#-- # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Author:: John Keiser () # Author:: Ho-Sheng Hsiao () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'win32/process' require 'windows/handle' require 'windows/process' require 'windows/synchronize' require 'mixlib/shellout/windows/core_ext' module Mixlib class ShellOut module Windows include ::Windows::Handle include ::Windows::Process include ::Windows::Synchronize TIME_SLICE = 0.05 # Option validation that is windows specific def validate_options(opts) if opts[:user] unless opts[:password] raise InvalidCommandOption, "You must supply both a username and password when supplying a user in windows" end end end #-- # Missing lots of features from the UNIX version, such as # uid, etc. def run_command # # Create pipes to capture stdout and stderr, # stdout_read, stdout_write = IO.pipe stderr_read, stderr_write = IO.pipe stdin_read, stdin_write = IO.pipe open_streams = [ stdout_read, stderr_read ] begin # # Set cwd, environment, appname, etc. # app_name, command_line = command_to_run(self.command) create_process_args = { :app_name => app_name, :command_line => command_line, :startup_info => { :stdout => stdout_write, :stderr => stderr_write, :stdin => stdin_read }, :environment => inherit_environment.map { |k,v| "#{k}=#{v}" }, :close_handles => false } create_process_args[:cwd] = cwd if cwd # default to local account database if domain is not specified create_process_args[:domain] = domain.nil? ? "." : domain create_process_args[:with_logon] = with_logon if with_logon create_process_args[:password] = password if password # # Start the process # process = Process.create(create_process_args) begin # Start pushing data into input stdin_write << input if input # Close pipe to kick things off stdin_write.close # # Wait for the process to finish, consuming output as we go # start_wait = Time.now while true wait_status = WaitForSingleObject(process.process_handle, 0) case wait_status when WAIT_OBJECT_0 # Get process exit code exit_code = [0].pack('l') unless GetExitCodeProcess(process.process_handle, exit_code) raise get_last_error end @status = ThingThatLooksSortOfLikeAProcessStatus.new @status.exitstatus = exit_code.unpack('l').first return self when WAIT_TIMEOUT # Kill the process if (Time.now - start_wait) > timeout raise Mixlib::ShellOut::CommandTimeout, "command timed out:\n#{format_for_exception}" end consume_output(open_streams, stdout_read, stderr_read) else raise "Unknown response from WaitForSingleObject(#{process.process_handle}, #{timeout*1000}): #{wait_status}" end end ensure CloseHandle(process.thread_handle) if process.thread_handle CloseHandle(process.process_handle) if process.process_handle end ensure # # Consume all remaining data from the pipes until they are closed # stdout_write.close stderr_write.close while consume_output(open_streams, stdout_read, stderr_read) end end end private class ThingThatLooksSortOfLikeAProcessStatus attr_accessor :exitstatus def success? exitstatus == 0 end end def consume_output(open_streams, stdout_read, stderr_read) return false if open_streams.length == 0 ready = IO.select(open_streams, nil, nil, READ_WAIT_TIME) return true if ! ready if ready.first.include?(stdout_read) begin next_chunk = stdout_read.readpartial(READ_SIZE) @stdout << next_chunk @live_stream << next_chunk if @live_stream rescue EOFError stdout_read.close open_streams.delete(stdout_read) end end if ready.first.include?(stderr_read) begin next_chunk = stderr_read.readpartial(READ_SIZE) @stderr << next_chunk @live_stream << next_chunk if @live_stream rescue EOFError stderr_read.close open_streams.delete(stderr_read) end end return true end IS_BATCH_FILE = /\.bat"?$|\.cmd"?$/i def command_to_run(command) return _run_under_cmd(command) if Utils.should_run_under_cmd?(command) candidate = candidate_executable_for_command(command) # Don't do searching for empty commands. Let it fail when it runs. return [ nil, command ] if candidate.length == 0 # Check if the exe exists directly. Otherwise, search PATH. exe = Utils.find_executable(candidate) exe = Utils.which(unquoted_executable_path(command)) if exe.nil? && exe !~ /[\\\/]/ # Batch files MUST use cmd; and if we couldn't find the command we're looking for, # we assume it must be a cmd builtin. if exe.nil? || exe =~ IS_BATCH_FILE _run_under_cmd(command) else _run_directly(command, exe) end end # cmd does not parse multiple quotes well unless the whole thing is wrapped up in quotes. # https://github.com/opscode/mixlib-shellout/pull/2#issuecomment-4837859 # http://ss64.com/nt/syntax-esc.html def _run_under_cmd(command) [ ENV['COMSPEC'], "cmd /c \"#{command}\"" ] end def _run_directly(command, exe) [ exe, command ] end def unquoted_executable_path(command) command[0,command.index(/\s/) || command.length] end def candidate_executable_for_command(command) if command =~ /^\s*"(.*?)"/ # If we have quotes, do an exact match $1 else # Otherwise check everything up to the first space unquoted_executable_path(command).strip end end def inherit_environment result = {} ENV.each_pair do |k,v| result[k] = v end environment.each_pair do |k,v| if v == nil result.delete(k) else result[k] = v end end result end module Utils # api: semi-private # If there are special characters parsable by cmd.exe (such as file redirection), then # this method should return true. # # This parser is based on # https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/9073db5cb1d3173aff62be5b48d00f0fb2890991/win32/win32.c#L1437 def self.should_run_under_cmd?(command) return true if command =~ /^@/ quote = nil env = false env_first_char = false command.dup.each_char do |c| case c when "'", '"' if (!quote) quote = c elsif quote == c quote = nil end next when '>', '<', '|', '&', "\n" return true unless quote when '%' return true if env env = env_first_char = true next else next unless env if env_first_char env_first_char = false env = false and next if c !~ /[A-Za-z_]/ end env = false if c !~ /[A-Za-z1-9_]/ end end return false end def self.pathext @pathext ||= ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') + [''] : [''] end # which() mimicks the Unix which command # FIXME: it is not working def self.which(cmd) ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exe = find_executable("#{path}/#{cmd}") return exe if exe end return nil end # Windows has a different notion of what "executable" means # The OS will search through valid the extensions and look # for a binary there. def self.find_executable(path) return path if File.executable? path pathext.each do |ext| exe = "#{path}#{ext}" return exe if File.executable? exe end return nil end end end # class end end