#frozen_string_literal: false require 'test_helper' require 'stringio' require 'tempfile' class JSONCommonInterfaceTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include JSON def setup @hash = { 'a' => 2, 'b' => 3.141, 'c' => 'c', 'd' => [ 1, "b", 3.14 ], 'e' => { 'foo' => 'bar' }, 'g' => "\"\0\037", 'h' => 1000.0, 'i' => 0.001 } @json = '{"a":2,"b":3.141,"c":"c","d":[1,"b",3.14],"e":{"foo":"bar"},'\ '"g":"\\"\\u0000\\u001f","h":1000.0,"i":0.001}' end def test_index assert_equal @json, JSON[@hash] assert_equal @hash, JSON[@json] end def test_parser assert_match(/::Parser\z/, JSON.parser.name) end def test_generator assert_match(/::Generator\z/, JSON.generator.name) end def test_state assert_match(/::Generator::State\z/, JSON.state.name) end def test_create_id assert_equal 'json_class', JSON.create_id JSON.create_id = 'foo_bar' assert_equal 'foo_bar', JSON.create_id ensure JSON.create_id = 'json_class' end def test_deep_const_get assert_raise(ArgumentError) { JSON.deep_const_get('Nix::Da') } assert_equal File::SEPARATOR, JSON.deep_const_get('File::SEPARATOR') end def test_parse assert_equal [ 1, 2, 3, ], JSON.parse('[ 1, 2, 3 ]') end def test_parse_bang assert_equal [ 1, Infinity, 3, ], JSON.parse!('[ 1, Infinity, 3 ]') end def test_generate assert_equal '[1,2,3]', JSON.generate([ 1, 2, 3 ]) end def test_fast_generate assert_equal '[1,2,3]', JSON.generate([ 1, 2, 3 ]) end def test_pretty_generate assert_equal "[\n 1,\n 2,\n 3\n]", JSON.pretty_generate([ 1, 2, 3 ]) end def test_load assert_equal @hash, JSON.load(@json) tempfile = Tempfile.open('@json') tempfile.write @json tempfile.rewind assert_equal @hash, JSON.load(tempfile) stringio = StringIO.new(@json) stringio.rewind assert_equal @hash, JSON.load(stringio) assert_equal nil, JSON.load(nil) assert_equal nil, JSON.load('') ensure tempfile.close! end def test_load_with_options json = '{ "foo": NaN }' assert JSON.load(json, nil, :allow_nan => true)['foo'].nan? end def test_load_null assert_equal nil, JSON.load(nil, nil, :allow_blank => true) assert_raise(TypeError) { JSON.load(nil, nil, :allow_blank => false) } assert_raise(JSON::ParserError) { JSON.load('', nil, :allow_blank => false) } end def test_dump too_deep = '[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]' assert_equal too_deep, dump(eval(too_deep)) assert_kind_of String, Marshal.dump(eval(too_deep)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { dump(eval(too_deep), 100) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Marshal.dump(eval(too_deep), 100) } assert_equal too_deep, dump(eval(too_deep), 101) assert_kind_of String, Marshal.dump(eval(too_deep), 101) output = StringIO.new dump(eval(too_deep), output) assert_equal too_deep, output.string output = StringIO.new dump(eval(too_deep), output, 101) assert_equal too_deep, output.string end def test_dump_should_modify_defaults max_nesting = JSON.dump_default_options[:max_nesting] dump([], StringIO.new, 10) assert_equal max_nesting, JSON.dump_default_options[:max_nesting] end def test_JSON assert_equal @json, JSON(@hash) assert_equal @hash, JSON(@json) end def test_load_file test_load_shared(:load_file) end def test_load_file! test_load_shared(:load_file!) end def test_load_file_with_option test_load_file_with_option_shared(:load_file) end def test_load_file_with_option! test_load_file_with_option_shared(:load_file!) end private def test_load_shared(method_name) temp_file_containing(@json) do |filespec| assert_equal JSON.public_send(method_name, filespec), @hash end end def test_load_file_with_option_shared(method_name) temp_file_containing(@json) do |filespec| parsed_object = JSON.public_send(method_name, filespec, symbolize_names: true) key_classes = parsed_object.keys.map(&:class) assert_true key_classes.include?(Symbol) && (! key_classes.include?(String)) end end # Copied and slightly modified from https://github.com/keithrbennett/trick_bag # (https://github.com/keithrbennett/trick_bag/blob/master/lib/trick_bag/io/temp_files.rb). # # For the easy creation and deletion of a temp file populated with text, # wrapped around the code block you provide. # # @param text the text to write to the temporary file # @param file_prefix optional prefix for the temporary file's name # @yield filespec of the temporary file def temp_file_containing(text, file_prefix = '') raise "This method must be called with a code block." unless block_given? filespec = nil begin Tempfile.open(file_prefix) do |file| file << text filespec = file.path end yield(filespec) ensure File.delete(filespec) if filespec && File.exist?(filespec) end end end