/* * This code is copyrighted work by Daniel Luz . * * Distributed under the Ruby license: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/about/license.txt */ package json.ext; import org.jruby.Ruby; import org.jruby.RubyArray; import org.jruby.RubyClass; import org.jruby.RubyEncoding; import org.jruby.RubyFloat; import org.jruby.RubyHash; import org.jruby.RubyInteger; import org.jruby.RubyModule; import org.jruby.RubyNumeric; import org.jruby.RubyObject; import org.jruby.RubyString; import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod; import org.jruby.exceptions.JumpException; import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException; import org.jruby.runtime.Block; import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import org.jruby.runtime.Visibility; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import org.jruby.util.ByteList; import org.jruby.util.ConvertBytes; import static org.jruby.util.ConvertDouble.DoubleConverter; /** * The JSON::Ext::Parser class. * *

This is the JSON parser implemented as a Java class. To use it as the * standard parser, set *

JSON.parser = JSON::Ext::Parser
* This is performed for you when you include "json/ext". * *

This class does not perform the actual parsing, just acts as an interface * to Ruby code. When the {@link #parse()} method is invoked, a * Parser.ParserSession object is instantiated, which handles the process. * * @author mernen */ public class Parser extends RubyObject { private final RuntimeInfo info; private RubyString vSource; private RubyString createId; private boolean createAdditions; private int maxNesting; private boolean allowNaN; private boolean symbolizeNames; private boolean freeze; private RubyClass objectClass; private RubyClass arrayClass; private RubyClass decimalClass; private RubyHash match_string; private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_NESTING = 100; private static final ByteList JSON_MINUS_INFINITY = new ByteList(ByteList.plain("-Infinity")); // constant names in the JSON module containing those values private static final String CONST_NAN = "NaN"; private static final String CONST_INFINITY = "Infinity"; private static final String CONST_MINUS_INFINITY = "MinusInfinity"; static final ObjectAllocator ALLOCATOR = new ObjectAllocator() { public IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klazz) { return new Parser(runtime, klazz); } }; /** * Multiple-value return for internal parser methods. * *

All the parseStuff methods return instances of * ParserResult when successful, or null when * there's a problem with the input data. */ static final class ParserResult { /** * The result of the successful parsing. Should never be * null. */ IRubyObject result; /** * The point where the parser returned. */ int p; void update(IRubyObject result, int p) { this.result = result; this.p = p; } } public Parser(Ruby runtime, RubyClass metaClass) { super(runtime, metaClass); info = RuntimeInfo.forRuntime(runtime); } /** * Parser.new(source, opts = {}) * *

Creates a new JSON::Ext::Parser instance for the string * source. * It will be configured by the opts Hash. * opts can have the following keys: * *

:max_nesting *
The maximum depth of nesting allowed in the parsed data * structures. Disable depth checking with :max_nesting => false|nil|0, * it defaults to 100. * *
:allow_nan *
If set to true, allow NaN, * Infinity and -Infinity in defiance of RFC 4627 * to be parsed by the Parser. This option defaults to false. * *
:symbolize_names *
If set to true, returns symbols for the names (keys) in * a JSON object. Otherwise strings are returned, which is also the default. * *
:create_additions *
If set to false, the Parser doesn't create additions * even if a matching class and create_id was found. This option * defaults to true. * *
:object_class *
Defaults to Hash. * *
:array_class *
Defaults to Array. * *
:decimal_class *
Specifies which class to use instead of the default (Float) when * parsing decimal numbers. This class must accept a single string argument * in its constructor. *
*/ @JRubyMethod(name = "new", required = 1, optional = 1, meta = true) public static IRubyObject newInstance(IRubyObject clazz, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) { Parser parser = (Parser)((RubyClass)clazz).allocate(); parser.callInit(args, block); return parser; } @JRubyMethod(required = 1, optional = 1, visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime(); if (this.vSource != null) { throw runtime.newTypeError("already initialized instance"); } OptionsReader opts = new OptionsReader(context, args.length > 1 ? args[1] : null); this.maxNesting = opts.getInt("max_nesting", DEFAULT_MAX_NESTING); this.allowNaN = opts.getBool("allow_nan", false); this.symbolizeNames = opts.getBool("symbolize_names", false); this.freeze = opts.getBool("freeze", false); this.createId = opts.getString("create_id", getCreateId(context)); this.createAdditions = opts.getBool("create_additions", false); this.objectClass = opts.getClass("object_class", runtime.getHash()); this.arrayClass = opts.getClass("array_class", runtime.getArray()); this.decimalClass = opts.getClass("decimal_class", null); this.match_string = opts.getHash("match_string"); if(symbolizeNames && createAdditions) { throw runtime.newArgumentError( "options :symbolize_names and :create_additions cannot be " + " used in conjunction" ); } this.vSource = args[0].convertToString(); this.vSource = convertEncoding(context, vSource); return this; } /** * Checks the given string's encoding. If a non-UTF-8 encoding is detected, * a converted copy is returned. * Returns the source string if no conversion is needed. */ private RubyString convertEncoding(ThreadContext context, RubyString source) { RubyEncoding encoding = (RubyEncoding)source.encoding(context); if (encoding == info.ascii8bit.get()) { if (source.isFrozen()) { source = (RubyString) source.dup(); } source.force_encoding(context, info.utf8.get()); } else { source = (RubyString) source.encode(context, info.utf8.get()); } return source; } /** * Checks the first four bytes of the given ByteList to infer its encoding, * using the principle demonstrated on section 3 of RFC 4627 (JSON). */ private static String sniffByteList(ByteList bl) { if (bl.length() < 4) return null; if (bl.get(0) == 0 && bl.get(2) == 0) { return bl.get(1) == 0 ? "utf-32be" : "utf-16be"; } if (bl.get(1) == 0 && bl.get(3) == 0) { return bl.get(2) == 0 ? "utf-32le" : "utf-16le"; } return null; } /** * Assumes the given (binary) RubyString to be in the given encoding, then * converts it to UTF-8. */ private RubyString reinterpretEncoding(ThreadContext context, RubyString str, String sniffedEncoding) { RubyEncoding actualEncoding = info.getEncoding(context, sniffedEncoding); RubyEncoding targetEncoding = info.utf8.get(); RubyString dup = (RubyString)str.dup(); dup.force_encoding(context, actualEncoding); return (RubyString)dup.encode_bang(context, targetEncoding); } /** * Parser#parse() * *

Parses the current JSON text source and returns the * complete data structure as a result. */ @JRubyMethod public IRubyObject parse(ThreadContext context) { return new ParserSession(this, context, info).parse(); } /** * Parser#source() * *

Returns a copy of the current source string, that was * used to construct this Parser. */ @JRubyMethod(name = "source") public IRubyObject source_get() { return checkAndGetSource().dup(); } public RubyString checkAndGetSource() { if (vSource != null) { return vSource; } else { throw getRuntime().newTypeError("uninitialized instance"); } } /** * Queries JSON.create_id. Returns null if it is * set to nil or false, and a String if not. */ private RubyString getCreateId(ThreadContext context) { IRubyObject v = info.jsonModule.get().callMethod(context, "create_id"); return v.isTrue() ? v.convertToString() : null; } /** * A string parsing session. * *

Once a ParserSession is instantiated, the source string should not * change until the parsing is complete. The ParserSession object assumes * the source {@link RubyString} is still associated to its original * {@link ByteList}, which in turn must still be bound to the same * byte[] value (and on the same offset). */ // Ragel uses lots of fall-through @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") private static class ParserSession { private final Parser parser; private final ThreadContext context; private final RuntimeInfo info; private final ByteList byteList; private final ByteList view; private final byte[] data; private final StringDecoder decoder; private int currentNesting = 0; private final DoubleConverter dc; // initialization value for all state variables. // no idea about the origins of this value, ask Flori ;) private static final int EVIL = 0x666; private ParserSession(Parser parser, ThreadContext context, RuntimeInfo info) { this.parser = parser; this.context = context; this.info = info; this.byteList = parser.checkAndGetSource().getByteList(); this.data = byteList.unsafeBytes(); this.view = new ByteList(data, false); this.decoder = new StringDecoder(context); this.dc = new DoubleConverter(); } private RaiseException unexpectedToken(int absStart, int absEnd) { RubyString msg = getRuntime().newString("unexpected token at '") .cat(data, absStart, absEnd - absStart) .cat((byte)'\''); return newException(Utils.M_PARSER_ERROR, msg); } private Ruby getRuntime() { return context.getRuntime(); } %%{ machine JSON_common; cr = '\n'; cr_neg = [^\n]; ws = [ \t\r\n]; c_comment = '/*' ( any* - (any* '*/' any* ) ) '*/'; cpp_comment = '//' cr_neg* cr; comment = c_comment | cpp_comment; ignore = ws | comment; name_separator = ':'; value_separator = ','; Vnull = 'null'; Vfalse = 'false'; Vtrue = 'true'; VNaN = 'NaN'; VInfinity = 'Infinity'; VMinusInfinity = '-Infinity'; begin_value = [nft"\-[{NI] | digit; begin_object = '{'; end_object = '}'; begin_array = '['; end_array = ']'; begin_string = '"'; begin_name = begin_string; begin_number = digit | '-'; }%% %%{ machine JSON_value; include JSON_common; write data; action parse_null { result = getRuntime().getNil(); } action parse_false { result = getRuntime().getFalse(); } action parse_true { result = getRuntime().getTrue(); } action parse_nan { if (parser.allowNaN) { result = getConstant(CONST_NAN); } else { throw unexpectedToken(p - 2, pe); } } action parse_infinity { if (parser.allowNaN) { result = getConstant(CONST_INFINITY); } else { throw unexpectedToken(p - 7, pe); } } action parse_number { if (pe > fpc + 8 && absSubSequence(fpc, fpc + 9).equals(JSON_MINUS_INFINITY)) { if (parser.allowNaN) { result = getConstant(CONST_MINUS_INFINITY); fexec p + 10; fhold; fbreak; } else { throw unexpectedToken(p, pe); } } parseFloat(res, fpc, pe); if (res.result != null) { result = res.result; fexec res.p; } parseInteger(res, fpc, pe); if (res.result != null) { result = res.result; fexec res.p; } fhold; fbreak; } action parse_string { parseString(res, fpc, pe); if (res.result == null) { fhold; fbreak; } else { result = res.result; fexec res.p; } } action parse_array { currentNesting++; parseArray(res, fpc, pe); currentNesting--; if (res.result == null) { fhold; fbreak; } else { result = res.result; fexec res.p; } } action parse_object { currentNesting++; parseObject(res, fpc, pe); currentNesting--; if (res.result == null) { fhold; fbreak; } else { result = res.result; fexec res.p; } } action exit { fhold; fbreak; } main := ( Vnull @parse_null | Vfalse @parse_false | Vtrue @parse_true | VNaN @parse_nan | VInfinity @parse_infinity | begin_number >parse_number | begin_string >parse_string | begin_array >parse_array | begin_object >parse_object ) %*exit; }%% void parseValue(ParserResult res, int p, int pe) { int cs = EVIL; IRubyObject result = null; %% write init; %% write exec; if (cs >= JSON_value_first_final && result != null) { if (parser.freeze) { result.setFrozen(true); } res.update(result, p); } else { res.update(null, p); } } %%{ machine JSON_integer; write data; action exit { fhold; fbreak; } main := '-'? ( '0' | [1-9][0-9]* ) ( ^[0-9]? @exit ); }%% void parseInteger(ParserResult res, int p, int pe) { int new_p = parseIntegerInternal(p, pe); if (new_p == -1) { res.update(null, p); return; } RubyInteger number = createInteger(p, new_p); res.update(number, new_p + 1); return; } int parseIntegerInternal(int p, int pe) { int cs = EVIL; %% write init; int memo = p; %% write exec; if (cs < JSON_integer_first_final) { return -1; } return p; } RubyInteger createInteger(int p, int new_p) { Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); ByteList num = absSubSequence(p, new_p); return bytesToInum(runtime, num); } RubyInteger bytesToInum(Ruby runtime, ByteList num) { return runtime.is1_9() ? ConvertBytes.byteListToInum19(runtime, num, 10, true) : ConvertBytes.byteListToInum(runtime, num, 10, true); } %%{ machine JSON_float; include JSON_common; write data; action exit { fhold; fbreak; } main := '-'? ( ( ( '0' | [1-9][0-9]* ) '.' [0-9]+ ( [Ee] [+\-]?[0-9]+ )? ) | ( ( '0' | [1-9][0-9]* ) ( [Ee] [+\-]? [0-9]+ ) ) ) ( ^[0-9Ee.\-]? @exit ); }%% void parseFloat(ParserResult res, int p, int pe) { int new_p = parseFloatInternal(p, pe); if (new_p == -1) { res.update(null, p); return; } IRubyObject number = parser.decimalClass == null ? createFloat(p, new_p) : createCustomDecimal(p, new_p); res.update(number, new_p + 1); return; } int parseFloatInternal(int p, int pe) { int cs = EVIL; %% write init; int memo = p; %% write exec; if (cs < JSON_float_first_final) { return -1; } return p; } RubyFloat createFloat(int p, int new_p) { Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); ByteList num = absSubSequence(p, new_p); return RubyFloat.newFloat(runtime, dc.parse(num, true, runtime.is1_9())); } IRubyObject createCustomDecimal(int p, int new_p) { Ruby runtime = getRuntime(); ByteList num = absSubSequence(p, new_p); IRubyObject numString = runtime.newString(num.toString()); return parser.decimalClass.callMethod(context, "new", numString); } %%{ machine JSON_string; include JSON_common; write data; action parse_string { int offset = byteList.begin(); ByteList decoded = decoder.decode(byteList, memo + 1 - offset, p - offset); result = getRuntime().newString(decoded); if (result == null) { fhold; fbreak; } else { fexec p + 1; } } action exit { fhold; fbreak; } main := '"' ( ( ^(["\\]|0..0x1f) | '\\'["\\/bfnrt] | '\\u'[0-9a-fA-F]{4} | '\\'^(["\\/bfnrtu]|0..0x1f) )* %parse_string ) '"' @exit; }%% void parseString(ParserResult res, int p, int pe) { int cs = EVIL; IRubyObject result = null; %% write init; int memo = p; %% write exec; if (parser.createAdditions) { RubyHash matchString = parser.match_string; if (matchString != null) { final IRubyObject[] memoArray = { result, null }; try { matchString.visitAll(new RubyHash.Visitor() { @Override public void visit(IRubyObject pattern, IRubyObject klass) { if (pattern.callMethod(context, "===", memoArray[0]).isTrue()) { memoArray[1] = klass; throw JumpException.SPECIAL_JUMP; } } }); } catch (JumpException e) { } if (memoArray[1] != null) { RubyClass klass = (RubyClass) memoArray[1]; if (klass.respondsTo("json_creatable?") && klass.callMethod(context, "json_creatable?").isTrue()) { result = klass.callMethod(context, "json_create", result); } } } } if (cs >= JSON_string_first_final && result != null) { if (result instanceof RubyString) { RubyString string = (RubyString)result; string.force_encoding(context, info.utf8.get()); if (parser.freeze) { string.setFrozen(true); string = getRuntime().freezeAndDedupString(string); } res.update(string, p + 1); } else { res.update(result, p + 1); } } else { res.update(null, p + 1); } } %%{ machine JSON_array; include JSON_common; write data; action parse_value { parseValue(res, fpc, pe); if (res.result == null) { fhold; fbreak; } else { if (parser.arrayClass == getRuntime().getArray()) { ((RubyArray)result).append(res.result); } else { result.callMethod(context, "<<", res.result); } fexec res.p; } } action exit { fhold; fbreak; } next_element = value_separator ignore* begin_value >parse_value; main := begin_array ignore* ( ( begin_value >parse_value ignore* ) ( ignore* next_element ignore* )* )? ignore* end_array @exit; }%% void parseArray(ParserResult res, int p, int pe) { int cs = EVIL; if (parser.maxNesting > 0 && currentNesting > parser.maxNesting) { throw newException(Utils.M_NESTING_ERROR, "nesting of " + currentNesting + " is too deep"); } IRubyObject result; if (parser.arrayClass == getRuntime().getArray()) { result = RubyArray.newArray(getRuntime()); } else { result = parser.arrayClass.newInstance(context, IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } %% write init; %% write exec; if (cs >= JSON_array_first_final) { res.update(result, p + 1); } else { throw unexpectedToken(p, pe); } } %%{ machine JSON_object; include JSON_common; write data; action parse_value { parseValue(res, fpc, pe); if (res.result == null) { fhold; fbreak; } else { if (parser.objectClass == getRuntime().getHash()) { ((RubyHash)result).op_aset(context, lastName, res.result); } else { result.callMethod(context, "[]=", new IRubyObject[] { lastName, res.result }); } fexec res.p; } } action parse_name { parseString(res, fpc, pe); if (res.result == null) { fhold; fbreak; } else { RubyString name = (RubyString)res.result; if (parser.symbolizeNames) { lastName = context.getRuntime().is1_9() ? name.intern19() : name.intern(); } else { lastName = name; } fexec res.p; } } action exit { fhold; fbreak; } pair = ignore* begin_name >parse_name ignore* name_separator ignore* begin_value >parse_value; next_pair = ignore* value_separator pair; main := ( begin_object (pair (next_pair)*)? ignore* end_object ) @exit; }%% void parseObject(ParserResult res, int p, int pe) { int cs = EVIL; IRubyObject lastName = null; boolean objectDefault = true; if (parser.maxNesting > 0 && currentNesting > parser.maxNesting) { throw newException(Utils.M_NESTING_ERROR, "nesting of " + currentNesting + " is too deep"); } // this is guaranteed to be a RubyHash due to the earlier // allocator test at OptionsReader#getClass IRubyObject result; if (parser.objectClass == getRuntime().getHash()) { result = RubyHash.newHash(getRuntime()); } else { objectDefault = false; result = parser.objectClass.newInstance(context, IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY, Block.NULL_BLOCK); } %% write init; %% write exec; if (cs < JSON_object_first_final) { res.update(null, p + 1); return; } IRubyObject returnedResult = result; // attempt to de-serialize object if (parser.createAdditions) { IRubyObject vKlassName; if (objectDefault) { vKlassName = ((RubyHash)result).op_aref(context, parser.createId); } else { vKlassName = result.callMethod(context, "[]", parser.createId); } if (!vKlassName.isNil()) { // might throw ArgumentError, we let it propagate IRubyObject klass = parser.info.jsonModule.get(). callMethod(context, "deep_const_get", vKlassName); if (klass.respondsTo("json_creatable?") && klass.callMethod(context, "json_creatable?").isTrue()) { returnedResult = klass.callMethod(context, "json_create", result); } } } res.update(returnedResult, p + 1); } %%{ machine JSON; include JSON_common; write data; action parse_value { parseValue(res, fpc, pe); if (res.result == null) { fhold; fbreak; } else { result = res.result; fexec res.p; } } main := ignore* ( begin_value >parse_value) ignore*; }%% public IRubyObject parseImplemetation() { int cs = EVIL; int p, pe; IRubyObject result = null; ParserResult res = new ParserResult(); %% write init; p = byteList.begin(); pe = p + byteList.length(); %% write exec; if (cs >= JSON_first_final && p == pe) { return result; } else { throw unexpectedToken(p, pe); } } public IRubyObject parse() { return parseImplemetation(); } /** * Updates the "view" bytelist with the new offsets and returns it. * @param start * @param end */ private ByteList absSubSequence(int absStart, int absEnd) { view.setBegin(absStart); view.setRealSize(absEnd - absStart); return view; } /** * Retrieves a constant directly descended from the JSON module. * @param name The constant name */ private IRubyObject getConstant(String name) { return parser.info.jsonModule.get().getConstant(name); } private RaiseException newException(String className, String message) { return Utils.newException(context, className, message); } private RaiseException newException(String className, RubyString message) { return Utils.newException(context, className, message); } private RaiseException newException(String className, String messageBegin, ByteList messageEnd) { return newException(className, getRuntime().newString(messageBegin).cat(messageEnd)); } } }