require "spec_helper" require "logger" require "timeout" describe Mixlib::ShellOut do let(:shell_cmd) { options ? shell_cmd_with_options : shell_cmd_without_options } let(:executed_cmd) { shell_cmd.tap(&:run_command) } let(:stdout) { executed_cmd.stdout } let(:stderr) { executed_cmd.stderr } let(:chomped_stdout) { stdout.chomp } let(:stripped_stdout) { stdout.strip } let(:exit_status) { executed_cmd.status.exitstatus } let(:shell_cmd_without_options) { } let(:shell_cmd_with_options) {, options) } let(:cmd) { } let(:ruby_code) { raise "define let(:ruby_code)" } let(:options) { nil } let(:ruby_eval) { lambda { |code| "ruby -e '#{code}'" } } context "when instantiating" do subject { shell_cmd } let(:cmd) { "apt-get install chef" } it "should set the command" do expect(subject.command).to eql(cmd) end context "with default settings" do describe "#cwd" do subject { super().cwd } it { be_nil } end describe "#user" do subject { super().user } it { be_nil } end describe "#with_logon" do subject { super().with_logon } it { be_nil } end describe "#login" do subject { super().login } it { be_nil } end describe "#domain" do subject { super().domain } it { be_nil } end describe "#password" do subject { super().password } it { be_nil } end describe "#group" do subject { super().group } it { be_nil } end describe "#umask" do subject { super().umask } it { be_nil } end describe "#timeout" do subject { super().timeout } it { eql(600) } end describe "#valid_exit_codes" do subject { super().valid_exit_codes } it { eql([0]) } end describe "#live_stream" do subject { super().live_stream } it { be_nil } end describe "#input" do subject { super().input } it { be_nil } end it "should not set any default environmental variables" do expect(shell_cmd.environment).to eq({}) end end context "when setting accessors" do subject { shell_cmd.send(accessor) } let(:shell_cmd) { blank_shell_cmd.tap(&with_overrides) } let(:blank_shell_cmd) {"apt-get install chef") } let(:with_overrides) { lambda { |shell_cmd| shell_cmd.send("#{accessor}=", value) } } context "when setting user" do let(:accessor) { :user } let(:value) { "root" } it "should set the user" do eql(value) end # TODO add :unix_only context "with an integer value for user" do let(:value) { 0 } it "should use the user-supplied uid" do expect(shell_cmd.uid).to eql(value) end end # TODO add :unix_only context "with string value for user" do let(:value) { username } let(:username) { } let(:expected_uid) { user_info.uid } let(:user_info) { Etc.getpwent } it "should compute the uid of the user", :unix_only do expect(shell_cmd.uid).to eql(expected_uid) end end end context "when setting with_logon" do let(:accessor) { :with_logon } let(:value) { "root" } it "should set the with_logon" do eql(value) end end context "when setting login" do let(:accessor) { :login } let(:value) { true } it "should set the login" do eql(value) end end context "when setting domain" do let(:accessor) { :domain } let(:value) { "localhost" } it "should set the domain" do eql(value) end end context "when setting password" do let(:accessor) { :password } let(:value) { "vagrant" } it "should set the password" do eql(value) end end context "when setting group" do let(:accessor) { :group } let(:value) { "wheel" } it "should set the group" do eql(value) end # TODO add :unix_only context "with integer value for group" do let(:value) { 0 } it "should use the user-supplied gid" do expect(shell_cmd.gid).to eql(value) end end context "with string value for group" do let(:value) { groupname } let(:groupname) { } let(:expected_gid) { group_info.gid } let(:group_info) { Etc.getgrent } it "should compute the gid of the user", :unix_only do expect(shell_cmd.gid).to eql(expected_gid) end end end context "when setting the umask" do let(:accessor) { :umask } context "with octal integer" do let(:value) { 007555 } it "should set the umask" do eql(value) end end context "with decimal integer" do let(:value) { 2925 } it "should sets the umask" do eql(005555) end end context "with string" do let(:value) { "7777" } it "should sets the umask" do eql(007777) end end end context "when setting read timeout" do let(:accessor) { :timeout } let(:value) { 10 } it "should set the read timeout" do eql(value) end end context "when setting valid exit codes" do let(:accessor) { :valid_exit_codes } let(:value) { [0, 23, 42] } it "should set the valid exit codes" do eql(value) end end context "when setting a live stream" do let(:accessor) { :live_stream } let(:value) { stream } let(:stream) { } before(:each) do shell_cmd.live_stream = stream end it "live stream should return the stream used for live stdout and live stderr" do expect(shell_cmd.live_stream).to eql(stream) end it "should set the live stdout stream" do expect(shell_cmd.live_stderr).to eql(stream) end it "should set the live stderr stream" do expect(shell_cmd.live_stderr).to eql(stream) end end context "when setting the live stdout and live stderr streams separately" do let(:accessor) { :live_stream } let(:stream) { } let(:value) { stream } let(:stdout_stream) { } let(:stderr_stream) { } before(:each) do shell_cmd.live_stdout = stdout_stream shell_cmd.live_stderr = stderr_stream end it "live_stream should return nil" do expect(shell_cmd.live_stream).to be_nil end it "should set the live stdout" do expect(shell_cmd.live_stdout).to eql(stdout_stream) end it "should set the live stderr" do expect(shell_cmd.live_stderr).to eql(stderr_stream) end end context "when setting a live stream and then overriding the live stderr" do let(:accessor) { :live_stream } let(:value) { stream } let(:stream) { } before(:each) do shell_cmd.live_stdout = stream shell_cmd.live_stderr = nil end it "should return nil" do be_nil end it "should set the live stdout" do expect(shell_cmd.live_stdout).to eql(stream) end it "should set the live stderr" do expect(shell_cmd.live_stderr).to eql(nil) end end context "when setting an input" do let(:accessor) { :input } let(:value) { "Random content #{rand(1000000)}" } it "should set the input" do eql(value) end end end context "testing login", :unix_only do subject { shell_cmd } let (:uid) { 1005 } let (:gid) { 1002 } let (:shell) { "/bin/money" } let (:dir) { "/home/castle" } let (:path) { "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin" } before :each do shell_cmd.login = true catbert_user = double("Etc::Passwd", :name => "catbert", :passwd => "x", :uid => 1005, :gid => 1002, :gecos => "Catbert,,,", :dir => "/home/castle", :shell => "/bin/money") group_double = [ double("Etc::Group", :name => "catbert", :passwd => "x", :gid => 1002, :mem => []), double("Etc::Group", :name => "sudo", :passwd => "x", :gid => 52, :mem => ["catbert"]), double("Etc::Group", :name => "rats", :passwd => "x", :gid => 43, :mem => ["ratbert"]), double("Etc::Group", :name => "dilbertpets", :passwd => "x", :gid => 700, :mem => %w{catbert ratbert}), ] allow(Etc).to receive(:getpwuid).with(1005) { catbert_user } allow(Etc).to receive(:getpwnam).with("catbert") { catbert_user } allow(shell_cmd).to receive(:all_seconderies) { group_double } end # Setting the user by name should change the uid context "when setting user by name" do before(:each) { shell_cmd.user = "catbert" } describe "#uid" do subject { super().uid } it { eq(uid) } end end context "when setting user by id" do before(:each) { shell_cmd.user = uid } # Setting the user by uid should change the uid #it 'should set the uid' do describe "#uid" do subject { super().uid } it { eq(uid) } end #end # Setting the user without a different gid should change the gid to 1002 describe "#gid" do subject { super().gid } it { eq(gid) } end # Setting the user and the group (to 43) should change the gid to 43 context "when setting the group manually" do before(:each) { = 43 } describe "#gid" do subject { super().gid } it { eq(43) } end end # Setting the user should set the env variables describe "#process_environment" do subject { super().process_environment } it { eq ({ "HOME" => dir, "SHELL" => shell, "USER" => "catbert", "LOGNAME" => "catbert", "PATH" => path, "IFS" => "\t\n" }) } end # Setting the user with overriding env variables should override context "when adding environment variables" do before(:each) { shell_cmd.environment = { "PATH" => "/lord:/of/the/dance", "CUSTOM" => "costume" } } it "should preserve custom variables" do expect(shell_cmd.process_environment["PATH"]).to eq("/lord:/of/the/dance") end # Setting the user with additional env variables should have both it "should allow new variables" do expect(shell_cmd.process_environment["CUSTOM"]).to eq("costume") end end # Setting the user should set secondary groups describe "#sgids" do subject { super().sgids } it { match_array([52, 700]) } end end # Setting login with user should throw errors context "when not setting a user id" do it "should fail showing an error" do expect {"hostname", { login: true }) }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::InvalidCommandOption) end end end context "with options hash" do let(:cmd) { "brew install couchdb" } let(:options) do { :cwd => cwd, :user => user, :login => true, :domain => domain, :password => password, :group => group, :umask => umask, :timeout => timeout, :environment => environment, :returns => valid_exit_codes, :live_stream => stream, :input => input } end let(:cwd) { "/tmp" } let(:user) { "toor" } let(:with_logon) { user } let(:login) { true } let(:domain) { "localhost" } let(:password) { "vagrant" } let(:group) { "wheel" } let(:umask) { "2222" } let(:timeout) { 5 } let(:environment) { { "RUBY_OPTS" => "-w" } } let(:valid_exit_codes) { [ 0, 1, 42 ] } let(:stream) { } let(:input) { 1.upto(10).map { "Data #{rand(100000)}" }.join("\n") } it "should set the working directory" do expect(shell_cmd.cwd).to eql(cwd) end it "should set the user" do expect(shell_cmd.user).to eql(user) end it "should set the with_logon" do expect(shell_cmd.with_logon).to eql(with_logon) end it "should set the login" do expect(shell_cmd.login).to eql(login) end it "should set the domain" do expect(shell_cmd.domain).to eql(domain) end it "should set the password" do expect(shell_cmd.password).to eql(password) end it "should set the group" do expect( eql(group) end it "should set the umask" do expect(shell_cmd.umask).to eql(002222) end it "should set the timout" do expect(shell_cmd.timeout).to eql(timeout) end it "should add environment settings to the default" do expect(shell_cmd.environment).to eql({ "RUBY_OPTS" => "-w" }) end context "when setting custom environments" do context "when setting the :env option" do let(:options) { { :env => environment } } it "should also set the enviroment" do expect(shell_cmd.environment).to eql({ "RUBY_OPTS" => "-w" }) end end context "when setting environments with symbols" do let(:options) { { :environment => { SYMBOL: "cymbal" } } } it "should also set the enviroment" do expect(shell_cmd.environment).to eql({ "SYMBOL" => "cymbal" }) end end context "when :environment is set to nil" do let(:options) { { :environment => nil } } it "should not set any environment" do expect(shell_cmd.environment).to eq({}) end end context "when :env is set to nil" do let(:options) { { :env => nil } } it "should not set any environment" do expect(shell_cmd.environment).to eql({}) end end end it "should set valid exit codes" do expect(shell_cmd.valid_exit_codes).to eql(valid_exit_codes) end it "should set the live stream" do expect(shell_cmd.live_stream).to eql(stream) end it "should set the input" do expect(shell_cmd.input).to eql(input) end context "with an invalid option" do let(:options) { { :frab => :job } } let(:invalid_option_exception) { Mixlib::ShellOut::InvalidCommandOption } let(:exception_message) { "option ':frab' is not a valid option for Mixlib::ShellOut" } it "should raise InvalidCommandOPtion" do expect { shell_cmd }.to raise_error(invalid_option_exception, exception_message) end end end context "with array of command and args" do let(:cmd) { [ "ruby", "-e", %q{'puts "hello"'} ] } context "without options" do let(:options) { nil } it "should set the command to the array of command and args" do expect(shell_cmd.command).to eql(cmd) end end context "with options" do let(:options) { { :cwd => "/tmp", :user => "nobody", :password => "something" } } it "should set the command to the array of command and args" do expect(shell_cmd.command).to eql(cmd) end it "should evaluate the options" do expect(shell_cmd.cwd).to eql("/tmp") expect(shell_cmd.user).to eql("nobody") expect(shell_cmd.password).to eql("something") end end end end context "when executing the command" do let(:dir) { Dir.mktmpdir } let(:dump_file) { "#{dir}/out.txt" } let(:dump_file_content) { stdout; } context "with a current working directory" do subject { File.expand_path(chomped_stdout) } let(:fully_qualified_cwd) { File.expand_path(cwd) } let(:options) { { :cwd => cwd } } context "when running under Unix", :unix_only do # Use /bin for tests only if it is not a symlink. Some # distributions (e.g. Fedora) symlink it to /usr/bin let(:cwd) { File.symlink?("/bin") ? "/tmp" : "/bin" } let(:cmd) { "pwd" } it "should chdir to the working directory" do eql(fully_qualified_cwd) end end context "when running under Windows", :windows_only do let(:cwd) { Dir.tmpdir } let(:cmd) { "echo %cd%" } it "should chdir to the working directory" do eql(fully_qualified_cwd) end end end context "when handling locale" do before do @original_lc_all = ENV["LC_ALL"] ENV["LC_ALL"] = "en_US.UTF-8" end after do ENV["LC_ALL"] = @original_lc_all end subject { stripped_stdout } let(:cmd) { ECHO_LC_ALL } let(:options) { { :environment => { "LC_ALL" => locale } } } context "without specifying environment" do let(:options) { nil } it "should no longer use the C locale by default" do eql("en_US.UTF-8") end end context "with locale" do let(:locale) { "es" } it "should use the requested locale" do eql(locale) end end context "with LC_ALL set to nil" do let(:locale) { nil } context "when running under Unix", :unix_only do it "should unset the process's locale" do eql("") end end context "when running under Windows", :windows_only do it "should unset process's locale" do eql("%LC_ALL%") end end end end context "when running under Windows", :windows_only do let(:cmd) { "%windir%/system32/whoami.exe" } let(:running_user) { shell_cmd.run_command.stdout.strip.downcase } context "when no user is set" do # Need to adjust the username and domain if running as local system # to match how whoami returns the information it "should run as current user" do expect(running_user).to eql("#{ENV['USERDOMAIN'].downcase}\\#{ENV['USERNAME'].downcase}") end end context "when user is specified" do before do expect(system("net user #{user} #{password} /add")).to eq(true) end after do expect(system("net user #{user} /delete")).to eq(true) end let(:user) { "testuser" } let(:password) { "testpass1!" } let(:options) { { :user => user, :password => password } } it "should run as specified user" do expect(running_user).to eql("#{ENV['COMPUTERNAME'].downcase}\\#{user}") end end end context "with a live stream" do let(:stream) { } let(:ruby_code) { '$stdout.puts "hello"; $stderr.puts "world"' } let(:options) { { :live_stream => stream } } it "should copy the child's stdout to the live stream" do shell_cmd.run_command expect(stream.string).to include("hello#{LINE_ENDING}") end context "with default live stderr" do it "should copy the child's stderr to the live stream" do shell_cmd.run_command expect(stream.string).to include("world#{LINE_ENDING}") end end context "without live stderr" do it "should not copy the child's stderr to the live stream" do shell_cmd.live_stderr = nil shell_cmd.run_command expect(stream.string).not_to include("world#{LINE_ENDING}") end end context "with a separate live stderr" do let(:stderr_stream) { } it "should not copy the child's stderr to the live stream" do shell_cmd.live_stderr = stderr_stream shell_cmd.run_command expect(stream.string).not_to include("world#{LINE_ENDING}") end it "should copy the child's stderr to the live stderr stream" do shell_cmd.live_stderr = stderr_stream shell_cmd.run_command expect(stderr_stream.string).to include("world#{LINE_ENDING}") end end end context "with an input" do subject { stdout } let(:input) { "hello" } let(:ruby_code) { "STDIN.sync = true; STDOUT.sync = true; puts gets" } let(:options) { { :input => input } } it "should copy the input to the child's stdin" do eql("hello#{LINE_ENDING}") end end context "when running different types of command" do let(:script) { open_file.tap(&write_file).tap(&:close).tap(&make_executable) } let(:file_name) { "#{dir}/Setup Script.cmd" } let(:script_name) { "\"#{script.path}\"" } let(:open_file) {, "w") } let(:write_file) { lambda { |f| f.write(script_content) } } let(:make_executable) { lambda { |f| File.chmod(0755, f.path) } } context "with spaces in the path" do subject { chomped_stdout } let(:cmd) { script_name } context "when running under Unix", :unix_only do let(:script_content) { "echo blah" } it "should execute" do eql("blah") end end context "when running under Windows", :windows_only do let(:cmd) { "#{script_name} #{argument}" } let(:script_content) { "@echo %1" } let(:argument) { rand(10000).to_s } it "should execute" do eql(argument) end context "with multiple quotes in the command and args" do context "when using a batch file" do let(:argument) { "\"Random #{rand(10000)}\"" } it "should execute" do eql(argument) end end context "when not using a batch file" do let(:cmd) { "#{executable_file_name} #{script_name}" } let(:executable_file_name) { "\"#{dir}/Ruby Parser.exe\"".tap(&make_executable!) } let(:make_executable!) { lambda { |filename|"copy \"#{full_path_to_ruby}\" #{filename}").run_command } } let(:script_content) { "print \"#{expected_output}\"" } let(:expected_output) { "Random #{rand(10000)}" } let(:full_path_to_ruby) { ENV["PATH"].split(";").map(&try_ruby).reject(&:nil?).first } let(:try_ruby) { lambda { |path| "#{path}\\ruby.exe" if File.executable? "#{path}\\ruby.exe" } } it "should execute" do eql(expected_output) end end end end end context "with lots of long arguments" do subject { chomped_stdout } # This number was chosen because it seems to be an actual maximum # in Windows--somewhere around 6-7K of command line let(:echotext) { 10000.upto(11340).map(&:to_s).join(" ") } let(:cmd) { "echo #{echotext}" } it "should execute" do eql(echotext) end end context "with special characters" do subject { stdout } let(:special_characters) { "<>&|&&||;" } let(:ruby_code) { "print \"#{special_characters}\"" } it "should execute" do eql(special_characters) end end context "with backslashes" do subject { stdout } let(:backslashes) { %q{\\"\\\\} } let(:cmd) {"print \"#{backslashes}\"") } it "should execute" do eql("\"\\") end end context "with pipes" do let(:input_script) { "STDOUT.sync = true; STDERR.sync = true; print true; STDERR.print false" } let(:output_script) { "print" } let(:cmd) { + " | " + } it "should execute" do expect(stdout).to eql("4") end it "should handle stderr" do expect(stderr).to eql("false") end end context "with stdout and stderr file pipes" do let(:code) { "STDOUT.sync = true; STDERR.sync = true; print true; STDERR.print false" } let(:cmd) { + " > #{dump_file}" } it "should execute" do expect(stdout).to eql("") end it "should handle stderr" do expect(stderr).to eql("false") end it "should write to file pipe" do expect(dump_file_content).to eql("true") end end context "with stdin file pipe" do let(:code) { "STDIN.sync = true; STDOUT.sync = true; STDERR.sync = true; print gets; STDERR.print false" } let(:cmd) { + " < #{dump_file_path}" } let(:file_content) { "Random content #{rand(100000)}" } let(:dump_file_path) { dump_file.path } let(:dump_file) { open_file.tap(&write_file).tap(&:close) } let(:file_name) { "#{dir}/input" } let(:open_file) {, "w") } let(:write_file) { lambda { |f| f.write(file_content) } } it "should execute" do expect(stdout).to eql(file_content) end it "should handle stderr" do expect(stderr).to eql("false") end end context "with stdout and stderr file pipes" do let(:code) { "STDOUT.sync = true; STDERR.sync = true; print true; STDERR.print false" } let(:cmd) { + " > #{dump_file} 2>&1" } it "should execute" do expect(stdout).to eql("") end it "should write to file pipe" do expect(dump_file_content).to eql("truefalse") end end context "with &&" do subject { stdout } let(:cmd) {'print "foo"') + " && " +'print "bar"') } it "should execute" do eql("foobar") end end context "with ||" do let(:cmd) {'print "foo"; exit 1') + " || " +'print "bar"') } it "should execute" do expect(stdout).to eql("foobar") end it "should exit with code 0" do expect(exit_status).to eql(0) end end end context "when handling process exit codes" do let(:cmd) {"exit #{exit_code}") } context "with normal exit status" do let(:exit_code) { 0 } it "should not raise error" do expect { executed_cmd.error! }.not_to raise_error end it "should set the exit status of the command" do expect(exit_status).to eql(exit_code) end end context "with nonzero exit status" do let(:exit_code) { 2 } let(:exception_message_format) { Regexp.escape(executed_cmd.format_for_exception) } it "should raise ShellCommandFailed" do expect { executed_cmd.error! }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed) end it "includes output with exceptions from #error!" do begin executed_cmd.error! rescue Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed => e expect(e.message).to match(exception_message_format) end end it "should set the exit status of the command" do expect(exit_status).to eql(exit_code) end end context "with valid exit codes" do let(:cmd) {"exit #{exit_code}" ) } let(:options) { { :returns => valid_exit_codes } } context "when exiting with valid code" do let(:valid_exit_codes) { 42 } let(:exit_code) { 42 } it "should not raise error" do expect { executed_cmd.error! }.not_to raise_error end it "should set the exit status of the command" do expect(exit_status).to eql(exit_code) end end context "when exiting with invalid code" do let(:valid_exit_codes) { [ 0, 1, 42 ] } let(:exit_code) { 2 } it "should raise ShellCommandFailed" do expect { executed_cmd.error! }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed) end it "should set the exit status of the command" do expect(exit_status).to eql(exit_code) end context "with input data" do let(:options) { { :returns => valid_exit_codes, :input => input } } let(:input) { "Random data #{rand(1000000)}" } it "should raise ShellCommandFailed" do expect { executed_cmd.error! }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed) end it "should set the exit status of the command" do expect(exit_status).to eql(exit_code) end end end context "when exiting with invalid code 0" do let(:valid_exit_codes) { 42 } let(:exit_code) { 0 } it "should raise ShellCommandFailed" do expect { executed_cmd.error! }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed) end it "should set the exit status of the command" do expect(exit_status).to eql(exit_code) end end end describe "#invalid!" do let(:exit_code) { 0 } it "should raise ShellCommandFailed" do expect { executed_cmd.invalid!("I expected this to exit 42, not 0") }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed) end end describe "#error?" do context "when exiting with invalid code" do let(:exit_code) { 2 } it "should return true" do expect(executed_cmd.error?).to be_truthy end end context "when exiting with valid code" do let(:exit_code) { 0 } it "should return false" do expect(executed_cmd.error?).to be_falsey end end end end context "when handling the subprocess" do context "with STDOUT and STDERR" do let(:ruby_code) { "STDERR.puts :hello; STDOUT.puts :world" } # We could separate this into two examples, but we want to make # sure that stderr and stdout gets collected without stepping # on each other. it "should collect all of STDOUT and STDERR" do expect(stderr).to eql("hello#{LINE_ENDING}") expect(stdout).to eql("world#{LINE_ENDING}") end end context "with forking subprocess that does not close stdout and stderr" do let(:ruby_code) { "exit if fork; 10.times { sleep 1 }" } it "should not hang" do expect do Timeout.timeout(2) do executed_cmd end end.not_to raise_error end end context "when running a command that doesn't exist", :unix_only do let(:cmd) { "/bin/this-is-not-a-real-command" } def shell_out_cmd end it "reaps zombie processes after exec fails [OHAI-455]" do # NOTE: depending on ulimit settings, GC, etc., before the OHAI-455 patch, # ohai could also exhaust the available file descriptors when creating this # many zombie processes. A regression _could_ cause Errno::EMFILE but this # probably won't be consistent on different environments. created_procs = 0 100.times do begin shell_out_cmd.run_command rescue Errno::ENOENT created_procs += 1 end end expect(created_procs).to eq(100) reaped_procs = 0 begin loop { Process.wait(-1); reaped_procs += 1 } rescue Errno::ECHILD end expect(reaped_procs).to eq(0) end end context "with open files for parent process" do before do @test_file ="fd_test") @test_file.write("hello") @test_file.flush end after do @test_file.close if @test_file end let(:ruby_code) { "fd = File.for_fd(#{@test_file.to_i}) rescue nil; if fd;; puts; end" } it "should not see file descriptors of the parent" do # The reason this test goes through the effor of writing out # a file and checking the contents along side the presence of # a file descriptor is because on Windows, we're seeing that # a there is a file descriptor present, but it's not the same # file. That means that if we just check for the presence of # a file descriptor, the test would fail as that slot would # have something. # # See # expect(stdout.chomp).not_to eql("hello") end end context "when the child process dies immediately" do let(:cmd) { [ "exit" ] } it "handles ESRCH from getpgid of a zombie", :unix_only do allow(Process).to receive(:setsid) { exit!(4) } # we used to have race conditions if the child exited and zombied # quickly which would cause an exception. we no longer call getpgrp() # after setsid()/setpgrp() though so this race condition should no # longer exist. still test 5 times for it though. 5.times do s = s.run_command # should not raise Errno::ESRCH (or anything else) end end end context "with subprocess that takes longer than timeout" do let(:options) { { :timeout => 1 } } context "on windows", :windows_only do let(:cmd) do 'cmd /c powershell -c "sleep 10"' end it "should raise CommandTimeout" do Timeout.timeout(5) do expect { executed_cmd }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::CommandTimeout) end end context "and child processes should be killed" do it "kills the child processes" do expect(shell_cmd).to receive(:kill_process) do |instance| expect(instance.wmi_ole_object.Name).to match(/powershell/) Process.kill(:KILL, instance.wmi_ole_object.processid) end expect { executed_cmd }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::CommandTimeout) end end end context "on unix", :unix_only do def ruby_wo_shell(code) parts = %w{ruby} parts << "-e" parts << code end let(:cmd) do ruby_wo_shell(<<-CODE) STDOUT.sync = true trap(:TERM) { puts "got term"; exit!(123) } sleep 10 CODE end it "should raise CommandTimeout" do expect { executed_cmd }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::CommandTimeout) end it "should ask the process nicely to exit" do # note: let blocks don't correctly memoize if an exception is raised, # so can't use executed_cmd expect { shell_cmd.run_command }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::CommandTimeout) expect(shell_cmd.stdout).to include("got term") expect(shell_cmd.exitstatus).to eq(123) end context "and the child is unresponsive" do let(:cmd) do ruby_wo_shell(<<-CODE) STDOUT.sync = true trap(:TERM) { puts "nanana cant hear you" } sleep 10 CODE end it "should KILL the wayward child" do # note: let blocks don't correctly memoize if an exception is raised, # so can't use executed_cmd expect { shell_cmd.run_command }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::CommandTimeout) expect(shell_cmd.stdout).to include("nanana cant hear you") expect(shell_cmd.status.termsig).to eq(9) end context "and a logger is configured" do let(:log_output) { } let(:logger) { } let(:options) { { :timeout => 1, :logger => logger } } it "should log messages about killing the child process" do # note: let blocks don't correctly memoize if an exception is raised, # so can't use executed_cmd expect { shell_cmd.run_command }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::CommandTimeout) expect(shell_cmd.stdout).to include("nanana cant hear you") expect(shell_cmd.status.termsig).to eq(9) expect(log_output.string).to include("Command exceeded allowed execution time, sending TERM") expect(log_output.string).to include("Command exceeded allowed execution time, sending KILL") end end end context "and the child process forks grandchildren" do let(:cmd) do ruby_wo_shell(<<-CODE) STDOUT.sync = true trap(:TERM) { print "got term in child\n"; exit!(123) } fork do trap(:TERM) { print "got term in grandchild\n"; exit!(142) } sleep 10 end sleep 10 CODE end it "should TERM the wayward child and grandchild" do # note: let blocks don't correctly memoize if an exception is raised, # so can't use executed_cmd expect { shell_cmd.run_command }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::CommandTimeout) expect(shell_cmd.stdout).to include("got term in child") expect(shell_cmd.stdout).to include("got term in grandchild") end end context "and the child process forks grandchildren that don't respond to TERM" do let(:cmd) do ruby_wo_shell(<<-CODE) STDOUT.sync = true trap(:TERM) { print "got term in child\n"; exit!(123) } fork do trap(:TERM) { print "got term in grandchild\n" } sleep 10 end sleep 10 CODE end it "should TERM the wayward child and grandchild, then KILL whoever is left" do # note: let blocks don't correctly memoize if an exception is raised, # so can't use executed_cmd expect { shell_cmd.run_command }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::CommandTimeout) begin # A little janky. We get the process group id out of the command # object, then try to kill a process in it to make sure none # exists. Trusting the system under test like this isn't great but # it's difficult to test otherwise. child_pgid = shell_cmd.send(:child_pgid) initial_process_listing = `ps -j` expect(shell_cmd.stdout).to include("got term in child") expect(shell_cmd.stdout).to include("got term in grandchild") kill_return_val = Process.kill(:INT, child_pgid) # should raise ESRCH # AIX - kill returns code > 0 for error, where as other platforms return -1. Ruby code signal.c treats < 0 as error and raises exception and hence fails on AIX. So we check the return code for assertions since ruby wont raise an error here. if kill_return_val == 0 # Debug the failure: puts "child pgid=#{child_pgid.inspect}" Process.wait puts "collected process: #{$?.inspect}" puts "initial process listing:\n#{initial_process_listing}" puts "current process listing:" puts `ps -j` raise "Failed to kill all expected processes" end rescue Errno::ESRCH # this is what we want end end end end end context "with subprocess that exceeds buffersize" do let(:ruby_code) { 'print("X" * 16 * 1024); print("." * 1024)' } it "should still reads all of the output" do expect(stdout).to match(/X{16384}\.{1024}/) end end context "with subprocess that returns nothing" do let(:ruby_code) { "exit 0" } it "should return an empty string for stdout" do expect(stdout).to eql("") end it "should return an empty string for stderr" do expect(stderr).to eql("") end end context "with subprocess that closes stdin and continues writing to stdout" do let(:ruby_code) { "STDIN.close; sleep 0.5; STDOUT.puts :win" } let(:options) { { :input => "Random data #{rand(100000)}" } } it "should not hang or lose output" do expect(stdout).to eql("win#{LINE_ENDING}") end end context "with subprocess that closes stdout and continues writing to stderr" do let(:ruby_code) { "STDOUT.close; sleep 0.5; STDERR.puts :win" } it "should not hang or lose output" do expect(stderr).to eql("win#{LINE_ENDING}") end end context "with subprocess that closes stderr and continues writing to stdout" do let(:ruby_code) { "STDERR.close; sleep 0.5; STDOUT.puts :win" } it "should not hang or lose output" do expect(stdout).to eql("win#{LINE_ENDING}") end end # Regression test: # # We need to ensure that stderr is removed from the list of file # descriptors that we attempt to select() on in the case that: # # a) STDOUT closes first # b) STDERR closes # c) The program does not exit for some time after (b) occurs. # # Otherwise, we will attempt to read from the closed STDOUT pipe over and # over again and generate lots of garbage, which will not be collected # since we have to turn GC off to avoid segv. context "with subprocess that closes STDOUT before closing STDERR" do let(:ruby_code) { %q{STDOUT.puts "F" * 4096; STDOUT.close; sleep 0.1; STDERR.puts "foo"; STDERR.close; sleep 0.1; exit} } let(:unclosed_pipes) { executed_cmd.send(:open_pipes) } it "should not hang" do expect(stdout).not_to be_empty end it "should close all pipes", :unix_only do expect(unclosed_pipes).to be_empty end end context "with subprocess reading lots of data from stdin" do subject { stdout.to_i } let(:ruby_code) { "STDOUT.print gets.size" } let(:options) { { :input => input } } let(:input) { "f" * 20_000 } let(:input_size) { input.size } it "should not hang" do eql(input_size) end end context "with subprocess writing lots of data to both stdout and stderr" do let(:expected_output_with) { lambda { |chr| (chr * 20_000) + "#{LINE_ENDING}" + (chr * 20_000) + "#{LINE_ENDING}" } } context "when writing to STDOUT first" do let(:ruby_code) { %q{puts "f" * 20_000; STDERR.puts "u" * 20_000; puts "f" * 20_000; STDERR.puts "u" * 20_000} } it "should not deadlock" do expect(stdout).to eql("f")) expect(stderr).to eql("u")) end end context "when writing to STDERR first" do let(:ruby_code) { %q{STDERR.puts "u" * 20_000; puts "f" * 20_000; STDERR.puts "u" * 20_000; puts "f" * 20_000} } it "should not deadlock" do expect(stdout).to eql("f")) expect(stderr).to eql("u")) end end end context "with subprocess piping lots of data through stdin, stdout, and stderr" do let(:multiplier) { 20 } let(:expected_output_with) { lambda { |chr| (chr * multiplier) + (chr * multiplier) } } # Use regex to work across Ruby versions let(:ruby_code) { "STDOUT.sync = STDERR.sync = true; while(input = gets) do ( input =~ /^f/ ? STDOUT : STDERR ).print input.chomp; end" } let(:options) { { :input => input } } context "when writing to STDOUT first" do let(:input) { [ "f" * multiplier, "u" * multiplier, "f" * multiplier, "u" * multiplier ].join(LINE_ENDING) } it "should not deadlock" do expect(stdout).to eql("f")) expect(stderr).to eql("u")) end end context "when writing to STDERR first" do let(:input) { [ "u" * multiplier, "f" * multiplier, "u" * multiplier, "f" * multiplier ].join(LINE_ENDING) } it "should not deadlock" do expect(stdout).to eql("f")) expect(stderr).to eql("u")) end end end context "when subprocess closes prematurely", :unix_only do context "with input data" do let(:ruby_code) { "bad_ruby { [ } ]" } let(:options) { { :input => input } } let(:input) { [ "f" * 20_000, "u" * 20_000, "f" * 20_000, "u" * 20_000 ].join(LINE_ENDING) } # Should the exception be handled? it "should raise error" do expect { executed_cmd }.to raise_error(Errno::EPIPE) end end end context "when subprocess writes, pauses, then continues writing" do subject { stdout } let(:ruby_code) { %q{puts "before"; sleep 0.5; puts "after"} } it "should not hang or lose output" do eql("before#{LINE_ENDING}after#{LINE_ENDING}") end end context "when subprocess pauses before writing" do subject { stdout } let(:ruby_code) { 'sleep 0.5; puts "missed_the_bus"' } it "should not hang or lose output" do eql("missed_the_bus#{LINE_ENDING}") end end context "when subprocess pauses before reading from stdin" do subject { stdout.to_i } let(:ruby_code) { "sleep 0.5; print gets.size " } let(:input) { "c" * 1024 } let(:input_size) { input.size } let(:options) { { :input => input } } it "should not hang or lose output" do eql(input_size) end end context "when execution fails" do let(:cmd) { "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" } context "when running under Unix", :unix_only do it "should recover the error message" do expect { executed_cmd }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end context "with input" do let(:options) { { :input => input } } let(:input) { "Random input #{rand(1000000)}" } it "should recover the error message" do expect { executed_cmd }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end end end skip "when running under Windows", :windows_only end context "without input data" do context "with subprocess that expects stdin" do let(:ruby_code) { %q{print STDIN.eof?.to_s} } # If we don't have anything to send to the subprocess, we need to close # stdin so that the subprocess won't wait for input. it "should close stdin" do expect(stdout).to eql("true") end end end end describe "#format_for_exception" do let(:ruby_code) { %q{STDERR.puts "msg_in_stderr"; puts "msg_in_stdout"} } let(:exception_output) { executed_cmd.format_for_exception.split("\n") } let(:expected_output) do [ "---- Begin output of #{cmd} ----", %q{STDOUT: msg_in_stdout}, %q{STDERR: msg_in_stderr}, "---- End output of #{cmd} ----", "Ran #{cmd} returned 0", ] end it "should format exception messages" do exception_output.each_with_index do |output_line, i| expect(output_line).to eql(expected_output[i]) end end end end context "when running under *nix", :requires_root, :unix_only do let(:cmd) { "whoami" } let(:running_user) { shell_cmd.run_command.stdout.chomp } context "when no user is set" do it "should run as current user" do expect(running_user).to eql(ENV["USER"]) end end context "when user is specified" do let(:user) { "nobody" } let(:options) { { :user => user } } it "should run as specified user" do expect(running_user).to eql("#{user}") end end end end