path: root/libraries
diff options
authorjtimberman <>2011-12-23 14:38:28 -0700
committerjtimberman <>2011-12-23 14:38:28 -0700
commit25744c4fe66f916118797f22384402f1f85fa8e5 (patch)
treedac3dc82d08b16bea159b72c9ec05061f56bdabd /libraries
parente8873add2751a3de8a92eec5e0d3f99db8dfc727 (diff)
COOK-939, COOK-940 - type parameter and fix return logic
* Add a type parameter to windows_registry to support binary keys * Rearrange return logic so multiple values can be written
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 339 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/registry_helper.rb b/libraries/registry_helper.rb
index 27304fa..5a903cc 100644
--- a/libraries/registry_helper.rb
+++ b/libraries/registry_helper.rb
@@ -1,339 +1,343 @@
-# Author:: Doug MacEachern (<>)
-# Author:: Seth Chisamore (<>)
-# Author:: Paul Morotn (<>)
-# Cookbook Name:: windows
-# Provider:: registry
-# Copyright:: 2010, VMware, Inc.
-# Copyright:: 2011, Opscode, Inc.
-# Copyright:: 2011, Business Intelligence Associates, Inc
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw32|windows/
- require 'win32/registry'
- require 'ruby-wmi'
-module Windows
- module RegistryHelper
- @@native_registry_constant = ENV['PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432'] == 'AMD64' ? 0x0100 : 0x0200
- def get_hive_name(path)
- Chef::Log.debug("Resolving registry shortcuts to full names")
- reg_path = path.split("\\")
- hive_name = reg_path.shift
- hkey = {
- }[hive_name] || hive_name
- Chef::Log.debug("Hive resolved to #{hkey}")
- return hkey
- end
- def get_hive(path)
- Chef::Log.debug("Getting hive for #{path}")
- reg_path = path.split("\\")
- hive_name = reg_path.shift
- hkey = get_hive_name(path)
- hive = {
- "HKEY_USERS" => Win32::Registry::HKEY_USERS,
- }[hkey]
- unless hive
- Chef::Application.fatal!("Unsupported registry hive '#{hive_name}'")
- end
- Chef::Log.debug("Registry hive resolved to #{hkey}")
- return hive
- end
- def unload_hive(path)
- hive = get_hive(path)
- if hive == Win32::Registry::HKEY_USERS
- reg_path = path.split("\\")
- priv =
- begin
- priv.reg_unload_key(reg_path[1])
- rescue
- end
- end
- end
- def set_value(mode,path,values,type=nil)
- hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key, hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
- key_name = reg_path.join("\\")
- Chef::Log.debug("Creating #{path})")
- if !key_exists?(path,true)
- create_key(path)
- end
- hive.send(mode, key_name, Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS | @@native_registry_constant) do |reg|
- values.each do |k,val|
- key = "#{k}" #wtf. avoid "can't modify frozen string" in win32/registry.rb
- cur_val = nil
- begin
- cur_val = reg[key]
- rescue
- #subkey does not exist (ok)
- end
- if cur_val != val
- Chef::Log.debug("setting #{key}=#{val}")
- if type.nil?
- reg[key] = val
- else
- reg[key, REG_BINARY] = val
- end
- ensure_hive_unloaded(hive_loaded)
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- def get_value(path,value)
- hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key, hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
- key = reg_path.join("\\")
-, Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS | @@native_registry_constant) do | reg |
- begin
- return reg[value]
- rescue
- return nil
- ensure
- ensure_hive_unloaded(hive_loaded)
- end
- end
- end
- def get_values(path)
- hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key, hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
- key = reg_path.join("\\")
-, Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS | @@native_registry_constant) do | reg |
- values = []
- begin
- reg.each_value do |name, type, data|
- values << [name, type, data]
- end
- rescue
- ensure
- ensure_hive_unloaded(hive_loaded)
- end
- values
- end
- end
- def delete_value(path,values)
- hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key, hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
- key = reg_path.join("\\")
- Chef::Log.debug("Deleting values in #{path}")
-, Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS | @@native_registry_constant) do | reg |
- values.each_key { |key|
- name = "#{key}"
- Chef::Log.debug("Deleting value #{name} in #{path}")
- reg.delete_value(name)
- }
- end
- end
- def create_key(path)
- hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key, hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
- key = reg_path.join("\\")
- Chef::Log.debug("Creating registry key #{path}")
- hive.create(key)
- end
- def value_exists?(path,value)
- if key_exists?(path,true)
- hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key , hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
- key = reg_path.join("\\")
- Chef::Log.debug("Attempting to open #{key}");
- Chef::Log.debug("Native Constant #{@@native_registry_constant}")
- Chef::Log.debug("Hive #{hive}")
-, Win32::Registry::KEY_READ | @@native_registry_constant) do | reg |
- begin
- rtn_value = reg[value]
- return true
- rescue
- return false
- ensure
- ensure_hive_unloaded(hive_loaded)
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- # TODO: Does not load user registry...
- def key_exists?(path, load_hive = false)
- if load_hive
- hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key , hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
- key = reg_path.join("\\")
- else
- hive = get_hive(path)
- reg_path = path.split("\\")
- hive_name = reg_path.shift
- root_key = reg_path[0]
- key = reg_path.join("\\")
- hive_loaded = false
- end
- begin
-, Win32::Registry::Constants::KEY_READ | @@native_registry_constant )
- return true
- rescue
- return false
- ensure
- ensure_hive_unloaded(hive_loaded)
- end
- end
- def get_user_hive_location(sid)
- reg_key = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList\\#{sid}"
- Chef::Log.debug("Looking for profile at #{reg_key}")
- if key_exists?(reg_key)
- return get_value(reg_key,'ProfileImagePath')
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- def resolve_user_to_sid(username)
- begin
- sid = WMI::Win32_UserAccount.find(:first, :conditions => {:name => username}).sid
- Chef::Log.debug("Resolved user SID to #{sid}")
- return sid
- rescue
- return nil
- end
- end
- def hive_loaded?(path)
- hive = get_hive(path)
- reg_path = path.split("\\")
- hive_name = reg_path.shift
- user_hive = path[0]
- if is_user_hive?(hive)
- return key_exists?("#{hive_name}\\#{user_hive}")
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- def is_user_hive?(hive)
- if hive == Win32::Registry::HKEY_USERS
- return true
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- def get_reg_path_info(path)
- hive = get_hive(path)
- reg_path = path.split("\\")
- hive_name = reg_path.shift
- root_key = reg_path[0]
- hive_loaded = false
- if is_user_hive?(hive) && !key_exists?("#{hive_name}\\#{root_key}")
- reg_path, hive_loaded = load_user_hive(hive,reg_path,root_key)
- root_key = reg_path[0]
- Chef::Log.debug("Resolved user (#{path}) to (#{reg_path.join('/')})")
- end
- return hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key, hive_loaded
- end
- def load_user_hive(hive,reg_path,user_hive)
- Chef::Log.debug("Reg Path #{reg_path}")
- # See if the hive is loaded. Logged in users will have a key that is named their SID
- # if the user has specified the a path by SID and the user is logged in, this function
- # should not be executed.
- if is_user_hive?(hive) && !key_exists?("HKU\\#{user_hive}")
- Chef::Log.debug("The user is not logged in and has not been specified by SID")
- sid = resolve_user_to_sid(user_hive)
- Chef::Log.debug("User SID resolved to (#{sid})")
- # Now that the user has been resolved to a SID, check and see if the hive exists.
- # If this exists by SID, the user is logged in and we should use that key.
- # TODO: Replace the username with the sid and send it back because the username
- # does not exist as the key location.
- load_reg = false
- if key_exists?("HKU\\#{sid}")
- reg_path[0] = sid #use the active profile (user is logged on)
- Chef::Log.debug("HKEY_USERS Mapped: #{user_hive} -> #{sid}")
- else
- Chef::Log.debug("User is not logged in")
- load_reg = true
- end
- # The user is not logged in, so we should load the registry from disk
- if load_reg
- profile_path = get_user_hive_location(sid)
- if profile_path != nil
- ntuser_dat = "#{profile_path}\\NTUSER.DAT"
- if ::File.exists?(ntuser_dat)
- priv =
- if priv.reg_load_key(sid,ntuser_dat)
- Chef::Log.debug("RegLoadKey(#{sid}, #{user_hive}, #{ntuser_dat})")
- reg_path[0] = sid
- else
- Chef::Log.debug("Failed RegLoadKey(#{sid}, #{user_hive}, #{ntuser_dat})")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return reg_path, load_reg
- end
- private
- def ensure_hive_unloaded(hive_loaded=false)
- if(hive_loaded)
- Chef::Log.debug("Hive was loaded, we really should unload it")
- unload_hive(path)
- end
- end
- end
-module Registry
- module_function
- extend Windows::RegistryHelper
+# Author:: Doug MacEachern (<>)
+# Author:: Seth Chisamore (<>)
+# Author:: Paul Morton (<>)
+# Cookbook Name:: windows
+# Provider:: registry
+# Copyright:: 2010, VMware, Inc.
+# Copyright:: 2011, Opscode, Inc.
+# Copyright:: 2011, Business Intelligence Associates, Inc
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw32|windows/
+ require 'win32/registry'
+ require 'ruby-wmi'
+module Windows
+ module RegistryHelper
+ @@native_registry_constant = ENV['PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432'] == 'AMD64' ? 0x0100 : 0x0200
+ def get_hive_name(path)
+ Chef::Log.debug("Resolving registry shortcuts to full names")
+ reg_path = path.split("\\")
+ hive_name = reg_path.shift
+ hkey = {
+ }[hive_name] || hive_name
+ Chef::Log.debug("Hive resolved to #{hkey}")
+ return hkey
+ end
+ def get_hive(path)
+ Chef::Log.debug("Getting hive for #{path}")
+ reg_path = path.split("\\")
+ hive_name = reg_path.shift
+ hkey = get_hive_name(path)
+ hive = {
+ "HKEY_USERS" => Win32::Registry::HKEY_USERS,
+ }[hkey]
+ unless hive
+ Chef::Application.fatal!("Unsupported registry hive '#{hive_name}'")
+ end
+ Chef::Log.debug("Registry hive resolved to #{hkey}")
+ return hive
+ end
+ def unload_hive(path)
+ hive = get_hive(path)
+ if hive == Win32::Registry::HKEY_USERS
+ reg_path = path.split("\\")
+ priv =
+ begin
+ priv.reg_unload_key(reg_path[1])
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def set_value(mode,path,values,type=nil)
+ hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key, hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
+ key_name = reg_path.join("\\")
+ Chef::Log.debug("Creating #{path})")
+ if !key_exists?(path,true)
+ create_key(path)
+ end
+ hive.send(mode, key_name, Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS | @@native_registry_constant) do |reg|
+ Chef::Log.debug("Values!: #{values}")
+ changed_something = false
+ values.each do |k,val|
+ key = "#{k}" #wtf. avoid "can't modify frozen string" in win32/registry.rb
+ cur_val = nil
+ begin
+ Chef::Log.debug("Registry key is: #{reg[key]}, value is: #{val}")
+ cur_val = reg[key]
+ rescue
+ #subkey does not exist (ok)
+ end
+ if cur_val != val
+ Chef::Log.debug("setting #{key}=#{val}")
+ if type.nil?
+ reg[key] = val
+ else
+ reg[key, Win32::Registry::REG_BINARY] = val
+ end
+ ensure_hive_unloaded(hive_loaded)
+ changed_something = true
+ end
+ end
+ return changed_something
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ def get_value(path,value)
+ hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key, hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
+ key = reg_path.join("\\")
+, Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS | @@native_registry_constant) do | reg |
+ begin
+ return reg[value]
+ rescue
+ return nil
+ ensure
+ ensure_hive_unloaded(hive_loaded)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def get_values(path)
+ hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key, hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
+ key = reg_path.join("\\")
+, Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS | @@native_registry_constant) do | reg |
+ values = []
+ begin
+ reg.each_value do |name, type, data|
+ values << [name, type, data]
+ end
+ rescue
+ ensure
+ ensure_hive_unloaded(hive_loaded)
+ end
+ values
+ end
+ end
+ def delete_value(path,values)
+ hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key, hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
+ key = reg_path.join("\\")
+ Chef::Log.debug("Deleting values in #{path}")
+, Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS | @@native_registry_constant) do | reg |
+ values.each_key { |key|
+ name = "#{key}"
+ Chef::Log.debug("Deleting value #{name} in #{path}")
+ reg.delete_value(name)
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def create_key(path)
+ hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key, hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
+ key = reg_path.join("\\")
+ Chef::Log.debug("Creating registry key #{path}")
+ hive.create(key)
+ end
+ def value_exists?(path,value)
+ if key_exists?(path,true)
+ hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key , hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
+ key = reg_path.join("\\")
+ Chef::Log.debug("Attempting to open #{key}");
+ Chef::Log.debug("Native Constant #{@@native_registry_constant}")
+ Chef::Log.debug("Hive #{hive}")
+, Win32::Registry::KEY_READ | @@native_registry_constant) do | reg |
+ begin
+ rtn_value = reg[value]
+ return true
+ rescue
+ return false
+ ensure
+ ensure_hive_unloaded(hive_loaded)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ # TODO: Does not load user registry...
+ def key_exists?(path, load_hive = false)
+ if load_hive
+ hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key , hive_loaded = get_reg_path_info(path)
+ key = reg_path.join("\\")
+ else
+ hive = get_hive(path)
+ reg_path = path.split("\\")
+ hive_name = reg_path.shift
+ root_key = reg_path[0]
+ key = reg_path.join("\\")
+ hive_loaded = false
+ end
+ begin
+, Win32::Registry::Constants::KEY_READ | @@native_registry_constant )
+ return true
+ rescue
+ return false
+ ensure
+ ensure_hive_unloaded(hive_loaded)
+ end
+ end
+ def get_user_hive_location(sid)
+ reg_key = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList\\#{sid}"
+ Chef::Log.debug("Looking for profile at #{reg_key}")
+ if key_exists?(reg_key)
+ return get_value(reg_key,'ProfileImagePath')
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ def resolve_user_to_sid(username)
+ begin
+ sid = WMI::Win32_UserAccount.find(:first, :conditions => {:name => username}).sid
+ Chef::Log.debug("Resolved user SID to #{sid}")
+ return sid
+ rescue
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ def hive_loaded?(path)
+ hive = get_hive(path)
+ reg_path = path.split("\\")
+ hive_name = reg_path.shift
+ user_hive = path[0]
+ if is_user_hive?(hive)
+ return key_exists?("#{hive_name}\\#{user_hive}")
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ def is_user_hive?(hive)
+ if hive == Win32::Registry::HKEY_USERS
+ return true
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ def get_reg_path_info(path)
+ hive = get_hive(path)
+ reg_path = path.split("\\")
+ hive_name = reg_path.shift
+ root_key = reg_path[0]
+ hive_loaded = false
+ if is_user_hive?(hive) && !key_exists?("#{hive_name}\\#{root_key}")
+ reg_path, hive_loaded = load_user_hive(hive,reg_path,root_key)
+ root_key = reg_path[0]
+ Chef::Log.debug("Resolved user (#{path}) to (#{reg_path.join('/')})")
+ end
+ return hive, reg_path, hive_name, root_key, hive_loaded
+ end
+ def load_user_hive(hive,reg_path,user_hive)
+ Chef::Log.debug("Reg Path #{reg_path}")
+ # See if the hive is loaded. Logged in users will have a key that is named their SID
+ # if the user has specified the a path by SID and the user is logged in, this function
+ # should not be executed.
+ if is_user_hive?(hive) && !key_exists?("HKU\\#{user_hive}")
+ Chef::Log.debug("The user is not logged in and has not been specified by SID")
+ sid = resolve_user_to_sid(user_hive)
+ Chef::Log.debug("User SID resolved to (#{sid})")
+ # Now that the user has been resolved to a SID, check and see if the hive exists.
+ # If this exists by SID, the user is logged in and we should use that key.
+ # TODO: Replace the username with the sid and send it back because the username
+ # does not exist as the key location.
+ load_reg = false
+ if key_exists?("HKU\\#{sid}")
+ reg_path[0] = sid #use the active profile (user is logged on)
+ Chef::Log.debug("HKEY_USERS Mapped: #{user_hive} -> #{sid}")
+ else
+ Chef::Log.debug("User is not logged in")
+ load_reg = true
+ end
+ # The user is not logged in, so we should load the registry from disk
+ if load_reg
+ profile_path = get_user_hive_location(sid)
+ if profile_path != nil
+ ntuser_dat = "#{profile_path}\\NTUSER.DAT"
+ if ::File.exists?(ntuser_dat)
+ priv =
+ if priv.reg_load_key(sid,ntuser_dat)
+ Chef::Log.debug("RegLoadKey(#{sid}, #{user_hive}, #{ntuser_dat})")
+ reg_path[0] = sid
+ else
+ Chef::Log.debug("Failed RegLoadKey(#{sid}, #{user_hive}, #{ntuser_dat})")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return reg_path, load_reg
+ end
+ private
+ def ensure_hive_unloaded(hive_loaded=false)
+ if(hive_loaded)
+ Chef::Log.debug("Hive was loaded, we really should unload it")
+ unload_hive(path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+module Registry
+ module_function
+ extend Windows::RegistryHelper