========================== 2009-04-01T16:46:56 CEST =========================== Benchmarking on ruby 1.8.6 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 287) [i686-linux]. Running 'ParserBenchmarkRails' for 1000 iterations/method (compare_time=real) =============================================================================== This first run is only for warmup. ParserBenchmarkRails#parser: real total user system sum 38.690086126 38.620000000 38.610000000 0.010000000 min 0.031255007 0.030000000 0.030000000 0.000000000 std- 0.025022178 0.024277709 0.024265187 -0.000306228 mean 0.038690086 0.038620000 0.038610000 0.000010000 std+ 0.052357994 0.052962291 0.052954813 0.000326228 max 0.083594084 0.090000000 0.090000000 0.010000000 std 0.013667908 0.014342291 0.014344813 0.000316228 std% 35.326641197 37.136951469 37.153104057 3162.277660168 harm 0.035964441 0.035345750 0.035335342 nan geo 0.037048388 0.036703287 0.036692729 0.000000000 q1 0.032610178 0.030000000 0.030000000 0.000000000 med 0.033129930 0.030000000 0.030000000 0.000000000 q3 0.035388470 0.040000000 0.040000000 0.000000000 1000 25.84641 0.038690086 calls calls/sec secs/call 0.08098 -|* 0.07574 -|***** 0.07051 -|** 0.06528 -| 0.06004 -| 0.05481 -| 0.04957 -| 0.04434 -|* 0.03911 -|*** 0.03387 -|************************************************** Outliers detected with box plot algo (median=0.03313, iqr=0.00278, factor=3.00): high=47 very_high=124 Ljung-Box statistics: q=5276.52020 (alpha=0.05, df=50). 1.00000 >= 0.95000 => Autocorrelation was detected. ParserBenchmarkRails#parser: real total user system sum 38.814780235 38.730000000 38.710000000 0.020000000 min 0.031314850 0.030000000 0.030000000 0.000000000 std- 0.024801114 0.023975177 0.023956914 -0.000426990 mean 0.038814780 0.038730000 0.038710000 0.000020000 std+ 0.052828447 0.053484823 0.053463086 0.000466990 max 0.085337162 0.090000000 0.090000000 0.010000000 std 0.014013666 0.014754823 0.014753086 0.000446990 std% 36.103943796 38.096625621 38.111821850 2234.948544149 harm 0.035975867 0.035320781 0.035304155 nan geo 0.037101026 0.036725170 0.036706415 0.000000000 q1 0.032611191 0.030000000 0.030000000 0.000000000 med 0.033082008 0.030000000 0.030000000 0.000000000 q3 0.035308182 0.040000000 0.040000000 0.000000000 1000 25.76338 0.038814780 calls calls/sec secs/call 0.08264 -|* 0.07723 -|*** 0.07183 -|**** 0.06643 -| 0.06103 -| 0.05562 -| 0.05022 -| 0.04482 -| 0.03942 -|** 0.03402 -|************************************************** Outliers detected with box plot algo (median=0.03308, iqr=0.00270, factor=3.00): high=43 very_high=127 Ljung-Box statistics: q=3451.96535 (alpha=0.05, df=50). 1.00000 >= 0.95000 => Autocorrelation was detected. No initial data truncated. => System may have been in a steady state from the beginning. ========================== 2009-04-01T16:48:17 CEST =========================== Writing measurement data file '/data/scm/json/benchmarks/data/ParserBenchmarkRails#parser.dat'. Writing autocorrelation plot file '/data/scm/json/benchmarks/data/ParserBenchmarkRails#parser-autocorrelation.dat'.