/0 <= \(\*p\) && \(\*p\) <= 31/, "0 <= (signed char)(*p) && (*p) <= 31") src[0, 0] = "/* This file is automatically generated from parser.rl by using ragel */""parser.c", "w") {|f| f.print src} end end desc "Generate diagrams of ragel parser (ps)" task :ragel_dot_ps do root = 'diagrams' specs = []^\s*machine\s*(\S+);\s*$/) { specs << $1 } for s in specs if RAGEL_DOTGEN == 'ragel' sh "ragel #{RAGEL_PATH} -S#{s} -p -V | dot -Tps -o#{root}/#{s}.ps" else sh "ragel -x #{RAGEL_PATH} -S#{s} | #{RAGEL_DOTGEN} -p|dot -Tps -o#{root}/#{s}.ps" end end end desc "Generate diagrams of ragel parser (png)" task :ragel_dot_png do root = 'diagrams' specs = []^\s*machine\s*(\S+);\s*$/) { specs << $1 } for s in specs if RAGEL_DOTGEN == 'ragel' sh "ragel #{RAGEL_PATH} -S#{s} -p -V | dot -Tpng -o#{root}/#{s}.png" else sh "ragel -x #{RAGEL_PATH} -S#{s} | #{RAGEL_DOTGEN} -p|dot -Tpng -o#{root}/#{s}.png" end end end desc "Generate diagrams of ragel parser" task :ragel_dot => [ :ragel_dot_png, :ragel_dot_ps ] desc "Build all gems and archives for a new release of json and json_pure." task :build => [ :clean, :gemspec, :package ] task :release => :build end desc "Compile in the the source directory" task :default => [ :clean, :test ]