# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008-2019, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" describe Mixlib::CLI do after(:each) do TestCLI.options = {} TestCLI.banner("Usage: #{$0} (options)") end describe "class method" do describe "option" do it "allows you to set a config option with a hash" do expect(TestCLI.option(:config_file, short: "-c CONFIG")).to eql({ short: "-c CONFIG" }) end end describe "deprecated_option" do it "makes a deprecated option when you declare one" do TestCLI.deprecated_option(:option_d, short: "-d") expect(TestCLI.options[:option_d]).to include(deprecated: true) end end describe "options" do it "returns the current options hash" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, short: "-c CONFIG") expect(TestCLI.options).to eql({ config_file: { short: "-c CONFIG" } }) end it "includes deprecated options and their generated descriptions" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, short: "-c CONFIG") TestCLI.deprecated_option(:blah, short: "-b BLAH") TestCLI.deprecated_option(:blah2, long: "--blah2 BLAH", replacement: :config_file) opts = TestCLI.options expect(opts[:config_file][:short]).to eql("-c CONFIG") expect(opts[:config_file].key?(:deprecated)).to eql(false) expect(opts[:blah][:description]).to eql("This flag is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.") expect(opts[:blah][:deprecated]).to eql(true) expect(opts[:blah2][:description]).to eql("This flag is deprecated. Use -c instead.") expect(opts[:blah2][:deprecated]).to eql(true) end end describe "options=" do it "allows you to set the full options with a single hash" do TestCLI.options = { config_file: { short: "-c CONFIG" } } expect(TestCLI.options).to eql({ config_file: { short: "-c CONFIG" } }) end end describe "banner" do it "has a default value" do expect(TestCLI.banner).to match(/^Usage: (.+) \(options\)$/) end it "allows you to set the banner" do TestCLI.banner("Usage: foo") expect(TestCLI.banner).to eql("Usage: foo") end end end context "when configured with default single-config-hash behavior" do before(:each) do @cli = TestCLI.new end describe "initialize" do it "sets the banner to the class defined banner" do expect(@cli.banner).to eql(TestCLI.banner) end it "sets the options to the class defined options and deprecated options, with defaults" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, short: "-l FILE") TestCLI.deprecated_option(:option_file, short: "-o FILE", replacement: :config_file) cli = TestCLI.new expect(cli.options[:config_file]).to eql({ short: "-l FILE", on: :on, boolean: false, required: false, proc: nil, show_options: false, exit: nil, in: nil, }) expect(cli.options[:option_file]).to include( boolean: false, deprecated: true, description: "This flag is deprecated. Use -l instead.", exit: nil, in: nil, long: nil, keep: true, proc: nil, replacement: :config_file, required: false, short: "-o FILE", on: :tail, show_options: false ) expect(cli.options[:option_file][:value_mapper].class).to eql(Proc) end it "sets the default config value for any options that include it" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, short: "-l LOG", default: :debug) @cli = TestCLI.new expect(@cli.config[:config_file]).to eql(:debug) end end describe "opt_parser" do it "sets the banner in opt_parse" do expect(@cli.opt_parser.banner).to eql(@cli.banner) end it "presents the arguments in the banner" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, short: "-l LOG") @cli = TestCLI.new expect(@cli.opt_parser.to_s).to match(/-l LOG/) end it "honors :on => :tail options in the banner" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, short: "-l LOG") TestCLI.option(:help, short: "-h", boolean: true, on: :tail) @cli = TestCLI.new expect(@cli.opt_parser.to_s.split("\n").last).to match(/-h/) end it "honors :on => :head options in the banner" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, short: "-l LOG") TestCLI.option(:help, short: "-h", boolean: true, on: :head) @cli = TestCLI.new expect(@cli.opt_parser.to_s.split("\n")[1]).to match(/-h/) end it "presents the arguments in alphabetical order in the banner" do TestCLI.option(:alpha, short: "-a ALPHA") TestCLI.option(:beta, short: "-b BETA") TestCLI.option(:zeta, short: "-z ZETA") @cli = TestCLI.new output_lines = @cli.opt_parser.to_s.split("\n") expect(output_lines[1]).to match(/-a ALPHA/) expect(output_lines[2]).to match(/-b BETA/) expect(output_lines[3]).to match(/-z ZETA/) end end describe "parse_options" do it "sets the corresponding config value for non-boolean arguments" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, short: "-c CONFIG") @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options([ "-c", "foo.rb" ]) expect(@cli.config[:config_file]).to eql("foo.rb") end it "sets the corresponding config value according to a supplied proc" do TestCLI.option(:number, short: "-n NUMBER", proc: Proc.new { |config| config.to_i + 2 }) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options([ "-n", "2" ]) expect(@cli.config[:number]).to eql(4) end it "passes the existing value to two-argument procs" do TestCLI.option(:number, short: "-n NUMBER", proc: Proc.new { |value, existing| existing ||= []; existing << value; existing }) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options([ "-n", "2", "-n", "3" ]) expect(@cli.config[:number]).to eql(%w{2 3}) end it "sets the corresponding config value to true for boolean arguments" do TestCLI.option(:i_am_boolean, short: "-i", boolean: true) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options([ "-i" ]) expect(@cli.config[:i_am_boolean]).to be true end it "sets the corresponding config value to false when a boolean is prefixed with --no" do TestCLI.option(:i_am_boolean, long: "--[no-]bool", boolean: true) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options([ "--no-bool" ]) expect(@cli.config[:i_am_boolean]).to be false end it "exits if a config option has :exit set" do TestCLI.option(:i_am_exit, short: "-x", boolean: true, exit: 0) @cli = TestCLI.new expect(lambda { @cli.parse_options(["-x"]) }).to raise_error(SystemExit) end it "exits if a required option is missing" do TestCLI.option(:require_me, short: "-r", boolean: true, required: true) @cli = TestCLI.new expect(lambda { @cli.parse_options([]) }).to raise_error(SystemExit) end it "exits if option is not included in the list and required" do TestCLI.option(:inclusion, short: "-i val", in: %w{one two}, required: true) @cli = TestCLI.new expect(lambda { @cli.parse_options(["-i", "three"]) }).to raise_error(SystemExit) end it "exits if option is not included in the list and not required" do TestCLI.option(:inclusion, short: "-i val", in: %w{one two}, required: false) @cli = TestCLI.new expect(lambda { @cli.parse_options(["-i", "three"]) }).to raise_error(SystemExit) end it "doesn't exit if option is nil and not required" do TestCLI.option(:inclusion, short: "-i val", in: %w{one two}, required: false) @cli = TestCLI.new expect do expect(@cli.parse_options([])).to eql [] end.to_not raise_error end it "exit if option is nil and required" do TestCLI.option(:inclusion, short: "-i val", in: %w{one two}, required: true) @cli = TestCLI.new expect(lambda { @cli.parse_options([]) }).to raise_error(SystemExit) end it "raises ArgumentError if options key :in is not an array" do TestCLI.option(:inclusion, short: "-i val", in: "foo", required: true) @cli = TestCLI.new expect(lambda { @cli.parse_options(["-i", "three"]) }).to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "doesn't exit if option is included in the list" do TestCLI.option(:inclusion, short: "-i val", in: %w{one two}, required: true) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options(["-i", "one"]) expect(@cli.config[:inclusion]).to eql("one") end it "changes description if :in key is specified with a single value" do TestCLI.option(:inclusion, short: "-i val", in: %w{one}, description: "desc", required: false) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options(["-i", "one"]) expect(@cli.options[:inclusion][:description]).to eql("desc (valid options: 'one')") end it "changes description if :in key is specified with 2 values" do TestCLI.option(:inclusion, short: "-i val", in: %w{one two}, description: "desc", required: false) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options(["-i", "one"]) expect(@cli.options[:inclusion][:description]).to eql("desc (valid options: 'one' or 'two')") end it "changes description if :in key is specified with 3 values" do TestCLI.option(:inclusion, short: "-i val", in: %w{one two three}, description: "desc", required: false) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options(["-i", "one"]) expect(@cli.options[:inclusion][:description]).to eql("desc (valid options: 'one', 'two', or 'three')") end it "doesn't exit if a required option is specified" do TestCLI.option(:require_me, short: "-r", boolean: true, required: true) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options(["-r"]) expect(@cli.config[:require_me]).to be true end it "doesn't exit if a required boolean option is specified and false" do TestCLI.option(:require_me, long: "--[no-]req", boolean: true, required: true) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options(["--no-req"]) expect(@cli.config[:require_me]).to be false end it "doesn't exit if a required option is specified and empty" do TestCLI.option(:require_me, short: "-r VALUE", required: true) @cli = TestCLI.new @cli.parse_options(["-r", ""]) expect(@cli.config[:require_me]).to eql("") end it "preserves all of the command line arguments, ARGV" do TestCLI.option(:config_file, short: "-c CONFIG") @cli = TestCLI.new argv_old = ARGV.dup ARGV.replace ["-c", "foo.rb"] @cli.parse_options expect(ARGV).to eql(["-c", "foo.rb"]) ARGV.replace argv_old end it "preserves and return any un-parsed elements" do TestCLI.option(:party, short: "-p LOCATION") @cli = TestCLI.new expect(@cli.parse_options([ "easy", "-p", "opscode", "hard" ])).to eql(%w{easy hard}) expect(@cli.cli_arguments).to eql(%w{easy hard}) end describe "with non-deprecated and deprecated options" do let(:cli) { TestCLI.new } before do TestCLI.option(:option_a, long: "--[no-]option-a", boolean: true) TestCLI.option(:option_b, short: "-b ARG", in: %w{a b c}) TestCLI.option(:option_c, short: "-c ARG") end context "when someone injects an unexpected value into 'config'" do before do cli.config[:surprise] = true end it "parses and preserves both known and unknown config values" do cli.parse_options(%w{--option-a}) expect(cli.config[:surprise]).to eql true expect(cli.config[:option_a]).to eql true end end context "when the deprecated option has a replacement" do context "and a value_mapper is provided" do before do TestCLI.deprecated_option(:option_x, long: "--option-x ARG", replacement: :option_b, value_mapper: Proc.new { |val| val == "valid" ? "a" : "xxx" } ) end it "still checks the replacement's 'in' validation list" do expect { cli.parse_options(%w{--option-x invalid}) }.to raise_error SystemExit end it "sets the mapped value in the replacement option and the deprecated value in the deprecated option" do cli.parse_options(%w{--option-x valid}) expect(cli.config[:option_x]).to eql("valid") expect(cli.config[:option_b]).to eql("a") end end context "and a value_mapper is not provided" do context "and keep is set to false in the deprecated option" do before do TestCLI.deprecated_option(:option_x, long: "--option-x ARG", replacement: :option_c, keep: false) end it "captures the replacement value, but does not set the deprecated value" do cli.parse_options %w{--option-x blah} expect(cli.config.key?(:option_x)).to eql false expect(cli.config[:option_c]).to eql "blah" end end context "and the replacement and deprecated are both boolean" do before do TestCLI.deprecated_option(:option_x, boolean: true, long: "--[no-]option-x", replacement: :option_a) end it "sets original and replacement to true when the deprecated flag is used" do cli.parse_options(%w{--option-x}) expect(cli.config[:option_x]).to eql true expect(cli.config[:option_a]).to eql true end it "sets the original and replacement to false when the negative deprecated flag is used" do cli.parse_options(%w{--no-option-x}) expect(cli.config[:option_x]).to eql false expect(cli.config[:option_a]).to eql false end end context "when the replacement does not accept a value" do before do TestCLI.deprecated_option(:option_x, long: "--option-x ARG", replacement: :option_c) end it "will still set the value because you haven't given a custom value mapper to set a true/false value" do cli.parse_options(%w{--option-x BLAH}) expect(cli.config[:option_c]).to eql("BLAH") end end end end context "when the deprecated option does not have a replacement" do before do TestCLI.deprecated_option(:option_x, short: "-x") end it "warns about the deprecated option being removed" do expect { TestCLI.new.parse_options(%w{-x}) }.to output(/removed in a future release/).to_stdout end end end end end context "when configured to separate default options" do before do TestCLI.use_separate_default_options true TestCLI.option(:defaulter, short: "-D SOMETHING", default: "this is the default") @cli = TestCLI.new end it "sets default values on the `default` hash" do @cli.parse_options([]) expect(@cli.default_config[:defaulter]).to eql("this is the default") expect(@cli.config[:defaulter]).to be_nil end it "sets parsed values on the `config` hash" do @cli.parse_options(%w{-D not-default}) expect(@cli.default_config[:defaulter]).to eql("this is the default") expect(@cli.config[:defaulter]).to eql("not-default") end end context "when subclassed" do before do TestCLI.options = { arg1: { boolean: true } } end it "retains previously defined options from parent" do class T1 < TestCLI option :arg2, boolean: true end expect(T1.options[:arg1]).to be_a(Hash) expect(T1.options[:arg2]).to be_a(Hash) expect(TestCLI.options[:arg2]).to be_nil end it "isn't able to modify parent classes options" do class T2 < TestCLI option :arg2, boolean: true end T2.options[:arg1][:boolean] = false expect(T2.options[:arg1][:boolean]).to be false expect(TestCLI.options[:arg1][:boolean]).to be true end it "passes its options onto child" do class T3 < TestCLI option :arg2, boolean: true end class T4 < T3 option :arg3, boolean: true end 3.times do |i| expect(T4.options["arg#{i + 1}".to_sym]).to be_a(Hash) end end it "also works with an option that's an array" do class T5 < TestCLI option :arg2, default: [] end class T6 < T5 end expect(T6.options[:arg2]).to be_a(Hash) end end end # option :config_file, # :short => "-c CONFIG", # :long => "--config CONFIG", # :default => 'config.rb', # :description => "The configuration file to use" # # option :log_level, # :short => "-l LEVEL", # :long => "--log_level LEVEL", # :description => "Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)", # :required => true, # :proc => nil # # option :help, # :short => "-h", # :long => "--help", # :description => "Show this message", # :on => :tail, # :boolean => true, # :show_options => true, # :exit => 0