# Mixlib::Config [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/mixlib-config.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/mixlib-config) [![Build status](https://badge.buildkite.com/038bff14d03b1f91115dbb444ca81b387bd23855413f017fc0.svg?branch=master)](https://buildkite.com/chef-oss/chef-mixlib-config-master-verify) **Umbrella Project**: [Chef Foundation](https://github.com/chef/chef-oss-practices/blob/master/projects/chef-foundation.md) **Project State**: [Active](https://github.com/chef/chef-oss-practices/blob/master/repo-management/repo-states.md#active) **Issues [Response Time Maximum](https://github.com/chef/chef-oss-practices/blob/master/repo-management/repo-states.md)**: 14 days **Pull Request [Response Time Maximum](https://github.com/chef/chef-oss-practices/blob/master/repo-management/repo-states.md)**: 14 days Mixlib::Config provides a class-based configuration object, as used in Chef. To use in your project: ```ruby require 'mixlib/config' module MyConfig extend Mixlib::Config config_strict_mode true default :first_value, 'something' default :other_value, 'something_else' end ``` You can use this to provide a configuration file for a user. For example, if you do this: ```ruby MyConfig.from_file('~/.myconfig.rb') ``` A user could write a Ruby config file that looked like this: ```ruby first_value 'hi' second_value "#{first_value}! 10 times 10 is #{10*10}!" ``` Inside your app, you can check configuration values with this syntax: ```ruby MyConfig.first_value # returns 'something' MyConfig[:first_value] # returns 'something' ``` And you can modify configuration values with this syntax: ```ruby MyConfig.first_value('foobar') # sets first_value to 'foobar' MyConfig.first_value = 'foobar' # sets first_value to 'foobar' MyConfig[:first_value] = 'foobar' # sets first_value to 'foobar' ``` If you prefer to allow your users to pass in configuration via YAML, JSON or TOML files, `mixlib-config` supports that too! ```ruby MyConfig.from_file('~/.myconfig.yml') MyConfig.from_file('~/.myconfig.json') MyConfig.from_file('~/.myconfig.toml') ``` This way, a user could write a YAML config file that looked like this: ```yaml --- first_value: 'hi' second_value: 'goodbye' ``` or a JSON file that looks like this: ```json { "first_value": "hi", "second_value": "goodbye" } ``` or a TOML file that looks like this: ```toml first_value = "hi" second_value = "goodbye" ``` Please note: There is an inherent limitation in the logic you can do with YAML and JSON file. At this time, `mixlib-config` does not support ERB or other logic in YAML or JSON config (read "static content only"). ## Nested Configuration Often you want to be able to group configuration options to provide a common context. Mixlib::Config supports this thus: ```ruby require 'mixlib/config' module MyConfig extend Mixlib::Config config_context :logging do default :base_filename, 'mylog' default :max_log_files, 10 end end ``` The user can write their config file in one of three formats: ### Method Style ```ruby logging.base_filename 'superlog' logging.max_log_files 2 ``` ### Block Style Using this format the block is executed in the context, so all configurables on that context is directly accessible ```ruby logging do base_filename 'superlog' max_log_files 2 end ``` ### Block with Argument Style Using this format the context is given to the block as an argument ```ruby logging do |l| l.base_filename = 'superlog' l.max_log_files = 2 end ``` You can access these variables thus: ```ruby MyConfig.logging.base_filename MyConfig[:logging][:max_log_files] ``` ### Lists of Contexts For use cases where you need to be able to specify a list of things with identical configuration you can define a `context_config_list` like so: ```ruby require 'mixlib/config' module MyConfig extend Mixlib::Config # The first argument is the plural word for your item, the second is the singular config_context_list :apples, :apple do default :species default :color, 'red' default :crispness, 10 end end ``` With this definition everytime the `apple` is called within the config file it will create a new item that can be configured with a block like so: ```ruby apple do species 'Royal Gala' end apple do species 'Granny Smith' color 'green' end ``` You can then iterate over the defined values in code: ```ruby MyConfig.apples.each do |apple| puts "#{apple.species} are #{apple.color}" end # => Royal Gala are red # => Granny Smith are green ``` _**Note**: When using the config context lists they must use the [block style](#block-style) or [block with argument style](#block-with-argument-style)_ ### Hashes of Contexts For use cases where you need to be able to specify a list of things with identical configuration that are keyed to a specific value, you can define a `context_config_hash` like so: ```ruby require 'mixlib/config' module MyConfig extend Mixlib::Config # The first argument is the plural word for your item, the second is the singular config_context_hash :apples, :apple do default :species default :color, 'red' default :crispness, 10 end end ``` This can then be used in the config file like so: ```ruby apple 'Royal Gala' do species 'Royal Gala' end apple 'Granny Smith' do species 'Granny Smith' color 'green' end # You can also reopen a context to edit a value apple 'Royal Gala' do crispness 3 end ``` You can then iterate over the defined values in code: ```ruby MyConfig.apples.each do |key, apple| puts "#{key} => #{apple.species} are #{apple.color}" end # => Royal Gala => Royal Gala are red # => Granny Smith => Granny Smith are green ``` _**Note**: When using the config context hashes they must use the [block style](#block-style) or [block with argument style](#block-with-argument-style)_ ## Default Values Mixlib::Config has a powerful default value facility. In addition to being able to specify explicit default values, you can even specify Ruby code blocks that will run if the config value is not set. This can allow you to build options whose values are based on other options. ```ruby require 'mixlib/config' module MyConfig extend Mixlib::Config config_strict_mode true default :verbosity, 1 default(:print_network_requests) { verbosity >= 2 } default(:print_ridiculously_unimportant_stuff) { verbosity >= 10 } end ``` This allows the user to quickly specify a number of values with one default, while still allowing them to override anything: ```ruby verbosity 5 print_network_requests false ``` You can also inspect if the values are still their defaults or not: ```ruby MyConfig.is_default?(:verbosity) # == true MyConfig[:verbosity] = 5 MyConfig.is_default?(:verbosity) # == false MyConfig[:verbosity] = 1 MyConfig.is_default?(:verbosity) # == true ``` Trying to call `is_default?` on a config context or a config which does not have a declared default is an error and will raise. ## Strict Mode Misspellings are a common configuration problem, and Mixlib::Config has an answer: `config_strict_mode`. Setting `config_strict_mode` to `true` will cause any misspelled or incorrect configuration option references to throw `Mixlib::Config::UnknownConfigOptionError`. ```ruby require 'mixlib/config' module MyConfig extend Mixlib::Config config_strict_mode true default :filename, '~/output.txt' configurable :server_url # configurable declares an option with no default value config_context :logging do default :base_name, 'log' default :max_files, 20 end end ``` Now if a user types `fielname "~/output-mine.txt"` in their configuration file, it will toss an exception telling them that the option "fielname" is unknown. If you do not set config_strict_mode, the fielname option will be merrily set and the application just won't know about it. Different config_contexts can have different strict modes; but they inherit the strict mode of their parent if you don't explicitly set it. So setting it once at the top level is sufficient. In the above example, `logging.base_naem 'mylog'` will raise an error. In conclusion: _always set config_strict_mode to true_. You know you want to. ## Testing and Reset Testing your application with different sets of arguments can by simplified with `reset`. Call `MyConfig.reset` before each test and all configuration will be reset to its default value. There's no need to explicitly unset all your options between each run. NOTE: if you have arrays of arrays, or other deep nesting, we suggest you use code blocks to set up your default values (`default(:option) { [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] }`). Deep children will not always be reset to their default values. Enjoy! ## Contributing For information on contributing to this project see ## License - Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Chef Software, Inc. - License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 ```text Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.