#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'json' require 'fileutils' include FileUtils # Parses the argument array _args_, according to the pattern _s_, to # retrieve the single character command line options from it. If _s_ is # 'xy:' an option '-x' without an option argument is searched, and an # option '-y foo' with an option argument ('foo'). # # An option hash is returned with all found options set to true or the # found option argument. def go(s, args = ARGV) b, v = s.scan(/(.)(:?)/).inject([{},{}]) { |t,(o,a)| t[a.empty? ? 0 : 1][o] = a.empty? ? false : nil t } while a = args.shift a !~ /\A-(.+)/ and args.unshift a and break p = $1 until p == '' o = p.slice!(0, 1) if v.key?(o) v[o] = if p == '' then args.shift or break 1 else p end break elsif b.key?(o) b[o] = true else args.unshift a break 1 end end and break end b.merge(v) end opts = go 'slhi:', args = ARGV.dup if opts['h'] || opts['l'] && opts['s'] puts < false, :create_additions => false} if args.empty? str = STDIN.read else str = File.read(filename = args.first) end json = JSON[str, json_opts] output = if opts['s'] JSON.fast_generate json, json_opts else # default is -l JSON.pretty_generate json, json_opts end if opts['i'] && filename cp filename, "#{filename}.#{opts['i']}" File.open(filename, 'w') { |f| f.puts output } else puts output end