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index d736718..0818e47 100644
--- a/README.rdoc
+++ b/README.rdoc
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ In a nutshell:
-See Net::SSH::Multi for more documentation.
+See Net::SSH::Multi::Session for more documentation.
diff --git a/lib/net/ssh/multi.rb b/lib/net/ssh/multi.rb
index ca6928e..fe60802 100644
--- a/lib/net/ssh/multi.rb
+++ b/lib/net/ssh/multi.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,57 @@
require 'net/ssh/multi/session'
module Net; module SSH
+ # Net::SSH::Multi is a library for controlling multiple Net::SSH
+ # connections via a single interface. It exposes an API similar to that of
+ # Net::SSH::Connection::Session and Net::SSH::Connection::Channel, making it
+ # simpler to adapt programs designed for single connections to be used with
+ # multiple connections.
+ #
+ # This library is particularly useful for automating repetitive tasks that
+ # must be performed on multiple machines. It executes the commands in
+ # parallel, and allows commands to be executed on subsets of servers
+ # (defined by groups).
+ #
+ # require 'net/ssh/multi'
+ #
+ # Net::SSH::Multi.start do |session|
+ # # access servers via a gateway
+ # session.via 'gateway', 'gateway-user'
+ #
+ # # define the servers we want to use
+ # session.use 'host1', 'user1'
+ # session.use 'host2', 'user2'
+ #
+ # # define servers in groups for more granular access
+ # :app do
+ # session.use 'app1', 'user'
+ # session.use 'app2', 'user'
+ # end
+ #
+ # # execute commands
+ # session.exec "uptime"
+ #
+ # # execute commands on a subset of servers
+ # session.with(:app) { session.exec "hostname" }
+ #
+ # # run the aggregated event loop
+ # session.loop
+ # end
+ #
+ # See Net::SSH::Multi::Session for more documentation.
module Multi
+ # This is a convenience method for instantiating a new
+ # Net::SSH::Multi::Session. If a block is given, the session will be
+ # yielded to the block automatically closed (see Net::SSH::Multi::Session#close)
+ # when the block finishes. Otherwise, the new session will be returned.
+ #
+ # Net::SSH::Multi.start do |session|
+ # # ...
+ # end
+ #
+ # session = Net::SSH::Multi.start
+ # # ...
+ # session.close
def self.start
session =
diff --git a/lib/net/ssh/multi/channel.rb b/lib/net/ssh/multi/channel.rb
index 8d33fa3..4c1f80c 100644
--- a/lib/net/ssh/multi/channel.rb
+++ b/lib/net/ssh/multi/channel.rb
@@ -1,93 +1,213 @@
module Net; module SSH; module Multi
+ # Net::SSH::Multi::Channel encapsulates a collection of Net::SSH::Connection::Channel
+ # instances from multiple different connections. It allows for operations to
+ # be performed on all contained channels, simultaneously, using an interface
+ # mostly identical to Net::SSH::Connection::Channel itself.
+ #
+ # You typically obtain a Net::SSH::Multi::Channel instance via
+ # Net::SSH::Multi::Session#open_channel or Net::SSH::Multi::Session#exec,
+ # though there is nothing stopping you from instantiating one yourself with
+ # a handful of Net::SSH::Connection::Channel objects (though they should be
+ # associated with connections managed by a Net::SSH::Multi::Session object
+ # for consistent behavior).
+ #
+ # channel = session.open_channel do |ch|
+ # # ...
+ # end
+ #
+ # channel.wait
class Channel
include Enumerable
+ # The Net::SSH::Multi::Session instance that controls this channel collection.
attr_reader :connection
+ # The collection of Net::SSH::Connection::Channel instances that this multi-channel aggregates.
attr_reader :channels
+ # A Hash of custom properties that may be set and queried on this object.
attr_reader :properties
+ # Instantiate a new Net::SSH::Multi::Channel instance, controlled by the
+ # given +connection+ (a Net::SSH::Multi::Session object) and wrapping the
+ # given +channels+ (Net::SSH::Connection::Channel instances).
+ #
+ # You will typically never call this directly; rather, you'll get your
+ # multi-channel references via Net::SSH::Multi::Session#open_channel and
+ # friends.
def initialize(connection, channels)
@connection = connection
@channels = channels
@properties = {}
+ # Iterate over each component channel object, yielding each in order to the
+ # associated block.
def each
@channels.each { |channel| yield channel }
+ # Retrieve the property (see #properties) with the given +key+.
+ #
+ # host = channel[:host]
def [](key)
+ # Set the property (see #properties) with the given +key+ to the given
+ # +value+.
+ #
+ # channel[:visited] = true
def []=(key, value)
@properties[key] = value
+ # Perform an +exec+ command on all component channels. The block, if given,
+ # is passed to each component channel, so it will (potentially) be invoked
+ # once for every channel in the collection. The block will receive two
+ # parameters: the specific channel object being operated on, and a boolean
+ # indicating whether the exec succeeded or not.
+ #
+ # channel.exec "ls -l" do |ch, success|
+ # # ...
+ # end
+ #
+ # See the documentation in Net::SSH for Net::SSH::Connection::Channel#exec
+ # for more information on how to work with the callback.
def exec(command, &block)
channels.each { |channel| channel.exec(command, &block) }
- def subsystem(subsystem, &block)
- channels.each { |channel| channel.subsystem(subsystem, &block) }
- self
- end
+ # Perform a +request_pty+ command on all component channels. The block, if
+ # given, is passed to each component channel, so it will (potentially) be
+ # invoked once for every channel in the collection. The block will
+ # receive two parameters: the specific channel object being operated on,
+ # and a boolean indicating whether the pty request succeeded or not.
+ #
+ # channel.request_pty do |ch, success|
+ # # ...
+ # end
+ #
+ # See the documentation in Net::SSH for
+ # Net::SSH::Connection::Channel#request_pty for more information on how to
+ # work with the callback.
def request_pty(opts={}, &block)
channels.each { |channel| channel.request_pty(opts, &block) }
+ # Send the given +data+ to each component channel. It will be sent to the
+ # remote process, typically being received on the process' +stdin+ stream.
+ #
+ # channel.send_data "password\n"
def send_data(data)
channels.each { |channel| channel.send_data(data) }
+ # Returns true as long as any of the component channels are active.
+ #
+ # connection.loop { }
def active?
channels.any? { |channel| }
+ # Runs the connection's event loop until the channel is no longer active
+ # (see #active?).
+ #
+ # channel.exec "something"
+ # channel.wait
def wait
connection.loop { active? }
+ # Closes all component channels.
def close
channels.each { |channel| channel.close }
+ # Tells the remote process for each component channel not to expect any
+ # further data from this end of the channel.
def eof!
channels.each { |channel| channel.eof! }
+ # Registers a callback on all component channels, to be invoked when the
+ # remote process emits data (usually on its +stdout+ stream). The block
+ # will be invoked with two arguments: the specific channel object, and the
+ # data that was received.
+ #
+ # channel.on_data do |ch, data|
+ # puts "got data: #{data}"
+ # end
def on_data(&block)
channels.each { |channel| channel.on_data(&block) }
+ # Registers a callback on all component channels, to be invoked when the
+ # remote process emits "extended" data (typically on its +stderr+ stream).
+ # The block will be invoked with three arguments: the specific channel
+ # object, an integer describing the data type (usually a 1 for +stderr+)
+ # and the data that was received.
+ #
+ # channel.on_extended_data do |ch, type, data|
+ # puts "got extended data: #{data}"
+ # end
def on_extended_data(&block)
channels.each { |channel| channel.on_extended_data(&block) }
+ # Registers a callback on all component channels, to be invoked during the
+ # idle portion of the connection event loop. The callback will be invoked
+ # with one argument: the specific channel object being processed.
+ #
+ # channel.on_process do |ch|
+ # # ...
+ # end
def on_process(&block)
channels.each { |channel| channel.on_process(&block) }
+ # Registers a callback on all component channels, to be invoked when the
+ # remote server terminates the channel. The callback will be invoked
+ # with one argument: the specific channel object being closed.
+ #
+ # channel.on_close do |ch|
+ # # ...
+ # end
def on_close(&block)
channels.each { |channel| channel.on_close(&block) }
+ # Registers a callback on all component channels, to be invoked when the
+ # remote server has no further data to send. The callback will be invoked
+ # with one argument: the specific channel object being marked EOF.
+ #
+ # channel.on_eof do |ch|
+ # # ...
+ # end
def on_eof(&block)
channels.each { |channel| channel.on_eof(&block) }
+ # Registers a callback on all component channels, to be invoked when the
+ # remote server sends a channel request of the given +type+. The callback
+ # will be invoked with two arguments: the specific channel object receiving
+ # the request, and a Net::SSH::Buffer instance containing the request-specific
+ # data.
+ #
+ # channel.on_request("exit-status") do |ch, data|
+ # puts "exited with #{data.read_long}"
+ # end
def on_request(type, &block)
channels.each { |channel| channel.on_request(type, &block) }
diff --git a/lib/net/ssh/multi/server.rb b/lib/net/ssh/multi/server.rb
index 338a870..65967ab 100644
--- a/lib/net/ssh/multi/server.rb
+++ b/lib/net/ssh/multi/server.rb
@@ -1,12 +1,31 @@
require 'net/ssh'
module Net; module SSH; module Multi
+ # Encapsulates the connection information for a single remote server, as well
+ # as the Net::SSH session corresponding to that information. You'll rarely
+ # need to instantiate one of these directly: instead, you should use
+ # Net::SSH::Multi::Session#use.
class Server
+ # The host name (or IP address) of the server to connect to.
attr_reader :host
+ # The user name to use when connecting to this server.
attr_reader :user
+ # The Hash of additional options to pass to Net::SSH when connecting
+ # (including things like :password, and so forth).
attr_reader :options
+ # The Net::SSH::Gateway instance to use to establish the connection. Will
+ # be +nil+ if the connection should be established without a gateway.
attr_reader :gateway
+ # Creates a new Server instance with the given connection information. The
+ # +options+ hash must conform to the options described for Net::SSH::start,
+ # with one addition:
+ #
+ # * :via => a Net::SSH::Gateway instance to use when establishing a
+ # connection to this server.
def initialize(host, user, options={})
@host = host
@user = user
@@ -14,14 +33,20 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
@gateway = @options.delete(:via)
+ # Returns the value of the server property with the given +key+. Server
+ # properties are described via the +:properties+ key in the options hash
+ # when defining the Server.
def [](key)
- (@options[:properties] || {})[key]
+ (options[:properties] || {})[key]
+ # Returns the port number to use for this connection.
def port
options[:port] || 22
+ # Compares the given +server+ to this instance, and returns true if they
+ # have the same host, user, and port.
def eql?(server)
host == &&
user == server.user &&
@@ -30,10 +55,15 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
alias :== :eql?
+ # Generates a +Fixnum+ hash value for this object. This function has the
+ # property that +a.eql?(b)+ implies +a.hash == b.hash+. The
+ # hash value is used by class +Hash+. Any hash value that exceeds the
+ # capacity of a +Fixnum+ will be truncated before being used.
def hash
@hash ||= [host, user, port].hash
+ # Returns a human-readable representation of this server instance.
def to_s
@to_s ||= begin
s = "#{user}@#{host}"
@@ -42,10 +72,28 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
+ # Returns a human-readable representation of this server instance.
def inspect
@inspect ||= "#<%s:0x%x %s>" % [, object_id, to_s]
+ # Returns the Net::SSH session object for this server. If +ensure_open+
+ # is false and the session has not previously been created, this will
+ # return +nil+. If +ensure_open+ is true, the session will be instantiated
+ # if it has not already been instantiated, via the +gateway+ if one is
+ # given, or directly (via Net::SSH::start) otherwise.
+ #
+ # if server.session.nil?
+ # puts "connecting..."
+ # server.session(true)
+ # end
+ #
+ # Note that the sessions returned by this are "enhanced" slightly, to make
+ # them easier to deal with in a multi-session environment: they have a
+ # :server property automatically set on them, that refers to this object
+ # (the Server instance that spawned them).
+ #
+ # assert_equal server, server.session[:server]
def session(ensure_open=false)
return @session if @session || !ensure_open
@session ||= begin
@@ -62,38 +110,54 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
- def close_channels
- session.channels.each { |id, channel| channel.close } if session
- end
- def close
- session.transport.close if session
- end
+ # Returns +true+ if the session has been opened, and the session is currently
+ # busy (as defined by Net::SSH::Connection::Session#busy?).
def busy?(include_invisible=false)
session && session.busy?(include_invisible)
- def preprocess
- session.preprocess if session
- end
+ public # but not published, e.g., these are used internally only...
+ # Closes all open channels on this server's session. If the session has
+ # not yet been opened, this does nothing.
+ def close_channels #:nodoc:
+ session.channels.each { |id, channel| channel.close } if session
+ end
- def readers
- return [] unless session
- session.listeners.keys
- end
+ # Closes this server's session's transport layer. If the session has not
+ # yet been opened, this does nothing.
+ def close #:nodoc:
+ session.transport.close if session
+ end
- def writers
- return [] unless session
- do |io|
- io.respond_to?(:pending_write?) && io.pending_write?
+ # Runs the session's preprocess action, if the session has been opened.
+ def preprocess #:nodoc:
+ session.preprocess if session
- end
- def postprocess(readers, writers)
- return true unless session
- listeners = session.listeners.keys
- session.postprocess(listeners & readers, listeners & writers)
- end
+ # Returns all registered readers on the session, or an empty array if the
+ # session is not open.
+ def readers #:nodoc:
+ return [] unless session
+ session.listeners.keys
+ end
+ # Returns all registered and pending writers on the session, or an empty
+ # array if the session is not open.
+ def writers #:nodoc:
+ return [] unless session
+ do |io|
+ io.respond_to?(:pending_write?) && io.pending_write?
+ end
+ end
+ # Runs the post-process action on the session, if the session has been
+ # opened. Only the +readers+ and +writers+ that actually belong to this
+ # session will be postprocessed by this server.
+ def postprocess(readers, writers) #:nodoc:
+ return true unless session
+ listeners = session.listeners.keys
+ session.postprocess(listeners & readers, listeners & writers)
+ end
end; end; end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/net/ssh/multi/session.rb b/lib/net/ssh/multi/session.rb
index f94028b..cffe972 100644
--- a/lib/net/ssh/multi/session.rb
+++ b/lib/net/ssh/multi/session.rb
@@ -3,14 +3,64 @@ require 'net/ssh/multi/server'
require 'net/ssh/multi/channel'
module Net; module SSH; module Multi
+ # Represents a collection of connections to various servers. It provides an
+ # interface for organizing the connections (#group), as well as a way to
+ # scope commands to a subset of all connections (#with). You can also provide
+ # a default gateway connection that servers should use when connecting
+ # (#via). It exposes an interface similar to Net::SSH::Connection::Session
+ # for opening SSH channels and executing commands, allowing for these
+ # operations to be done in parallel across multiple connections.
+ #
+ # Net::SSH::Multi.start do |session|
+ # # access servers via a gateway
+ # session.via 'gateway', 'gateway-user'
+ #
+ # # define the servers we want to use
+ # session.use 'host1', 'user1'
+ # session.use 'host2', 'user2'
+ #
+ # # define servers in groups for more granular access
+ # :app do
+ # session.use 'app1', 'user'
+ # session.use 'app2', 'user'
+ # end
+ #
+ # # execute commands
+ # session.exec "uptime"
+ #
+ # # execute commands on a subset of servers
+ # session.with(:app) { session.exec "hostname" }
+ #
+ # # run the aggregated event loop
+ # session.loop
+ # end
+ #
+ # Note that connections are established lazily, as soon as they are needed.
+ # You can force the connections to be opened immediately, though, using the
+ # #connect! method.
class Session
+ # The list of Net::SSH::Multi::Server definitions managed by this session.
attr_reader :servers
+ # The default Net::SSH::Gateway instance to use to connect to the servers.
+ # If +nil+, no default gateway will be used.
attr_reader :default_gateway
+ # The hash of group definitions, mapping each group name to the list of
+ # corresponding Net::SSH::Multi::Server definitions.
attr_reader :groups
- attr_reader :open_groups
- attr_reader :active_groups
+ # The list of "open" groups, which will receive subsequent server definitions.
+ # See #use and #group.
+ attr_reader :open_groups #:nodoc:
+ # The list of "active" groups, which will be used to restrict subsequent
+ # commands. This is actually a Hash, mapping group names to their corresponding
+ # constraints (see #with).
+ attr_reader :active_groups #:nodoc:
+ # Creates a new Net::SSH::Multi::Session instance. Initially, it contains
+ # no server definitions, no group definitions, and no default gateway.
def initialize
@servers = []
@groups = {}
@@ -19,6 +69,32 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
@open_groups = []
+ # At its simplest, this associates a named group with a server definition.
+ # It can be used in either of two ways:
+ #
+ # First, you can use it to associate a group (or array of groups) with a
+ # server definition (or array of server definitions). The server definitions
+ # must already exist in the #servers array (typically by calling #use):
+ #
+ # server1 = session.use('host1', 'user1')
+ # server2 = session.use('host2', 'user2')
+ # :app => server1, :web => server2
+ # :staging => [server1, server2]
+ # %w(xen linux) => server2
+ # %w(rackspace backup) => [server1, server2]
+ #
+ # Secondly, instead of a mapping of groups to servers, you can just
+ # provide a list of group names, and then a block. Inside the block, any
+ # calls to #use will automatically associate the new server definition with
+ # those groups. You can nest #group calls, too, which will aggregate the
+ # group definitions.
+ #
+ # :rackspace, :backup do
+ # session.use 'host1', 'user1'
+ # :xen do
+ # session.use 'host2', 'user2'
+ # end
+ # end
def group(*args)
mapping = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
@@ -41,11 +117,32 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
+ # Sets up a default gateway to use when establishing connections to servers.
+ # Note that any servers defined prior to this invocation will not use the
+ # default gateway; it only affects servers defined subsequently.
+ #
+ # session.via '', 'user'
+ #
+ # You may override the default gateway on a per-server basis by passing the
+ # :via key to the #use method; see #use for details.
def via(host, user, options={})
@default_gateway =, user, options)
+ # Defines a new server definition, to be managed by this session. The
+ # server is at the given +host+, and will be connected to as the given
+ # +user+. The other options are passed as-is to the Net::SSH session
+ # constructor.
+ #
+ # If a default gateway has been specified previously (with #via) it will
+ # be passed to the new server definition. You can override this by passing
+ # a different Net::SSH::Gateway instance (or +nil+) with the :via key in
+ # the +options+.
+ #
+ # session.use 'host', 'user'
+ # session.use 'host2', 'user2', :via => nil
+ # session.use 'host3', 'user3', :via =>'', 'user')
def use(host, user, options={})
server =, user, {:via => default_gateway}.merge(options))
exists = servers.index(server)
@@ -58,6 +155,49 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
+ # Restricts the set of servers that will be targeted by commands within
+ # the associated block. It can be used in either of two ways (or both ways
+ # used together).
+ #
+ # First, you can simply specify a list of group names. All servers in all
+ # named groups will be the target of the commands. (Nested calls to #with
+ # are cumulative.)
+ #
+ # # execute 'hostname' on all servers in the :app group, and 'uptime'
+ # # on all servers in either :app or :db.
+ # session.with(:app) do
+ # session.exec('hostname')
+ # session.with(:db) do
+ # session.exec('uptime')
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # Secondly, you can specify a hash with group names as keys, and property
+ # constraints as the values. These property constraints are either "only"
+ # constraints (which restrict the set of servers to "only" those that match
+ # the given properties) or "except" constraints (which restrict the set of
+ # servers to those whose properties do _not_ match). Properties are described
+ # when the server is defined (via the :properties key):
+ #
+ # :db do
+ # session.use 'dbmain', 'user', :properties => { :primary => true }
+ # session.use 'dbslave', 'user2'
+ # session.use 'dbslve2', 'user2'
+ # end
+ #
+ # # execute the given rake task ONLY on the servers in the :db group
+ # # which have the :primary property set to true.
+ # session.with :db => { :only => { :primary => true } } do
+ # session.exec "rake db:migrate"
+ # end
+ #
+ # You can, naturally, combine these methods:
+ #
+ # # all servers in :app and :web, and all servers in :db with the
+ # # :primary property set to true
+ # session.with :app, :web, :db => { :only => { :primary => true } } do
+ # # ...
+ # end
def with(*groups)
saved_groups = active_groups.dup
@@ -81,6 +221,18 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
+ # Works as #with, but for specific servers rather than groups. In other
+ # words, you can use this to restrict actions within the block to only
+ # a specific list of servers. It works by creating an ad-hoc group, adding
+ # the servers to that group, and then making that group the only active
+ # group. (Note that because of this, you cannot nest #on within #with,
+ # though you could nest #with inside of #on.)
+ #
+ # srv = session.use('host', 'user')
+ # # ...
+ # session.on(srv) do
+ # session.exec('hostname')
+ # end
def on(*servers)
adhoc_group = "adhoc_group_#{servers.hash}_#{rand(0xffffffff)}".to_sym
group(adhoc_group => servers)
@@ -92,6 +244,10 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
+ # Returns the list of Net::SSH sessions for all servers that match the
+ # current scope (e.g., the groups or servers named in the outer #with or
+ # #on calls). If any servers have not yet been connected to, this will
+ # block until the connections have been made.
def active_sessions
list = if active_groups.empty?
@@ -105,14 +261,25 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
- sessions_for(list.uniq)
+ list.uniq!
+ threads = { |server| { server.session(true) } if server.session.nil? }
+ threads.each { |thread| thread.join if thread }
+ { |server| server.session }
+ # Connections are normally established lazily, as soon as they are needed.
+ # This method forces all servers selected by the current scope to connect,
+ # if they have not yet been connected.
def connect!
+ # Closes the multi-session by shutting down all open server sessions, and
+ # the default gateway (if one was specified using #via). Note that other
+ # gateway connections (e.g., those passed to #use directly) will _not_ be
+ # closed by this method, and must be managed externally.
def close
servers.each { |server| server.close_channels }
loop(0) { busy?(true) }
@@ -120,28 +287,31 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
default_gateway.shutdown! if default_gateway
+ # Returns +true+ if any server has an open SSH session that is currently
+ # processing any channels. If +include_invisible+ is +false+ (the default)
+ # then invisible channels (such as those created by port forwarding) will
+ # not be counted; otherwise, they will be.
def busy?(include_invisible=false)
servers.any? { |server| server.busy?(include_invisible) }
alias :loop_forever :loop
+ # Run the aggregated event loop for all open server sessions, until the given
+ # block returns +false+. If no block is given, the loop will run for as
+ # long as #busy? returns +true+ (in other words, for as long as there are
+ # any (non-invisible) channels open).
def loop(wait=nil, &block)
running = block || { |c| busy? }
loop_forever { break unless process(wait, &running) }
- def preprocess(&block)
- return false if block && !block[self]
- servers.each { |server| server.preprocess }
- block.nil? || block[self]
- end
- def postprocess(readers, writers)
- servers.each { |server| server.postprocess(readers, writers) }
- true
- end
+ # Run a single iteration of the aggregated event loop for all open server
+ # sessions. The +wait+ parameter indicates how long to wait for an event
+ # to appear on any of the different sessions; +nil+ (the default) means
+ # "wait forever". If the block is given, then it will be used to determine
+ # whether #process returns +true+ (the block did not return +false+), or
+ # +false+ (the block returned +false+).
def process(wait=nil, &block)
return false unless preprocess(&block)
@@ -153,11 +323,45 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
return postprocess(readers, writers)
+ # Sends a global request to all active sessions (see #active_sessions).
+ # This can be used to (e.g.) ping the remote servers to prevent them from
+ # timing out.
+ #
+ # session.send_global_request("")
+ #
+ # If a block is given, it will be invoked when the server responds, with
+ # two arguments: the Net::SSH connection that is responding, and a boolean
+ # indicating whether the request succeeded or not.
def send_global_request(type, *extra, &callback)
active_sessions.each { |ssh| ssh.send_global_request(type, *extra, &callback) }
+ # Asks all active sessions (see #active_sessions) to open a new channel.
+ # When each server responds, the +on_confirm+ block will be invoked with
+ # a single argument, the channel object for that server. This means that
+ # the block will be invoked one time for each active session.
+ #
+ # All new channels will be collected and returned, aggregated into a new
+ # Net::SSH::Multi::Channel instance.
+ #
+ # Note that the channels are "enhanced" slightly--they have two properties
+ # set on them automatically, to make dealing with them in a multi-session
+ # environment slightly easier:
+ #
+ # * :server => the Net::SSH::Multi::Server instance that spawned the channel
+ # * :host => the host name of the server
+ #
+ # Having access to these things lets you more easily report which host
+ # (e.g.) data was received from:
+ #
+ # session.open_channel do |channel|
+ # channel.exec "command" do |ch, success|
+ # ch.on_data do |ch, data|
+ # puts "got data #{data} from #{ch[:host]}"
+ # end
+ # end
+ # end
def open_channel(type="session", *extra, &on_confirm)
channels = do |ssh|
ssh.open_channel(type, *extra) do |c|
@@ -169,6 +373,34 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi, channels)
+ # A convenience method for executing a command on multiple hosts and
+ # either displaying or capturing the output. It opens a channel on all
+ # active sessions (see #open_channel and #active_sessions), and then
+ # executes a command on each channel (Net::SSH::Connection::Channel#exec).
+ #
+ # If a block is given, it will be invoked whenever data is received across
+ # the channel, with three arguments: the channel object, a symbol identifying
+ # which output stream the data was received on (+:stdout+ or +:stderr+)
+ # and a string containing the data that was received:
+ #
+ # session.exec("command") do |ch, stream, data|
+ # puts "[#{ch[:host]} : #{stream}] #{data}"
+ # end
+ #
+ # If no block is given, all output will be written to +$stdout+ or
+ # +$stderr+, as appropriate.
+ #
+ # Note that #exec will also capture the exit status of the process in the
+ # +:exit_status+ property of each channel. Since #exec returns all of the
+ # channels in a Net::SSH::Multi::Channel object, you can check for the
+ # exit status like this:
+ #
+ # channel = session.exec("command") { ... }
+ # channel.wait
+ #
+ # if channel.any? { |c| c[:exit_status] != 0 }
+ # puts "executing failed on at least one host!"
+ # end
def exec(command, &block)
open_channel do |channel|
channel.exec(command) do |ch, success|
@@ -201,12 +433,20 @@ module Net; module SSH; module Multi
- private
+ # Runs the preprocess stage on all servers. Returns false if the block
+ # returns false, and true if there either is no block, or it returns true.
+ # This is called as part of the #process method.
+ def preprocess(&block) #:nodoc:
+ return false if block && !block[self]
+ servers.each { |server| server.preprocess }
+ block.nil? || block[self]
+ end
- def sessions_for(servers)
- threads = { |server| { server.session(true) } if server.session.nil? }
- threads.each { |thread| thread.join if thread }
- { |server| server.session }
- end
+ # Runs the postprocess stage on all servers. Always returns true. This is
+ # called as part of the #process method.
+ def postprocess(readers, writers) #:nodoc:
+ servers.each { |server| server.postprocess(readers, writers) }
+ true
+ end
end; end; end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/channel_test.rb b/test/channel_test.rb
index c271361..174b22c 100644
--- a/test/channel_test.rb
+++ b/test/channel_test.rb
@@ -29,15 +29,6 @@ class ChannelTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal [c1, c2], results
- def test_subsystem_should_delegate_to_component_channels
- c1, c2, results = mock('channel'), mock('channel'), []
- c1.expects(:subsystem).with('sftp').yields(c1)
- c2.expects(:subsystem).with('sftp').yields(c2)
- channel ='session'), [c1, c2])
- assert_equal channel, channel.subsystem('sftp') { |c| results << c }
- assert_equal [c1, c2], results
- end
def test_request_pty_should_delegate_to_component_channels
c1, c2, results = mock('channel'), mock('channel'), []
c1.expects(:request_pty).with(:foo => 5).yields(c1)