$TESTING = true $:.push File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib") require "mixlib/cli" RSpec.configure do |config| # Use documentation format config.formatter = "doc" # Use color in STDOUT config.color = true # Use color not only in STDOUT but also in pagers and files config.tty = true # run the examples in random order config.order = :rand config.filter_run focus: true config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true config.warnings = true config.before(:each) do # create a fresh TestCLI class on every example, so that examples never # pollute global variables and create ordering issues Object.send(:remove_const, "TestCLI") if Object.const_defined?("TestCLI") TestCLI = Class.new TestCLI.send(:include, Mixlib::CLI) end end