diff options
2 files changed, 53 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/lib/net/ssh/multi/dynamic_server.rb b/lib/net/ssh/multi/dynamic_server.rb
index 92af7a5..336dca7 100644
--- a/lib/net/ssh/multi/dynamic_server.rb
+++ b/lib/net/ssh/multi/dynamic_server.rb
@@ -2,24 +2,54 @@ require 'net/ssh/multi/server'
module Net; module SSH; module Multi
+ # Represents a lazily evaluated collection of servers. This will usually be
+ # created via Net::SSH::Multi::Session#use(&block), and is useful for creating
+ # server definitions where the name or address of the servers are not known
+ # until run-time.
+ #
+ # session.use { lookup_ip_address_of_server }
+ #
+ # This prevents +lookup_ip_address_of_server+ from being invoked unless the
+ # server is actually needed, at which point it is invoked and the result
+ # cached.
+ #
+ # The callback should return either +nil+ (in which case no new servers are
+ # instantiated), a String (representing a connection specification), an
+ # array of Strings, or an array of Net::SSH::Multi::Server instances.
class DynamicServer
+ # The Net::SSH::Multi::Session instance that owns this dynamic server record.
attr_reader :master
+ # The Proc object to call to evaluate the server(s)
attr_reader :callback
+ # The hash of options that will be used to initialize the server records.
attr_reader :options
+ # Create a new DynamicServer record, owned by the given Net::SSH::Multi::Session
+ # +master+, with the given hash of +options+, and using the given Proc +callback+
+ # to lazily evaluate the actual server instances.
def initialize(master, options, callback)
@master, @options, @callback = master, options, callback
@servers = nil
+ # Returns the value for the given +key+ in the :properties hash of the
+ # +options+. If no :properties hash exists in +options+, this returns +nil+.
def [](key)
(options[:properties] || {})[key]
+ # Iterates over every instantiated server record in this dynamic server.
+ # If the servers have not yet been instantiated, this does nothing (e.g.,
+ # it does _not_ automatically invoke #evaluate!).
def each
(@servers || []).each { |server| yield server }
+ # Evaluates the callback and instantiates the servers, memoizing the result.
+ # Subsequent calls to #evaluate! will simply return the cached list of
+ # servers.
def evaluate!
@servers ||= Array(callback[options]).map do |server|
case server
@@ -29,9 +59,7 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
- def to_ary
- evaluate!
- end
+ alias to_ary evaluate!
end; end; end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/net/ssh/multi/server_list.rb b/lib/net/ssh/multi/server_list.rb
index 1f83be3..da1914f 100644
--- a/lib/net/ssh/multi/server_list.rb
+++ b/lib/net/ssh/multi/server_list.rb
@@ -3,13 +3,23 @@ require 'net/ssh/multi/dynamic_server'
module Net; module SSH; module Multi
+ # Encapsulates a list of server objects, both dynamic (Net::SSH::Multi::DynamicServer)
+ # and static (Net::SSH::Multi::Server). It attempts to make it transparent whether
+ # a dynamic server set has been evaluated or not. Note that a ServerList is
+ # NOT an Array, though it is Enumerable.
class ServerList
include Enumerable
+ # Create a new ServerList that wraps the given server list. Duplicate entries
+ # will be discarded.
def initialize(list=[])
@list = list.uniq
+ # Adds the given server to the list, and returns the argument. If an
+ # identical server definition already exists in the collection, the
+ # argument is _not_ added, and the existing server record is returned
+ # instead.
def add(server)
index = @list.index(server)
if index
@@ -20,11 +30,17 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
+ # Adds an array (or otherwise Enumerable list) of servers to this list, by
+ # calling #add for each argument. Returns +self+.
def concat(servers)
servers.each { |server| add(server) }
+ # Iterates over each distinct server record in the collection. This will
+ # correctly iterate over server records instantiated by a DynamicServer
+ # as well, but only if the dynamic server has been "evaluated" (see
+ # Net::SSH::Multi::DynamicServer#evaluate!).
def each
@list.each do |server|
case server
@@ -36,11 +52,16 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
+ # Works exactly as Enumerable#select, but returns the result as a new
+ # ServerList instance.
def select
subset = { |i| yield i }
+ # Returns an array of all servers in the list, with dynamic server records
+ # expanded. The result is an array of distinct server records (duplicates
+ # are removed from the result).
def flatten
result = @list.inject([]) do |aggregator, server|
case server
@@ -53,9 +74,7 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
- def to_ary
- flatten
- end
+ alias to_ary flatten
end; end; end \ No newline at end of file