#frozen_string_literal: false unless defined?(::JSON::JSON_LOADED) and ::JSON::JSON_LOADED require 'json' end require 'date' # Date serialization/deserialization class Date # Deserializes JSON string by converting Julian year y, month # m, day d and Day of Calendar Reform sg to Date. def self.json_create(object) civil(*object.values_at('y', 'm', 'd', 'sg')) end alias start sg unless method_defined?(:start) # Returns a hash, that will be turned into a JSON object and represent this # object. def as_json(*) { JSON.create_id => self.class.name, 'y' => year, 'm' => month, 'd' => day, 'sg' => start, } end # Stores class name (Date) with Julian year y, month m, day # d and Day of Calendar Reform sg as JSON string def to_json(*args) as_json.to_json(*args) end end