#!/bin/bash # # This script runs a passed in command, but first setups up the bundler caching on the repo set -ue export USER="root" echo "--- dependencies" export LANG=C.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=C.UTF-8 S3_URL="s3://public-cd-buildkite-cache/${BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG}/${BUILDKITE_LABEL}" pull_s3_file() { aws s3 cp "${S3_URL}/$1" "$1" || echo "Could not pull $1 from S3" } push_s3_file() { if [ -f "$1" ]; then aws s3 cp "$1" "${S3_URL}/$1" || echo "Could not push $1 to S3 for caching." fi } apt-get update -y apt-get install awscli -y echo "--- bundle install" pull_s3_file "bundle.tar.gz" pull_s3_file "bundle.sha256" if [ -f bundle.tar.gz ]; then tar -xzf bundle.tar.gz fi if [ -n "${RESET_BUNDLE_CACHE:-}" ]; then rm bundle.sha256 fi bundle config --local path vendor/bundle bundle install --jobs=7 --retry=3 --without docs debug echo "--- bundle cache" if test -f bundle.sha256 && shasum --check bundle.sha256 --status; then echo "Bundled gems have not changed. Skipping upload to s3" else echo "Bundled gems have changed. Uploading to s3" shasum -a 256 Gemfile.lock > bundle.sha256 tar -czf bundle.tar.gz vendor/ push_s3_file bundle.tar.gz push_s3_file bundle.sha256 fi echo "+++ bundle exec task" bundle exec $1