require 'rubygems' require 'rubygems/package_task' require 'rubygems/specification' require 'date' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' GEM = "mixlib-authentication" GEM_VERSION = "1.2.1" AUTHOR = "Opscode, Inc." EMAIL = "" HOMEPAGE = "" SUMMARY = "Mixes in simple per-request authentication" task :default => :spec desc "Run specs" do |t| t.pattern = 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' t.rspec_opts = %w(--color) end gem_spec = eval("mixlib-authentication.gemspec")) do |pkg| pkg.gem_spec = gem_spec end desc "install the gem locally" task :install => [:package] do sh %{gem install pkg/#{GEM}-#{GEM_VERSION}} end desc "create a gemspec file" task :make_spec do"#{GEM}.gemspec", "w") do |file| file.puts spec.to_ruby end end desc "remove build files" task :clean do sh %Q{ rm -f pkg/*.gem } end desc "Run the spec and features" task :test => [ :features, :spec ]