version: "master-{build}" os: Windows Server 2012 platform: - x64 environment: matrix: - ruby_version: "23" - ruby_version: "23-x64" - ruby_version: "24-x64" - ruby_version: "25-x64" - ruby_version: "26-x64" clone_folder: c:\projects\mixlib-shellout clone_depth: 1 skip_tags: true branches: only: - master skip_commits: # version bumps by Expeditor happen as a separate commit after the merge, we can skip author: Chef Expeditor # if ONLY the files listed below are changed in a commit, skip files: - - MAINTAINERS.toml - - install: - SET PATH=C:\Ruby%ruby_version%\bin;%PATH% - echo %PATH% - ruby --version - gem update --system - gem --version - gem install bundler --quiet --no-document - bundler --version build_script: - bundle install test_script: - bundle exec rspec